For personal use and select distribution only © July 2004 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: October 1875

Sully went up to see if Michaela was awake yet. Nicky was a little over a month old and their most rambunctious baby! He kept his mother awake a lot and Sully made sure she got all the extra sleep she needed. He had left both Michaela and Nicky sleeping just an hour ago as he took Benje down to breakfast. Katie and Brian had gone down earlier and Katie had helped Brian make their meal. After eating, Brian took Katie and Benje out to the barn help with some chores in order to keep things quiet on this clear, crisp Saturday morning.

Sully slowly, quietly opened the door and saw a wonderful sight. Michaela was awake. Nicky was in bed with her. She was lying on her side. Nicky was cuddled against her breast as he suckled. Michaela glanced up as her husband entered, closed the door and came over to the bed.

“Good morning, dear husband.”

“Mornin’, love. I tried ta listen in case in cried so he wouldn’t wake ya.”

“He didn’t. I woke and saw him moving so I went and picked him out of his crib. He was just making little baby sounds.”

Sully reached over and inserted his finger into his son’s clenched fist as it lay against his mother’s breast. “Look at him, Michaela. Our son….it’s really somethin’ that we made another baby. I thank ya for going through it all again.”

Michaela smiled at Sully. “You need not thank me….although labor is not easy, the result has been so joyful for us. I love you so much. Our children and granddaughter have certainly enriched us. But your love has given me everything.”

Sully leaned over and claimed her lips for a satisfying kiss. “You complete me, Michaela. You have from the beginnin’. I think back to that first day of seein’ ya. I thought how elegant and out of reach you was. And never would I have thought we’d be here, like this. So the thanks is for that too.”

Michaela smiled. “Oh, Sully, this has been a wonderful life with you and the children!”

Sunday morning Michaela woke Sully up with a nudge. “Hmmm?”

“I would like to go to church today. I feel fine, ready, and it will be good to go again. I have healed well and I promise you it is okay to go.”

“Ya sure?”

“Yes, very.”

“Okay.” He turned and wrapped her in his arms. “I think the townfolk will be glad to see ya. And I know the kids will be glad to have us go with ‘em.”

Michaela put her hands on his face. “You are so handsome. I never get tired of looking at you. And the warmth of your love makes it the best.” She kissed him.

He kissed her back and nuzzled her neck. ‘Hmmm…or we could just stay like this all day…”

She giggled. “I think Nicky might objected….and Katie….and Benje. Although Brian would see to those two.”

“Yeah…Brian’s so good about the little ones. But it’ ain’t gonna be long before we lose him too.”

“No…he’s too young to get married….he said he and Sarah would wait.”

“Honey…he’s going ta go to college next year in Denver. And Daniel says Sarah’s talkin’ ‘bout goin’ there too. We gotta face losin’ him to growin’ up.”

Michaela buried her head against his chest. “I want him to stay home forever. I already miss him.”

“I know, but he’ll be back. Knowin’ Brian, he’ll do some travelin’, but he’ll always come home. He told me that years ago when the train was comin’. He said the good thing about the train was it’d bring him home too. And some day, the others’ll grow up and move on. Course we got Matthew’s family and Colleen and Andrew lookin’ ta stay in Colorado Springs. We’ll always have family near.”

She smiled. “You’re right as always, but it doesn’t make it easier.”

“If it were easy, it wouldn’t be fun….”

She giggled and snuggled closer.

Sully, Michaela and the children came into town in the wagon, followed closely by Matthew, Amanda, Charlotte, Clara and her family. They pulled the wagons into the meadow next to the church and saw Colleen and Andrew coming across the bridge. The gathered family went into church. After church they joined many of the families in the meadow for lunch. Although the weather was cool, it was clear and bright. Friends came to welcome Michaela back and take turns holding Nicholas.

Katie was standing next to Sully. “Papa?”

“Yes, Kates?”

“Why they taking Nicky from Mama?”

“They aren’t taking Nicky, honey. They just want to hold him. They are happy for us in getting Nicky.”

“They give him back, right?”

“Yes, sweets, they’ll give him back.”

Katie sat down next to Michaela and watched Nicky like a hawk! Sully watched her and knew she was getting upset at all the people passing Nicky around. He stepped in and took Nicky from Teresa with a smile. “Hey, son, how ya doin’?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a smile on Katie’s face. After a few minutes, she got up and went to play with the other kids. Sully handed Nicky to Michaela and sat down next to her. “Katie was very upset about people passin’ Nicky around.”

“She was?”

“Yep. She asked me why they were taking him. I explained they just wanted ta hold him. When she sat down next to you, she never took her eyes off him.”

“Then enough people have held him today. I’ll keep him in my arms.” She smiled at her husband and he gave her a kiss.

Monday morning, Sully took Michaela and Nicky into work. He had set a crib up for Nicky in her office. “You sure you’re ready?” He asked as they rode into town.

“I think so. I promise if I get tired or want to go home, I will send for you. I will take it slow and not do any surgeries. Ok?”


“Papa, me and Benje gonna go with mama or you?”

“No, Kates, you’re gonna go to the center with the other kids.”

“Goody! We get ta play!”

Michaela was reading some charts to see what happened while she out when Dr. Boyd came in. “Dr. Quinn, do you have a moment?”

“Yes, of course. Please sit down.”

“I find I cannot accept the practices of this hospital. I think you are endangering your patients with savage medicine. And how you can allow that dirty savage around your family is beyond me. I am leaving for Denver on the train this afternoon.”

“I am sorry for you that you feel this way. It is the best for everyone that you leave. I wish you luck in the future.”

Dr. Boyd rose and walked out the door. Minutes later Andrew and Dr. Hampton came in. “Michaela, Dr. Boyd just went marching out of the hospital. Is everything okay?”

“Yes, Andrew. Dr. Boyd just quit over the use of savage medicine.”

“I’m sad for him,” said Dr. Hampton. “It was obviously he didn’t want to learn anything new. He even thought some of the write ups in the medical journals were wrong.” Dr. Hampton smiled, “And truth be known, Dr. Mike, he wasn’t terribly happy working for a woman doctor. He didn’t think women should be doctors.”

“Then why did he accept the job?” asked Andrew. “He knew he would be working for a woman.”

“I don’t know. Maybe he thought he’d be on his own. I don’t think he was very interested in this town and the patients. And he always found a way not to treat anyone who wasn’t white. Hopefully he’ll find a place to practice his way.”

“Well, we have to think about replacing him and I think we need to, don’t you.”

“Yes,” said Andrew. “Colorado Springs has grown enough that with the town, outlying areas and the hospital, and treating people night and day, we will need to replace him.”

“Why don’t you two talk to Colleen and Dr. Maxwell and come up with an advertisement for the papers. Make sure the it includes working for a woman doctor and the use of alternative medicines.”

Dr. Hampton smiled. “Alternative medicines….I like that!”

Sully came and picked Michaela and Nicky up for lunch. As they walked toward Grace’s, he said “Hey, I went ta the station to get the mail and saw Dr. Boyd getting’ on the train.”

Michaela smiled. “Yes, he quit this morning.”

Sully smiled back. “Good! Ain’t bin happy with ‘em since ya had Nick. Didn’t like the way he treated ya.”

“I did not really care how he treated me, I was just afraid he was going to try and cut me to get the baby. I don’t think he likes women very much.”

Sully kissed her cheek, then took Nicholas from her and cuddled him in his arms. “Hey, son, how ya doin’?” Nicholas gazed at his father and blinked his eyes before closing them.

Michaela giggled. “I guess he’s bored!”

Sully frowned. “Most likely his ma wore him out!”

“And what’s his ma doin’ to him?” asked Grace as they walked through the door.

“Michaela wore him out so he ain’t interested in his pa…”

“Oh you two!” exclaimed Grace as she pointed them to a table and took their order.

“Hey, here’s a letter from your ma,” said Sully as he handed the mail to Michaela.

Michaela opened it up and quickly read it. “Well, how would you like to take the family to Boston for Thanksgiving?”

“Is that what Elizabeth wants?”

“Well, yes…that and to be at her wedding.”

“What? She and John are getting married?”

“Yes,” said Michaela smiling. “My mother’s getting married again.”

“That’s great, Michaela. Sure we can go. And we got ‘nough notice we can arrange for the whole family ta go.”

“Mother and John want to pay as a wedding present to themselves. They are paying for all their family members to come.” Sully started to say something. “Sully, please, let them pay…Mother says it’s really important for them to pay.” Sully looked at her for a moment and then nodded yes.

“Thank you, my love, thank you.” She said as she laid her hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. “I know how you feel about it, but this is the right thing to do.” He smiled.

A few days later, Dr. Maxwell came to talk to Michaela. “Dr. Mike, do you think you could do without me for a few days?”

“I’m sure we could manage. Why?”

“I saw Cloud Dancing at the newspaper this morning and asked him if I could come up to Palmer Creek and talk to him. He said I was welcome and said I could stay at one of the cabins. I thought if I spent a day or two with him, I could learn more about the herbs he uses.”

Michaela smiled. “I think that’s a good idea. Sully can take you up since you’ve not been to Palmer Creek before. And besides, Sully would love for an excuse to go up there for a few days, if that’s okay with you.”

“That would be great. I love listening to what Sully has to say about the area.”

“I think Sully’s over at his office. Why don’t you go talk to him?”

After making sure everything was good at home and that Brian would watch over his mother and siblings while he was up at Palmer Creek, Sully and Dr. Maxwell headed out. They arrived in time for lunch. Dr. Maxwell put his bag into one of the cabins while Sully put his in Cloud Dancing’s teepee. They joined Cloud Dancing for lunch, settling around the fire

“Thank you for allowing me to come here, Cloud Dancing.”

“You are welcome, doctor. It is good to find another like Dr. Mike who is interested in my peoples medicine.”

“Dr. Quinn has shown me some and I read her paper on the fever tea. My father is a doctor and he always told me that natural remedies were better in many cases. He says you have to maintain a balance in order to treat your patient in the best manner.”

“Your father is a wise man.”

“Thank you. I think so. I wrote and told him about your medicine and he said I should learn well. He believes you need to open your mind to everything.”

“Does your father still practice?” asked Sully.

“Yes. He is in St. Louis now. I don’t know for how long though as he gets restless. My mother died five years ago and since then he has moved four times. But he loves being a doctor.”

After lunch, they went walking in the woods as Cloud Dancing pointed out different plants and what their use was. Dr. Maxwell had brought a journal with him and was writing like crazy. Cloud Dancing glanced at Sully and smiled. It pleased both of them that the doctor was so interested.

Sully and the doctor stayed at Palmer Creek for two days, with Dr. Maxwell absorbing all he could and asking Cloud Dancing many questions. They returned to Colorado Springs in early afternoon and went to the hospital.

Michaela was at the front desk talking to one of her patients when they came in. After her patient left, she put her arms around her husband and gave him a kiss. “I missed you! Only two days and I really missed you!”

“I missed you too. But doc here had lots o’ questions for Cloud Dancin’. And I warrant he learn a lot.”

“Yes, I did. Dr. Quinn, I can’t begin to tell you how much…and there’s still so much to learn….and…well, it’s something I will never forget!” Dr Maxwell exclaimed in excitement.

“That’s wonderful,” she replied, smiling. “I know the feeling. Once I accepted Cloud Dancing’s teachings, I knew I would be able to help my patients better than before.”

Dr. Maxwell glanced at the schedule and saw he was on the next day. “I’m going home now to go over my notes. I will be here tomorrow.” He turned and dashed out the door as Michaela and Sully watched him go, smiling.

“Hey, ya done anythin’ ‘bout replacin’ Boyd?”

“Not yet. We are getting an advertisement ready for the papers.”

“Well, I got an idea I wanna talk ta ya about.”


“Wait til we get home.”

After dinner, with the little ones in bed and Brian doing his homework, Michaela and Sully settled by the fire. “Okay, Sully, what is your idea?”

“Well, Dr. Maxwell’s father is a doctor. The doc told us about him. He’s open to other kinds of medicine. Doc wrote him about Cloud Dancin’ and his father replied that doc should learn well. He practices in St Louis, but doc said his father’s gettin’ restless and might be moving. He’s been that way ever since he lost his wife a few years back. So I was thinkin’, why not see if he would come here. He might settle well since his son is here and he would be okay with Indian medicine.”

“Hmmm…not a bad idea. Do you think Dr. Maxwell would enjoy his father living here?”

“Yeah, I do, just from listening to him talk about his father. Lotta love and respect there.”

She smiled at him. “Thank you, my love. It would be nice to know a new doctor would accept the way we practice. And I have learned that having an older doctor makes some of our older patients more at ease. I will talk to Dr. Maxwell tomorrow to make sure he’s okay with it. If he is, then we will telegraph his father tomorrow.”

Sully smiled. “That sounds good.”

She held out her hand towards him and he took it. They smiled and looked into each other’s eyes. Content to be together in the quiet of the house, knowing their children were sleeping over their heads.

Sully moved over to kneel in front of Michaela. He put his arms around her and laid his head on her breast. She put her arms around his back and laid her head on top of his. After a few minutes, he pulled back and gazed up into her eyes with a contented smile on his face. She smiled back. He moved his hands up to the buttons of her blouse and started to unbutton them, slowly. She put her hands on his shoulders and moved them down his arms, slowly massaging his arms. He finished with the buttons and pulled her blouse aside. He kissed the valley between her breasts and moved to kiss her nipples through her camisole. He was very gentle because he knew she was sore from nursing Nicky.

As he kissed her, she felt the chills through her body and clasped his arms, throwing her head back. His hands moved to gently caress her breasts. He wanted her so bad but knew it was too soon after the baby’s birth. Regretfully, he stopped his caresses. She looked at him and he smiled. “I want ya…”

“I know….I want you too…but….” She replied, breathlessly.

“I know, too soon….”


They heard a noise from Brian’s room. Sully buttoned her blouse and as they heard Brian coming downstairs, he moved back into the chair.

“Ya finished with your homework, son?” Sully asked as Brian entered the living room.

“Yep. Also got some reading done. I’m starting to look through the stuff that Professor Jones sent to Miss Teresa. It’s really interesting. He said I gotta take some general classes before I start the journalism ones. Both Sarah and me are gonna go over the stuff he sent.”

“Sarah wants to go college?” asked Michaela, glancing at Sully.

“Yeah. She wants to take some classes to help at the bank. She’s really into that bank stuff and Colin says he’ll keep a job for her. I don’t know if he was kidding, but he said she’ll probably be the first president of a bank.”

“Well, then, son, don’t let her git away,” said Sully , smiling at Michaela. “It’s good havin’ a smart wife!”

Brian laughed. “I agree, pa. I don’t aim to lose her.”

“Men!” exclaimed Michaela, trying to look stern and failing miserably. Just then , another man sounded off. “I would say another man needs me just now.” Michaela rose and headed upstairs to Nicholas.

“I’ll close up and join ya in a minute.” Sully and Brian watched Michaela go upstairs and Brian started to turn. “Wait a minute, Brian.” Brian turned back and Sully held up a finger, waiting until he heard their bedroom door close.

“What’s up, pa?”

“Your ma’s been feeling a little sad lately. I think it’s something that happens after babies are born… anyway it has to her every time. Anyway, she’s getting to feel sad about you going off to college and I think worryin’ a little about you an’ Sarah.”

“I’m only goin’ to Denver and I plan to live here after college and run the Gazette. And do you think she thinks me and Sarah won’t wait til we get married?”

“First, I think it’s hard for her to see her children grow up. You bin living here, but once you’re out of college and all, you won’t, so I think it makes her sad. And, yeah, I think she’s a little worried ya won’t wait.”

“I promised her we would and we will.”

“I know, son, but she’s a mother and I reckon they tend to worry about these things.”



“I think I should tell you something and you can tell ma or not….Sarah and me bin talking that maybe we should get married before college. Being up in Denver, away from our families and all….and knowing we want to be together….we was thinking it would be nice to be married. Maybe in the summer…..”

“Thanks for telling me, Brian. Me, I ain’t got a problem with it and I think you should be the one to tell her. But I also think you need to warm your ma up to the idea. And Sarah needs to handle Anna Marie the same way. Maybe after the first of the year, start talking about marriage…just in general. Like they were plans for way in the future. And just keep making it sooner so that by springtime, you could tell them without it being too much of a shock. And I think you an’ Sarah need to talk some more…make sure it’s what’s right. I like being married to your ma, but it ain’t always easy. I was married before and kinda knew what to expect. Talk to Matthew some and maybe Andrew. They can tell ya about how it was for them in the beginning.”

Brian smiled at Sully. “Thanks, pa. You sure make sense. I’ll do it that way. Well, goodnight and love ya, pa.”

“Love you, too, son. Night.”

Michaela saw Dr. Maxwell standing by the front desk. “Dr. Maxwell, could you come in here, please?”:

“Sure,” he said as he turned and entered her office. “What can I do for you?”

“Sit down, please. Sully told me things went well up at Palmer Creek. And he also told me about your father.”

“I enjoyed Sully and Cloud Danicng, and yes, I told them about father.”

“Well, you know we need a new doctor and Sully thought it sounded like he was ready to leave St Louis. Sully also told me it did not sound like your father would object to Indian medicine.”

“Sully told you correctly. My father has used some medicines his father, also a doctor, brought over from the old country. And he wanted to know more about the Indian medicines. Are you serious about offering him a job?”

“Yes, as long as it would be alright with you. I know from experience, it’s not always easy to practice with your father.”

“I’d love for him to be here. Can I go send him a telegram?”

“Yes. You can tell him the job is his if he wants it…after all you are vouching for him….but I need to know rather quickly. If he doesn’t want it, I need to put advertisements in the papers.”

“I’ll go now and tell him to let me know by tomorrow. Thanks, Dr. Quinn!”

“You’re welcome. And what’s his first name?”

Dr. Maxwell smiled. “Well…just like mine…to tell the truth I am a junior…which is what he calls me, junior!”

After school, Brian and Sarah decided to take a walk, across the meadow and into the woods. “I talked to pa last night, about us getting’ married early.”

“What did he say?”

“That he was okay with it but that we needed to warm my ma and your ma up to the idea.”

“Did he think it would work?”

“I think so.” They sat down on a log and Brian put his arm around her. “I sure hope so anyway! I want us to get married, Sarah…in the worse way!”

“Me too, Brian!” He leaned over and they kissed. And then kissed again. “I think about us, Brian…about being together…like that….I think about it a lot….maybe girls aren’t suppose to, but I do…”

“I think about it too, Sarah…..a lot! I know don’t if girls are suppose too….but why not? When I was younger, pa said it was part of human nature. So if it’s okay for a boy, why not a girl. Maybe I’ll ask him.”

“You can ask him things like that?”

“Sure. And I bet Colleen asked ma.”

“Being a doctor, wouldn’t your ma know more than your pa?”

“I don’t think so…not about guys. Ma was a little older than most ladies when she married pa. And she was shy. Before she and pa got married, he’d kiss her and she’d turn red. That doesn’t happen as much since they got married.”

“But it still does sometimes?”

“Yeah…and pa just smiles.”

“I don’t remember much now about my pa, but Daniel is sure loving with ma. They kiss a lot. And….well ….sometimes I can hear noises coming from their room….and….well…you know…”

Brian smiled. “Yeah, I know. I hear things too sometimes…” They looked at each other. He brushed her hair back from her face. “I sure love ya, Sarah.”

“I love you too, Brian. I love you very much.”

Brian leaned forward and they kissed. They put their arms around each other and kissed some more. They were so lost in kissing, they leaned back further than they should, and fell backward, off the log, into the leaves. They were laughing. “You okay?” asked Brian.



Brian went up on his elbow and gazed down into Sarah’s eyes. She smiled as she gazed back. He lowered his face and lips met lips. Sarah’s arm slipped around him and she applied pressured, pulling him toward her. Finally, the upper part of his body lay on hers. And the kissing continued. They both felt excitement coursing through their bodies. And the kissing continued. Finally Brian pulled back, knowing he was starting to lose control. They continued to gazed at each other.

“Oh, Brian…” she whispered.

“Yeah…I know…..” He stood up, put his hand down and assisted her up. He kissed her again. “We’ll be fine.”

“Yes, we will…..but it’s going to be a long wait…”

He laughed. “Yeah, but a fun one!”

She slapped him, softly, in the arm. He took her hand and they started back to town.

Michaela and Sully were heading toward Grace’s for coffee and pie. They spotted Brian and Sarah walking across the meadow. They stood for a moment. “They make a nice couple, don’t they, Sully?”

“Yeah, they do. They sure seem ta be in love.”

“I know. They kind of remind me of us, walking hand in hand….” Michaela raised her hand and waved to them, beckoning them to come over. Brian and Sarah headed toward them.

“Hey, ma, pa.”

“We were just going to Grace’s. Would you like to join us?” asked Michaela.

Brian glanced at Sarah, who nodded. “Sure.”

While waiting for their order, Michaela asked, “Were you walking in the meadow?”

“Yeah…and the woods. It was too nice not ta. Ain’t gonna be much longer before the weather’s really bad and we won’t be able to go for a walk.”

“It’s almost cold enough now,” said Sarah.

“I agree,” said Michaela. “In the mornings now, it’s harder to get out of the warm bed. I remember how much colder the clinic was than the hospital. I was always afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep my patients warm enough. It’s so much easier in the hospital.”

“I dunno…I kinda like these mornings…”

“Me, too, pa. Taffy’s frisker…the wolves love running with us when we go riding.”

“The bad thing is it’s too cold for folks wantin’ to go up to Palmer Creek. Our guide business kinda’s hurtin’.”

“Yeah, pa, but we always get lots of work in the spring and summer. And we got enough in the bank, don’t we?”

Sully smiled. “You’re right, son. I guess I shouldn’t worry, huh?”

“Yeah, pa. No need ta worry.”

Michaela smiled at her husband and son. She looked at Sarah and shrugged her shoulders. Sarah smiled back.

Just then, Dr. Maxwell came into the café. “Dr. Quinn!”

“Yes, Dr. Maxwell.”

“I just got a telegraph from my father. He said he’ll be here in a week!”

“That’s wonderful. We’ll be fully staffed again.”

“Yes. Thank you. And thank you, Mr. Sully. I would not have thought to tell Dr. Quinn about him. I did not think about him practicing here.”

“I’m glad it worked out. I just liked that he’s open ta Cloud Dancin’s medicine.”

“Dr. Maxwell, let’s go back to the hospital and make the announcement.”

Sully made sure the house was closed up and went up to join his wife. He went into their bedroom to find her laying Nicholas in his crib. He went over and put his arms around her. “He go ta sleep okay?”

“Umm-hmm. He fought closing his eyes for a little while, but finally he gave up.”

“Good. I’d like ta spend some quiet time with his ma.”

Turning around to face him, she smiled. “His mother would like that.”

Lips claimed lips…and enjoyed. “Hey?”


“I know it’s too early for anything and I promise not ta try, but how about leaving your nightgown off? I’d sure like to feel your skin against mine.” He whispered in her ear.

She nodded. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you, too.” He picked her up and carried her over to their bed. He helped her disrobe and crawl under the covers. She watched as he took his clothes off and then joined her. They snuggled up together, feeling each other the length of their bodies. “I’ve missed this.”

“So have I. And I am sorry that…”

“Shhh… It’s okay…it don’t matter…just being with ya is what I need.”



“What do you think about Brian and Sarah?”

“Think how?”

“I don’t know…just about them….do you think they really love each other…I mean the forever kind of love?”

“Yeah, I do. I think no matter what, they’re always gonna be together.”

“I hope they don’t…”

“Hey, don’t worry. They’re both smart and they know what not ta do. Don’t worry about ‘em. Both Brian and Sarah have a ma that raised ‘em ta understand things.”

Michaela looked his eyes. “And Brian has a pa that also helped.”

He smiled and then with a kiss, they cuddled into their favorite spoon position and went to sleep.

Michaela and Dr. Maxwell were waiting for the train. Michaela could tell how excited Dr. Maxwell was. She understood it as she was always exited to see her mother, even though it was often difficult between them. They heard the whistle. Dr. Maxwell craned his neck to try and see around the bend as Michaela smiled. Then the train came into view and pulled into the station.

A distinguished white haired gentleman came out the back door of the train. There was no mistaking who he was. Father and son looked alike except for the color of their hair. As he stepped off the train, he was gathered into the arms of his son. Michaela joined then.

“Father, this is my boss, Dr. Michaela Quinn. Dr. Quinn, this is my father, Dr. Alfred Maxwell Sr.”

“Dr. Maxwell, so nice to meet you.”

“Dr. Quinn. It’s a pleasure. My son has written a lot about you, this town. Thank you for thinking of me for this job.”

“You’re welcome…but it was only after your son told my husband about you. My husband is the one that suggested it.”

“I will thank him when I meet him. I am very excited to be here. I can’t wait to lean about the natural medicine you use.”

“I’m glad you’re so open and my husband is waiting at the café for us. We thought you’d be ready for lunch after the journey down from Denver.”

They joined Sully at the café and found Dorothy and Cloud Dancing at the table. Michaela introduced them.

“We were coming in at the same time as Sully and he invited us to join you. I hope you don’t mind,” said Dorothy.

“Not at all, Mrs. Jennings. Ever since Dr. Quinn offered me the job, I have been excited about coming and learning about Cloud Dancing’s medicine. Sir, “ he said, turning to Cloud Dancing, “I hope you will allow me to study your medicine.”

Cloud Dancing put his hand out and Dr. Maxwell Sr took it. “My people would be honored at your interest and I am happy to tell you about the medicine.”

Michaela squeezed her husband’s arm, giving him a look of love and thanks. He smiled, glad to have made his wife so happy.


Come and take my hand,
We'll go over yonder,
Together we can walk
The fields of wonder.

Stay with me awhile,
Out beyond the summer,
Together we can run
The fields of wonder.

There' so much
I don't yet understand,
The how and why of growing;
Maybe if you take me by the hand
We'll have an easier time
Of learning and knowing.

Let's go see the sun
Before it stops its turning,
Together we can lie
In fields of wonder.

Lie down by my side
From here until forever,
Together we can stay
In fields of wonder--
And all the fields we find
Are fields of wonder.

-Rod McKuen

The End

Send all comments to me at