For personal use and select distribution only © March 2002 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: January 1875

Michaela and Sully were waiting for the afternoon train. “Seems like we done a lot of this lately, huh?” Sully asked.

Michaela laughed. “Yes. And this time it’s for Brian. Eleven days is the longest he has ever been away from us. I have really missed him!”

“Yeah…I missed him, too. I think it’s good, too, for him to go away once in awhile.”

“I guess….but not often….and not again for awhile!”

Sully leaned over and kissed Michaela’s cheek. “Whatever ya say….” He smiled and she smiled backed. “When ya gonna talk to Colleen?”

“Oh, in a day or so. After mother leaves….I don’t want anyone else to know just yet……I….”

“It’s okay. Whenever you’re ready.” They sat there waiting for the sound of the train. They saw Anna Marie coming down the street to the station, alone. Sully quickly got up to assist her up the steps. “Where’s Daniel?”

“He had to go out to the Lowe’s place. Some problem with fences and an argument with the Merrills. He said he’d try to get back before the train arrives.”

They got to the bench where Michaela made room for Anna Marie. Sully helped her sit then sat down on the other side of Michaela.

“How are you feeling?” Michaela asked.

“Oh….big…tired…ready for this baby to come.”

“Well, I think another month or so.”

“Yes. I know. I was thinking back to the last few months with Sarah and I was ready for her to come about this time. The beginning was good, the middle okay, but now….well….”

Michaela smiled. “I understand, Anna Marie!”

“I’ve just been so tired. I decided to stop any sewing now until after the baby comes. Some of my customers are asking for just one more, but I just can’t. Daniel heard some of them and got a little mad at them.”

“Don’t blame him!” exclaimed Sully.

“Yes, I know. I decided if Sarah wants to do any she can, but only if she wants to. She’s very good at it, but I don’t think sewing is something she is really interested in! Daniel has decided he’s going to get our meals from Grace, if Sarah doesn’t want to cook. He says it will be totally up to Sarah and he wants her to understand he isn’t saying she has to, just asking if she wants to. I feel sometimes like I’m letting my family down.”

“No, Anna Marie, don’t think that way. Pregnancy can be very tiring. It sounds like Daniel understands and I’m sure Sarah will.”

“I hope so.”

Michaela and Anna Marie sat discussing babies while Sully was content to listen and hold his wife’s hand. Horace came over to tell them the train would be a little late.

“And how’s married life?” Sully asked.

Horace smiled. “Just great. And Samantha and Bridget get along real well. Samantha’s learned a lot from Bridget in these last months. And now she’s askin’ when she’s gonna have a sister.”

“Ya thinkin’ about building more rooms soon?”

“Yeah. Me and Bridget been talking about it. We’d like a kitchen, eating out all the time now gets tiring. We’d like to make a bigger sittin’ room and another bedroom.”

“Ya want me to draw ‘em?”


“Sure…I’ll let ya know when they’re done.”

“Thanks, Sully.”

Horace headed back to the office and Sully turned back to his wife, to find her smiling at him. “What?”

“Nothing. I just love you.”

He smiled. “I love you too.”

They heard the train whistle and a few minutes later the train came around the corner. Michaela’s and Anna Marie’s eyes lit up as their children came off the train, followed by Elizabeth and John. Sarah and Brian hurried over to hug their mothers while Sully patted his son on his back. Daniel arrived in time to hug his family while Michaela and Sully were greeting Elizabeth and John.

“So how was San Francisco?” Sully asked and immediately Brian and Sarah began talking about the trip. “Whoa….hey, slow down….ya can’t both talk at once so’s we’d understand!” Sully’s statement brought laughter. “We oughta all get together tonight for dinner at the café so’s ya can tell your stories. That way the rest of the family can hear, too. ‘Specially since Colleen’s still here.”

Dinner was agreed on. Daniel took his family home while Michaela and Sully took their’s to the clinic to clean up and rest for a few hours. Sully went off to let the rest of the family know about dinner while Michaela worked in the clinic with Amanda.


“Mother, why aren’t you resting?”

“Oh, I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to you about Brian.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Should I leave, Grandma?”

“Oh, no, Amanda, it’s nothing secret. Michaela, Brian saw Lillian Cooper while we were shopping.”

“Just Lillian?”

“Yes. She told Brian that she was separated from Ethan and did not know where he was.”

“How did Brian take that?”

“Very well, actually. He indicated he thought of Sully as his father, not Ethan. But I thought you should know in case he says anything or acts upset.”

“Thank you, mother.”

“And how are you feeling, dear?” Elizabeth asked, turning to Amanda.

“Just great! I can’t wait for this baby!”

Elizabeth and Michaela smiled at her enthusiasm.

Elizabeth and John wandered over to the café a little early to save tables enough for the families. They were soon followed by the rest of them. They had a pleasant dinner while listening to Brian and Sarah tell of their adventures in San Francisco.

“So, son, ya liked your trip?” asked Sully, smiling at Brian.

Brian smiled back. “Yeah, it was real good, pa. I’m glad you and ma let me go.”

“We missed ya, but glad ya went. But yer ma says not again for awhile!”


“Well, ain’t that what ya said?”


“Ah, ma, I don’t wanna go anywhere right away. Least not til I get outa school!”

“I’ll hold you to that, Brian. And after that, we’ll talk about it!” Which brought laughter from the gathering

Katie and Benje were in bed, asleep. Sully was reading a book as Michaela went looking for Brian. He was sitting on the porch. “Brian?”

“Hey, ma.”

“What are you writing?”

“About the trip and about San Francisco. Miss Dorothy wants me to write a series of articles about it.”

“That’s good. Brian, mother told me about Lillian. Are you okay?”

“Yeah….you know, I feel bad for Miss Lillian. But I found I don’t feel anything for him. He made the choice not to be a father…a husband….when I was little, I wanted so bad for him to want me…to know I was something special….that I mattered, not what I could do for him. After seeing Miss Lillian, I talked to Sarah and I realized the love you and pa give me got me over him. I told Matthew and Colleen about seeing her, just in case he shows up here.”

“We do love you, Brian. And we are very proud of you. But I want you to know, we would not be hurt to know you still cared for Ethan…that you were worried about him.”

Brian smiled and threw his arms around Michaela. “I know, ma. And I love you and pa a lot. And I really don’t feel anything for him, not any more.”

“I’ll always be here if you need to talk…as will Sully.”

“I know, ma.”

Elizabeth and John were leaving. As John and Sully were putting their luggage on the train, Michaela and Elizabeth were standing, waiting, with their arms around each other.

“Mother, I’m glad you came,” said Michaela.

“I am too, Michaela. It has been the best trip out here. I feel like we have reached a new plateau.”

Michaela smiled. “I agree. And thank you for Brian’s trip. He really enjoyed it.”

“And we enjoyed him. You have raised a wonderful family, Michaela. I am proud of them…..and you….so very proud of my doctor daughter. And her husband.”

“Thank you, mother,” Michaela said as Sully and John walked up.

“Well, Elizabeth, are you ready to go?”

“Yes, John. Oh, but I shall miss you all!”

“Then come back soon, Elizabeth. You an’ John are welcome any time. An’ maybe next time we can all go on a camping trip. It’d be a new experience for ya…”

Elizabeth smiled at her son-in-law. “Yes, Sully, I believe it would!”

“But what fun, Elizabeth!” John exclaimed.

“We shall see…..”

The hugs and kisses of the good-byes were over as Elizabeth and John took their seats on the train. Sully put his arms around Michaela as she waved good bye to her mother. “Hey, there,” Sully said as he saw the tears in Michaela’s eyes. “She’ll come again.”

“I know. It’s just that this was the best visit with her. I feel so much closer to her. She didn’t criticize me once…not once!”

“Cuz she’s got other things ta think about….like John.”

Michaela turned around, put her arms around her husband and her head on his chest. “I know….but I already miss her.”

“And that’s good…ya ain’t ever said ya missed her before…so it’s a new thing….”

“Yes, it is.” She glanced up at his face. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Sully was at the bank, upstairs, talking with Colin. “Sure look good up here. The guys did a good job.”

“Yes, they did, Sully. And they could do so well because they had the great designs from you.”

“I agree,” said Bob Peterson as he walked into the room.

“Hey, Bob,” said Sully as he shook Bob’s hand. “Good ta see ya. And thanks to both of ya. I’m glad you liked the drawings.”

As Colin and Bob shook hands, Colin asked. “You’re a few days early, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I decided to take a few days off and I couldn’t think of a better place to enjoy a few days. I brought a lady friend with me and I have already taken her out to the resort and settled her in her room. At the desk, they told me you were in here at your office. Have the building materials all arrived?”

“Yes. Loren has them stored in his shed. Jake Slicker….you remember him, he’s the mayor….wants to make a ceremony out of breaking ground for the hospital. It means a lot to the town, so I agreed.”

“I’m glad. I like that the town is looking forward to the hospital.”

“I was going to ask Michaela and Sully to cut the ribbon,” Colin said, glancing at Sully’s surprised look. “I thought Sully because he’s the architect and Michaela because she’ll be the director of the hospital. What do you think?”

“I like it!” exclaimed Bob.

“Wait a minute. I ain’t an architect.”

“Just because you don’t have a degree, it doesn’t mean you aren’t an architect. The designs you have done are very very good. I don’t think the city architects could have drawn designs that fit this country. You know the land and that makes your designs the best.” Replied Bob.

‘Well, thanks.”

“I showed your designs to an architect friend and he was impressed. I knew you were good, but I was glad to hear from him.”

Sully nodded his head, but he was uncomfortable as he had a hard time taking praise. Bob and Colin were aware of that. Bob resolved in his own mind to make sure the town knew it how good Sully was because he had heard the stories of how the town use to treat Sully.

Andrew was waiting for the train. He was always excited on the days Colleen came home. While he missed her terribly when she was in Denver, he was so proud of her dedication to becoming a doctor. Sometimes he thought he should move to Denver and be with her all the time, but when he mentioned it, she wouldn’t hear of it. She would always say he had a good job that he loved and they would make it through the few years it would take. He knew she was right, but that didn’t help.

He heard the train whistle and waited anxiously on the platform as it came around the curve and pulled into the station. Colleen was the first one off and flew into his arms. No words were spoken as they kissed their greetings. Then Andrew was able to whisper, “Welcome home!”

Colleen smiled. “I’m glad to be here.”

With their arms around each other, they headed for the clinic. As they got to the clinic, Michaela came out the door. She smiled and opened her arms to her daughter. They hugged. “I’m so happy to have you home. Of course, not as happy as Andrew, I imagine.”

Andrew smiled and put his arms around Colleen. “You’re right, Michaela. Every Wednesday is a good day! Course, every Sunday is a bad day.”

Colleen looked up at Andrew. “I feel the same way, Andrew. Ma, do you want me to work with you tomorrow?”

“If Andrew doesn’t mind. Amanda gets tired easily and I told her to stay home tomorrow. I even convinced Matthew to stay home and spend the day with his wife.”

“I can do without her during the day, as long as you don’t work late!”

“I promise!” said Michaela, laughing at her son-in-law.

Michaela and Sully were relaxing in bed, Michaela cuddled in his arms, her head on his chest. “Colleen’s going to spend the day with me tomorrow.”

“Are ya gonna ask her?”

“I think so. All of a sudden, I’m a little nervous. I almost decided to go see Andrew.”

“You should do what makes ya feel the best.”

“I think I want to have Colleen examine me, but then I think about the fact she’s my daughter.”

“But ‘member back when ya was carryin’ Katie and I went up to Cache Creek? Colleen helped ya then. She did things a doctor does.”

“I guess I kind of forgot about that. You‘re right…she did…I…..I should give her the opportunity.”

“Only if ya feel right about it. All I need ta know is if we’re havin’ another.”

Michaela kissed his chest. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. And that’ll never change.”

The morning was very busy, with one patient after another. Michaela and Colleen had lunch at the café and then returned to the clinic, to find three more patients waiting. Finally, about two, the patients were all taken care of and the charts updated. They sat down to take a breath.

“Mother! Has it been like this a lot lately?”

“No, dear. Just once in awhile. We have some days with just one or two patients. And now I have something to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

“How do you feel about giving me an exam?”

“Is something wrong?”

“No….I think something is right….I may be pregnant again.”

Colleen smiled, “Ma! That’s great, huh?!”

“Yes. We think so.”

“Pa knows?”

“Yes and he’s waiting to see what you say.”

“You want me, instead of Andrew?”

“Yes. I thought about it and I think it’s good for you to practice. It’s a fairly easy diagnosis but if you are uncomfortable, please tell me. I know I am a little nervous. Sully and I discussed it last night and he reminded me that when I was carrying Katie, you helped me when I had the bleeding.”

“I’m not uncomfortable, ma, just nervous. What if I’m not sure?”

“Then we will ask Andrew.”

“How about if I try and we still ask Andrew? I don’t want to make a mistake.”

“I will agree to that if you still feel it’s necessary after the exam. Why don’t you lock the door and let’s do it now.”

Michaela changed into a gown while Colleen locked the door and prepare the examination table. Then she examined Michaela, asking questions on what she was doing and seeing, while Michaela answered her.

“Oh, ma, I think you are. Every thing I’ve learned at school and the way you’re describing what I should see and feel, I really think it’s true!” Colleen said as she finished her exam, then helped Michaela sit up. “Ma, it’s so exciting! Congratulations!”

“Thank you, dear. Do you still want Andrew to examine me?”

“I don’t think so, but if it’s okay with you, I would like to discuss it with Andrew.”

“Of course, dear, you’re both my doctors.” While Michaela got dressed, Colleen wrote notes on what she did and saw. Michaela unlocked and open the door to find Sully sitting on the bench. “Sully?”

He got up and came to kiss his wife. “Did Colleen examine you?”

“Yes, but how did you know?”

“Guessed. Well?”

“Well, you are going to be a father again. And your daughter handled the exam very well,” Michaela said as Colleen came out of the clinic.

Sully beamed as he kissed Michaela again. Then he turned to Colleen. “Thanks, Colleen.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome, pa. I learned a lot. And congratulations.” She said, hugging her father, then she giggled.

“What?” he asked.

“Pa, you’re going to be a grandfather before you’re a father again!”

He smiled, “Yep! And grandma here’s gonna be a ma again!” As he put his arms around Michaela.

“What?” said Matthew as he and Amanda came up to the porch. “Did I hear right?”

Sully laughed. “Yep. We’re havin’ another!”

Matthew and Amanda smiled and congratulated Michaela and Sully. “When, Mother?” Amanda asked.

“Well, I think near the end of summer….don’t you think, Colleen?”

“I don’t think I know enough yet to say that. I’ll agree with you, ma.”

Michaela turned back to Matthew and Amanda. “Colleen did the examination. I was pretty sure I was and thought it would be good for her to do it.”

“You gonna let others outside the family know?” Matthew asked.

Michaela glanced at Sully and the kids could see them communicating. “Nah, not yet, let’s keep it in the family. Let’s wait til yer ma’s further along.” The family nodded.

Sully had his arms around Michaela and he pressed his lips to her forehead as they lay in bed. "Michaela? You’re still okay to have babies, ain’t ya?”

Michaela heard the worry in his voice. “Yes, I believe so. It will be okay, Sully.”

“Even this soon after Benje?”

“Yes. That’s not a problem. Please don’t worry, my love.”

“Can’t help it. I need you so.”

“I need you too…even more now. But I’m not worried about this pregnancy. I’ve come to believe it was meant to be…all our babies were.” Michaela lifted herself up out of his arms and leaned over his face. “Trust me, my love, I will be okay,” she said as she gazed into his eyes. “We’ll all be just fine.” She lowered her lips to his.

“Wait, Michaela.”


“Do you think we should….I mean…..”

“Sully? We did this during the time I was carrying Katie and Benje. Why all of a sudden are you hesitating?”

“Don’t know….just got worried…..I can’t lose ya, Michaela.”

“You won’t….except if you refuse to make love to me!”

Sully smiled. “I’d never refuse.”

“You did once.”

“I know…but I just seen Clayton and Jenny lose their baby. It brought back memories of Abagail and Hannah…’re my world, Michaela.”

She kissed him again. “I know….you’re not going to lose me….we’ll be just fine….”

Michaela sat up, back on her heels, and pulled her nightgown off over her head and as she tossed it to the ground, she felt Sully’s hand on her thigh, caressing her. She looked at him and saw his eyes roving over her body. As hard as it was to sit there, naked, and be looked at, even by this man she loved, she stayed still, knowing he enjoyed drinking in the sights of her.

Sully was amazed….she hadn’t tried to cover up by laying back down. Amazed that she was letting him look at her this way. She never ceased to surprise him. He loved looking at his wife’s perfect body….perfect always, even when big with babies. He reached up to run his fingers across her breasts, feeling her shiver with desire. He watched as her nipples changed, reacting to his touch. He knew she was letting him gaze in order to calm his fears.

His hands went to her arms and he gently pulled her down to lay on top of him. He pushed her hair back from her face, to gaze into those eyes that were the light of his life. “I love you.”

“And I love you,” she murmured back as she ran her fingers over his lips. “You fill me…to my very soul.”

She reached down to caress him, feeling him grow strong within her grasp. As her hand continued to caress, her lips moved down to his chest and covered him with kisses. She heard the rumble in his throat and smile at the power she had never known she had until she married this man. She moved her lips back up to his and claimed them with the passion growing in her.

He knew there would never be anything better than the two of them, like this, sharing…..feeling her against him….enjoying the feel of her skin…her body pressing against him…her hand grasping him and bringing his desire for her surging to the surface. His entire being was filled with her. He knew they were truly soulmates….never, without her, would he have found such peace within himself.

He rolled over to be on top of her. He lifted up to look at the face that filled him heart and soul. Her legs opened to receive him and as he entered he knew this was his home.

Michaela woke in the early morning hours to find the other side of the bed empty. “Sully…” she said softly.

“Hey,” came the answer, “I’m here…”

She glanced over to see him rebuilding the fire that had gone out. “Are you coming back?”

“You bet. Let me finish here and I’ll be there…”

He finished and hurried back to climb over the covers and put his arms around Michaela. They lay cuddled together while the fire warmed the chilly room.



“What brought back the fears last night? About me and the baby?”

“Don’t know. Maybe what happened to Amanda. Thinkin’ about this being too soon after Benje. Thinkin’ maybe we….I shouldna let this happen.”

“You know there’s only one true way to stop this from happening and I am not willing to consider that. I waited too long for what we have. My love, I promise I will be careful…I won’t work too much….I won’t do the things I shouldn’t. Don’t you want this baby?”

“Sure do! Don’t think that….I…I just don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t think I could make it without you, Michaela. I ain’t never felt this way, ever, ‘bout anyone. If I’d felt this way about Abagail, then I wouldna made it after she died…but I did make it….to find you. All that before was just the road I needed to travel to find you…but there ain’t nuthin’ without you. Them six months away told me that…even though I got ta see ya, it wasn’t enough. I think that’s when I learned just how much I love ya…how much you are a part of me…”

“I feel the same way. That six months taught me there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to have you with me. As much as I love being a doctor, I would give it up if it became a problem between us.”


“In an instant, Sully, in an instant. And all of our children are a reflection of what we have. Think of how different the older ones could have turned out. We have a lawyer, a doctor and a newspaperman/ guide! And they love what they do…we did not drag them to their choices. Back in Boston, many children end up doing things they don’t like because it was what they were raised to do. And our children are very good at what they do…even in Boston, that’s unlikely. And they’ve made good life partner choices.”

“Yep…that’s true.”

“And we’ll be here to guide the younger ones in the same way. I promise. I don’t plan on leaving you….not ever. When you go, I go!”

Sully and Michaela dropped Brian off at school, and Katie and Benje at the day care. Then they went to the clinic. Dorothy and Bob Peterson were sitting on the clinic bench, talking. Sully got off the wagon and helped Michaela off.

“Morning, Dorothy, Bob.”

“Good morning, Sully. Good Morning, Michaela,” Dorothy replied as Bob got up to shake Sully’s hand.

“Good morning to both of you. Sully, can we go over the plans for the ground breaking ceremony tomorrow? Colin’s over at the bank.”

“Sure thing,” Sully replied, kissing Michaela goodbye.

As they headed off, Michaela’s eyes followed her husband’s retreating figure. Dorothy had her eyes on Michaela. When Sully and Bob entered the bank, Michaela turned to see Dorothy watching her and she blushed.

“Looks like that honeymoon is still going.”

“What do you mean?” Michaela murmured as she opened the door to the clinic.

“Why, Miss Michaela, ya couldn’t take your eyes off that man of yours. I don’t think I’ve ever known a couple with as many kids and as many years of marriage that still have that honeymoon glow.”

“Oh, Dorothy, you’re exaggerating!”

“Nope. Don’t think so.”

Michaela shook her head in exasperation. “Did you need something? Are you feeling all right?”

“No and yes. I’ve been up at the reservation for a few days and just wanted to catch up on things.”

“Well, not much is happening. You were still here when mother left, weren’t you?”

“Yes, I went up that afternoon.” Michaela was busy getting some charts out for patients who were due later. Dorothy was watching her. “Michaela?”


“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” asked Michaela, keeping her eyes on her files.

“Well, you look different.”

“How do you mean?”

“There’s a glow about you.”

Michaela turned and looked at Dorothy. “What kind of glow?”

“I’m not really sure….you just look different…a good different, but different.”

Michaela sat down at her desk, across from the seat Dorothy was sitting in. She looked up at Dorothy and smiled. “If I tell you something, I need your promise as my friend not to tell any one but your husband.”

“I promise.”

“I mean, I…we think of you as family.”

“I think of you as family too.”

“And we’re only telling family.”

“Michaela? What’s going on?”

“I…I…I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, Michaela! That’s wonderful…isn’t it?”

Michaela beamed. “Yes, it is!”

Dorothy went around to Michaela, who stood up, and they hugged. “When will you have the baby?”

“I think the middle to end of August.”

“How exciting. Cloud Dancing will be happy for you.”

Someone knocked on the door and Michaela answered it to find her husband. “Come in. Are you done talking about the ceremony?”

“Yep. Hey, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“You’re not. Dorothy is here as a friend, not a patient.” Michaela said as she closed the door. “And she guessed something was up, and since she’s family, I told her.”

Sully smiled, putting his arm around Michaela’s waist. “Yeah?”

“Sully, I’m so happy for you both. And Cloud Dancing will be happy too.”

“Thanks, Dorothy. And if it’s okay with you, Michaela, I thought I’d ride up and see him.”

“I think that would be wonderful. I’ll see you at home tonight.”

Sully rode up to Palmer Creek on Wind, who had been tied to the back of the wagon, and found Cloud Dancing in the meadow.

“Aho, my brother.”

“Aho, Cloud Dancing.”

“It is nice to have so many coming up to see me. Dorothy left this morning.”

“Yeah…I saw her in town with Michaela.”

“It is funny…when she leaves here to go back to town…I miss her as soon as she is out of sight.”

“It’s good, ain’t it, to have a good woman love ya.”

“Yes. It is. And how is your family?”

“Well, my family’s great, which is why I came up ta see ya. I wanted ta tell you….Michaela’s pregnant…we’re gonna have another baby!”

Cloud Dancing smiled and grasped his brother’s arm. “It is a good thing. I am happy for you!”

“Thanks. We are too…but last night I got a little scared….scared I could lose her…but she talked me outa that!”

“You must live life for the present…not worry so much about the future…and Michaela is strong…it will be okay.”


The brothers sat down to enjoy the afternoon and each other’s company.

It was Saturday and Michaela, Sully, Brian, Katie, Benje, Amanda and Matthew arrived early in town for the ceremony…the breaking of ground for the hospital. They went to the clinic to leave the wagon there and meet Colleen, Andrew, Clara and McKay. Colin and Bob were also waiting at the clinic. They had already arranged to have breakfast together at the café. The group went over to the café, where Grace had set aside some tables for them.

After breakfast, Colin, Bob and Sully headed off to make sure every thing was ready for the ceremony, while the rest stayed to enjoy the warmth of the café. They watch the bustle in the café as Bob had hired Grace to cater the refreshments. Grace took a break to come over to talk to her favorite friends.

“This is so exciting. I had to hire some extra ladies from Shantytown to help me out. And Bob hired Robert E to be making some iron things for the hospital. Already this hospital’s been a good thing for me and Robert E. And it’s sure helping out the folks in Shantytown.”

Michaela smiled at her friend. “The hospital is going to be good for everyone. There are going to be jobs for some more people, things such as cleaning the rooms and helping to take care of patients.”

“What do you mean, helping to take care of patients? I thought that’s what the nurses did?” asked Grace.

“Well, the nurses do the medical related things such as changing dressings. But in a hospital, unlike the clinic, there are other, non-medical people, to do the non-medical functions. We just have to decide how many we’re going to hire, but I expect them to come from our town.”

“Includin’ the folks out at Shantytown?”


Grace grinned. “This is getting’ even better!”

Although Lucille didn’t usually open the day care on Saturday, she had decided to this day because of the ceremony. After dropping Katie and Brian off, the family headed for the ceremony. Sully greeted his family and guided them to the front row chairs that had been set aside for them. He sat down to next to Michaela and took her hand.

“You’re real excited about this, huh?”

“Yes…very. And just talking to Grace about the hiring of the non-medical people and seeing her excited for others, made it even more exciting. I know you’re worried, but this is really a good thing.”

He smiled. “Yeah….I know.”

Apparently a lot of others felt the same way. By ten, time for the ceremony, there was standing room only and they had set up over 100 chairs. Jake, Bob and Colin were sitting on the platform. In front of the platform, a red ribbon was stretched on stakes from one end of the platform to the other.

Jake stood up to the podium. “Thanks to all of ya for coming. We’re all here cuz of the new hospital we’re gonna have. And a mayor of Colorado Springs, I want to welcome Bob Peterson. Bob?” said Jake as he returned to his seat.

Bob stood up and came to the podium. “I want to welcome you all here today to join us at the beginning of the first hospital in Colorado Springs. Since my first visit to this lovely area, I have thought of Colorado Springs as my second home and the citizens have always made me feel welcome. I think of Colin and Amanda as my family and you have made them feel very welcome. When I first came here and found that you had a woman doctor, I knew this was a town after my own heart. A town willing to accept new ideas, which is not always easy. In Denver, I have been privileged to be part of establishing a medical school that accepts females and one of your own, Colleen Cooper Cook, is attending the college.”

As with previous parts of his speech, Bob was again interrupted by applause. He nodded his thanks. “Once she graduates, I am hoping she will practice here and to that end I have offered her husband, the excellent doctor, Dr. Andrew Cook, the position of Assistant Director at this hospital. As you may have guessed, the hospital director is Dr. Michaela Quinn-Sully. By the time the hospital is finished, I hoped to have enticed three other doctors to move here; one for the resort and two for the hospital. One of the hospital doctors will be expected to work nights so that Michaela and Andrew can take a long deserved break from responding night and day to emergencies.” At this comment, Sully squeezed Michaela’s hand and she returned the gesture.

Bob continued. “We hope to have the hospital opened by the middle of March. During the days leading up to the opening, Colin will be hiring a number of people for the non-medical duties at the hospital and I invite anyone in the area to apply. We will also be putting ads in Denver newspapers for nurses. Michaela and Andrew will be responsible for interviewing and hiring the burses. I believe the first has already been decided and that is Amanda Cooper. I am very proud that my goddaughter will be a part of your medical community. Of course, she won’t be working much in the beginning since she is decidedly with child! A child that hopefully will be born in this hospital sometime in May. And I see a number of other lovely ladies that are planning to add to this town’s population. I have employed a photographer to come here from Denver with the birth of every baby to take a picture that will go up on one of the hospital walls. I want to commemorate every birth, every addition to this wonderful community. And I want it known that no one will be turned away from this hospital…I expect the employees of this hospital to treat every patient with kindness and respect. And now, a few words from Colin Riley.” A round of applause again greeted Bob’s remarks.

Colin stood up. “Bob has said most of what I’m feeling. And as he indicated, I want to thank all of you for welcoming my daughter and me to your community. As you know, my daughter has found great happiness here and I couldn’t be more pleased with my son-in-law. I am confident that this hospital will be a great success, as the bank and the resort have been. At the bank, it has been our pleasure to advance loans for the improvement of the community. One example has been the children’s care center opened a few months ago and which has been successful from the first day. And awhile back we started a construction company, with Sully as our architect. We have built cabins and extensions on at the resort, we have build cabins up at Palmer Creek and numerous houses and additions to houses for the citizens of this area. I am proud to be a citizen of Colorado Springs and I thank you all for the welcome we have received.” Colin sat back down to a round of applause.

Bob stood up again. “And now, before we actually dig the first hole for the hospital, we have one more piece of business to take care of. Colin and I have kept this part a secret for obvious reasons. In your midst you have a very talented architect. Sully, please join us up here.” Michaela smiled and urged Sully from his seat. The reluctant Sully joined Colin and Bob on the platform. “As many of you may know, Sully has designed the hospital, in addition to the cabins, the improvement of the rooms above the bank, houses and additions. I took some of his plans to an architect in San Francisco, one of the best, who had spent two years in college learning his trade, and he said the designs were better than most college graduated architects. Sully is a natural and his designs conform to the surroundings, to the land. When drawing his plans, I know Sully has utilized space at Grace’s fine café, at his wife’s clinic, in the small shed he and his son, Brian, use for their guide office and at his home. So Colin and I have set aside a room upstairs at the bank for Sully’s office and Wilderness Guides will share the office space.” One look at Sully’s face showed he was surprised and pleased. “One other person was in on this decision. Robert E?”

Robert E joined them on the platform carrying a wrapped package. Colin took one end of the package while Robert E help the other. Bob removed the wrapping to display a beautifully carved sign:


“The room we have assigned to Sully is the only one with a staircase from the street and this sign will hang outside that door.” Said Bob. The loudest applause came from the front row, from Sully’s family and the loudest from his proud wife. Robert E handed an embarrassed Sully the sign and they both rejoined their families. “And now, I have asked Jonas, the head of the construction company, to dig the first hole, which is to be right in front of this platform.” Jonas came forward with a brand new shovel and took the first pile of dirt out of the ground, to the applause of the crowd. “Thank you, Jonas. Now, Michaela and Sully will cut the ribbon as this platform stands where the front door to the hospital will be.”

Michaela and Sully cut the ribbon together to the applause of their neighbors. And that concludes the ceremony. Grace has provided some wonderful refreshments. Please enjoy them and the day.”

Bob and Colin joined the Sully family. “Thank you for recognizing my husband’s talents.”

Bob smiled, “As your husband would say, ‘weren’t nothing’!” And that brought forth laugher from all of them, including the embarrassed Sully. “I knew the only way to get him to accept the room and the accolades was to do it in public. I didn’t ask him to speak as we thought that might be carrying it a bit too far!” And again, the family’s laughter. And now, please, join your fellow citizens and enjoy the food. I plan too!”

Sully and Michaela were walking around the site, greeting friends. At one point they overheard the comment, “sure didn’t understand some o’ them big words those guys said, but I think it was all good!”

“It was, you know, all of it. I am so glad others are recognizing what I have always known.”

“But I ain’t an architect.”

“But you are, my love. Your talent makes you so. That ceremony told everyone. And the future promise it all holds. We are building a better town, my love. A town everyone will be a part of. I am so proud of you!”

Sully turned to her and put his arms around her. “And I’m proud of you, hospital director! And I sure liked the part of more doctors…that way I get more of my wife.”

Michaela smiled. “I like that. Does that mean more time for just us?”

“I hope so.” Then he whispered in her ear, “Course, we get less work time, but more child time in the future.” He claimed her lips and as the kiss finished and he pulled back, he looked as her with a pleased smile.


“We kissed in public and you didn’t say no!”

“I guess things are changing everywhere, Mr. Sully!”

As I lay here tonight
My thoughts drift back to the sound of your voice
The wonderment I feel for finding you
You have opened up my world, to let the sun shine in
You have lifted my burden that has been holding me down
My heart sings of joy and laughter whenever your voice echoes in my ear
You've restored my faith in the word LOVE
In our hearts and in our souls
We know we will be as one
Forever together, forever whole
Forever partners, forever lovers
Forever best friends

-Author Unknown

The End

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