For personal use and select distribution only © January 2002 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: October 1874.

“Michaela?” called Dorothy, opening the clinic door.

“I’m here, Dorothy,” responded Michaela, coming down from the upper story.

“Do you have a minute?”

“Certainly. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes…sure. I just needed to talk to you about something personal.”

“Please, sit down.” Michaela responded, sitting down at her desk.

Dorothy closed the door and sat down across from Michaela. “Michaela, ya know me and Cloud Dancing are married the Indian way.”


“Well, I told Cloud Dancing I wanna get married the white way. He said it was okay by him. Do you think the Reverend would do it and keep it private?”

“Yes, I do. Reverend Johnson has become much more understanding of different ways. He knows you and Cloud Dancing care for each other and I don’t think he would be surprise to have you ask him. I think that when he sat down at the reservation and listened to the different stories of how the different tribes see their beginnings, he opened his mind to a lot of different ways. And you are more than welcomed to have the ceremony out at the homestead. I think if it were at the church, the townspeople would question what was going on.”

“Thank you, Michaela, I appreciate that. I’ll go talk to him now.”

Sully and Cloud Dancing were walking in the forest at Palmer Creek. “The animals are more this year,” said Cloud Dancing. “It is good that this land is for them. Daniel did a good thing.”

“Yeah, he did. Ain’t surprisin’…he’s a good man.”

“Yes. You have forgiven him for the way he felt about Dr. Mike?”

“Weren’t nothing ta forgive. He was just respondin’ to Michaela’s kindness. Told me ‘fore he married Anna Marie that he knew the difference between how he felt ‘bout Michaela and ‘bout Anna Marie. I was just listening to Preston…oughta known better.”

“Yes, that is true. And to know that Dr. Mike loves only you that way.”

“Yeah, I know….I just git tired of other men wantin’ her. We laugh about it, but it bothers me…”

“You would not be a man if it did not bother you, but you must rise above it. Dr. Mike sees only you in that way.”

Sully smiled at Cloud Dancing. “Yeah…I’ll try.”

They reached the creek and took the stepping stones across the water, to walk up the bank and head for the meadow where Cloud Dancing had his teepee.

“Dorothy wants to be married as white people are.” Cloud Dancing told Sully as they entered the teepee and sat down.

“And how do you feel about that?”

“I told her yes it would be fine. She married me according to my God, so now I will marry her according to her God. I want to make sure she is happy. I never thought I would find this again…and with a white woman ….but she is very special. She was going to talk to Michaela today and then ask the reverend. I am not sure the reverend will agree.”

“I think he will. If he does, when would it be?”

“By the end of this week. We would want our friends to share this moment with us.”

The kids were in bed, as were Sully and Michaela. Their lamps were out and they lay cuddling, Michaela’s back curving into Sully, enjoying the warmth of each other. “Michaela?”


“Did ya see Dorothy today?”

“Yes and you know what she said?”

“I’ll bet she said she wanted ta get married.”

Michaela laughed. “And you saw Cloud Dancing, I’ll bet.”


“I offered them the homestead for the ceremony. If it were in the church, the townspeople would find out. Dorothy doesn’t want very many to know.”

“That’s what Cloud Dancing said. I’m glad ya mentioned havin’ it here. Cloud Dancing wasn’t sure who all Dorothy was gonna ask. Do ya know if she talked to the Reverend.”

“She was going to go to see him, but I don’t know if she did. She didn’t come back before I came home. She may have gone right up to Palmer Creek after she saw the Reverend. And besides us, she didn’t mention who else she might ask.”

Sully nuzzled her neck and then kissed her cheek as he slipped his hand around to reach the buttons on her nightgown. “Ain't ya a little warm?” he asked as he started undoing the buttons.

“Well, I wasn’t” she whispered, “until you started doing what you’re doing.”

He slipped his hand through the opening of her nightgown to caress her breast. Michaela responded to the tender, loving touch of her husband.

Sully and Michaela, with Katie, Benje, the rest of their family and many of the townspeople, were standing outside the building that had a sign saying “Child Care Center”. They were waiting for the business their babysitter, Lucille, was opening to care for children. Lucille stepped on the porch and put her key in the lock, opening the door to the applause of the people watching. Lucille was joined by two of her friends from Shantytown, who would be helping her. The people wandered through the rooms, seeing how nice it had been fixed up with beds and toys for children.

Katie settled in playing with toys as Michaela handed Benje to Lucille. Grace and Robert E brought in the twins as Josie brought in Heather and Teresa brought in Jacob. As people without children left, other mothers came up to talk to Lucille about leaving their children at her business.

Sully and Michaela left the center and headed for the clinic, hand in hand. “Looks like other families gonna pay Lucille to take their kids,” said Sully.

“Yes, it does. I think it’s wonderful. She is so good with the children. Katie always talks about what she learned each day. Grace says that Lucille never went to school, but has a desire to learn. Grace taught her to read and Lucille has improved. She reads to the children and is helping Katie learn to read.”

“And it’s good fer the folks out in Shantytown to see they can have businesses, earn a living.”

They reached the clinic and went inside. Sully closed the door and pulled Michaela into his arms. “Sully!”

“What?” he responded as he claimed her lips.

“Mmmmm…..” was her response.

A knock on the door broke up their kiss. As Michaela straightened her dress, Sully opened the door to find Dorothy waiting. “Hello, Sully.”

“Dorothy. Come in. I’ll see ya later, Michaela.”

“No, please, Sully, wait.” Said Dorothy. Sully closed the door and returned to Michaela’s side, slipping his arm around her waist. “I talked to Reverend Johnson yesterday and he agreed to perform our ceremony.”

“Dorothy, that’s wonderful! When will it be and did you want to use the homestead?” asked Michaela.

“If I can get everything planned in four days, we’ll have it Saturday afternoon, ‘bout one I figure. And yes, the homestead would be great. I told the Reverend it would be there and he agreed. I asked him to bring Josie and Heather. And if you would tell your rather large family, including Clara and her husband. I plan to also ask Grace, Robert E and the twins, Loren, Daniel, Anna Marie and Sarah.”

“Ya think Loren’ll come?” asked Sully.

“I hope so. He seems to be handling it okay, ever since Colleen’s wedding.”

“We’re happy for ya, Dorothy, you and Cloud Dancin’.”

“Thank you, Sully.” She replied as there came a knock on the door.

Sully opened the door to find Cloud Dancing standing there. “Come in, Cloud Dancin’.”

He entered and as Sully closed the door, he embraced Dorothy. “I did not see you at the paper, so I decided you might be here.”

Dorothy smiled. “I was just telling Michaela and Sully all the people I want at our wedding.”

Cloud Dancing smiled. “It is good to have friends around for something so important. And Sully, I would like you as my best man if you will.”

“Of course, my brother. I’ll stand with ya.”

“And Michaela, will you be my matron of honor?”


“Good,” said Dorothy, hugging Michaela. “Now I must go talk to the others. Cloud Dancing, do you want to come with me?”

“I need to have Sully help me with something. May I find you later?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Dorothy, I would like to come with you.”

“I’d like that, Michaela.”

Michaela and Dorothy left, heading for the café.

“What’d ya need?”

“I have in mind a wedding present for Dorothy and I need your help for it to be done in time.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“A new teepee…bigger….”

“Good morning, Mother,” Amanda said as she came in the clinic.

“Good morning. And how are you this morning?”

“Actually, I’m a little nervous. I have missed two monthlies, but I’m afraid to think what it means.”

Michaela smiled. “Well, let’s do an exam.”

“It might not mean anything, right?”

“That’s true, but it might…..we need to check.” Michaela examined Amanda. “Well, my dear, missing your monthlies does mean something.”

“I’m pregnant?”

“Yes.” Amanda started crying. “Amanda? What’s wrong?” Michaela asked as she put her arms around Amanda.

“Now I’m scared. I don’t want to lose this baby,’ she sobbed.

“Shhh…..we’ll do everything we can to prevent that. The baby should be here around the end of May. You should take precautions like not riding your horse any more. Travel only by wagon.”

“Should Matthew and I….I….uh…..stop….you know….being intimate?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, at least not in the beginning. You stop if it becomes uncomfortable for you. We’ll cut back on your work here and you probably shouldn’t go all the way out to the resort for awhile. Once you’re beyond the time you miscarried, you can relax a bit. Takes things easy. If you’re tired when you wake up in the morning, then stay in bed. Don’t feel like you to have to get up and come into work, or make breakfast, or anything like that.”

“Can I go tell Matthew? And I only want the family to know for now, okay?”

“The answer is yes to both. But remember, you need to take everything easy. I would say if everything goes well, by the first of the year you can resume going to the resort and other activities. Why don’t you both walk over for dinner tonight. I’ll get the whole family to come for dinner and you can tell them.”

Amanda hugged Michaela. “Thank you, Mother.”

“You are very welcome, my dear.”

Michaela had no patients scheduled and none waiting, so she decided to walk up to the station and invite Clara and McKay to dinner. It was fairly mild for October and she enjoyed the walk. Clara and Horace were getting ready for the arrival of the morning train.

“Mornin’ Dr. Mike.”

“Good morning, Horace. How are you and Samantha doing in your rooms here?”

“Really good. She’s trying to help keep our rooms neat. I’m thinking that pretty soon we need to have a kitchen. It wasn’t bad when I was alone to always eat at Grace’s and not at certain times. But Samantha needs ta have a schedule and havin’ a kitchen at home would help.”

“Talk to Sully. I’m sure he’ll help you.”

“Thanks, Dr. Mike.”


“Yes, Aunt Michaela?”

“We’re asking the family out to dinner. Can you and Terrace come?”

“We’d love to.”

“About six?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

When Michaela got back to the clinic, Amanda and Matthew were sitting outside on the bench, holding hands.

“Amanda, I didn’t lock the door.”

“I know. But it’s such a nice day, we thought we’d sit out here.”

Michaela looked at Matthew. “Hello, Matthew.”

He smiled. “Hey, ma, sit down with us,” he said, patting the bench next to him. “Life’s pretty good, huh?”

“Yes it is.” She replied as she sat down.

Matthew took her hand and squeezed it. “Thanks, ma.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for.”

“Yeah there is….for being you…”

Brian dropped by the clinic after walking Sarah home from school. “Hey, ma, do you want me to get the kids and take them home?”

“No, dear. I’d rather you ride out to the resort and ask Colleen and Andrew to dinner about six. Then ride to the reservation and tell your father to be on time. We’re having a family dinner.”

“Sure thing. Any thing else?”

“No. I’m going to close about four, get the kids and come home.”

“Okay. See ya at home.”

The family settled down to dinner as Michaela led them in a prayer. After they finished eating, Michaela nodded at Matthew and Amanda.

“Uh, I’d like ta say something.” Matthew said. The family fell silent. “Me and Amanda got somethin’ to tell ya, but we don’t want it going outside the family.” He took Amanda’s hand and smiled. “Ma says we’re gonna have a baby come spring.”

The family clapped in joy and there were congratulations all around. “I know we’re all very happy for Amanda and Matthew, but Amanda needs to take it easy….for obvious reasons. If she can get to the new year, I think she’ll carry full term. I’m going to cut down her hours at the clinic and no more going out to the resort to work…sorry Andrew.” Andrew smiled. “And I want her to get lots of rest.”

“Ma,” said Colleen, “when I’m home from school, I can spend more time at the clinic. I’ll divide my time between you and Andrew.”

“Thank you, dear.”

“I reckon the whole family will help….we’ll make sure our first grandchild is well!” said Sully, getting a laugh from the family. “Hey, Grandma, don’t ya think?”

“Sully!” Again, the house was filled with laughter.


“Hmmm?” he said as he pulled Michaela closer, snuggling down in their bed.


He laughed. “Well, ain’t ya gonna be come May?”

“Yes, but give me time!”

“Nah….don’t think so…..but I’ll only call ya that in private….okay?”

“It makes me sound old.”

“Nah….ya ain’t old til you don’t wanna do this any more,” he said as he moved his hand under her nightgown. He ran his hand down her leg, then back up and began pulling her night gown up. Knowing his intent, she raised up and helped him take off her nightgown. Now they were skin to skin…..back to front. He pulled her over on her back and leaned in above her, gazing into her eyes.

Michaela gazed back and moved her hand up to touch his face. Then her hand went behind his head to pull him down to meet her lips. Their lips met and the kiss became all consuming. While continuing the kiss, Michaela ran her hands down either side of his body. Her hands reached his backside as the kiss ended. She left her hands there as he started kissing her cheeks, then chin, and slowly moving down until he reached her breast, caressing her nipple with his tongue. Michaela moaned with desire. His hands started caressing every inch of her body. She returned the caresses.

“I love ya, my beautiful grandma…..”

“I love you too, grandpa…” she whispered in his ear. Then she reached between them to touch his manhood, helping him to complete their union. And they soared, flying into their desire for each other.

Michaela woke in the early dawn. Her back curved into Sully. She turned to look at him, only to find his deep blue eyes focused on her. “How long have you been awake?”

“Don’t know. Been watchin’ ya. I’ll never get tired of watchin’ ya.”

She turned to face him. They kissed. “I love you, Byron, I love you so.”

“I love you too.”

They lay quietly, smiling, enjoying. “We’re going to have to get up soon. Dorothy and Cloud Dancing get married today.”

“Yep. But not quite yet….” And then they heard Benje. “Well, that ends that…I’ll go get him.”

The guests began arriving just after noontime. Dorothy had already arrived, brought by Loren. She was up in Michaela and Sully’s room, with Michaela, getting ready. Cloud Dancing and Sully were out in the barn. Grace and Robert E arrived with their children. Colleen and Andrew, Daniel, Anna Marie and Sarah came, meeting up with Clara and McKay. Matthew and Amanda walked across the meadow from their house. When Sarah arrived, she began helping Brian with Katie and Benje. Then the Reverend and Josie arrived with their Heather.

“Well, my brother, are ya ready?”

“Yes. It is right that we marry this way. I will change to my wedding shirt.” Out of his pack, Cloud Dancing pulled the shirt Michaela had given him after Washita, the one she had made for Sully, with the hawk claws over the heart.

“That’s the shirt Michaela made.”

“Yes. It is good to wear it now. It was made for a wedding.”

When he was ready, Cloud Dancing and Sully headed for the house. Brian, Matthew and Andrew had moved the furniture aside, with Reverend Johnson standing in front of the fireplace and friends standing on either side of the room. Cloud Dancing and Sully went up to stand to the left of the Reverend. Colleen let Dorothy and Michaela know it was time. Michaela came down the stairs first, dressed in her light blue dress. Then came Dorothy, dressed in a cream-colored lace dress.

Michaela walked to the fireplace and stood to the Reverend’s right. And everyone watched Dorothy come down the make shift aisle. She watched Cloud Dancing the entire time, as he watched her, smiling. When she reached a spot in front of the Reverend, Cloud Dancing stepped forward and took her arm.

Dorothy had asked the Reverend to leave out the part about someone giving her away. But he asked the question and before she could say something, a voice spoke up, “I do”.

Dorothy and Cloud Dancing turned to see Loren standing right behind her, and with a smile, nodded at them. They realized he must have gone to the Reverend to say he wanted to give Dorothy away.

Tears came to her eyes as she whispered “Thank you,” to Loren.

Then the Reverend continued the ceremony and finally pronouncing Dorothy and Cloud Dancing husband and wife. They looked at each other and Cloud Dancing gave her a kiss. Their gathered friends clapped and congratulated them.

Grace brought some food and a cake and everyone gathered around to enjoy the food and the friendship.

Dorothy found herself next to Loren. “Loren, how can I ever thank you?”

“By being happy. It took me a long time to settle inside me that your feeling’s for Cloud Dancing were what they are. Then I listed to Hank and thought it was wrong. But it ain’t. I come ta see that. Thanks mostly to Marjorie. She said it shouldn’t matter, that if two folks loved each other, they should be allowed to be happy. I think a lot o’folks thought me and Marjorie were wrong, but you never did. Someone could say the same bad things about our age difference as they’d say about you an’ Cloud Dancing.”

“I appreciate that, Loren. I always considered you a friend and I wouldn’t like to think you are against us. And I’m very touched you wanted to give me away.”

He smiled, “Well, who better than me?”

“I couldn’t think of anyone.”

Cloud Dancing walked up and Loren stuck out his hand to shake. Cloud Dancing took his hand. “Thank you for your kindness to Dorothy.”

“Your welcome. I’d like ta think of you as a friend too.”

Cloud Dancing smiled. “I too would like that.”

Later, in front of the gathering, Dorothy presented Cloud Dancing with a wedding present of a new woolen coat. “The one you wear now has worn spots and won’t hold out the cold. I prefer that my husband stays well.”

“Thank you. I too have a wedding present for you. But it is too big to give you here. So I will tell you and our friends about it. Up in the valley, I have put up a new teepee for us. It is bigger than the one I have used these last few years. It has many buffalo robes and is warm.”

“Thank you, my husband.”

“I’d like to toast Dorothy and Cloud Dancing,” said Sully. He held up a glass, as did the rest. “I want to wish our dear friends all the happiness they both deserve.”


How, then,
can I tell you of my love?
Strong as the eagle,
soft as the dove,
Patient as the pine tree
that stands in the sun
and whispers to the wind...
'You are the one!'

Author Unknown

The End

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