For personal use and select distribution only © July 2003 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: September 1875.

Everyone was trying to stay clear of Michaela…both friends and family…all except the ever patient Sully. Michaela was thinking how Katie had come early and Benje on time, but this one! She had expected the baby about the last week of August…Colleen and Andrew had agreed…but here it was a week and a half into September and no sign that the baby was ready to come out. She was tired and it was so hard to move around. She felt as big as a house. She felt guilty for her attitude toward her husband. She often spoke sharply when he asked her questions. But all he did was smile sympathetically, hold her hand, hug and kiss her. He never lost his temper.

Sully walked into the hospital and saw Michaela. He watched his uncomfortable wife as she stood at the desk, writing and talking. He felt so bad for her. He tried to help her any way he could, but he knew the only real help was for her to have the baby. He thought she should stay home until the baby came, but she insisted on going into work every day. There was nothing he could say to stop her as Andrew and Colleen both agreed it wasn’t harming her or the baby to come into town.

Michaela turned around from the desk and saw her husband standing there. She watched as he walked over to her. “Hello, love. How are ya feelin’?”

“How do you think I’m feeling?” she said in a caustic tone.


Michaela put her fingers up to his lips and stopped him as tears welled in her eyes. “I’m sorry…you didn’t deserve that…I just…”

“It’s okay,” he said as he removed her hand from his lips and held it tight. “I know ya don’t mean ta…you’re just tired of being pregnant. The baby’ll come soon and you’ll feel better.”

“I know…and I know I’m snapping at people…I just can’t seem to stop myself,” she said as she put her head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. “Everyone must be beginning to hate me…” she sobbed.

“Nah…no one hates ya…those that know ya know it’s not a good time, waitin’ fer the baby ta come. And them that don’t know ya don’t matter. We love ya and know it’s hard for ya. But the baby will be here soon and things’ll get better.”

Michaela looked up and gazed into his eyes. “I love you so,” she said, softly. “I don’t mean to say those things and as they come out of my mouth I know I’m wrong, but I can’t seem to help myself.”

“Don’t ya worry about it, sweetheart. Ain’t gonna bother me. It’s easy to put up with what ya say when I know the cause…we’ll soon have our new little one…” He kissed the top of her head.

“Ma?” They looked around to see a worried Colleen looking at them. “Is everything okay?”

“Sure is. Your ma’s just tired o’ being pregnant.” Said her father, smiling at her.

Colleen walked up and patted Michaela on the back. “Soon, ma, you’ll have the baby. We must been a little off on the due date, but it can’t be too much longer. I just hope I’m home when the time comes. But if I’m in Denver, as soon as someone sends me a telegram, I’ll come on the next train. I already cleared this with my professors.”

“I’m glad, dear, I want my family around then. But mostly I just want this baby to come.”

Sully smiled at Colleen as he kissed his wife on top of her head.

“Andrew?” queried Colleen as they were getting ready for bed.


“Is ma really okay? I mean, almost two weeks since we thought she should have had the baby. She’s so tired.”

“I know, honey, but she is okay, and so is the baby. I have been checking them both every day. She’s very close to going into labor. I’d guess not more than another week. Michaela knows that sometimes women go longer than the time we think they should.”

“I hate going back to Denver when she’s so close. I dread thinking about the train tomorrow. I’m so afraid I won’t be here when she has the baby. She might deliver fast and I wouldn’t have time to get here.”

Andrew moved over and put his arms around her. “I know. I wish I could say or do something to help you. But waiting is the only thing we can do.”

Sully went in to check on Michaela. It was late in the morning and he had decided to let her sleep in rather than go to church. Brian had gone off to church with Katie and Benje. He opened the door and stepped into the room. She was still asleep, lying on her side. She looked peaceful. He hated to wake her as she was so uncomfortable when she was awake. He decided to let her sleep until the noon hour. Perhaps the kids would be back by then and they always kept her spirits up.

He went downstairs and after making sure all the chores were done, he settled into a chair by the window. It was such a beautiful September day that he wished he could go out and work with the animals. But with no one else home, he wanted to be in hearing distance of Michaela. He settled back to think of that gorgeous creature that was his wife. He felt blessed every time he thought of their life together. How different things would have been if she had not been able to admit her feelings for him. A favorite memory was always the one where she got off the stage and came to him to tell him she loved him. He thought of all the places they had shared their love, smiling at the memories.

He heard a horse coming near and looked up to see the children coming home, Katie riding behind Brian with her arms hugging him tight, and Benje in front. He opened the door and watched as they came into the yard. He went out to lift Katie and Benje down. “How was church?”

“Good,” replied Brian. “Folks was asking about ma and you. They sent their prayers. Andrew will come out to check on ma after he puts Colleen on the train.”

“Thanks, son.”

Sully took the kids into the house as Brian took Taffy to the barn before joining them. “I wanted ta come home, so we didn’t eat in town. I’ll go make lunch.”

“I’ll do it, Brian. Why don’t you go see if your ma’s awake and if she wants to come down.”

Brian ran upstairs and opened the door enough to peak in. Michaela was awake, lying on her side. “Ma?”

She glanced up and smiled at her son. “Hello, Brian.”

“Pa wants ta know if you feel like getting up and coming down for lunch.”

“Lunch? Is it that late?”

“Yep. Me and the kids just got back from church. Everyone sends their prayers to you.”

She smiled. “I would like to come down, but I need help getting up. I was just getting ready to call for Sully.”

“I’ll help ya,” Brian said as he went over to the bed to assist his mother. Then he led her to the stairs and walked backward down the stairs in front of her to make sure she was okay. He helped her to one of the wing back chairs. After she sat down, Katie hurried over to give her mother a kiss, followed closely by Benje.

“Bran took us to church, mama. We had fun. We got to ride Taffy! I was a big girl and got to hold on to Bran. But, mama, he went real slow. I wanna go fast on Taffy!”

Michaela looked over at Brian and smiled. “Katie, dear, when you’re a little bigger and can ride a horse by yourself, you can go a little faster. But only if your father or one of your older brothers is with you.”

“I can ride by myself now, mama!”

“How do you know? Have you ridden by yourself?”

“No…but I know I can!”

“Katie, you need to promise me that you will not ride by yourself without permission from your papa or me. Okay?”



Katie glanced toward the kitchen and saw her father watching her. She knew she best promise. “Okay, mama, I promise.”

“Thank you, my darling. You make mama feel better.”

Sully brought lunch into the living room. “Why don’t we all gather around mama and eat lunch?”

Katie and Benje immediately sat down in front of Michaela. Eating in the living room was a treat and they were quick to obey.

Brian had taken the kids outside to play right after lunch so Michaela could take a nap. She settled back in the wingback chair and drifted off to sleep. Sully settled into the other chair to read and watch over her.


Sully woke with a start, surprised to find he had drifted off. He looked over at Michaela to see her awake and a worried look on her face. “Michaela? What is it?”

She grimaced, her hands holding her abdomen. “Pain…I think the baby…”

He jumped up. “Hang on…I’ll get the wagon!” He ran to the door and opened it. “Brian,” he called, “Get on Taffy and go to town. Tell Colleen not to leave. We’ll be right behind ya. The baby’s coming…” He dashed down the steps and started hitching the wagon as Brian saddled Taffy and took off toward town. He put the kids in the wagon, told them to stay put and ran back to the house to get Michaela. He carried her out and put her in the back of the wagon, on the blankets that had been left in the wagon bed for this purpose. The kids settled near their ma as their pa took the reins and headed toward town, as fast as he could without making it too uncomfortable for Michaela.

As he pulled up to the hospital, Dr. Boyd, Andrew, Colleen and the rest of the family were waiting. Brian and Matthew took the kids as Sully carried Michaela into the hospital. Robert E was also there to take the wagon.

“Michaela?” Andrew said. “When did it start?”

Michaela shook her head as another contraction started.

“Can’t be more’n 30 minutes,” Sully said. “She was napping, woke up and said she had pain. I sent Brian to town, hitched the wagon and came right away.” He followed Colleen into one of the surgery rooms and laid Michaela on the table.

Colleen and Sully assisted Michaela getting into a hospital gown, while Andrew and Dr. Boyd prepared for an exam. As soon as everything was ready, Andrew examined Michaela.

“Michaela,” said Andrew. “You are definitely in labor. I think it’s going to be awhile. We’ll make you as comfortable as possible.”

Michaela smiled. “Thank you. The pain has let up some.” She looked up at her husband. “It’s okay, Sully. The pain just surprised me. These contractions are stronger than I felt with Katie and Benje in the beginning. I probably didn’t need to come into town so soon.’

“Yeah, ya did. I feel better that you’re here. Want ya ta be safe and this is the best place for you and the baby. Now, if you’re okay here, I wanna go see that the kids okay.”

“I’ll stay with her, pa,” Colleen said as Michaela nodded.

Sully went out to the waiting room to find not only family, but many friends. He smiled. “She’s fine. Andrew says the baby’s gonna take awhile, but it’s on it’s way. Amanda, Matthew, can you take Katie and Benje?”

“Of course we can,” replied Amanda. “And, Brian, you can stay with us too.”

“Thanks, Amanda, but I’ll take care of the homestead.”

“Is there anything we can do for you, Sully?” asked Grace.

“No…thanks, Grace. As long as the kids are okay, I wanna stay with Michaela.”

“If you need us, or anything, just send someone for us.”

“Thanks. And thanks to all of you for caring.”

Sully returned to the room to be with Michaela. Colleen was sitting next to her mother’s bed, holding her hand and running a cool cloth over her forehead. Colleen glanced up and saw Sully. “Ma’s doing okay, pa.”

He smiled at Colleen. “Thanks for sittin’ with her. I can do it now.” Colleen handed the cloth over to him as he sat down on Michaela’s other side. Michaela glanced at him. “Everyone’s takin’ care of,” he said softly. She nodded and clutched his hand. The afternoon wore on as Michaela labored. Then there came a knock on the door and Colleen answered it. Sully heard Cloud Dancing talking softly to Colleen. He looked at Michaela. “It’s Cloud Dancin’.”

“Have him come in,” she said.

“Colleen, let him in. Your ma wants to see him.”

Dr. Boyd frowned as he saw the big Indian walk into the room. Cloud Dancing came over to the bed. He nodded at Sully, then spoke to Michaela. “How are you doing, my friend?”

“Very tired…more pain than with the others.”

“I brought some herbs that we use for our women in childbirth. They help ease the pain. Would you like them?”


“Excuse me?” said Dr. Boyd. “You can’t give those to Dr. Quinn.”

Before Sully had a chance to defend Cloud Dancing, Andrew spoke up. “Dr. Boyd, I know it is not something you’re use to, but Cloud Dancing’s medicine is very good. I, too, was afraid of it when I first came here, but I have learned over the years to trust its powers. I use quite a bit of Cheyenne medicine now and the townspeople have learned to believe in it.”

Michaela smiled at Dr. Boyd, “Doctor, I would not take something if I thought it would harm my baby. Please, Colleen, brew the herbs.”

“Of course.” Colleen took the herbs from Cloud Dancing and hurried away.

“I will leave you now. I will wait outside. Be well, my friend,” Cloud Dancing said as he patted Michaela’s hand and left.

Colleen brought the herb-brewed tea for Michaela to drink. As she finished the tea, Michaela smiled at Colleen. “Thank you, dear. That had a pleasant taste and went down easy.” Behind Colleen, Michaela could see Dr. Boyd shaking his head. She realize she had not been strong enough in her comments about Indian medicine. She had just assumed they would see it’s practical, good uses. She vowed to herself to speak to all the doctors as soon as she could.

Monday, September 13, 1875:

It was close to noon. Sully went out to give the family an update.

“How’s ma?” Brian asked.

“Sleeping. Cloud Dancin’s herbs took the pain away last night and she’s bin keein’ some rest.” He looked at Cloud Dancing, “Thanks, my brother.”

Cloud Dancing smiled and nodded his head.

“Sully, you need to keep your strength up for Michaela. Here’s a little lunch. Since she’s sleeping, you sit right down here and eat!” exclaimed Grace in a tone that brooked no refusal.

Sully complied with Grace’s orders and spent a little time relaxing with family and friends and eating lunch. Then he returned to his wife’s room. He sat down next to Michaela, and feeling tired since he had not slept all night, he lay his head next to her arm and promptly fell asleep.

He woke with a start, feeling a hand on his head. He sat up to see Michaela’s hand and smiling face. “Hello. I’ve been watching you sleep.”

“You shoulda woke me. I’m here to help ya and sleepin’ ain’t doin’ it.”

“Yes it is. Since the pain is mostly gone and I’m not too uncomfortable, watching you sleep eases my mind. At times like these I worry that you are not taking care of yourself.”

“I’m fine. After ya fell asleep I went out to the waiting room and Grace made me eat lunch.”

“Good for her.”

“Michaela, can I exam you?”

Michaela turned her head to see Andrew and Colleen. “Yes, of course.”

Andrew did a quick exam. “Everything is looking good, but I think it may still be awhile yet. Do you mind if Colleen and I go get some food?”

“No, of course not. Sully will find you if I need you. Plus, isn’t Dr. Boyd still here?”

“Yes he is and we will send him in.”

Dr. Boyd looked at his watch and shook his head. He was alone in the room with Michaela and Sully. Andrew and Colleen had not returned yet. “Dr. Quinn, it is four in the afternoon and you have labored long enough. Something is wrong. We need to do a caesarian section,” said Dr. Boyd.

Sully stood up. “What’s that?”

“It’s where we cut open the mother’s abdomen and uterus and take out the baby. I have always done it when my ladies have not delivered within 24 hours.”

Sully looked at Michaela and could tell she did not want this. “Don’t do anything. Not until I come back.” He put Michaela’s hand down and rushed from the room. Family and friends were in the waiting room, but not the ones he was looking for. He hurried outside. Cloud Dancing was sitting on the steps with Dorothy and he could see Andrew and Colleen headed down the path to the hospital. They saw him as he gestured for them to hurry. Cloud Dancing stood as Andrew and Colleen reached them.

“What’s wrong, Sully?” Andrew asked.

Dr. Boyd wants to operate. Somethin’ about cutting Michaela open. She don’t want it.”

“A caesarian?” asked Andrew.

“Yep, that’s it. Says he always does it if the lady’s been in labor 24 hours. Is that right?”

“It’s not the length of the labor, but how it goes. If mother and baby are doing okay, we wait it out,” said Andrew.

“There are some herbs that we have used when a baby does not come easy,” said Cloud Dancing.

“Do you have ‘em?” asked Sully.

“No, but I am sure Michaela does in her office. She has used them a few times.”

“Come on, then, let’s look. Andrew, get in there and don’t let him cut Michaela.”

They rushed to do as Sully requested. Andrew and Colleen to be with Michaela. Sully and Cloud Dancing to Michaela’s office. They found the herbs and as they were heading back to Michaela’s room, Sully saw Dr. Maxwell. “Doctor,” he called. Dr. Maxwell came over. “Are you open to other ways to take care of folks? Would you be against Indian medicine?”

“Not at all, Mr. Sully. I have used some of Dr. Quinn’s herbs after she explains them to me.”

“Then come with us…we may need ya!”

The three men hurried into Michaela’s room. Andrew and Colleen were standing on either side of her bed, with Dr. Boyd at the foot, looking very upset. “This is not right,” he said. “She is my patient and a caesarian section is what she needs!”

“I don’t agreed,” said Andrew. She’s our patient, too. The baby and mother both have strong heartbeats …there is no blood…no sign that anything is wrong.”

“Dr. Boyd?”

He looked over. “Dr. Maxwell. Explain things to Dr. Cook. He is endangering Dr. Quinn!”

Dr. Maxwell went to the bed. “Dr. Quinn, how are you doing?”

“Tired, but less pain.”

“Those herbs the Indian gave her are causing her baby not to come out!”

“Dr. Boyd, there is nothing wrong with Indian medicine. As of late, I have been using it myself and have see some remarkable results. Dr. Quinn has been using it for years and the people of this town have not suffered for it…in fact, in my opinion they are better off.”

Dr. Boyd shook his head. “You young doctors don’t know anything. You will cause her death! And that of the baby!”

“Dr. Boyd, ya need to leave the room. Your talk is not good for my wife. Dr. Cook, Dr. Maxwell and Cloud Dancing will help her.”

After looking at the faces of those in the room, Dr. Boyd marched out.

“Are those the herbs?” asked Colleen, pointing at the bag Cloud Dancing was holding. He shook his head yes and handed her the bag.

While Colleen went out to brew the tea, Dr. Maxwell checked out Michaela at Andrew’s urging. “Dr. Quinn, I agree with Dr. Cook. Everything seems fine. I just think your young one is being a rascal. Cloud Dancing, please tell me about the herbs.”

“The ones I gave Michaela earlier are like chamomile. They are to ease the pain. These new ones are what many Cheyenne women are given if the baby proves difficult to bear. The baby seems to come out faster with them. I promise there is no danger in them. I would never do anything to harm my friend.”

“Then I agree with Dr. Cook,” he smiled as he looked at Michaela, “and I assume Dr. Quinn in saying let’s use them.”

Michaela smiled as Sully sighed in relief. Colleen hurried in with the tea and Michaela drank it. A few hours passed and Michaela’s labor intensified. Finally she called to Andrew. “Andrew, I need to push.”

Andrew quickly examined Michaela. “Yes, it’s time…”

Having been through this before, Sully knew his role was to comfort Michaela as she pushed their baby out. Andrew prepared to deliver the baby with Dr. Maxwell’s assistance. Colleen was ready to take the baby from Andrew. And Cloud Dancing sat behind Michaela, praying. “Okay, Michaela, push…” said Andrew.

After all the hours of labor, the baby decided to give Michaela some relief and was delivered within minutes. “Ma, Pa, it’s a boy!” Colleen exclaimed and then the baby let out his first yell, followed by many others. Colleen cleaned out his mouth, wiped him off, wrapped him in a blanket and put him into Michaela’s outstretched arms.

Michaela gave her new son a kiss and looked over at her husband. Sully’s eyes were filled with tears as he gazed as his new son and beautiful wife. I love ya, Michaela. Ya done real good. He’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“Thank you, my love. He is beautiful. Nicholas Jeffery. He looks like a Nicholas, doesn’t he?”

“Yes, he does. It’s a good name for him. Nicky…to join Katie and Benje.” He leaned over to kiss his wife’s lips and his son’s forehead. “Let me go let our family and friends know everything is good and then I’ll be back.” Michaela nodded. Sully hurried out to the waiting room.

“Pa”? queried Brian.

“You have a new brother and your ma is fine,” he said, smiling. Those in the waiting room broke out into applause as Brian hugged Sully. “We have named him Nicolas Jeffery…Nicky for short. I need to go back in with them now.”

Sully returned to find Michaela sound asleep and Colleen holding Nicholas. Colleen looked up and then handled the baby to his father. Sully cuddled the baby, smiling at him. He looked at Colleen. “He’s okay, huh?”

“Yes, pa. He’s just fine. Andrew and Dr. Maxwell checked him out.”

“You have a healthy son, Mr. Sully. And Dr. Quinn is just fine. And Cloud Dancing, thank you for your medicines.” Said Dr. Maxwell.

Cloud Dancing nodded. “You are welcome. Thank you for trusting in them.”

“I already learned the trust from Dr. Quinn. She said some of the ones you bring her you make yourself?”

“Yes. It is the putting together of different ones.”

“If I may, someday I would like to come up to your home and learn that from you. May I?”

Cloud Dancing smiled. “Of course. Brian or Sully can bring you up any time.”

“Thank you.”

Michaela was moved to a patient room. She woke from her sleep to the sight of her husband cuddling their new son. “Sully?”

“Hey. Ya bin asleep about an hour. I bin talkin’ to Nicky here about stayin’ quiet so his ma can rest. He bin pretty good at mindin.”

“Already he’s minding his father.” Michaela laughed and reached for her son. She pulled apart her robe to expose her breast. Sully watched as Nicholas instinctively searched for his mother’s nipple. He smiled as Nicolas latched on. It was such a pleasure for him to watch his child nursing. Those tiny fists clinched against Michaela’s breast. He reached up and slowly inserted his finger into his son’s fist…and the tiny little fingers quickly grasped the father’s.

“When you’re ready, there’s family and some friends outside. They wanna see you and Nicky.”

“Katie and Benje too?”

“You bet. They’re really excited…Katie keeps talking about Nicky and Benje says baby.”

“As soon as he’s done nursing then.”

They sat silently and watched their son. Soon he let loose of his mother. Sully reached over and closed Michaela’s robe. “Now?” he asked softly. She nodded. He went to the door and opened it. “Please join us,” he said to those waiting outside.

First in were Brian and Sarah with Katie and Benje. While Katie was interested in seeing her new brother, Benje only wanted his mother. Sarah set him down on the bed next to Michaela, on the other side from Nicky. Michaela pulled him close and kissed him. “Love you, Benjamin.” She glanced over to Katie. “I love you, too, Miss Katie.” Katie smiled at her mother and then continued her inspection of the baby.

Family and friends continued to file in to congratulate the new parents.

Michaela and Nicholas stayed in the hospital two days before Andrew allowed Sully to take them home. Before she left the hospital, she called a meeting of all the doctors and nurses.

“I want to speak to you about Indian medicine. I have been using it for the last seven years. I used it first during an influenza epidemic. Without it, I would have lost many patients during that epidemic and I came close to losing my own life. I have used different herbs many times since then. My friend, Cloud Dancing, is a revered medicine man. I have trusted him with my life and that of my family and friends many times. Andrew has also used it for quite some time and can speak to you about it. I do not expect you to use it if it makes you uncomfortable, but I do expect you to accept its use in this hospital. You must not contradict any orders given for the use of the Indian medicine. And I will not tolerate speaking out against it. I expect you to learn about it before you make any comments and those comments will be not be made to patients. If you feel something is amiss, we will meet as a group and discuss the problem. I expect you to be open-minded about alternative medicine. If you cannot accept these rules, I will ask you to resign.”

“I want to add to what Michaela has said. I was hesitant about using Indian medicine when I first came to Colorado Springs. I foolish spoke out against it, only to be proven wrong time and time again. And I came down with a severe fever, my life was threatened, but herbs saved me. I have questioned Cloud Dancing many times about his medicine and have always received a very complete answer. We, as doctors and nurses, need to be open to leaning new treatments.

“Dr. Quinn, have you any papers on the medicines?” asked Dr. Hampton.

“Yes, some. Especially the fever tea. I wrote it up shortly after the influenza epidemic. I subsequently had the papers sent to me in Boston when I was visiting. They helped convince a Boston physician that the tea would help my mother. Her doctor had diagnosed liver cancer but only she was suffering ill effects from bad oysters. The herb tea helped her recovery. Anything I have written is in my office and you are more than welcome to read them.”

Michaela smiled as Sully pulled the wagon into the yard. Brian, Katie and Benje were waiting on the steps and they came down the steps to greet their parents and new brother.

“I’ll take care of the wagon, pa.”

“Thanks, Brian.”

Sully helped Michaela, whose arms were wrapped around Nicky, out of the wagon and assisted her into the house, followed closely my Katie and Benje. Michaela sat down in a wing back chair and Katie and Benje hurried over to stand besides her. In part to be close to her as they had missed her terribly and in part to be closer to their baby brother. Katie reached up to trace her finger around his face. Benje stood with his hands on Michaela’s arm, gazing at the little bundle in his mother’s arms.

“Bebe?” said Benje.

“Yes, darling, this is our baby. Your new brother.”

“Mama, can I take care of him?”

“You can help. But only if an adult is with you.”


“Katie, I mean it.”


“Okay, papa….I be good, mama…”

“I know, sweetheart, you are a good girl. You are just trying to do things you are not ready for yet. You will grow up soon enough. In the meantime, we will help you learn.”


After Brian, Benje and Katie went to bed, Sully and Michaela sat in the living room, enjoying their new son.

“Thanks, Michaela, for Nicky.”

“And I thank you. Oh, Sully, things are so wonderful. I think I was worried something was wrong with the baby. But he’s so…so…perfect!”

“Yes, he is, my love. And so are you.” He leaned over to claim his wife’s lips to thank her again for the gift of Nicholas.
A baby is a gift of life
born of ' the wonder of love,'
A little bit of eternity
sent from the father above,
Giving a new dimension
to the love between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
to the wonder and mystery of life.
~Helen Steiner Rice~

The End

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