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Big Blue Line
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Thin Blue Line

Name: Joe   E-Mail
From: Massachusetts Age at Onset: 41
Presenting Symptoms: Optic Neuritis in right eye Worst Symptom: Total blindness in right eye Best Treatment: Steroids administered via I.V.

Hi, All of my exacerbations have been vision-related. I temporarily lost the sight in my right eye in 1998 and experienced blurred vision in the same eye a year later. Earlier this year, I experienced double vision for a period of four weeks.

thin blue line

Name: Casey Stillwagon   E-Mail
From: Pennsylvania Age at Onset: 16
Presenting Symptoms: On and off symptoms with my eyesight, hearing, numbness in my face my hands are shaky and I walk with a limp Worst Symptom: I think my worst symptom is when I get slurred speech Best Treatment: I have no clue, I have none yet

I just want this to go away or something to treat the symptoms.

thin blue line

Name: Maria Silen   E-Mail
From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Age at Onset: 38. But I believe the onset started around the age of 19
Presenting Symptoms: Blind spot in one eye, flashers, floaters, numbness in feet and hands. Insomnia, lethargy Worst Symptom: Couldn't move legs and numbness Best Treatment: Don't know. I just deal with it.

I keep a positive attitude and I just look at my MS as just something else to have to deal with in my life.

I also feel that if it has attached itself to me then it will have to go on the ride that I plan for my life. I will not stop living.

thin blue line

Name: Anne-Maree Morgan   E-Mail
From: Qld. Australia Age at Onset: about 30
Presenting Symptoms: Initially stroke like symptoms down left side Worst Symptom: Loss of sight (since regained) Best Treatment: Laughter

I could write a book here. I'm ok at present but am afraid of future. Husband has Systemic Lupus and we have only one family member.

We both look after each other. Went through about 33 doctors to obtain diagnosis. All called me crazy and wanted to send me to a shrink!!

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Name: Linda   E-Mail
From: Vancouver, B.C. Canada Age at Onset: Likely 19 (36 yr ago)
Presenting Symptoms: Severe Fatigue, Fall Worst Symptom: Overwhelming Fatigue, it affects everything Best Treatment: I haven't had much - Neurontin (Gabapentin) wonderful for Spasticity & Pain

Finally got a dx last week after having second MRI. My search for dx began just over a year ago. However, before then tried often to get help for neurological problems but usually given the brush-off (esp. after antidepressaants became part of my medication history.

thin blue line

Name: Jeanne   E-Mail
From: Age at Onset: 43
Presenting Symptoms: Balance, Spasms, Neck, Leg Worst Symptom: Spasms Best Treatment: None

I am going to a great Chiropractor, Doctor, and PT. I am happy, when I can get through a day with minimum pain. Starting Novatrone soon.

thin blue line

Name: Rosemary   E-Mail
From: Belfast N Ireland Age at Onset: 36
Presenting Symptoms: Pain, Fatigue Worst Symptom: Fatigue Best Treatment: Rest

This site is Brilliant!!!! I tell everyone I know about it, It has answered so many of my questions and you get so many medical opinions. The answers it provides on all aspects of MS has saved my sanity at times as I've thought I was going mad!!

thin blue line

Name: Sally   E-Mail
From: California Age at Onset: 43
Presenting Symptoms: Vertigo, Ataxia, Numbness Worst Symptom: Spasticity, Vertigo, Ataxia Best Treatment: Good question. On Betaseron now.

The hardest thing is just trying to keep my boat from tilting over. I'm now on disability, but I am trying to keep my life filled with something larger than my immediate world, and it's hard! I've thought about taking a college level creative writing course.

thin blue line

Name: Barb   E-Mail
From: WA Age at Onset: 19
Presenting Symptoms: Fatigue Worst Symptom: Inability to move at all Best Treatment: Steroids/Novantrone

Hi Tom, don't know if you remember me. Jon Manwaring, wrote and said he thought you had a forum going? True? Just finished a year of Novantrone, holding but still in wheelchair.

My new MS site is entitled The MScalades of Mostly Irish.

thin blue line

Name: Russ Mullins   E-Mail
From: Age at Onset: 47
Presenting Symptoms: Balance, Gait, Walking Worst Symptom: Fatigue, Weakness Best Treatment: N/A

Great to see so much support on the various web pages.

thin blue line

Name: Leigh   E-Mail
From: Nashville, TN Age at Onset: 30
Presenting Symptoms: Numbness, Tingeling, Fatigue Worst Symptom: Cramps and Fatigue Best Treatment: Unsure yet to scared to try meds

I am still kinda new at this, I guess if you go back over a couple of years the symptoms started before age 30 but just never paid attention to them. I am still in the Probable MS stage, but specialist says he thinks it is. Only time will tell, I am thankful.

thin blue line

Name: Karen   E-Mail
From: Las Vegas Age at Onset: 43
Presenting Symptoms: Pain, numbness both upper and lower extremitites Worst Symptom: Pain Best Treatment: Rest, Family, I don't know yet

I have spent many years of my life trying to figure out why I am always sick and tired. I have been labled everything from a drug abuser to a hypochrondriac. Its kind of a relief to know that I can, at least, put a name to it and treat something.

thin blue line

Name: Sharon   E-Mail
From: Sweet Valley, Pa. Age at Onset: 38
Presenting Symptoms: Muscle Spasms & Optic Neuritis Worst Symptom: Muscle Spasms Best Treatment: Starting on Betaseron soon

I was officially diagnosed today. I went through all of the usual tests in the past few months. On brain MRI, I had 2 lesions. The spinal tap was the clincher. My neuro wants to start me on Betaseron within the next couple of weeks, I've been on Baclofen.

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Name: Becky   E-Mail
From: Age at Onset: 33
Presenting Symptoms: Facial Numbness and Eye Pain Worst Symptom: Eye pain Best Treatment:N/A

I have not been dx'ed yet but the neuro is leaning toward this. I'm extremely scared and find that websites like this have helped to ease some of the worry. Look forward to finding out what is exactly going on with my body. Have had all the test done.

thin blue line

Name: Malcolm Birkenshaw   E-Mail
From: Yorkshire, UK Age at Onset: 21
Presenting Symptoms: Poor locomotion Worst Symptom: Paralised 1981 Best Treatment: Diet, exercise,

Great site. My 350 page humerous, but true, MS autobiography is avalable free at: http://www.albatross-books.co.uk/

thin blue line

Name: Melinda   E-Mail
From: Va Age at Onset: 21
Presenting Symptoms: Tingling in hands, weakness of arm, blurry vision at times, muscle treamors when I wake up Worst Symptom: So far I am lucky, double vision Best Treatment: Rest, husband, kids and Avonex, and work it really does help I have great friends there and a very supportive boss!!

I am scared to death that i will end up going from R/R to one of the progressive stages.... I try to think positive but it is alot eaiser said than done!

thin blue line

Name: Ed Taggart   E-Mail
From: Colchester Conn Age at Onset: 55
Presenting Symptoms: Legs don't work Worst Symptom: Dysesthetic itching Best Treatment: Is there one?

thin blue line

Name: Tom   E-Mail
From: Orangevale USA Age at Onset: 45
Presenting Symptoms: Numb, Imbalanced, Double-Vision Worst Symptom: Frustration...there's GOTTA be an Answer Best Treatment: Avoiding ABCs

I have been helping others' health for years. I have SEEN Arthritis and Asthma be gone in less than 3 months!

I know the answer to MS is 'out there'. CLUEs that may help: CLEANSE to Bowels, Get All Metal out of Mouth, Boost the Immune System.

thin blue line

Name: Samantha   E-Mail
From: Montana Age at Onset: 17
Presenting Symptoms: Optic Neuritis, Numbness in legs and terrible fatigue Worst Symptom: Wow, its hard to say but probably my complete loss of vision in my right eye and diminished vision in the left Best Treatment: Novantrone, Methotrexate and Betaseron

I spent a lot of time and energy being bitter, about the changes MS has brought to my life. I wasn't diagnosed until the age of 32.

I could trace symptoms back to high school. I was a nurse before retiring due to the MS and had poo poo'd all of my symptoms.

thin blue line

Name: Nic Turgut-Cox   E-Mail
From: Age at Onset: 33
Presenting Symptoms: Cold feet, highly sensatized legs Worst Symptom: Almost unable to walk Best Treatment: Rest and Children

I was diagnosed September 2000, I was so lucky, my son was born in July. What a God send, he has performed miracles for myself and my wife.

I don't get any better physically, but he sure gives me a lot of strength. I hope other MSers have my good fortune!

thin blue line

Name: Felicia   E-Mail
From:California Age at Onset: 32
Presenting Symptoms: Optic Neuritis, 2 Brain lesions, transient Weakness, unexplained torso Pain Worst Symptom: Being completely blind in my left eye (while teaching junior high school) Best Treatment: Chiropractic for Pain, nutritional supplements to combat Steroid side effects

Probably the most frustrating thing I've ever dealt with, not to mention condescending - doctors who think the patient shouldn't know what's going on!

Not to mention the whole health insurance mess, "emergency authorizations take 2-3 business days!

thin blue line

Name: Diana   E-Mail
From: Texas Age at Onset: 33
Presenting Symptoms: Tremors/Numbness Worst Symptom: Vertigo Best Treatment: Hot Bath

Hi, I was diagnosed with Probable MS seven years ago, started with O.N., eye pain - never dreamed eye pain would end up as MS. For several years I only suffered with a lot of fatigue, and numbness of the face, lips, hands, legs, and from time.

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Name: Karla   E-Mail
From: Utah Age at Onset: 21
Presenting Symptoms: Whole body numbness Worst Symptom: Paralysis Best Treatment: Rest and distressing with usual meds

I think I am dealing ok. However, I will forever hate that void where my life used to be. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of my anger over all of the losses in my life - sometimes I feel like it is the only thing that can energize me enough to get out.

Thin Blue Line

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