
Words I have Written

Or lists expressed in words.


Most of what's here are stories from my travels and time abroad. Here they are, starting with the most recent:
Buenos Aires Update 2. Feb. 2000
Mundane details of my life in Buenos Aires. If you don't know me, this might not make all that much sense, but you'll at least get an idea of what I'm up to.
Buenos Aires Update 1
More of the same, in reverse choronological order. This won't necessarily make more sense if you read it first.


Prison tour in Bolivia. April 1997
I spent a good portion of 96-97 traveling in Latin America. Here's a report of some of my more interesting adventures which include touring a prison in La Paz, skiing at 17,000 feet, and riding on Latin America's most dangerous road.
More Bolivian Stories. May 1997
Included here is my tour of a silver mine in Potosi and the worst bus ride I took in nine long months of bus rides covering a continent and a half.


CDs I own
I own about 600 CDs. My musical tastes are a bit ecclectic but tend towards popular stuff (as opposed to jazz or classical). I give you the list in alphabetical order.
Books I have read
Probably a more interesting list. You can follow my love of science fiction as well as my late high school flirtation with objectivism.
Send me email: hobbs@post.harvard.edu