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The Beaumont Enterprise home : news : editorial : local opinion
Old road names if now offensive must be changed

The Enterprise

Political correctness is a frequently annoying phenomenon that can violate common sense and harmless traditions - i.e., changing the name of "manhole covers" to "personhole covers." That doesn't mean, however, that all such concerns can be dismissed as the obsessions of people with too much time on their hands. The inevitable return of appeals by civil rights groups to rename Jap Road near Fannett is a good example of a change that should be made, and the sooner the better.

It really doesn't matter that the name wasn't given for spiteful reasons or that many of the people who live along it don't consider it offensive. The same goes for "Jap Lane" between Interstate 10 and FM 105 in Orange County. The undeniable truth now is that the term "Jap" is considered derogatory by Japanese-Americans and many others, and the road names should be changed by Jefferson and Orange County commissioners.

The name in Jefferson County could be changed to Japanese Road or Mayumi Road to honor the rice-farming immigrant it was named after nearly 100 years ago. That's an issue for residents along the road and county commissioners to decide, and either choice would be reasonable.

The longer an embarrassing controversy like this drags on, the worse it is for the image of Southeast Texas. Commissioners in Jefferson and Orange counties certainly should consult with their constituents on this issue. Ultimately, however, they need to show leadership and simply do the right thing so everyone can move on.

©The Beaumont Enterprise 2003
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