Mom took it into her head

to go see her family back in Pittsburgh.

So Daddy drove her and the baby

to the bus station in Mobile

and took me and the boys along for the ride.

When Mom boarded the train

with the baby's blanket over her shoulder

and her arms full of a bag of bottles

and the baby

and turned around to wave at us

a big hole opened up in my stomach.

I didn't want her to go.

I had to fight back burning hot tears

so as not to embarrass myself

and upset Mom.

The train gave a jerk

the whistle blew

and it took Mom down the tracks and around the corner

away from us.

Daddy served us pork and beans

which didn't have any brown sugar or mustard in them

and were boiled, not baked

and oreos for dessert.

It was pretty awful.

Our dining room was made golden

by the setting sun

which shone on Mom's empty chair

and the baby's highchair.

Daddy and the boys talked

about softball

but the hole in my stomach kept me from talking

or eating very much.

After supper, Daddy and the boys went out to the side yard

to pitch and hit a few balls

and I cleared up

and did the dishes

all the while sobbing into the dishpan.

That night at devotions I had to pray for the Lord's help

to get us through

this week without Mom.

Our house missed her too.

A corner of the porch sagged

and Daddy had to call Brother Rudy

to come help him put new cinder blocks under it.

Then the two-holer got infested

with some horrible worm

that built webs

and Daddy had to call Brother Rudy again

to come help him spray the place down.

None of Mom's four-o'clocks bloomed

at four o'clock

or any other time.

All her pretty pink petunias


and died.

Daddy got cranky.

He hollered at the boys a lot

and didn't seem to have the energy

to go visit his congregation.

Some of the church ladies came by

to leave off some food for us

but they didn't stay long

like they would if Mom was home.

Jimmy and Wes built a ramp

with the old cinder blocks from the porch

and were running up and down on it

and Jimmy fell off

and sprained his ankle real bad

and Daddy had no idea what to do about it

so I tied one of the baby's blankets

around it


and made up an ice pack for it

but Jimmy cried for Mom.

He cried in the living-room

and I hid in the bathroom

and cried too.

Daddy preached a boring sermon on Sunday

which surprised his congregation

because they were used to

Daddy telling stories about us

or about them

that showed how the Lord was at work in all of our lives.

Some of the men fell right to sleep.

It was rainy

and our church was damp and dark

and Daddy made no effort at all

to liven things up.

I counted the days and hours

and finally it was time to go to Mobile

and pick Mom up

and here she came off the train

in her little blue dress and her high heels

laughing at the baby trying to get down the steps by himself

and behind her came Mutter

and our red-headed cousin Nanky

come to spend a week with us!

Oh it was so wonderful to have Mom back!

No sooner had Mom stepped into the house

than the sun came out

and our house lit up

with a big smile.

Nanky and the boys ran and yelled outside

and Daddy talked a mile-a-minute

and tried to hug Mom when she was busy

and she shooed him away

laughing at him.

Mutter gave us all a million kisses

and helped Mom iron

and bake bread

and she told me that it was fine

to be going into seventh grade

and still crying

because crying cleared the air.

Mutter also told me that all bad things


to pass away.

The hole in my stomach closed up

and the tears dried up

and at devotions

I thanked the Lord

from the bottom of my heart

that last week

had passed away!

Mutter, my beautiful grandmother

Music playing: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

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