For personal use and select distribution only © October 1997 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: August 1872

Michaela woke up, secure in Sully's arms. Her head was on his bare chest and his body heat kept her warm. This was one of the things she missed most with Sully in hiding...not waking up beside him. At times like these, she felt a strong hate for the army for forcing Sully to save his best friend....his brother....from their cruelties. She was thankful that he had survived the fall from the cliff and injuries that would heal. He still walked with a slight limp, but his leg was getting better all the time, and he would always carry the small scar high on his cheek, but otherwise, his body had healed nicely. Having Colleen at home to help the boys look after Katie for a few days, made it possible for Michaela to spend some time with Sully in the hills.

This first night had been one of passion and need. She felt so sated, so at ease in her skin laying next to Sully. She turned her lips slightly and kissed his chest. She felt him move under her kiss and she turned to look up at his face. Those incredible blue eyes were open and gazing at her full of love.

"Mornin', my love," he said.

"Good morning, Sully. I feel so wonderful!"

"Me too. Always do when I'm with ya. I'm glad ya didn't get up and put your nightgown on. I never get tired of feeling your skin next to mine." Michaela giggled and Sully saw her blushing. "What?" he asked

"I have a confession," she said as she buried her head in his chest. "I didn't bring a nightgown."

"My love is getting braver! We'll just have to make the most of your forgetfulness." Sully kissed the top of her head as she pressed her lips into his chest. "How 'bout we go to the waterfall?"

"I'd like that. I do need a bath," she replied.

"Yeh...well, that too."


They walked down to the waterfall, Sully in his buckskin breeches and Michaela in her camisole and dress, both barefoot. They had shared so much here. Michaela took off her dress and waded into the water in her camisole. She felt Sully come up behind her and as she turned around, she realized he had taken off his breeches. He pulled her close for a lingering kiss. His tongue flicker in to find and caress hers. He moved his hands up to the straps of her camisole and slowly pulled it down to bare her breasts. She slipped her arms out of the camisole. Sully lowered the camisole down over the rest of her body and threw it on shore. Michaela ran her hands down his back to his bottom and lightly clutched his cheeks, pushing his body into hers. He felt her nipples harden against his chest. She felt his manhood rising. He lifted her up, she reached down to grasp him and guide him into her. As their bodies moved together, Sully waded into deeper water, toward the waterfall. Sully took them under the waterfall where they reached the height of pleasure and release.

Slowly, they sank down into the water, parted and leisurely swam toward shore. "So my love, did ya have enough of a bath?" Sully asked.

"For now," Michaela replied with a smile. He laughed.

As they reach the shore, Sully said, "We forgot to bring a towel. I know I can't put my pants back on when I'm wet. Your camisole is wet and ya don't want to get your dress wet. We can walk back to the cave to dry before we put our clothes on."

"Sully! What if someone should see us?" Michaela asked.

"Who? We can hear anyone comin'. Be brave, Michaela." Sully said. He took her hand, picked up their clothes and led her up to the hill toward the cave.

Michaela couldn't believe she and Sully were walking naked through the forest. It scared her, yet it thrilled her. She glanced up at Sully and found him watching her. She smiled and squeezed his hand.

When they went in the cave, Sully picked up a towel and wrapped it around Michaela. He picked up another towel and wrapped it around his waist. "Is this better?"

"Yes.....and no...." replied Michaela. "You are so comfortable in your skin...I try so hard to be, I want to be. I wish it were easier for me. I know it pleases you."

"You please me, whether naked or in clothes. I like to look at your body, but I also like to look at your face, in your eyes. I like to touch you, to brush your hair, to hold ya. When we would sit at home and read in the evening, it was enough to be near you, to look up now and then and see ya concentrating on your book. I loved to watch you nurse Katie. I miss watching you get ready for bed at night. I love how you're so thrilled with the things the children do. I love to listen when you give advice to the children and I love hearing the love for the children in your voice."

"Sully, you always know what to say to me. You make me so comfortable. I want to make you happy. I want to do the things that give you pleasure. I do like to look at your body, I like to touch you."

Sully smiled, "I appreciate your enthusiasm!"

Michaela laughed, moved closer and put her arms around Sully's neck. Their lips met in a tender kiss.

"We can stay here and do this or go for a ride, clothed of course," said Sully.

"Let's go for a ride and save this for later," Michaela said as she kissed him again.

"Well, we'd better dress then or later will be now!"

They rode through the foothills they loved so much, staying off the paths where they might meet other people. They found and gathered the plants, the herbs, the flowers that Michaela needed for her medicine. At lunch time they spread a blanket on the ground in a clearing under a tree to eat the meal they had brought. Sully had brought a book of poetry and after lunch, they leaned back against the tree and with Sully's arm around Michaela, they took turns reading poetry to each other.

Then Sully said, "Shhh.....listen....wait...." and he pointed to the end of the clearing. "Watch," he whispered.

In a few moments, a doe and her fawn came into the clearing. Michaela and Sully held perfectly still. The doe looked around and then put her head down to graze. The fawn began to nurse. It was so peaceful watching the deer and being with each other. They could almost put their other problems out of their minds and just enjoy. The doe stopped grazing and moved with her fawn off into the woods.

Michaela looked up at Sully, they smiled and kissed. Then they continued reading their poetry book. Finally, they gathered up their things and headed back toward the cave. They reached the crest of the hill leading down to the cave at sunset. They got off their horses to wrap their arms around each other and watch the sun go down. They put the horses in the make-shift corral Sully had made and went into the cave. Sully lit the lamps and Michaela prepared dinner. After dinner, they took out the chess set Michaela had brought with her. They spoke very little as they made their moves, continuing to glance up at each other with promise in their eyes.

The evening wore on and they decided to put the game aside for another day. Sully stood up and held out his hand to help Michaela up. As she stood, he pulled her close and kissed her. "Hmmm...this is nice," he said. "Just you and me and no fear of interruptions. We ain't done this enough, takin' the time alone. When things get settled, we need to remember to take time for us now and then."

'Yes, we must. It helps to know Matthew's living at home and Daniel is close if he's needed. I feel like we have the freedom to be away and enjoy the time together."

They kissed again. Sully moved his lips down to Michaela's neck and continued the kisses. While kissing her, he began unbuttoning her dress. Michaela moved her hands between them and started unbuttoning Sully's shirt. When the buttons were undone, they moved apart. Sully slipped his shirt off, as Michaela took her dress off, leaving her in her camisole and him in his breeches. Michaela reached for the buttons on his breeches and began undoing them, while Sully rested his hands on her shoulders and watched the expressions on her face. When she was done with the buttons, she put her hands on the waistband over his hips and looked up into his eyes. He saw the question in her eyes and he nodded his head. Slowly she moved his breeches down to the ground and he stepped out of them as she stood back up. He reached over and pulled her camisole down to the floor so she could step out of it. They moved back together, arms around each other, lips and tongues meeting. They enjoyed a series of little nips and kisses. Slowly they sank to their blanket bed on the floor.

Leaning over Michaela, Sully gazed into her incredible eyes, seeing so much love in them. Knowing they had come a long way together for her to be able to give herself to him so completely. "I remember the Michaela of our wedding night," he said softly. "So shy, so unsure, so naïve. I loved that Michaela, but I love this Michaela even more. I love the trust you put in me when you allow all your defenses down and bare your body and soul to me."

"I was afraid on our wedding night. Afraid I wouldn't be good enough for you in bed. Afraid I would disappoint you."

"You could never disappoint me, my love. And I had the same fears about being good enough for you. I had been so afraid I would hurt you, that I wouldn't be able to bring you the delights of sharing our bodies."

"No fear there, Sully. I feel braver every day and I am greedy....I always want more of you."

"Then more of me you shall have....that way I can have more of you!"

They kissed deeply, their passion growing. Sully kissed the hollow of her throat and moved his kisses down her body to her breasts. He brushed his lips across her nipples and she sighed with pleasure. His hands cupped and caressed her breasts. Michaela reached down to his face and brought him back up to hers. She brought his lips to hers and they kissed again with lips and tongues. Michaela maneuvered so Sully was on his back. She kissed his lips again and then as he had, she moved her kisses down his body and ran her tongue over his nipples. A groan escaped Sully's lips, that Michaela could bring him to the height of pleasure like this thrilled him. Sully rolled Michaela off him, on to her back and he moved over her. As he entered her, she arched herself into him. Michaela felt the spasms inside beginning to charge up and down. Sully knew his time was coming. They finished their race together.

Sully woke up to the smell of frying bacon. He looked for Michaela and saw her kneeling by the cooking fire, wearing his shirt, frying bacon and scrambling eggs. He smiled at the domestic scene against the back drop of the cave. He lay there quiet, not saying a word, so he could watch his wife cooking. Finally, Michaela turned to wake Sully up and saw him watching her.

She smiled, "How long have you been awake?"

"Just a little while. The sight of you cooking, wearing my shirt, was too pleasing to ignore."

"Since you seem to be fully awake, you need to stop being lazy, get out of bed and come eat."

He laughed and did as she bid. As he sat down, he kissed his wife. Michaela did find it a bit disconcerting to have a naked husband sitting besides her eating breakfast; however, it was so much better than not having him there at all. And she did admit to herself that he had a wonderful body to look at!

"So, my love, what should we do today?" Sully asked.

"I'd like to go riding again. I need to get some more herbs as I didn't gather all the different kinds I want. So I thought we could ride a little further today, to that valley Cloud Dancing and you first took me to gather the herbs. Would that be okay?"

"Yes...very much okay."

It took Michaela and Sully about 4 hours to reach the valley and gather the needed herbs. They had a brief lunch and then headed back toward the cave.

They rode their horses slowly, their legs touching. They reached out to rest a hand on a lover's thigh or touch a cheek. They stopped the horses now and then to lean over and share a kiss. They traded loving glances. They gazed into each others eyes, saying more than words ever could say. They were secure in the knowledge of their love and their oneness. They didn't talk much, they didn't need to, just being close, alone, together, was enough.

Forehead Wrinkles ... Temple Pulses ... Eyes Tear ... Nose Runs
Teeth Grit ... Voice Growls ... Throat Itches

See the sound of the leaves
Hear the scent of the sun
Feel the color of the sunset
Touch the fragrance of the sky
Smell the love of another

Sense the thunder of a raindrop
Catch the speed of a caterpillar
Watch the birth of a moon
Ride the wave of a rainbow

. . . Face Lifts . . . Eyes Twinkle . . . Lips Smile . . .

----Chan Heawak

The End

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