Jimmy, Baby Paul and me on our first Sunday in Grand Bay

The church was packed to the rafters.

We were all surprised

because Daddy had said at breakfast

that he hoped for maybe 40 people

to hear his first sermon in his first church.

Brother Rudy ushered us to the front pew

which he said was a place of honor

but which I didn't care for

because instead of me watching all the people in front of me

everybody would be watching me!

It was hot.

People were waving fans on a stick.

Daddy chose as his text for the day

"In everything give thanks

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

I Thessalonians 5:18

Daddy told the story of our puppies.

"I was working all night and going to school all day."

Daddy said.

"I was so tired.

I was ragged at the edges."

"I feel that way too sometimes, Pastor Jim!"

"And I couldn't think what to do

to save our little puppies who were running around desperate

not able to breathe

so I asked God

but He didn't answer me."

"Sometimes He don't answer me either!"

The boys were craning their necks

to see who was hollering.

Everybody was.

Mom had to reach over and pinch them on their arms

to make them stop.

Mom had told me

that a Lady always keeps her knees closed

and her hands on her Bible.

So I did that.

Even though I was nervous at all the talking back to Daddy, too.

"And my children were crying

and my little wife was inside the house, vomiting

and I came all-over shaky."

"Help them, Jesus!"

"and I looked across the street at those boys

laughing at us

and hatred grew in my chest

like a red hot rose!"

"I hate them too, Pastor Jim!"

"And my hands were itching

to go over there

and strangle them."

"I'm coming with you!"

"I wanted to squeeze their miserable necks

between my two hands..."

"I'll help you, Pastor Jim!"

"but just then

the Holy Ghost

the Comforter

filled my soul

and I lost my desire to kill."

"Praise Jesus!"

"Thou shalt not kill!"

"I buried our puppies

in the back yard

and while I was digging

that little grave

I tried to give thanks to God

but I was sick

I was trembling

and I couldn't think of one thing to be thankful for".

"I been in that spot a number of times, Pastor Jim!."

"After it was all over

my son came to me

and he asked

'Daddy, why did God let those boys kill our puppies'?"

"Yes! We all want to know why!"

and I was too tired

to have an answer for him

so I let him go to bed


uncomforted by his Daddy."

"Don't blame yourself, Pastor Jim".

"You couldn't help it".

"You was worn out".

"But now, today, in this beautiful church,

I know the answer".

"God always tells us the answer sooner or later, praise His name!"

"The answer is that God gave us free will

and we can use it for the Glory of God

or we can use it to cause pain."

"Use it for His Glory!"

"It was the will of those boys

to bring down pain upon us."

"Those boys will have to account for it

at the Judgement Seat of the Lamb someday!"

"That night, I went in to look at my son.

I saw the tear-tracks on his chubby little cheeks".

"Oh that poor sweet baby!"

"I knelt down by his cot

and I said to my Lord

I will try to be thankful

right here, right now

in the middle of my pain

and my anger

I thank You.

Thy Will be done".

"Have Thine own way Lord!"

"And my heart was made soft

and peace washed over me

and I knew that my son was sleeping in the arms of Jesus".

"Thank you blessed Jesus!"

"That night

I had no idea

that God was teaching us a lesson."

"He does that a lot, Pastor Jim!"

"He was teaching us to give thanks

in everything

no matter what

good and bad

and to accept it as His will towards us."

"Yes Lord! Thy Will be done!"

"And now, as I look around at all of you

my heart is filled to the brim with praise

and thanksgiving

because the Lord brought us through

some terrible times

so that He could bring us here

to worship with you."

"Yes He did and we didn't think we was going to get a Pastor of our own!"

Daddy got his hankie out of his back pocket

and wiped his eyes

and blew his nose

and said

"Thank you, Lord."

"Thank you Jesus!"

"Glory be!"

"Thank you blessed Lord!"

"Jesus is here in our church today!"

"Yes he is!"

"Welcome blessed Lord"!

Daddy put his hankie away

raised his arms

and said

"And now, let us all stand for the Doxology."

The piano lady pounded out a few bars while we all stood up

and shook the wrinkles out of our Sunday clothes

and sang

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures here below

Praise Him above ye Heavenly Hosts

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

"Glory be to the Father!"


"Give thanks in everything!"

"In the good and in the bad!"

"It's His will towards us!"

"We love you Lord Jesus

and Pastor Jim."

Music Playing: Doxology

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A Love Story

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