The church ladies were coming!

Mom got up early

with the sun

and started right in

cleaning and cooking

banging pots and pans around



* * *

She made cheese knots

rolling out the bread dough

cutting it into squares

dabbing mayo

a slice of tomato

a piece of crisp bacon

pulling the dough up and over


rolling the knots in cheese cracker crumbs

ready to be baked.

* * *

She made lemonade from fresh lemons

and iced tea

and iced cocoa.

All the while she did the wash.

She handed me a basket of socks

to hang outside on the line.

I put my hand on the doorjamb

the basket on my hip

so I could kick the back door open.

At first I thought I got a splinter

because my finger flared red hot pain

then I fell down

and Mom's fresh washed socks scattered around me.

"What's the matter?" Mom cried

"Get up, Lynna girl!"

* * *

But I couldn't get up.

My body was locked.

I could barely breathe.

I couldn't talk.

I heard Mom yelling

I heard the boys leave

and run across the yard

to get help from somebody at the meat packing plant.

They picked me up

Laid me on the couch

I heard somebody say to Mom

"I hope it wasn't a yellow one that bit her

they are the youngest and very


The church ladies came

and prayed with Mom

for me

that the scorpion bite wouldn't kill me.

* * *

"We can't afford a doctor"

Mom said.

She was embarrassed.

And they said

"Well, then, we'll pray her through."

Mom served the cheese knots on the end table

so everybody could stay on their knees

praying for me

while they ate.

I hoped I wasn't going to die.

* * *

"And how are you feeling Naomi?"

"If only it weren't so hot," Mom said

"My feet swell up so bad."

"Well, sweetie, only another couple of months and the baby will be here."

I laid inside my locked body


I was in third grade now

I knew a lot more than I used to know

I knew we didn't have money anymore

I knew we didn't have room for a baby

I could not believe it.

* * *

Daddy got home from school

and put a wet washcloth on my forehead.

I started to cry for no reason

or maybe it was because of the baby

and everybody rejoiced.

"We prayed her through!


Praise be the name of the Lord!"

* * *

That night I couldn't sleep because my finger pained me so bad

So Mom chipped off some ice and wrapped it in a towel and wrapped that

around my swollen finger

and I said to her

"We really don't need a baby, Mom, we shouldn't bother having one."

And Mom said to me

"Why, honey, don't you want the little baby the Lord is sending

to us?"

I was ashamed of myself.

Paul Richard joined our family on October 16th.


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