For personal use and select distribution only © October 1999 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: October 1873

Sully and Daniel were working on Daniel's house. They were adding two rooms, one for Anna Marie's sewing and one for future expansion, and were almost finished.

"I feel real good about this, Sully. It's a good house for Anna Marie and Sarah. The furniture we ordered should be here in the next few days. And some of Anna Marie's friends in Georgia have been keeping Sarah's bedroom furniture just in case. Anna Marie telegraphed them and they replied they were sending it right away. We ain't told Sarah yet. Plan to set it up in her room as a surprise. Sarah's pa give it to her as a Christmas gift."

"That'll be real good for Sarah. When's the sewing machine ya ordered gonna be here?"

"I hope this week. I told Horace the name of the company and he'll be sure to set it aside so Anna Marie don't see it. That's her wedding present. She loves to sew, but she's makin' all those things by hand. I asked Michaela if she thought Anna Marie would like to have one and she even helped me pick it out."

"So Michaela said. It's a nice present."

"I wanna give Sarah somethin', but I don't know what."

"Ask Brian. He might be able to help ya."

"Good idea. I'll do that!"

The building part was finished and they started painting the house. Brian and Sarah came walking down the street, from school, hand in hand. Daniel looked up and saw them. "Sarah, your room's finished. Go see if ya want any changes."

"Come on, Brian, come see my room," Sarah said.

"Brian, can ya come here for a minute first?" Sully asked.

"Sure, pa. Sarah, why don't ya go ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

Sarah went into the house and Brian went over to Sully.

"Daniel needs ta talk to ya."

"I wanna talk with ya about something for Sarah. Do ya think ya got some time when Sarah ain't around?"

"Sure. I'll walk Sarah home and be back." Brian went into the house. A few moments later they came out.

"Daniel, I love my room!" Sarah exclaimed, giving him a big hug. "It's so big. But what am I going to do for a bed?"

"I think your ma's arranging that."

"Oh. Are you going to paint my room?"

"Yeah....but I wanted to know what color you want."

"Really? Could I look at some colors?"

"Sure. I'll see Loren and tell him you'll stop by tomorrow after school."

"Thanks, Daniel."

Brian walked Sarah home then returned. Sully was gone when he got back and Daniel was sitting on the porch waiting for him. "Hey, Brian, have a seat. I'm giving Anna Marie a sewing machine for a wedding present and I'd like to give Sarah something too. I ain't sure what it should be and I was hoping you could help."

"Back fore ya asked Miss Anna Marie to marry, Sarah and I were talking. She said she liked you and you made her ma real happy. But she was concerned that if ya got married, things would change, especially if you had more kids. I knew what she meant cuz it was how I felt with Katie at first, till ma and pa let me know they loved me as much as ever. I bet the best present you could give Sarah is to let her know you love her and that wouldn't change even if ya had babies."

Daniel smiled. "Thanks. I do love Sarah and that ain't gonna change. I think of her as a daughter. That gives me some ideas. Thanks again." He shook Brian's hand.

That night at home, Brian told Michaela and Sully what he told Daniel. "Do you think I was right in telling him what Sarah told me?"

"Yes, Brian," said Michaela. "Sarah needs to know that she'll be loved by her mother and step-father. It isn't easy as you know and I don't think Sarah would be able to tell Daniel how she felt just yet."

"I agree. Ya did a good thing, telling Daniel."

Brian smiled. "Thanks," he said. "Well, goodnight. Think I'll go read."

Sully looked at Michaela. She was smiling, but her eyes were glistening with tears. "Tell me?" he said.

"I'm just so proud of him. He does things like this that show he's so caring."

"He's a good boy. Ya did well."

"So did you....we did it together....with help from Charlotte."

They were sitting in the wingback chairs in the living room. Michaela got up, went over to Sully and snuggled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you so," she said as her lips claimed his.

The kiss started as a light thank you and soon turned into so much more. His hands started to roam her body. He pulled her blouse out of her skirt and moved his hand under her blouse to cup her breast. She unbuttoned his shirt and moved her hand inside to caress his chest. She buried her face into his neck to inhale his smell, just as he was inhaling her scent. Michaela reached down to undo his waistband as she felt him rising up against her.

They heard a noise. "Michaela," he whispered. "Brian's not asleep yet and it ain't safe to go any further down here. Let's go to our room."

Michaela laughed. "Usually I'm the one saying to wait," she whispered in his ear.

He grinned. "I don't mind him seeing us kissin' and touchin', but the rest might be too much. Course if you don't think it would be...."


He laughed. "Yeah! That's what I thought." He stood up still holding her, kissed her and set her down. He started blowing out the lamps and she joined him. Just then they heard Brian on the stairs. Michaela moved in front of Sully.

"Pa? Forgot to ask ya if I could take the hawk statue on the mantel to school tomorrow. We're talking about people who make things about nature and I wanted to show them your carving."

"Sure, son. Just be careful with it. Your ma seems to like it."

"Thanks. Night."

"Goodnight," they both replied.

After they heard Brian go into his room, Sully whispered, "Thanks for hidin' 'my condition'." He laughed as he kissed her on the neck. They finished blowing out the lamps and went up to their bedroom.

Michaela reached for Sully and finished undoing his waistband, then moved to the buttons of his breeches. He stood watching her, with his hands on her shoulders. He loved the look of concentration and desire on her face. She worked on his shirt and breeches until he stood naked before her. She looked up into his eyes to see her desire mirrored there. He pulled her blouse off, then undid her skirt and pantaloons and let them drop to the floor. He slipped the straps of her camisole off her shoulders and pushed it down to join the rest of her clothes. Then she too was naked. He reached up to her hair bun and pulled out the hairpins so that the copper hair he loved fell down around her shoulders.

Sully put his hands on either side of Michaela's face and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. Then their lips and tongues joined, the passion was intense. While enjoying the kisses, he moved his hand down to caress the mound of abdomen that was their growing baby. Then he moved his hand lower, amid her moans of pleasure. He felt her fingernails dig into his shoulders as her need increased. He lifted her up and carried her to their bed. As he laid her on the bed, she pulled him down to her. She reached down to grasp his maleness and they joined in love.

"Dr. Mike," said Matthew, walking into the clinic to find Michaela and Colleen putting away supplies. "I just got a notice from the school! I have one more test to take and I'm done!"

"Then you'll be a lawyer?" Michaela asked.

"Yes! I gotta go to Denver to take the test. Since it's the final one, they want me to take it at the college there. If I pass it, then I go to the District Judge and get sworn in as an officer of the court."

"Matthew, I'm so proud of you," Michaela said, giving her son a hug.

"Me, too!" Colleen said, hugging her brother.

"Does this all happen the same day?" asked Michaela.

"No. If I pass, I get sworn in the next day."

"Then we can be there to see you sworn in?"

"Yeah. I'd love to have you all there. I want Amanda to go with me. If I pass, we'd wire ya right away and if ya all can come, we could make reservations at the hotel."

"Reservations for what?" Sully asked as he came in the clinic.

"Hey, Sully. I was just telling Dr. Mike and Colleen I gotta take a test in Denver and if I pass, I get sworn in."

"And I told him we'd all want to be there!"

"You bet we would!" Sully said with a big smile. "When is this?"

"I can take it any of the next three Mondays."

"When would you be ready to take it?" Michaela asked.

"This Monday. That gives me five days to study. Miss Teresa thinks I'm ready now. If it's okay with Amanda, I'd like to go up on the train this Sunday. I need to wire them today to let know when I'm coming so I'm going out to the resort to check with her. I'll see ya later to let ya know for sure."

"Colleen, Matthew, why don't the four of you come to dinner tonight. Then you can let us know when you're going."

Matthew smiled and nodded. Colleen smiled, "Andrew and I will be there. If you don't need me any more, Ma, I think I'll ride out to the resort with Matthew."

"Yes, of course." Michaela smiled as they left, then turned to Sully. "I'm so proud of him," she said as her eyes started tearing up.

"Hey...hey there..."

"I know, I know....I'm being silly. I mean he's a married man and all...."

"But ya still get sad seeing the kids grow up...." Sully put his arms around Michaela and pulled her close. "It's okay, love. I imagine next week when we see him sworn in, ya'll have some tears then, too."

Michaela giggled. "Yes, I probably will. Will you hold me close then, too?"

"You bet!"

"Sully, up to now Matthew's been working out of the library. As of next Tuesday, he'll need a real office."

"Down across from the library there's some vacant place, one of the ones with the canvas roofs but they have wood floors. I bet one's big enough and I could put a good roof on it."

"Who owns it?"

"Horace'd know, I think he's responsible for them. I'll go check with him."

"Thank you," she said as she gave him a kiss, which he gladly returned.

"Mama!" they heard Katie call from upstairs, where she'd been taking a nap.

"I'll go get her," said Sully. "I'll take her with me to see Horace."

Sully and Katie returned a little while later to find Michaela with a patient. They sat down on the bench to wait. Soon Michaela came out with Mrs. Miller. "I'll see you in two weeks, Mrs. Miller. Send your son in for more of the Willow Bark Tea if you run out before then."

"Thank ya kindly, Dr. Mike." Mrs. Miller nodded at Sully and patted Katie on the head as she headed for the store to meet her son.

" see Mista Bing. He gave me a licker."

"That's sucker, Katie."

Sully grinned, "I think licker fits what she does."

Michaela shook her head at her husband and chuckled. "What did you find out?"

"Horace is in charge of renting those places. I went ahead and paid Horace for a month's rent for one of them. I figger it's a present for Matthew."

"I agree. Thank you."

The entire family gathered at the homestead for dinner.

"Amanda agreed. We are going to Denver on Sunday. I already wired to let the school know I'll be there to take the test."

"We have faith that you will pass. So we will make tentative plans to come up on Tuesday." Michaela glanced at Sully. He smiled and nodded.

"Matthew, what Michaela said is right, about faith in you, so we got ya a present. We figgered ya need a real office's the key to one. We paid the rent for a month. It's the vacant place across the street from the library, number 5. I talked to Horace and he said it's okay if I replace the canvas roof with wood." Sully handed him the key.

Matthew looked at the key, then looked at his folks. Everyone could see the emotion is his face. Amanda reached out and grasped his hand. "I.....I...I don't know what to say.....I mean.....well....thanks......I really appreciate it. An office of my"

"We are so proud of you," Michaela said.

"Pa? Can I help you with the roof?" asked Brian.


"Andrew, I talked to Jake this afternoon and he agreed to take care of anything that comes up at either clinic. I told him we are all going to go to Denver. He'll wire us if anything is serious. We'll go up Tuesday and return Wednesday."

"Thanks, Michaela. I'd stay with the clinics if need be, but I sure would like to be there."

"Michaela and me think the whole family should be there," said Sully.

"Thanks," Matthew said. "It'll mean a lot to me."

Brian was walking to school. He was close to where he sometimes met Sarah. He was so excited about Matthew. He just knew Matthew would pass and they'd all be going to Denver. He'd tell Miss Teresa and he knew he could make up the school work.

"Brian! Brian!" Sarah called, running down the path toward him.

"Hey, Sarah."

"Oh, Brian....." she had a big smile.

"What's up?"

"Daniel asked me if he could adopt me! He said he loved me as much as anyone could love a daughter and wanted to make it legal. He said he didn't want to take the place of my father, but since my father couldn't be here, he'd like to be the one I looked to. He thought we could change my name to Sheehan-Simon. I told him I would love it. Oh, Brian....I'm so happy!" She threw her arms around Brian's neck and hugged him. He returned the hug.

"See, I told ya Daniel was a good guy." He took her hand and they headed for school.

On Sunday, Matthew and Amanda rode to church in the back of Sully and Michaela's wagon. Their train was leaving for Denver around one in the afternoon. It was too cold for a picnic after church, so the family went to Grace's for lunch. After a leisurely lunch, the family went to the station to see Matthew and Amanda off.

"We'll be waitin' on your wire," Sully said.

Michaela took Matthew's hand, "Matthew, we have all the faith in you, but being realistic, I know there's a chance you won't pass on the first try. If you don't, there's no shame in it. I knew of lawyers in Boston who took the test more than once before they passed. I....we are so proud of you, no matter what happens."

"Thanks....Ma," said Matthew, kissing Michaela's cheek.

Sully awoke with a start, realizing Michaela wasn't in bed with him. It was just getting light and he figured it was around seven in the morning. He looked around their bedroom and found Michaela in her rocking chair by the fire.


"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"You not being next to me in bed woke me. What's wrong? Is it the baby?"


"Is it Matthew?"


"Come here, come back to bed."

Michaela came over to the bed and snuggled next to Sully. "I didn't realize I would be this nervous about Matthew taking his test. I mean, I think he'll pass, but I can't help but...." she paused.


She smiled, "Yes."

"It's okay, Michaela. Mothers worry. I'd be surprised if ya didn't. He'll be okay." Sully knew it was going to be a long day until Matthew's telegram.

Sully kissed Michaela's forehead, then her eyes, her cheeks and finally her lips. Michaela responded in kind. He reached down and slowly pulled her nightgown up, while continuing the kissing. Skin slowly pressed against skin. The nightgown reached her waist, but because her arms were around him, he couldn't pull it up any further, so he moved his hands to her bare backside and pressed her close to him.



"Are you trying to take my mind off Matthew?"

"Um-hmm..." he said as he pulled her tighter.

"It's working," she whispered with a sigh. "Let me get my nightgown off."

He released her enough to help her pull the nightgown over her head, then he pressed her to him again. They were pressed body to body with very little space between them. She ran her fingers lightly up and down his back, giving him chills. She felt his body tighten with desire and hers matched that desire. He moved back a little to put space between them so he could move his hand up to caress her breast. He felt her nipple harden and she started trembling with need. She moved her hand down to caress and encircle him. With one arm still around her, he rolled slowly onto his back. He loved the feeling of the light weight of Michaela's body on top of him. She moved to take him inside of her. Waves of pleasure washed over them as Michaela arched up over Sully. He put his hands on her hips and the movements increased as the heights of their love was attained.

Michaela woke up to a knock on the door. "Yes?"

"Ma, it's time for me to leave for school. I'm riding Taffy into town. Do ya want me to take Katie to Colleen? We've both already eaten."

"Say yes," Sully whispered in her ear, putting his arms around her and burying his face in her neck.

"Yes, please. Thank you. As soon as we hear from Matthew, we'll let you know."

"Thanks, Ma. See ya later."

"Bye, Brian," said Sully.

"Bye, Pa."

They heard Brian and Katie leave.

"How ya feelin'?"

"Hmmm.....nice....I do love you so. Thank you for helping me relax a bit."

"I love you, too, and you're welcome. I enjoyed it. I really enjoy it when ya let yourself go like ya did earlier."

Sully watched as the blush spread over Michaela's face. "I like that too. Red's a good color for you."


"Hmm?" Michaela grabbed his hand, which was lying on her abdomen, brought it to her mouth and gave him a soft bite. He laughed and kissed her neck. "You know, I was remembering somethin'. 'Member when we were at Yellowstone, on the mesa? You took a nap while I got some rabbits. When I first came inta the tent, I stood and looked at ya for a few minutes. For some reason I started picturin' how beautiful you were when ya were pregnant."

"Sully….I was a month along then!"

"I know….I was just realizing that. Mebbe it was the spirits way of tellin' me…..I just wasn't listenin'."

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Didn't want ya to feel bad….knowing how ya wanted another baby.

"But you can't prefer the way I look when I'm pregnant to the way I normally look."

"Oh…I don't know….it's a pretty tough choice. As beautiful as ya are when you ain't pregnant, when you're carryin' our baby, there's a special glow about ya. I love to look at you without clothes….your belly holdin' our baby and your breasts getting' ready to feed our baby. I love runnin' my hands over both places….like this," as he caressed her abdomen, "and this," as his hands moved up to cup her breasts. "I love every inch of ya….no matter what size."

You certainly make a pregnant woman feel loved….feel pretty."

"Cuz ya are, and always will be, no matter what. When you were carrying Kates, a lot of times ya'd try and hide your body from me….but ya don't need to…..I don't want ya too. I wanna look at you, see ya naked, enjoy the sight of you….and I never get enough of touching you."

She pulled his face down close, plying his entire face with kisses. He continued caressing her. She ran her hands down his back, placing them on his rear, pressing him close to her. They continued the mutual caressing until they could wait no longer, then fulfilled their needs, their desires.

Sully and Michaela arrived in town around 10 am. Sully dropped her off at the clinic and after kissing his daughters good morning, he went over to see Robert E. He was done helping Robert E by noon, so he decided to take his ladies to lunch. He arrived back at the clinic and knocked at the clinic door.

“Come in.”

He walked in to see Michaela at the medicine cabinet putting some bottles on the shelves. “Where’s the girls?”

“Colleen and Katie went out to the Chateau for lunch with Andrew and to spend a few hours playing around the springs.”

“Hmmm….” Without Michaela realizing it, he locked the door and made sure the door’s window curtain was closed. He took off his jacket as he walked to the first window, then he slowly closed the window curtains, the last as he reached her.

She turned, realizing the room had grown dark. He was right in front of her and put his arms around her. “Sully?” she questioned with a chuckle.

“Hmmm?” as he slowly moved her back against the wall next to the cabinet.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothin’…” as he started nuzzling her neck.


“Will wait…” as he moved to claim her lips. He moved back down to her neck with little nips and kisses.

“Sully? It hasn’t been that long since we…”

“I know. Ya ain’t got a problem with that, do ya?”

“No….of course not….hmmm….that’s nice….”

“Figger ought’a be able to love my wife whenever….”


“Yep… stop talking…..”

“Yes, sir!”

“Gotta have the last word, huh?”

Michaela started to say something, then didn’t and with a smile on her face, gave in to her husband’s searching mouth. His hands had moved up to her face, then slowly they started travelling down to caress her breasts. Her hands were buried in his hair. While they continued the kissing, the exploring with tongues, he began undoing her buttons. When they were undone to her waist, he spread her blouse apart, undid the ribbons and buttons of her camisole and finally attained the bare skin he was seeking, his hands enjoying her bare breasts as her nipples hardened. She moved her hands to the buttons of his shirt, thankful he had on one of the button shirts and not one that pulled over his head. She unbuttoned his shirt and moved her hands to caress his chest, feeling his nipples react to her hands.

The intensity of their passions were increasing. There came a knock at the door. They stopped, looked at each other and waited. They knew if it was an emergency, whoever it was would be persistent and call for the doctor. There can a second knock, but it did not seem urgent. Then they heard the person leave the clinic porch.

Sully smiled, then lowered his head so his lips could kiss and caress her breasts. Michaela moved her hands to his shoulders, clutching him as his lips continued. He started pulling her skirt and petticoat up, glad she had only one petticoat on, until they were bunched around her waist. When he moved his hands to the place he was seeking, he reached a barrier of the bottom part of her camisole, realizing she had on a one piece camisole instead of the blouse camisole and pantaloons. He raised his head to look in her eyes. "I think this is gonna lose," he said as his hands began to tear at the flimsy camisole.

"Sully…let me….let me…..take….it……." Michaela said in a breathless voice.

"I can't wait, can you?" he whispered.

She could not answer, only shake her head no and move her hands to undo his breeches, thankful that was the only barrier she had to contend with to reach his flesh, as he finished destroying the camisole. She pushed his undone breeches down below his backside. He moved his hands up under her arms to lift her enough to allow her to grasp him and guide him home. She wrapped her legs around him and their lips and mouths joined again as their bodies were joined and they lost themselves in each other. As passions and the movements increased, Sully moved his arms under hers to support her, placing his hands flat on the wall by her head, pressing his mouth hard against hers. Her mouth demanded more, pulling him into her. Then the climax came in a shuddering release for both of them.

As their hearts were beginning to slow down and their breathing was returning to normal, he put his lips against her flesh in the valley between her breasts. He kissed her a few times, then raised his head to look at her. She was gazing at him with that crooked smile of hers. He returned the smile. "Love ya," he whispered.

"And I love you."

She un-wrapped her legs from his body, and slowly, tenderly, they lost their physical connection. He gently placed her back on her feet. While still gazing at each other, they began to straighten out their clothes. She started giggling.

"What?" he asked.

"I will need to be careful today as I have nothing left under my skirt, except shreds of my camisole. In fact, will you please cut off the pieces? I don't want the rest to tear and drop off as I walk!"

She handed him the scissors and he did the best he could to remove the torn pieces. “I’m surprised that you wore this camisole instead of the camisole blouse and pantaloons ya usually wear in winter.

“Strange, isn’t it? I don’t know why I did. Maybe….”

"Yeah….maybe….. Now my stomach's growling. Can I take my lady love ta lunch?" he asked, kissing her hand.

"Your lady love would be honored." She responded, kissing his cheek.

They reached the café and sitting down, ordered lunch from one of Grace's helpers. They sat there, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes.


"Hello, Dorothy."

"I was looking for you a little while ago. You weren't at the clinic."

"Did you need something?" Michaela asked, smiling at Sully.

"Just to see if you wanted to go to lunch."

"Won't ya join us, Dorothy?" Sully asked.

"Why yes, thank you."

After walking Michaela back to the clinic. Sully went to Loren's. "Hey, Loren."


"Ya got any of them catalogs with women's things?"

"Sure. Here."

Sully gazed through them, found what he wanted and had Loren order them.

"Should be here in a few days."

"Thanks, Loren. Don't mention this to Michaela., okay? It's a present."

"Sure thing."

"Hey, Sully." He heard as he was leaving the store. He turned and saw Horace coming toward him. "I got a telegram for ya from Matthew and a package here for Brian."

"Thanks, Horace." Sully didn't want to read the telegram until he was with Michaela, so he headed for the clinic. He had to wait a few minutes as she had a patient. While he was waiting, Andrew, Colleen and Katie came into town.

"Papa!" Katie called.

"Hey, Katiedid, what's ya doing?"

"Went thwiming!"

"Did ya have fun!"

"Yep," she said as she went into her father's arms.

"Pa, have you heard from Matthew?"

"Yeah….just got it, but ain't read it yet. Wanted to wait for your ma."

"Wait for me for what?" asked Michaela, coming out of the clinic.

"Mama!" Katie called, arms outstretched to go to her mother from her father and Michaela pulled her daughter into her arms.

"To read Matthew's telegram."

Michaela looked at the telegram in Sully's hand, then up at him and over to Colleen and Andrew. "Maybe we should wait for Brian. He'll be here soon from school."

"We could head toward the school and wait for him at the picnic bench," Colleen ventured.

The others nodded their heads. The family headed for the picnic bench near the schoolhouse. They sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting for Brian, while Katie ran around on the ground. Brian saw them immediately when he came out and ran over to them. "Is everything alright?"

"We don't know, son. Got Matthew's telegram and decided to wait before to read until you were with us." Brian sat down as Sully handed the telegram to Michaela.

A smile crept into Michaela's face as she read: "Dear Family…..passed with high score… sworn in Tuesday 2pm….train arrives noon…meet ya….lunch first…rooms reserved at hotel….love….Matthew." By the time she finished, everyone was grinning. "Thank goodness. I didn't think I could wait much longer. I am so proud of him. Oh, this is so wonderful!"

Sully took Michaela's hand and squeezed it. "Reckon I'll go see Horace about tickets!"

"I'll go let Jake know," said Michaela.

"Oh, Brian, a package come for ya," said Sully, handing him the package.

"Look, it's from Alexander Selkirk!" Brian exclaimed. He tore open the package and found a book inside, along with a note. "The book is by a Daniel Defoe….it's called Robinson Crusoe." He opened the note and read it quickly. "Alexander says it's based on an uncle he was named after, who was a sailor and ended up on a deserted island. He says the story makes up a lot of things. His uncle was kinda a black sheep and the man in the story is a good person. Ma, what's a black sheep?"

"It means he was a problem person. Sometimes even a criminal. And probably wasn't a good family man….maybe not a family man at all….perhaps not really liked by his family……you know what a rogue is, Brian?"


"Well, that's what a black sheep is…..not one of the crowd."

"Not one of the crowd is sorta like pa," said Brian, looking at a smiling Sully. "But pa ain't a rogue cuz he's a good person. And pa's loved by his family!”

"Thank you, son. I appreciate that."

Sully finished closing up the house and blowing out the lamps, then went up to join Michaela. She was already in bed, reading. She put down her journal as she watched him undress and started thinking about the morning at the clinic. As he got into bed with her, he saw a dreamy smile on her face.

“What’ya smilin’ about?”

She blushed at having been caught in a day dream. “Oh….well…..” she giggled, “about this morning….at the clinic.…about your look…..”

“My look? What about it?”

“You……you……you had that look….”

“What look?”

She lowered her eyes and blushed again. “A look I never told you about……one I don’t see often…..a look I saw for the first time on the train….on our honeymoon…… arouses me….to my very soul…..”

He put his hand under her chin and raised her face to look into her eyes. “Why didn’t ya tell me before?”

“I don’t know…..I… makes me feel…..feel so strange…” and the red began again to spread from her neck up to her face. “If I think about it, I want to be alone with you right away… controls me……”

“If I knew the look, I’d have it all the time,” he said, grinning.

“Oh, no! If you did, I wouldn’t get anything done……it just still amazes me after all this time that I…..that I could….”

“Feel so passionate about yer husband?”


He laughed, “We’ve had this conversation before, Michaela. ‘Member, it ain’t a bad thing for us to wanna be together like this….to wanna make love……we got somethin’ special and it’s good to share it….”

“I know….”

“So tell me when I gave ya this look on the train.”

“Well….just after I closed the last curtain, when I turned to come back to the bed… were sitting there… had that look…..I already felt something, but when I saw that look, my whole body…..I felt…..oh, Sully…..I can’t put it into words more than that it arouses my soul…..I mean……every part of me wants you….” She smile, “some times it kind of scares me….”

“Why?” He asked as he started to caress her through her nightgown.

“I don’t know…..I….if I ever lose you, I don’t think I could…..”

“Ya ain’t gonna lose me…..and I always want you too. All your looks get into my soul!”

“I don’t mean your other looks don’t….but this one…..”

“I know, Michaela, I know…..” as he continued to move his hands over her, then he slowly pulled her nightgown up while looking into her eyes, his face close to hers, but not touching. He moved back to pull her gown over her head and toss it aside. “This has been a good day fer lovin’…..and it ain’t over yet…” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled, put her hands on his face and brought her lips toward hers. Just before the kiss, she whispered, “I love you, Byron Sully….I love you to the depths of my soul….always and forever….”

The next day, the family gathered at the train station for the Denver trip. They left on time and arrived in Denver at noon. Matthew and Amanda were waiting at the train station. Michaela, the mother, couldn’t wait to get off the train and congratulate her son.

“Matthew! We are so proud of you!” she exclaimed, hugging him.

“Thanks, Ma.”

The rest of the family gathered around to hug and congratulate Matthew and give Amanda some hugs. Then they went for lunch. After lunch they checked in at the hotel, they headed toward the courthouse. As Matthew was sworn in, Sully noticed tears falling down Michaela's face, over her smile. He took her hand and squeezed it. There were five lawyers being sworn in and after the ceremony, there was a small reception for the new lawyers and their families. Since the weather was so nice, it was held in the courthouse garden. There were other small children and Katie had to meet and greet them all. Brian was busy making notes so he could write an article for the Gazette. Amanda and Matthew, Colleen and Andrew were socializing with the other young couples. Michaela and Sully sat, holding hands, watching them.

The judge who swore Matthew in came up to introduce himself. "Folks, I'm Judge Markam. Was a relative one of the new lawyers?"

"Yep. Our son, Matthew Cooper. I'm Byron Sully and this is my wife, Dr. Michaela Quinn."

"Dr. Quinn, Mr. Sully, nice to meet you. I must say, you don't look old enough to have a son Mr. Cooper's age."

Michaela smiled, "He's adopted."

'That explains it. Mr. Sully, are you the former Indian Agent at Palmer Creek?"

"Yeah," Sully said hesitantly.

"Well, I'd like to shake your hand," he said and did so. "In the short time I have been here, I have been appalled at the treatment of the Indians by our soldiers. My sons and I fought in the war to help free the colored folk. I don't understand why our government doesn't see this is the same situation……sorry, I'm ranting and raving again. My wife says I do that a lot when I am on this subject."

"No problem, judge. It's nice ta be talkin' to someone who doesn't think all the Indians should be killed.

“I’d appreciate it if you and your family would join my wife and me for dinner at our home tonight.”

Sully looked at Michaela and she nodded. “We’d be pleased to, Judge. Least Michaela, me and our two youngest. The others may wanna go out on their own tonight.”

The judge laughed, “I understand that completely, Mr. Sully.”

“Please, it’s just Sully.”

The family got to the train station a little early for their train ride home. They were on the platform waiting when Sully saw a familiar figure. “McKay?”

He turned around, “Hey, Sully. Dr. Mike.” He walked over to shake hands with Sully.

“Where ya headed?” Sully asked.

“Colorado Springs….I ain’t in the Army anymore and thought I’d do as you two said when I saw ya awhile back, and see ‘bout making it my home.”

“Good. We’ll be glad to have you as part of our town,” Michaela said.

“Thanks, Dr. Mike. I ain’t sure others’ll agree with you, though. Like your son over there. He quit being sheriff cuz of me.”

Matthew had come close enough to hear McKay’s last statement. “Not really, sergeant. You helped, but there’s a lot of other reasons I quit. ‘Sides, I’m a lawyer now and that gives me more chance to help the people I want to.”

“Congratulations then, Mr. Cooper. And it ain’t sergeant any more. I left the Army. McKay’d be fine.”

“Thanks, McKay. Welcome to the civilian world!”

They all laughed.

Michaela, Sully and McKay sat together on the train. “What do ya plan on doing in Colorado Springs?”

“Don’t rightly know. One of the things I did in the Army was tame horses. I learned from an old sergeant who believed in taming them with love, not toughness.”

“How so?” asked Sully.

“Well, first ya don’t ride ‘em right away. Ya just be with them, pet them, let them get your smell. Rubbing them down all the time. Eventually, ya ride ‘em slowly and work up to the rest. He taught me it takes a lot of love and you’ll have a good horse.”

Sully’s eyes were twinkling and he had a big grin. “That’s just the way the Cheyenne tame their horses.”

McKay smiled, “Sarge had some Indian friends. Maybe he learned their ways. Ain’t that something!”

“Don’t know there’s many around the area that need horse taming, but ask Robert E. If there are, he’ll know.”

“I’ll do that.”

“Is there anything else you would enjoy doing?” Michaela asked.

“Well, I also like to do carpentry….like buildings things…..making furniture…..”

“Now that’s something the town needs.” Sully said.

“I agree,” Michaela said. “Sully’s had requests to build, but he turns most of them down. You could probably get a lot of work.”

“Yep. Anything we can do ta help, just ask.”


“I think you’ll find quite a number of people in town like you for different reasons. While you tried to keep people safe and uphold the laws, you also showed compassion for the Indians. There aren’t many soldiers who would go against their general to help the Indians. And you understood the difference between the Dog Soldiers and the other Indians. You may be pleasantly surprised at your acceptance in town.”

“I hope so, Dr. Mike. There ain’t many other places I’ve liked the way I do your town.”

The train arrived in Colorado Springs, in the afternoon, to a banner hanging at the station saying:

As Matthew stepped off the train, their friends on the platform welcomed him with applause. Dorothy and Grace hugged him while the others patted him on the back, “Everyone’s invited to the café for a party for Matthew,” Grace announced.

“Come on, McKay,” Sully said, “here’s your first social with the town. Put your bags with ours in our wagon.”

Grace and Dorothy had decorated the café and cake and pie were served. As the refreshments were enjoyed, the towns people kept glancing over at McKay, who was sitting with Sully and Michaela.

Jake stood and called for attention: “This town’s real proud to have a sworn in lawyer now. Matthew has already helped a lot of us with legal problems and we know he’ll be honest and fair. Matthew, here’s somethin’ for ya that we got together and had Robert E make.” Jake handed Matthew a beautiful wood sign that said:
Matthew Cooper
Attorney at Law

Matthew stood. “Thanks to all of you. The sign is great. I will do my best to represent you fairly. And I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome the town’s newest member, Terrance McKay, formerly Sergeant McKay of the US Army… most of you know. I heard him talking with my folks and know he can tame horses and build things…so any work ya can send his way would be a good way to welcome him.”

The crowd applauded Matthew and many went to welcome McKay, figuring if the former sheriff didn’t have a problem with him, then they didn’t either. Truth be told, they were happy to have another carpenter in their midst, since Sully was hard to pin down.

Sully and Michaela were getting ready for bed. Michaela was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair and watching Sully in the mirror. He came over and took the brush and continued with her hair.

“Sully? Do you think we could help Terrace find a place? He doesn’t know enough about the area yet….and…..”

Sully chuckled, “Funny you should say that. I was thinking of seeing what you’d think if we offered to sell him a corner of our land. I was thinkin’ about that area along the road on the way to town.”

Michaela smiled, “And I was wondering what you would say if I suggested selling him some of our land.”

He put the brush down and knelt in front of her. “See how alike we are…..both of us thinkin’ the same thing. Both of us likin’ McKay. I love you, my heart.”

“I love you too….oh so very much.”

The next day Sully found McKay and offered to sell him the land. They rode out to see it and McKay knew he was getting a good piece of land for a reasonable price. The transaction was made and McKay started planning his homestead.

Daniel was living in his new home, and along with Anna Marie and Sarah, preparing it for the time his new family would move it. Their wedding was three weeks away. Anna Marie and Daniel were going to Denver for a three-day honeymoon, while Sarah stayed with her aunt. Matthew had prepared everything for Daniel to adopt Sarah, so on the fourth day, Sarah and Matthew would take the early train to Denver to finalize the adoption and they would all return that night. Sarah’s bedroom furniture had arrived from Georgia and Robert E was hiding it at the livery. While Sarah was in Denver, Robert E and Sully would set it up in her bedroom and Anna Marie's sewing machine in her sewing room.

A few days later, Sully was walking to the clinic from the train station when Loren called to him. Sully went over to the store. “Yeah?”

“Those things ya ordered came in. Do you want them now?”


Katie and Brian were in bed. Michaela and Sully were sitting in the living room. Michaela was reading one of her journals when she looked up and saw Sully watching her.

“I thought you were reading. Is something wrong?”

“Nope. Rather watch you than read. Like watching how you react to what yer readin’. Like watching you no matter what yer doing.”

Smiling, Michaela put her journal down. “I like you looking at me, especially in private….”

“Speaking of that……” he got up and knelt in front of her with a package in his hand. “’Member the other day at the clinic when ya lost something ya had on? It ended up in pieces.”

“Yes….” She said, blushing and laughing.

“Well, I got these to replace it.”

He put the package in her lap. She opened it to find six one piece camisoles. Four of them were very practical, white and opaque. The other two were not quite so practical. One was light blue and the other pink; they were made out of satin and lace.

“I thought ya could wear these two just for me. When we’re alone, in our room. I was only gonna get the white ones, til I saw these and wanted to see ‘em on ya.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you…now, please wait here and come up to our room in five minutes.” She got up and headed for the stairs.

It was a very long five minutes for him and he used it to take off every thing but his breeches. Finally he went up and knocked lightly on their door.

“Come in.”

He walked in, shut the door and found Michaela by the fire. Her hair was down and all she wore was the blue camisole….the sight of her took his breath away. He tossed his things on the floor and went to her. The camisole hid very little… was mostly lace with strips of satin here and there. The neck dipped, the lace starting just above her nipples and barely covering them. The lace was held together down the middle with a series of small ribbons. The satin began just below her belly button and continued down between her legs, with the lace on either side of the satin. He traced the edges of the camisole from her shoulders until his fingers met at the valley between her breasts. As he did this, he watched her nipples rise and stand taut again the lace. He glanced up and saw the smile on her lips. She placed her hands on the buttons of his breeches and as their lips met, she began to undo the buttons. Once the breeches were off, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently and laying down besides her.

"'I Sing the Body Electric'*…..his words sure match you. You'd think he wrote his poetry with you in mind. I think if he were here and saw ya like this and if he liked women, he'd sit down and write a book of poems just 'bout you. You are my body electric…..the look of you, the movement of you, move me like I ain't never been moved before. I love every part of ya, Michaela."

"I love every part of you, too. I am that way because of you….because you took the time to help me learn how wonderful…how beautiful…..all of this is. You are a wonderful husband and you give me such wonderful gifts. I love this camisole….and the other one……and I love what it does to you…."

"It helps….but it's the sight of you that does things to me… matter what ya got on…."

They kissed again as his hands wandered down the camisole, caressing her curves, enjoying the feeling of the lace between his hand and her body. She placed her hands on his chest, running them through his hair, caressing his nipples, enjoying the feel of him. He started untying the ribbons, slowly, pausing between each ribbon to give her another kiss, to kiss her skin above the camisole. Finally he reached the last ribbon….he trailed his finger up her body in the slit left by the untied camisole, until he reached the top, then he slowly pulled the camisole aside, exposing her. He lower his head to caress her nipples with his tongue, then slowly moved down her body. As he lowered his head, she moved her hands to grasp his long hair, twisting her fingers in it. He moved his hand underneath the satin as she pulled his head back up and captured his lips with her own. She moaned in response to the pleasure he was invoking.

The straps of the camisole were tied at the shoulders, which he quickly undid. He pulled the rest of the camisole down and off her, tossing it to the floor. Now skin pressed against skin. Desire engulfed them. She reached down to grasp him, loving the feel of him, pulsating against her fingers. And then they joined and reached the heights of pleasure.

Daniel and Anna Marie’s wedding day arrived, a brisk but sunny fall day. Anna Marie was getting ready at the clinic with the assistance of her Matron-of-Honor, Michaela. Daniel was waiting at the church with Sully, his Best Man. Sarah and Brian were in another room at the clinic, with Brian trying to calm Sarah’s nerves. Colleen and Amanda were helping where they could. Anna Marie’s wedding gown was cream colored, with long sleeves, and a short veil. Soon it was time. Brian escorted Sarah to the church, followed by Colleen and Amanda. The church was crowded, but Andrew and Matthew had saved seats for their wives, Brian and Sarah. When Colleen sat down, Katie moved from Matthew’s lap to hers.

The wedding march started and Michaela came down the aisle, followed shortly by Anna Marie. Daniel, with a wide grin on his face, couldn’t take his eyes off the vision of his bride. Sully and Michaela’s eyes locked on each other as she came down the aisle, remembering their own wedding. When Daniel kissed his bride, the church erupted into applause. Sully clapped his best friend on the back as Michaela hugged Anna Marie. Then Daniel drew the beaming Sarah into a family hug.

The reception at the café was a happy affair. After Daniel and Anna Marie started the dancing, Brian asked Sarah to dance and the young sweethearts joined the bridal couple, followed shortly by Michaela and Sully, then other couples. Time flew by and after the cutting and enjoying of the cake, Anna Marie changed into her travelling dress and the crowd followed them to the train station to see them off. Sarah waved goodbye with tears in her eyes and Brian’s arm around her shoulder.

Brian couldn’t wait for the train to arrive. He had said goodbye to Sarah and Matthew in the morning as they headed for Denver to finish Sarah’s adoption. After they left, he had gone to help Robert E and Sully set up Sarah’s bedroom furniture and Anna Marie's sewing machine. Colleen and Amanda had made sure the house was ready, placing flowers everywhere. Grace made cookies and lemonade for a small welcome home party. While he waited at the station to drive them home, the others were waiting at the Simon home. Finally he heard the train whistle, then the train came around the bend. Sarah was first off and came into Brian’s arms for a hug. Then Matthew, followed by Anna Marie and Daniel.

“Hey, Daniel. Welcome home, Mrs. Simon,” Brian said, smiling.

“Thank you, Brian,” she replied in her soft Georgia accent.

They arrived at the Simon home and Daniel helped Anna Marie down and carried her into the house to the smiles of their waiting friends. Sarah, Brian and Matthew followed them.

After greeting everyone, Daniel turned to Sarah, “Sarah, why don’t ya go look at your room. It got finished while we were gone.”

Sarah went to her room and seconds later, the silent crowd heard her gasp. Moments later she was back in the living room and in her parent’s arms, tears streaming down her face. She was so moved, she could barely say thank you. Once she calmed down, she was able to speak, “I can’t believe you got my furniture….you never said anything!”

“It’s been here for a few weeks, my dear,” her mother said. “As soon as Daniel bought the house, I wrote to the Johnsons and asked them to send it. I never told you they were holding it for you if there ever was a time we had room for it. We thought it would make you happy.”

“It has….thank you, thank you, thank you,” she exclaimed, giving them a hug and kiss.

"Now, my dear, for your present," said Daniel. He led Anna Marie into her sewing room and everyone knew when she saw the sewing machine. "OH MY! Oh Daniel….."

“Brian, this has been such a wonderful day,” Sarah said to him as they were sitting on the porch swing. He smiled tenderly. She looked at him and raised her eyebrows. “You knew about this, didn’t you?”

“Sure. Even helped set it up today.”

“And you never told me?!”

“Course not! It was a surprise!” he leaned over and kissed her. Then they sat there, holding hands, content to be together.

I combine the essence of the East and the West
like a yellow rainbow to brighten your soul
and lift your spirits.

Absorb and release in the ebb and flow
with the healing touch of my Simian Hands.

Tender, yet invigorating experience the accumulation
of moments as your muscles feel fresh energy flow.

And your body become alive with love once more
. . . The Art of Being . . . The Essence of Life

--- Chan Heawak

* Walt Whitman

The End

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