For personal use and select distribution only © July 2001 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: June 1874.

Dorothy walked into the café to see Michaela sitting at a table by herself, looking pensive. She walked over to her, “Michaela?”

“Hello, Dorothy.”

“Are you okay? You look sorta sad.” She asked as she sat down at the table.

“I miss Sully.”

“I know. And I miss Cloud Dancing. But they’ll only be gone about a week. And ya know Welland Smith wouldn’t have asked them to come to San Francisco if it wasn’t important.”

“I know. But we argued before he left. I told him it was too soon after getting hurt in the mountains and he said he felt fine. I told him I was the doctor and knew what was best. It went on from there. He said it was just because I didn’t want him to go, but that it was his job. He was mad….so was I…..the last thing he said was did I expect him to quit his job and as he stormed out of the house I yelled no.”

“Oh, Michaela….”

“I know….it’s foolish of me and I think he probably was okay to travel, but I hate it when he goes away. Part of what he said was that I had known for almost a week that he was going and why did I pick the morning he was leaving to say I didn’t think he should. He was right, of course. I can’t wait for him to get home so I can apologize. And I’m worried he’ll still be mad and won’t want to come straight home with me.”

“I don’t think he’d do that. I bet he‘ll be happy to see you when the train gets here. He loves you so much.”

“I know and I love him the same way. And it’s been a long time since we’ve had a major disagreement.”

“Ain’t it also been a long time since the two of you had time alone?”


“Well maybe you ought to plan some.”

“But Benjamin’s only two months old and still nursing.”

“True. But he’s been on the bottle too, especially when Sully got hurt up in the mountains. And there have been times you haven’t been able to get over to nurse him because of patients. I don’t think a few days of just the bottle would hurt him. He seems to take well to just about anything as long as he’s warm and fed something.”

Michaela smiled, “Yes, that’s true. He’s such a calm, pleasant baby. So different from Katie.”

“He’s different from any of my kids. They cried a lot and I could hardly leave ‘em. Marcus use to get mad and yell when they cried.”

“You put up with so much meanness from him, Dorothy. I don’t know how you did it. When I think of the problems you had, mine seem so insignificant.”

“Oh no, Michaela. Don’t think that. We all got our problems. Yours and mine are different, but just as important. I think when I was with Marcus, I would’a envied your life. Cloud Dancing is one of the best things that ever happened to me. He talks about how we all got this path we gotta take to end up where we should. So maybe without the things that happened with Marcus, I wouldn’t have had the courage to leave, start my paper and eventually get to know him.”

“I’m so happy for you and Cloud Dancing.”

“And you have a part of that, Michaela, you and Sully. Knowing you two gave me the courage to finally admit to Cloud Dancing how I feel.”

Welland Smith, Cloud Dancing and Sully were having dinner in their San Franciscan hotel. “I want to thank both of you for coming to San Francisco. The speeches you gave to the committee impressed them and I think they are close to setting up a commission to start studying wilderness areas to protect. And Cloud Dancing, I’m hoping what you said about the problems of your people and the other Indians made them think.”

“We were glad to come, Welland. But Cloud Dancing and me are happy to be goin’ home tomorrow. Sure do miss the family.”

Cloud Dancing nodded his head in agreement.

Sully and Cloud Dancing boarded the train for Denver and settled in their seats. “My brother,” said Cloud Dancing, “You have not been yourself. There is something that bothers you?”

Sully looked at Cloud Dancing with a slight grin. ‘What makes ya think that?”

“I know you well. You have not been you this week.”

“Me and Michaela argued before I left. I should’a made it right ‘fore gettin’ on the train. But I was mad and I wanted her to feel bad about it.”

“But it did not work that way?”

“Nah…..I’m feelin’ real bad.”

“It is the knife that cuts both ways?”

“Yep. An’ it’s a sharp one. I can’t wait to get home and ask her to forgive me.”

“I would think she feels the same.”

“Ma,” said Colleen as she walked into the clinic. “Clara said the train’s on time and should be here in about 10 minutes. Why don’t you go on up and wait? I’ll take care of the clinic. I know you want to be waiting for pa. And the two of you should just go home. One of us will bring Benje and Katie home later.”

Michaela smiled at Colleen. “Thank you. I guess you have guessed Sully and I parted on an argument.”

“Well, we all figured something was wrong. But we know you and pa will work it out if ya got the time.”

Michaela hugged Colleen. “I’m a very lucky woman to have the children I have.”

“We’re lucky, too, ma. We got the best parents!”

Michaela hurried up to the station. She heard the train whistle in the distance and was nervous at seeing Sully. She hoped he would forgive her. She got mad at herself for arguing with him. As she sat there thinking, she looked up to see Dorothy coming up the steps.

“Hello, Dorothy.”

“Michaela….you okay?”

She smiled, “Nervous. I hope he’s on the train.”

“He will be.”

As the train pulled into the station, Michaela and Dorothy stood up and moved closer to the steps. The train stopped and Sully came down the steps, with Cloud Dancing right behind. Michaela rushed down the steps and into Sully’s arms as Dorothy greeted Cloud Dancing.

Michaela had thrown her arms around Sully’s neck. She put her lips close to his ear.. “I am so sorry,” she whispered as her voice caught in her throat.

“Hey, it’s okay. I’m sorry, too,” he whispered back. “I love ya so and missed ya lots.”

“I love you, too and I was miserable without you!”

They pulled back a little and Sully could see the glistening in Michaela’s eyes. He smiled and claimed her lips to show her he was sorry. She returned the kiss with the same intensity. They drew apart and saw their friends standing there smiling at them.

“I think all’s well,” said Dorothy. “Let’s go to Grace’s and have some coffee.”

The foursome settled in at the café and were served.

“How was your trip?” Michaela asked.

“Good. Welland had me talk about the land and Cloud Dancin’ about his people and their relationship to the land. Think we got some folk really interested. They asked both of us good things. Trouble is, there weren’t a lot of ‘em. But maybe the word ‘ill spread.”

“We can always hope,” Dorothy said.

“And how are our kids?”

“Good, but they missed you. Katie says Benje isn’t happy when you’re not there.”

“She does, huh?”

“Yes. But I think it’s because she doesn’t want to admit she misses you too. I know I sure do.”

“And I miss my family every time I’m away.”

“Dorothy, will you ride up to the meadow with me?” Cloud Dancing asked.

“Yes. We’ll see you later. Welcome home, Sully.”

“Thanks, Dorothy. See ya, Cloud Dancin’.”

Cloud Dancing nodded to Sully and Michaela and he and Dorothy left the café.

“Ya got patients this afternoon?”

“No…besides, Colleen said she would handle the clinic.”

“Does that mean we can get the kids and go home?”

“How about we just go home? Colleen said they would see Katie and Benje got home later.”

“Sounds good ta me…”

As they rode into the yard, Sully stopped the wagon and gazed at the homestead. “What is it, Sully?”

“Just lookin’, enjoyin’. Homecomings are sure good. Course, wouldn’t have a homecomin’ if I didn’t leave.”

“Sully, forget what I said. I don’t mean for you to quit going on trips. It’s just that I don’t like being apart from you.”

“I know. I hate it, too. But, Michaela, everything else aside, if we can change just one person’s mind about the land, about the indians, don’t ya think it’s worth it?”

“Yes, I do. And I know how much you believe in it….I do too. I just wish it was easier.”

“If it was easy, it might not be worth it. Ain’t that the kinda thing you say to me?”

Michaela laughed. “Yes, you know me too well.”

“Nah…just learned from ya….but ya can always surprise me.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Let’s go in, okay?”

Michaela nodded. Sully pulled the wagon up to the corral. They got down and together, unhitched the horses and put them in the corral. Then Sully took Michaela’s hand and they headed for the house. He opened the door for her and they went into the house.

“Are the kids gonna be home soon?”

“Well, not for an hour, at least, maybe more.”

“Mmmmm….what’d ya think we can do in an hour?”

“Oh, I don’t know….maybe the washing?”

“Nah…don’t think so.”

“Clean house?”

“Nah….that neither.” He moved closer to her, put his hands up to her hair bun and began pulling out the pins. “I think this….” As her hair came tumbling down, he combed his fingers through it. Then he moved his fingers to the buttons on her blouse. “And mebbe this….” As he began to unbutton her blouse.

Michaela moved her hands up to the buttons on his shirt. “Then I’ll return the favor.” Michaela finished her task first as he had less buttons, but Sully finished soon after. He pushed her blouse off her shoulders, down her arms and then it landed on the floor. She put her hands on his chest to enjoy running her hands through his chest hair and feeling his muscles. He leaned down to put his lips on her shoulder, then her neck as his hands moved to the straps of her camisole. Soon the camisole joined her blouse and his hands went to caress her bare breasts. She tossed her head back in pleasure as he continued to run his hands over her breasts. She immersed herself in his touch and before she knew it, she was completely naked.

Sully moved back a little. “Mmm…nice view.” Michaela blushed and Sully laughed. “I like that ya still blush.”

She reached up to remove his shirt and it landed with her blouse. Then her hands went to his waistband and she undid the buttons. Soon he too was naked. In unison they moved to the rug in front of the fireplace and settled down on it. He maneuvered her down on her back and he leaned over her. Her hands reached up to caress his chest and run her fingers over his nipples, feeling them harden. He moved his lips down to her nipple and began to caress it while one hand caressed her other breast and his other hand moved down her body. As he moved his lips back up to hers, she ran her hands down his back and grasped his backside. Slowly he moved his body on top of hers and soon he was inside of her. Together, they began the movements to heighten their pleasure. Soon they reached the pinnacle of sensation and slowly melded into each other.

“Michaela, wake up, the kids are coming…” Sully urgently whispered.

She woke with a start, “What?”

“Come on. Quick. Kids are here.” He pulled her to her feet. “Go. Fast.” Michaela ran for the stairs as Sully gathered their things and was right behind her. Just as they entered their room, they heard the front door open.
“Ma? Pa?”

“We’ll be down in a minute, Brian.” Sully said as he closed their door. He turned to see a flushed Michaela standing in the middle of the room. Flushed but smiling. He walked over and put his arms around her. “It’s a sight that’ll be with me always.”


“My naked wife in full flight for the stairs!”

Michaela buried her face in his chest. She couldn’t reply she was laughing so hard. Then a thought hit her and she stopped laughing, looking up into his face. “Oh, Sully, what if you hadn’t of heard them? They would have….”

“But I did and they didn’t. ‘Sides, we was covered and we’re married and we love each other.”

“Yes, but….”

“Nah….don’t think about it….just think about how much fun we had.”

She smiled and reached up to his neck to bring his lips to hers. Her plan had been a quick kiss, but it turned into more than that. “Hmmm…..Sully….”

“Honey, if we don’t stop it’ll be awhile ‘fore we see the kids!” Reluctantly they parted. “Can we carry this on tonight, Mrs. Sully?”

“Try and stop me, Mr. Sully.”

He laughed as he handed her clothes to her.

Brian, Katie and Benje were in the living room as they came down the stairs.

“Mama, Papa,” Katie called, while Benje gurgled.

“Hey, sweet girl,” said Sully, lifting her high over his head a she let out a series of giggles.

Michaela picked Benje up out of Brian’s lap. “And how are you?”

“He fine, mama,” Katie responded. “We good today.”



“And how was your day, Brian?”

“Good. We got the paper printed and it’s six pages. And pa, we got a letter from some folk back east that are friends with Senator Selkirk. They’re coming out here the end of this month and wanna camp out a few days.”

“Ya wanna do it?”

“Sure. They don’t wanna go far, but they would like ta meet Cloud Dancing.”

“Well, set it up, son. Talk to Cloud Dancing.”

“Thanks, Pa.”

“Are we getting hungry?” Michaela asked.

“Oops. Forgot to tell ya. Colleen, Andrew, Amanda and Matthew are coming for dinner and bringing dinner from Grace’s. Clara’s riding out with them and we asked Mr. McKay too. They should be here soon.”

Michaela grinned. “Well, I won’t argue with that!”

They sat around the dinner table, enjoying Grace’s friend chicken. “Ma, Pa, we were talking and we think you two should get away for a few days.” Colleen said. “Clara said she can take care of Katie and Benje. Benje does fine on the bottle. And Brian will be here to help her and take care of things. We can handle the clinics and help take care of the kids.”

Sully and Michaela looked at their family, all of them anticipating the answer. They looked at each other and they silently agreed. “Sounds good,” said Sully. “I ain’t got any trips for Welland planned. I do gotta write up a report for him about what me and Cloud Dancin’ thought about the meetings in San Francisco. That might take a day or two. But then I don’t see why we can’t take a few days and go into the mountains. We know all of you can handle just about anything that’d happen while we’re gone.”

“Ma?” asked Matthew.

“I agree with my husband. And I want to thank you. We love you and this is just another reason why!”

“When do you want to go?” Colleen asked.

Michaela glanced at Sully, “Well, how about Sunday? We can go to church, have lunch with the family and then leave.” Sully nodded in agreement.

Clara had the day off and wanted to spend it with McKay. He was working on an addition to the jail and she was sitting on a bench watching him. Every once in awhile he would glance at her and smile. She lived for those moments. She felt such joy and contentment when she was with him. And sometimes her thoughts were ones she didn’t think a well brought up lady should have, thoughts she hadn’t really had before. When she was engaged, her fiancé wanted to kiss and touch all the time and she couldn’t have been more disinterested, but now she knew how he felt. She wanted that, and more, with McKay.

”Whatcha smilin’ ‘bout?” McKay asked.

Clara giggled. “Just things…”

“What things?” he asked as he came over and sat besides her.

She took his hand in both of hers and looked at it. Then she looked up at him with a smile. “Nothing I’m going to tell you about right now.”


“Well….I….just because….” And as she said that, the blush started creeping up her face.

The blush made him smile. “I take it it ain’t somethin’ an unmarried lady oughta say.” Clara’s blush got worse and she couldn’t look at him. She let go of his hand and folded hers in her lap. “Ya know, that’s somethin’ we could fix.”


“The unmarried thing.”

“Terrance?” she said, finally looking at him.

“I love ya, Clara, and I been thinking for some time that we belong together. If we was in Boston, I’d ask your pa for your hand, but since we ain’t, well…..I’d like ya to think about marrying me.”

“I don’t have to think about it. I love you and I would be proud and happy to marry you.”



McKay pulled Clara to him and they shared a passionate kiss, the best they ever had.

After dinner, Clara waited until Sully had gone up to read to Katie and Brian had gone to his room. “Aunt Michaela?”

“Yes, dear?”

“I….well…you know Terrance and I like each other….and…..we’ve been…well….I guess…..courting….”

Michaela smiled. “Yes, I know you have been courting and I would have guessed it more love than like.”

Clara smiled. “Yes, you’re right. Well, today he asked me to think about marrying him.”

“Oh, Clara, how wonderful. And are you thinking about it?”

“I told him I didn’t have to….that I would marry him.”

“Marry who….or should I already know?” Sully asked as he joined them.

“Uncle Sully! You know who!”

He laughed. “Yes I do. Congratulations.”

“And when and where do you plan to marry?” Michaela asked.

“The where is definitely here. Neither one of us has an interest in going to Boston and having the kind of wedding Grandmother would insist on. The when depends. I’m going to write to Mother and ask her to talk to Father and Grandmother. Terrance is writing to his family. As soon as we know who can come and when, we will set the date for something that will work for everyone….especially us…..I don’t want it to be too far away.”

“Let us know anything we can do to help.”

“We will, Aunt Michaela. And, I know I said I would move as soon as I saved some money…”

“You ain’t gotta move, Clara. We like havin’ ya here and it’s better ya save your money for things ya want with McKay.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, dear. We really weren’t crazy about you moving into the boarding house anyway. And now, you will be moving into your home with Terrance. And that’s so much closer to us!”

“Thank you both, very much!”

“No need ta thank us. That’s what family’s fer.”

Michaela was updating the file of the patient she had just finished with and Amanda was cleaning up the examing table and the instruments. Michaela finished and went to file the chart.

“Dr. Mike?”

“Yes, dear?”


“Amanda? Is something wrong?”

“Well….no…..I…I….I need to see you as a doctor….”

“Okay. Are there problems you want to tell me about?”

Amanda smiled. “I don’t think a problem…..I just….well, I haven’t had a monthly in a while…”

Michaela smiled too. “About how long since your last one?”

“Maybe two months.”

“Well, dear, let’s find out.” Amanda climbed on to the table and Michaela began the examination. When she was done, she washed her hands, then turned around to the anxious Amanda. “You are making me a grandmother!”

Amanda gasped with joy and threw her arms around Michaela. “I’m so happy! When?”

“It should be right after the first of the year.”

“Do you need me here right now? I’d like to go see Matthew!”

“You go ahead. I’m so happy for you both, Amanda!”

“Thank you, Dr. Mike.” Amanda hurried out the door and across the street to Matthew’s office. She was very relieved to find him alone. “Matthew?”

“Hey,” he said, getting up to hug and kiss his wife. “What’s up?”

“Well…..I need to tell you something……Dr. Mike said we’re making her a grandmother….”

“Huh?” Matthew said, looking puzzled for a minute. Then the realization hit him. “Oh my god! Manda, you serious?”

“Yes! She said the baby is due after the first of the year.”

Matthew wrapped his arms around Amanda. “I love you….and thank you….”

“I love you….and you had something to do with it…so thank you too!”

Michaela and Amanda were sitting outside the clinic talking since they had no patients. Amanda was asking Michaela about what it was like to be pregnant. Dorothy came around the corner. “Michaela, a photographer just arrived on the train. He’s gonna stay a day or so. Thought you might want some family pictures.”

“Yes…that would be wonderful. Are you going to?”

“I hope so. I’m going to go up and ask Cloud Dancing if he would come down and let the photographer take our picture.”

“That would be nice. I think I’d like to have a family picture and then some separate ones. What do you think, Amanda?”

“It would be nice to have some family pictures.”

Dorothy smiled. “I think we can give this man some business. Well, I’ll be going. I’m going to lock up and then go up to the meadow.”

As Dorothy left, Michaela turned to Amanda. “Can you watch the clinic? I’d like to walk up and talk to the photographer.”


Over dinner, the entire family was celebrating the engagement of Clara and McKay and the announcement of Matthew and Amanda’s baby.

“I wrote to mother today to tell her about us,” Clara told the family. “I asked her to tell grandmother and father. I told her I would like father to give me away, but he might not agree. And I sure don’t know what grandmother will say. I told mother we will be married here. I’m sure mother will come.”

“I think you’re right, Clara. Rebecca will come for the wedding,” said Michaela. “And I think mother will come. She may resist at first, but Rebecca will get her to come. I wish I could say for sure about your father. Terrance, do you think your family will come?”

“Ain’t sure. I wrote them today. They ain’t got a lot of money, so I told them I would pay for the trip. Horace said I could pay for ‘em here. So I’m hopin’ some of em’ll come.”

“If they do, they can use some of the rooms at the clinic.”

“Thanks, Dr. Mike. ‘Preciate that.”

“By the way, all of you need to be at the train station about 11 tomorrow morning. There’s a photographer in town and he’s going to be taking pictures for a few days. I set up the time for family pictures. This includes you, Terrance. It’s not often we have this chance and I am asking all of you to do this for me.”

The next day the family gathered at the station where everyone had pictures taken. They had a lot of fun mixing the different family members up and having the pictures taken. Everyone got one pose by themselves, then each married couple and so on.

“Sully,” Michaela said as they watched the photographer pose Katie and Benje. “Thank you. I know you don’t really like to have this done.”

“It’s okay. I like seeing pictures of the family and I know you like to have me in some of the pictures. I do it for you.”

“And I love you for that.”

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Just for that?”

She laughed. “No, there are a few other things!”

After church, the family settled in the meadow for lunch.

“Ma, you’re not going to wear that dress are you?” Colleen asked. “I thought you were leaving from here.”

“We are. And no I’m not wearing it, but I didn’t want to wear my riding clothes to church. I’m going to change at the clinic. We left the rest of our things there.”

“How long do you plan to be gone?” Matthew asked.

“Just a coupla days.” Sully replied. “We ain’t gonna be far and will probably spend the nights at the cave. So if ya need us ya can find us.”

“We’ll be okay. Sides the family, we got a lot of friends in town to help us if we need it,” said Matthew.

“And I told father about your trip and he said if anyone needs anything, he’s available,” said Amanda.

“Well, I guess everything’s set then,” said Michaela.

“Mama, me help take care of Benje!”

“That’s wonderful, Katie. And will you make sure the rest of the family is okay?”

Katie looked around at her family and frowned. “All of ‘em? Me just little, mama!”

Michaela smiled. “Okay. Just be your cheerful self and that will make them happy.”

“Me can do that!”

“I’m proud of ya, Kates. You’re a good girl.”

“Tanks, papa.”

The packhorse was ready, as were Flash and Wind. Michaela and Sully came out of the clinic after changing clothes. Amanda was holding Benje and Michaela reached for him. “Oh, we’re going to miss you so!” She kissed him and then handled him to Sully. “Katie, come here, please.”

“Me miss you, mama.”

“I’ll miss you, too. But we’ll be back soon.”

“Papa? Bring me present?”

“We ain’t gonna be in a store, Kates. Just the mountains.”

“Me like mountain presents!”

‘We’ll see, Kates, we’ll see…” Sully turned to Wolf. “Stay with Brian.”

Sully and Michaela kissed the family goodbye, mounted their horses and headed off for the mountains.

They decided to camp at the cave and make trips from there. They arrived at the cave by mid-afternoon and set up their camp inside.

“For a long time I didn’t like comin’ here after I came home. It was like a prison, knowin’ I couldn’ta come home to you. But then I thought of the times when ya stayed here with me, when ya was healin’ me. They were better than the bad memories. And it wasn’t the cave’s fault.”

“I’m glad. I like it here and I too have good memories. That first day we got you here, after you fell asleep, I sat and watched you for hours. That’s when this cave became a good friend. You may have seen it as a prison, but I saw it as a place that would protect you, keep you safe until we could clear your name.”

Sully smiled. “Never thought of it just that way. I guess I should.”

Michaela nestled into his arms. “I love you, Mr. Sully.”

“I love ya back, Mrs. Sully,” he replied as his lips joined hers for a kiss. “And that’s a sign of things ta come! Now, we ain’t got time to ride anywhere before dinner, so how ‘bout we go down to the waterfall?”

“Mmmmm…I don’t know…..things seem to happen at the waterfall…..”

“Yeah, I know.”

Sully released Michaela from his embrace, took her hand, grabbed some towels and blanket, and headed for the waterfall. As they neared, they hear the soft roar of the falls. “Every time we come here, I think how different the sound from our falls is compared to the one we saw in Yellowstone. I liked the magnificence of the Yellowstone falls, but our falls is so special.”

“I think so, too. We had some good times here….”

Michaela smiled. “Yes.”

Sully spread the blanket out on the ground near the falls and gave his hand to Michaela. They sat down close to each other, with his arm around her shoulders and enjoyed the solitude of the place. They were both lost in their own thoughts, but comforted by the presence of the other. After awhile, Sully noticed Michaela was leaning into him. He glanced at her face and saw that she had fallen asleep. He slowly lowered her to the blanket, then laid down besides her, on his side, so he could watch her sleep. He was always so amazed at the beauty of this woman, his wife. The first time he ever saw her, he had been struck by her physical beauty. The more he got to know her, he realized her inner beauty was more overpowering.

He didn’t know how long he lay watching her sleep until her eyelids started to flutter. Then those amazing eyes opened and looked into his.

“I fell asleep,” she said with amazement.


“How long?”

“Don’t know…..does it matter….?”

“Well, I guess not. But I thought we were going to do things together.”

“We did. You slept. I watched you.”

“The whole time?”


“That must have been boring.”

“Nah….liked it……course woulda liked it better without those clothes blockin’ the view.”



She giggled. “You’re incorrigible!”

“Yeah,” he replied as his hands moved over to her buttons. “Like this shirt. Not too many buttons.” As he finished undoing the buttons, he pulled her shirt out of her waistband, and he got a surprise. Her camisole was one of the special, fancy ones he had bought for her awhile back. The blue one of satin and lace, and very little of that. “When did ya manage to put this on without me seeing ya?”

“At the clinic. Remember. I was almost dressed by the time you came up to change. I wanted to surprise you.”

“You surely did.” He moved his finger to trace the line of the camisole as it moved over her breasts. The peaks of her breasts were barely covered by the satin. He lowered his mouth so his tongue could caress her nipples through the satin. He pulled back to see them standing hard against the covering. He glanced up at her eyes. They were closed and the look on her face was delightful, so he lowered his head again to let his tongue continue it’s blissful work. Slowly his hands pulled down the straps of the camisole and soon the barrier between her flesh and his tongue was gone.

He felt her hands pulling his shirt out of his waistband and she was soon urging it upward. All of a sudden, he wanted no barrier between her skin and his. He stood up to remove his shirt, pants and moccasins. He glanced down to see her watching him, smiling. He smiled back. She started to rise to take off the rest of her clothes, but he pushed her back down and knelt at her feet. He removed her boots and pulled her riding skirt off. The camisole quickly followed.

Each hand massaged one of her feet and then he slowly worked his way upward, missing nothing. She was very aware of his arousal and as his body moved up hers, she reached down to grasp him, eliciting a groan from him. “Michaela, Michaela,” he whispered, “what ya do to me….”

“And you to me,” she whispered back as her other hand went around his waist and pressured his body towards hers so that his manhood became trapped between them. And she heard another groan, answering it with one of her own.

Slowly their bodies moved against each other. He knew soon he would not be able to control himself. “Michaela, I….I….I gotta…..”

She relented and released her hold enough so that he could enter her and as he did, she returned the pressure to his back. Slowly but surely, the rhythm of life began. They kept a slow pace for awhile to enjoy all the sensations they were feeling. She loved having him inside her and he loved being inside. It made them truly feel as if they were one, not two separate entities. Then the pace began to pick up and soon they were heading to the climax. And when it came, it was an earth-shattering finale.

They were still joined as he rested on top of her, keeping most of his weight on his arms. “My wife….my love….my life….” He said as his lips nuzzled her neck.

She moved her hands to either side of his head to raise his up so she could look into his eyes. “You are also my love, my life. No matter what happens.” And as those blue eyes gazed intensely into hers, she knew she was in paradise.

After awhile, they slowly crept back into their own skins, separating their bodies, and laying side by side, holding hands. Their breathing returned to normal as their pulses slowed.

All of a sudden, Sully got to his feet, pulling Michaela with him. Then he swooped her into his arms and headed for the water. “Sully!”

His answer was to plunge them both into the mountain water and move under the falls. He helped her stand as they laughed together and the coursing water tamed their body heat. Then they left the falls, wading across to sit on a rock at the edge of the water.

“Dear heart, already this trip is worth it. Do you think we can survive two more days?”

He laughed. “I’m sure of it!”

They sat on their bedding, finishing their dinner, skin to skin, wrapped loosely in a blanket. Michaela reached into her saddlebags and brought out a small, brown package, handing it to Sully. “What’s this?”

“A little something to say I love you.”

“But I didn’t get you anythin’.”

“Well, this is something for us to share.” She smiled at him. He opened the package to find a new book of poems by various authors. “See, it’s really a gift for me because I expect you to read to me!”

He kissed her. “With pleasure.” He thumbed through the book to find a suitable poem. He did and as he read it to her, his voice was filled with love and passion. And as they finally settle back to sleep, he whispered, “Thank you for your gift to us.”

It was rare that Michaela woke before Sully, but this morning she did. She turned slightly so she could look into her lover’s face. She saw he had a slight grin and she wondered what caused it, what he was dreaming of. She could see his eyeballs moving under his lids, and then his grin got more pronounced. Now she was really curious. He kicked the blanket off and she couldn’t help moving her gaze down his body, enjoying every bit of it. Then she returned her gaze to his face, only to be met by blue heaven.


“Good morning, love. I was watching you dream.”

“Didn’t seem like ya were watching a dream. Ya see dreams in a person’s face….”

Michaela’s first response was to turn red, then, “That was only just now….you kicked the blanket off…..before you had a grin and your eyes were moving… you remember the dream?”

“Think so.” He said with a grin.

“What was it?”

“Something about this beautiful woman riding naked on a horse! She had this long brown hair and a crooked grin! Ya wanna see if ya can do the same thing?”

“Sully!” Upon her exclamation, he roared with laugher and she was not far behind. “You didn’t really dream that, did you?”

“Yep. Ain’t kidding. And it was good!”

“And who was this woman?” she asked with raised eyebrows, trying to fight a grin.

“Only one woman I ever dream of. Only one woman I’d ever watch like that. Only one woman I see in my mind, wakin’ or sleepin’. Only one woman I love.” He reached up and cupped her face in his hand. “You are that woman, Mrs. Sully. The woman I live for.”

“Oh, Sully….” Michaela leaned down to claim his lips, her eyes glistening. Then she nestled in his arms, content to spend this time quietly, knowing no one would disturb them.

Sully and Michaela had ridden further up into the mountains and were now walking besides a stream, hand in hand. “I love it here, Sully. It’s so quiet. You can even hear the water rippling.”

“Let’s sit here,” he said, pointing to a spot by the stream. “If we’re still, soon the birds’ll start talkin’ again.”

As they sat down, Sully pulled Michaela between his legs, with her back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on her shoulder. She put her hands over his. They waited. Soon they heard some birds, then more forest sounds. “See,” he whispered in her ear, “they think we’re part of ‘em now. The birds are singin’ for us.” Michaela turned her face toward him and their lips met. They parted and smiled at each other, then continued to listen to the forest. Later in their walks, they found some pine cones for Katie.

They returned to the cave close to dinnertime and fixed dinner from their provisions. After dinner they took a walk outside to watch the sun go down and then returned to the cave. “Let’s get ready for bed and then I’ll read ya some poems.”

Michaela smiled. “Sounds good.” She turned to go to their clothing.

“Ya ain’t gonna wear your nightgown, are ya?” Michaela turned back and looked at him with a slight grin. “Well, ya didn’t wear one last night and I liked that.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Yeah? About that dream and the horse…..”

“Well, within reason….”

He pulled her into his arms and laughed. “I sure love ya, even when ya change your mind.”

“I didn’t change my mind!”

“Sure ya did. Within just a few minutes. First you tell me my wish is your command, then ya say within reason. Those words don’t seem ta work together!”


“It’s okay….I don’t expect ya ta do every thing I wish, but sure sounds good.” He cupped her chin with his hand and pulled her lips to his for a light kiss.

As they parted, she asked, with laughter in her tone, “And what was that?”

“Just a promise of things ta come!”

They cuddled under the blankets, skin to skin. Sully opened the new book and picked some poems full of love to read to Michaela. As he read, she ran her fingers over his chest, through his hair, lightly caressing him. “I could listen to you read those poems forever….or anything for that matter. Your voice thrills me.”

“Just my voice?”

“Sully! I was being serious!”

“I know….me too…..sorta.” He kissed her forehead. “I can get serious….I love you and everything about ya thrills me. I need ya, Michaela, to be complete.”

“I need you too, for the same reason. Oh, Sully, I am so happy!”

“Me too.”

“I think you should put that book down,” she whispered in his ear as she nibbled his earlobe.

“Ya don’t wanna hear anymore?” he inquired with a grin.

“No…not just now…..”

She moved up to cover his lips and their tongues explored each other. He put his arms around her and started to roll over, but she stopped him. “No,” she said softly, “let me…” Slowly, she moved her body to lay on top of his and again their lips met and enjoyed. She trailed her hands down his sides and then reached between them to grasp and caress him and he responded to the touch of her hand. His hands lay on her shoulders and as she continued to caress him, his grasp tightened. She raised her head to look at his face to find his eyes closed and a rapturous expression on his face. She lowered her lips to nuzzle his neck. Then she pushed her self up to a sitting position and took him inside of her. He reached up to caress her breasts, to tease her nipples as she arched into his hands. The movement of her hips caused sensations of pleasure to course through him. Her movements became more intense and he knew he was reaching the pinnacle…..and then he did, as did she shortly after.

As they relaxed, she slowly sank to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled sideways so they ended up on their sides, nose to nose, lips to lips, face to face, and still connected. He kissed her eyes, her nose, and each cheek before he reached her lips. “Mmmm…good… ya….”

“And I love you.”

Slowly he withdrew. He rolled on to his back, pulling her against his chest into his embrace. They lay there, without words, the warmth of their bodies conveying their feelings. Satisfied to be together, knowing the next day they would head back home and be surrounded again by family.



“We need ta do this every now and then.”

“But Sully, we are together like this all the time,” she replied with a giggle.

He tighten his embrace. “Ya know that ain’t what I meant…not just makin’ love…..”

Again, she giggled, “I know. And I agree. We will make sure we take a trip, alone, every now and then. I do love being alone with you, but I also miss our family.”

“Me, too. But I miss time with you, just you.”

“I miss the time with you, so I promise we will do this again. Course we have said that before and things just seem to happen to stop us from getting away."

“Yep, we do have a problem there. Guess we just gotta make a better try. But even if we don’t get away as often as we want, as long as we’re together, Michaela, we’ll make it.”

“And no more arguments….”

He laughed. “Michaela, that ain’t possible. It just seems we gotta disagree now and then. And makin’ up is a lota fun!”

“Well then, maybe we should promise to not go away mad, like we did when you went to San Francisco. I was so miserable with you gone and having fought with you. I was nervous you wouldn’t come right home.”

“Ah, honey, that wouldna happened. I’ll always come back to ya. I wanted to teach ya lesson, but it didn’t happen that way. Cloud Dancin’ said it was a knife that cuts both ways. He was right. I was in a lot of pain worryin’ about ya and havin’ fought with ya.”

“I was in pain too, Sully. I missed you so much. And I know your job is important to you….it’s important to me too…I just don’t like it when it takes you away….”

“I know…but we’ll just keep being together when ever we can and make up for the times we’re apart. But I think about ya all the time when I ain’t with ya. And when I go to sleep, I always say goodnight to ya.”

“I say goodnight to you also. We’ll make it, won’t we, Sully?”

“You bet, Michaela. We’ll always be one when we’re together and apart we ain’t really whole, so we always gotta come back to each other.” Michaela snuggled down and put her hand over his heart. He wrapped his arms around her, keeping a tight hold on her. “Night my love.”

“Good night, my sweet, wonderful Byron.”

In one lifetime how many times can it be like that, be a ceremony that becomes so unrelated to the flesh that I had the feeling I floated disembodied in the night sky, looking down at two figures there in the theater of moonlight caught in a slow unending dance to the doubled heartbeat, a counterpoint in offstage drums. But there is a time to fall out of the sky and a fall from that height makes long moments of half-light, of knowing and not knowing, of being and dying.
-JD MacDonald

The End

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