The arrival

An arrival into the world.
No screams or cries of existence,
just silence.
A stern and uneasy entry for this uteroid.
What is this that he now must adapt to?
This former safe haven of the womb,
warm and nourishing.
Insecurity and chills set in now that
the endurance test begins.
Grunting and sweating under a weary consciousness.
Time will erode and weaken the stability,
this false sense of innocence.
Now conscious,
nothing can be certain, question all.
Who are these people that constantly
stare and speak non-sensically to this
perturbed being?
So much seeming with little known.
Experiences that will reveal the realities
and horrors that will await him in time.
Tam H. Luong
Recommended Musical Artists:
Nirvana, U2, Beatles, Bob Marley, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Tom Petty, Greenday, R.E.M., Sublime

Recommended Directors:
Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu, David Lean, Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Quentin Tarantino, Spike Jonze, Richard Linklater, Kevin Smith

Recommended Thinkers: Confucius, Lao Tze, Buddha, Shakespeare, Kant, Nietzsche,  Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, Ginsberg, Eliot
The Angst of the Procrastinator
The Comatose State of Being
Faith in Doubt
Flat Liner
Fragments of Youth
God Must Go
Kurt Cobain
My Life in a Fortnight
The Observer
Piracy of the Poet
Seasoned Leaves
Self Dissolution
Sustained Art
Third Degree Desire
Zombie Awareness

Never a conversation of significant depth or catharsis,
Of which extracts of existence are savored in moderation.
The momentary awareness of a divine peace of mind
In an unstable world too frantic for any constant serenity.
These words and descriptions of random matters,
Voiced and articulated expressions of the everyday,
Attempts to find some meaning in what has been said
Since beings first listened to the echoes of others.
Absorbed exchanges of ideas and insights
Often leading to nothing further than a vapid memory,
Yet a minority develop into something more,
Changes to the perceptions of an individual,
Movements toward actions that alter the path,
The direction of this hesistant life in transition.
The variable perspective eager to be molded
From a spark of dialogue between two ears.