For personal use and select distribution only © June 2001 by S.L. Snyder

by S. L. Snyder

Timeline: May 1874.

It was Michaela's first day back at work since giving birth to Benjamin. While she had been off work, she had talked with Grace about what would happen with Katie and Benje once she went back to work. Grace had the same problem with the twins…she didn't like having to keep them at the café all day. Robert E had come up with the solution. He knew of a young couple, Abraham and Lucille, in Shantytown, with a two year old and they could use extra money. Grace and Michaela had interviewed Lucille and agreed she would be a good babysitter. It was decided she would take care of the children at Grace and Robert E's.

Michaela was comfortable with the thought her children were just across the street and she could visit them anytime. It was especially good when she needed to nurse Benje. He was hungry all the time and she couldn't produce enough milk for him. So besides nursing, she was giving him the baby formula that Katie had had as a baby. That seemed to be working well….unlike Katie's first reactions to it, Benje had taken to the bottle right away. She felt she could devote the right amount of time to her patients since she knew he wouldn't go hungry. And their friends, Dorothy, Loren and others, were drop by to take Katie for walks and visits, just like they had before Benje came along.

Sully came to get her for lunch. "How ya feelin'?"

"Tired, but glad to be back."

"Been ta see the kids?"

"Yes. Just twice, mainly to nurse Benje. The kids look happy there."

"Good." After lunch, Sully walked her back to the clinic. "Gonna go see McKay. See ya at home." He said as he kissed her goodbye.

Michaela was sitting in bed reading when Sully walked in.

“Sorry I’m late. Was helping McKay with his new horses and kinda lost track of time.”

“That’s okay. I have missed you though. Are you hungry?”

“Nope. Had a bite with McKay.”

Michaela watched as her husband went over to check on Benjamin, then get ready for bed. She pulled the covers back as he crawled in beside her. He snuggled up next to her and kissed her forehead, then her lips. “Hmmm…that’s nice. This bed is always so lonely without you.”

He smiled. “I like being here with ya. How’re the kids?”

“Fine. Katie tried to wait up for you, but she fell asleep with the wolves, by the fire. Brian carried her to bed and then he went to bed. He had picked Katie up after school and they went fishing. From hearing them describe it, they played more than fished. Katie was so tired. And speaking of Terrance….”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think anything is. But have you seen the way Clara looks at him? I think there’s something there. I’ve seen Clara watch him walk by and she doesn’t see or hear anything for a few moments. And I’ve seen Terrance looking at her in the same way.”

“That’s a good thing, huh? I don’t think McKay’s ever been married, ‘cept to the Army.”

“I think it’s a good thing. He’s quite a bit older than Clara, but I can’t see that as a problem. And Clara seems to be happy here with no intentions of returning to Boston. Of course, if anything happens with them, mother will probably be furious at us.” Michaela smiled at that thought.

“We’ll have’ta just see what happens. But promise, Michaela, no helpin’ things along?”

“Sully…..when have I ever…..”


“Fine!” she exclaimed, laughing at her husband.

A few days later, Sully had been hunting and was on his way home when he saw McKay sitting by the creek, gazing at the water. “McKay?”

“Hey, Sully.”

“You okay?”

“Ain’t hurt or anything I’d need Dr. Mike for, if that’s what ya mean.”

“What’s up?”

“Can I ask ya something?”

“Sure.” Sully walked over and sat down.

“Do you think it’s bad if a guy is lots older’n the woman he likes?”

“Not at all. As long as it don’t bother either of them. Age ain’t what makes things work, it’s the feelings.”

“Hope you’re right. But maybe she don’t think so.”

“So who ya got your eye set on, if ya wanna say.”

“Well….I don’t mind saying, but you might not like it.”

“Is it cuz she’s family?”

“How’d ya know that?” McKay asked, looking at Sully with a puzzled expression.


“What? How would she know?”

“Cuz she notices things. The young lady wouldn’t be our niece, would it?”

“Uh….yeah….she’s something special, but I don’t know if she even notices me….being older and all….and having been in the Army during all the troubles, with you in hiding…..”

“Well, according to Michaela, Clara notices. Michaela thinks it’s a good thing and I had ta make her promise not ta help things along! And Clara don’t blame ya for what happened….just like we don’t. Have ya talked to Clara?”

“Just in passing…..not sure what to say……don’t wanna sound dumb. Ain’t been real good around women.”

“You don’t have to be good around women when one cares for you. She’ll help ya. Just talk to her, be with her and be good to her. It’ll work out.”

“I ain’t got a lot to offer. Just my small place…..”

“If they love ya, what ya got ain’t important. You just need to talk to her. Go ask her to go to lunch with you, mebbe take a walk, go to church. Those are the things that are important to a woman.”

“But what if she really don’t like me?”

“Ya gotta take chances if ya wanna be happy. I took a chance telling Michaela I loved her and it worked out. ‘Sides, Michaela ain’t often wrong and she thinks Clara has an eye for you.”

McKay smiled, “I sure hope she’s right. I ain’t ever felt for a woman the way I do about Clara. She’s something special.”

“Yeah, Quinn women are something special, one way or the other!"

Michaela was looking in the mirror, watching her husband brush her hair. “What are you grinning about?”

“You…how ya know things.”

“Like what?”

“Like McKay and Clara. Saw him at the creek today. Told me he likes Clara. He’s worried she don’t feel the same…..worried about his age. Told him to ask her to lunch or something. Told him you had said they had a thing. Made him feel a little better, I think.”

“And now who’s helping things along?!”

His grin just got bigger.

Clara was working at the train station, sorting mail, when she glanced up to see McKay coming her way. She paused, watching him, her heart beat increasing. She'd never felt this way before, not even about her ex-fiancé. There was just something about Terrance McKay…..

"Morning, Miss Clara, Horace."

"Morning, Sargent," said Horace.

"Good morning, Mr. McKay."

"Miss Clara, I was wondering if you'd join me for lunch."

Clara glanced at Horace. "Go ahead, Clara," he said. "If you could just be back by one, when the train gets here."

"Thank you, Horace," Clara said as she left the office.

Clara and McKay walked over to the café, took a table away from the others and ordered lunch.

"Miss Clara, thanks for coming to lunch with me."

"Thank you for asking, but please, call me Clara."

"Okay, if you'll drop the mister."

"May I call you Terrance?"

"You bet!"

They sat there, smiling at each other, waiting for lunch.

Sully and Michaela came into the café. Sully nudged Michaela and nodded toward Clara and McKay. "Michaela, look. Guess McKay got the nerve ta ask Clara ta lunch."

"Good…now maybe we should ask Terrance to dinner…"

"Slow down, Michaela. It's their first step. Let 'em get use to each other first."

"But, Sully, Terrance is a friend and we've had him to dinner before."

"Yep…but before he made his feelings about Clara known. Now ya wanna ask him to push things along. So my love, let's wait," he said, smiling at her.


Sully guided Michaela over to an empty table and held the chair out for her. As she sat, he leaned over, put his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "Give 'em time, my love, give 'em time." He kissed her on the cheek and sat down next to her, holding her hand and gazing into her eyes. She gazed back, caught up in a blue heaven.

They were still gazing when Grace came over a few minutes later to take their order. "I swear…you two act like you're still courtin' or just married….remember you're an old married couple now!"

Sully chuckled. "I court Michaela every day, Grace."

Grace smiled then nodded toward Clara and McKay, "Looks like it's catchin'."

"I hope so," Michaela replied.

"Ain't gonna be a problem with you, is it?" Grace asked. "I mean, him being ex-Army and all that."

"Nah…we like McKay and as long as Clara's happy, we're okay. My biggest problem is keeping Michaela from playing matchmaker."

Grace giggled as Michaela frowned at her husband, "Sully…."


“It just isn’t me! Terrance might not have asked Clara if he hadn’t talked to you!”

“Sure, but he asked. You wanna push!” He replied, laughing.

Michaela tried to frown at him, which she found hard when she wanted to laugh. “Sully!”

His answer to her was to lean over and kiss her, then ordered lunch from Grace.

Clara and McKay finished lunch and headed back to the station, smiling and nodding at Michaela and Sully as they passed by. At the station, McKay took her hand, “I’d be pleased if I could escort ya to church tomorrow?"

“I’d like that.”

“Great. I’ll pick ya up in the morning.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

“Come in,” said Michaela in response to a knock at the clinic door.

Clara opened the door. “Are you busy?”

“No, dear. What can I do for you?”

“Oh, Aunt Michaela, I’m just so happy!”

“Has it anything to do with Terrance?”

Clara giggled, “Very much so! I really like him. I have for a long time, but I was afraid he thought of me as a child. When he asked me to lunch today, I wanted to shout with joy. We talked about little things, nothing special, but it was so nice to be with him. And he asked me to go to church with him tomorrow….that’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Of course it is! And I’m glad you’re happy. Terrance is a good man, kind… We like him.”

“You don’t think the difference in our ages is bad, do you?”

“Not at all. Besides, it only matters how the two of you think.”

“Grandma won’t like it.”

Michaela smiled. “Clara, if you’re going to worry about what mother likes, you might as well pack up and return to Boston. She’ll learn to accept it….like she has with me. Just do what you think is right….follow your heart.”

“My heart wants to be with Terrance.” Clara hugged Michaela. “Well, I’ll go now. See you at home.”

As the days passed, the love growing between Clara and McKay was obvious to family and friends. McKay came to take her to lunch every day she was working at the station. And he escorted her to church on Sundays. Michaela and Sully were pleased with the courting as they liked McKay. Michaela often invited him to dinner.

As the month of May drew to a close, McKay remembered he had promised his family back in Virginia that he would come to visit for the entire month of June. He knew he had to go as his grandmother was old and it may be the last time that he had to see her. He had three nephews and a niece, courtesy of his older sister, that he had never seen. And his parents weren’t getting any younger either. His problem was he didn’t want to leave Clara. He had liked women he had met over the years, and he had been with women in the saloons, but he had never loved one. But he loved Clara….couldn’t stop thinking about her. He went to get Clara for lunch and decided today was the day.

“Clara,” he said as they sat eating, “after lunch, would ya take a walk with me in the meadow?”

Clara smiled, “Yes, of course.”

As they wandered over the bridge and into the meadow, McKay cleared his throat. “Ah, Clara….”

“What it is, Terrance? What’s wrong?”

“Ain’t nothing wrong……let’s sit down on this bench here…….” They sat, he picked up her hand, but he couldn’t look in her face. “Clara, I ain’t never said this before…..don’t rightly know how to…….” He cleared his throat again and glanced up at her face to see a smiling Clara. He looked into her eyes and with a red face, said, “I……I…..I love ya…..”

“I love you, too, Terrance.”

He beamed, “Yeah?”

“Yes…..very much.”

He leaned over and for the first time put his lips on the lips of his lady love. He felt like he had found heaven. The kiss ended and they sat there, gazing into each others eyes.

“Hey, Clara,” called Brian, breaking the spell. “Horace sent me to find ya. The train is due soon.”

“Oh, my, I’m late! Thank you, Brian. I have to go, Terrance!”

“Wait, I need to talk with you….I need to tell ya….” said McKay.

“Come with me then…Horace won’t mind….”

They got up and headed for the station as Brian watched them, smiling.

“Hey, Ma,” Brian said, entering the clinic. Michaela looked up from folding some bandages to smile at her son. “Just saw Clara and the sergeant kissing. They sure look happy…”

“And what were you doing watching them?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Couldn’t help it! Horace asked me to find Clara as she was late coming back from lunch. And when I found her, they were in the meadow, out in the open!!!”

“Who was out in the open doing what?” asked Sully as he came in carrying Katie and Benje.

“Clara and the sergeant kissing.’

“Oh…” he replied, looking at his pleased wife.

Clara and McKay got to the station office. “Horace, I’m so sorry I’m late!”

“You ain’t that late. Just wanted to get something to eat before the train comes as I never seem to find the time after it arrives and then by dinner I’m very hungry. I’ll be back by the time it gets here.”

Horace walked away as Clara settled into the chair in the office. McKay stood near her, smiling.


“Ya look good there, sitting all important.”

Clara blushed. “What was it you needed to tell me?”

“Well…..after saying I love ya, it’s kinda hard to say the next part….”

“Terrance, what’s wrong?” she asked with a concerned look.

“When I was comin’ to get ya for lunch, I remembered I had promised my family I’d come see them. My grandmother’s old and not well. They live in Virginia. I told ‘em I’d come in June and that’s just a few days away. Ma asked me to stay awhile so I said I’d stay the whole month! But now…..I don’t want leave ya….I wanna be with ya all the time…..I love ya so much!”

“I love you too, very much, but….”

“What’s this? Another cultured Boston lady taking up with the uncultured?”

Clara turned to see Preston Lodge standing there with his condescending smirk. For the first time in her life, she responded with strength and coldness to another human being. “Mr. Lodge, if you have business here, then proceed, otherwise leave. You are not welcome here on a personal basis and your rudeness is un-called for. I now see what others have said about you is true and you are not worth talking to!”

“Well, I never!”

“Never what, Mr. Lodge? You think you are above all these people who have carved their homes out here. You think because they don’t talk like you, don’t have your schooling, that they are not as good as you. Well, they’re better. And if you think you attitude and rudeness would be accepted back in Boston society, I can tell you in the world of my family and friends, it wouldn’t. Right after you got here, my aunt wrote and told my grandmother about you. Grandmother remembers how your father turned my grandfather down for a loan because he was a risk. Grandfather went on to be one of the most respected doctors in Boston, with a reputation for kindness. While I don’t care for the snobs of Boston, if you went back there, to the circle of Beacon Hill I come from, they would look at you the same way you look at these people. Or maybe worse as in Beacon Hill society, those with pretentious attitudes tend to dislike even more those with pretentious attitudes who don’t come from Beacon Hill!”

Preston stood there, looking at Clara with a stunned look on his face. Clara stared right back, defiantly. He finally shook his head and walked away.

Clara turned to see McKay looking at her with a smile and admiration. “Wow, remind me to never get on your angry side!”

Clara blushed and lowered her eyes. “I can’t believe I did that! I’ve never spoken that way to someone before….I…”

McKay took the few steps to where she sat, pulled her up and put his arms around her. As he put his chin on top of her head and hugged her tight, she put her arms around his waist. “It’s okay. Ya did good. I seen the way he treats Sully, how he acts towards Dr. Mike. His words ain’t gonna hurt me, but it was nice watching him get put in his place.”

After a few minutes of holding each other, Clara said, “Now, about your trip…”

McKay stepped back, taking her hand in his and looking at her. “God, Clara, I don’t wanna go! Not now….I did…I was looking forward to going until you….but I don’t wanna leave you!”

“But Terrance, you must go. I’m sure your family’s looking forward to your visit. I would not want to be the cause of their disappointment. And they would probably never forgive me. That would not be a good thing if we are to have any kind of a relationship. I will miss you and every day you’re gone will probably seem like a year, but go you must!”

McKay stepped close again to embrace her. They did not speak as they hugged each other. The distant train whistle broke them apart. He smiled at her. “Guess I better buy a ticket.”

“For when?”

“Day after tomorrow. And I need to find someone to watch my place.”

“I bet Brian would. And I will too.”

He smiled and gave her a quick kiss.


Clara looked over to the window to see Michaela and Horace standing there, smiling. She blushed. “Aunt Michaela….Horace……”

“Terrance,” Michaela said, “Will you come for dinner tonight?”

“I’d love to. Thanks, Dr. Mike.” He turned back to Clara. ”See ya later,” he said as he kissed her hand and walked away with Clara watching.

She turned back to her aunt, who was standing there alone. Horace had moved over to the platform as the train neared. “He told me he loves me….”

Michaela smiled. “I’m very happy for you. He’s a good man.”

“Yes.” She replied, returning the smile.

Brian finished the dinner prayer and they broke hands to begin eating.

“Brian,” McKay said, “I gotta go see my family in Virginia and was wondering if you’d watch my place while I’m gone. I’ll pay ya for it.”

“Sure, I’ll take care of things. But I wouldn’t take any money for it.”

“I’ll help you, Brian,” said Clara.

“Dr. Mike, Sully, I gotta tell ya you niece sure has a temper when it’s required.”


Michaela looked at Clara with a puzzled look. “Clara? A temper? I’ve never know you to have a temper.”

“She probably ain’t never been pushed before. We was at the station, talking about our feelings, when Lodge walked up, overheard and made a rude remark about her being a Boston lady and liking me. She lit into him and it was great. He ended up looking awful bad and walking away.”

Sully smiled. “I’m warning ya now, McKay, watch out for these Boston ladies. Underneath they’re strong as the iron rails.”

“Boy, I guess!”

Michaela watched in the mirror as her nude husband performed his nightly ritual of brushing her hair, loving the look on his face as he pulled the brush through, and feeling the first rush of desire since Benje’s birth. He looked up into her eyes and smiled. He put the brush down and knelt beside her. He moved his hand to caress her face. He moved closer and captured her lips with his. “Are ya all healed from the baby? I know he tore ya up a little more ‘n Katie did.”

“Yes. I’m fine. Andrew examined me the other day and pronounced me fit.”

“Hmmm…your husband'id sure like to share some enthusiasm with ya.”

Michaela smiled and leaned into kiss him. “Your wife would like that.”

He stood up and pulled her into his arms. They shared another kiss, this one longer and with more passion. He unbuttoned her robe and dropped it to the floor. Next he undid the ribbons and buttons of her nightgown and pulled it over her head, letting it join the robe. He pulled her tight against him, crushing her breasts to his chest and again claiming her lips. Without breaking the kiss, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to their bed. Breaking the kiss, she reached down, pulling the covers down as he placed her on the bed.

He stood for a moment, running his eyes up and down her body as a warm blush spread over her. He smiled and lay down beside her. “That prim and proper lady still remains.”

She laughed. “I can’t help it. When you look at me that way, when I’m laying there, so……”

“So beautiful, so desirable, so naked………”

“Shhh,” she murmured, burying her face in his neck.

“I like it….I love your naked body…..” touching her face, he said, “your face so beautiful” then he began to move his hand down her body and he said as he touched each part, “…..your breasts so delightful….. your nipples so demanding……your stomach so appealing…..your…”

“Sully, enough…..”

“But I ain’t finished.”

“With words you are,” she moaned as his hand reached between her legs and she moved her lips to his.

He hooked his leg over hers, his knee pressing against her, as he moved his body to cover part of her. She felt his arousal push against her and she reached down to encircle him.

He lowered his lips to suckle her breast and as he flicked his tongue over her nipple, with his hand caressing her other breast, she felt exquisite desire consuming her body. He gently closed his teeth over her nipple and continued caressing her with his tongue, sending chills up and down her spine. That this man could still do such things to her, after four years of marriage and two babies amazed her.

She tightened her hold on him, feeling the throbbing, the strength. She began cressing his manhood, feeling him tremble.

“Michaela, I need ya, it’s been so long….” He groaned against her.

“I need you too,” came her whispered reply.

She didn’t let go of him as he moved his entire body on top her. He raised his head to look into her eyes as she guided him in and the rhythm began.

Sully woke in the middle of the night to a missing Michaela. He quickly scanned their room to find her in the rocking chair by the fireplace, wrapped in her robe, nursing their son. He watched as Benje waved his fingers around, sometimes clutching his mother’s fingers. Michaela cooed to him and told him how much she loved him. He watched as Benje let go of her nipple and gave his mother a toothless smile. Sully got up and moved over to kneel down besides them as mother and child gazed at him. He kissed his son’s cheek and got the same toothless smile. He looked up into her eyes, “First ya satisfy me and then our son.”

Michaela smiled. Then Benje started rooting around for his food. She guided him to her and he latched on to her nipple hard enough to make her jump.

“You okay?”

She smiled. “Yes. He doesn’t know his own strength.”

“Ya must be sore from him nursing. I didn’t hurt ya did I?” he asked with a worried frown.

She reached out to caress his face and smiled. “Oh no, not at all. You’re so gentle.”

Benje let go again and started whimpering. She bared her other breast and turned him to that nipple. He latched on and settled down to nurse again, as his parents watched, contented. Soon he was asleep and released his mother. His father picked him up and carried him back to his crib.

Sully covered him and moved his fingers over his son’s face, amazed at what Michaela and he had created. He turned back around to find Michaela right behind him. He pushed her robe off her and let it drop, pulling her to him, wanting to feel her skin against his. “We sure make beautiful babies.”

“Yes, we do,” she whispered, “and it’s fun, too.” He chucked. “What?”

“I like it when ya admit you enjoy our love making. I enjoy it too.” As he kissed her, he moved his hands down to caress her back and when he reached her rear, he pushed her closer to him.

She felt his reaction as her body met his and she pulled back from the kiss. “Again?”

He laughed. “I guess I just can’t get enough.”

She smiled the smile he loved, “A woman’s work it never done!”

Clara and McKay were standing on the platform watching as others boarded the train. “This is gonna be the longest trip of my life.” He exclaimed.

“I’ll miss you, too. But I will think about you all the time. I will remember our talks, our walks, and….”

“The kissing,” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, that too!”

“I’ll be back by the end of the month. I think my folks are hoping I’ll move there since I’m outta the Army. But I’m gonna tell them why I gotta stay in Colorado Springs. My future’s here.”

Clara smiled. “Mine too.”

“All aboard.” The conductor yelled.

After one last, passionate kiss, McKay boarded the train and waved goodbye as it pulled out of the station. Clara knew this would be the longest month of her life.

Sully was surveying land in the mountains and forest one-day northwest of Colorado Springs. Welland Smith wanted a map of the area. He was camping, with Wolf and Wind as his only companions, on a cliff at the edge of the southern end of the area he was mapping. He remembered the times when he would have been content with Wolf as his only contact. He was amused at how domesticated he had become…..he missed his wife and children more than he thought possible. He'd been gone two days and figured he would finish the next day and could head home.

"I'll be home soon, Michaela," he thought. "I love ya!"

The sun was starting down and he sat on the edge of the cliff to watch the shadows creep over the valley below. He could see over the edge, a small ledge about 10 feet below. From the way it looked, he was guessing there was a small cave there.

He wished Michaela were with him, but it was too soon after giving birth for her to be traveling, and she was nursing the baby along with the formula. He could see her in his mind, nursing Benjamin, who at almost two months, was growing like a weed.

He would never tire of the sight of his wife nursing their baby. He remembered from the mining camps, some of the married men talking about their wives nursing their babies, how they didn't like it. Back then it hadn't meant much to him, but now…..he felt sorry for them that they couldn't see the beauty it in. He realized it was probably selfishness on their part, not wanting to share their wives with their babies. It made Michaela all the more alluring to him. "Oh, Michaela," he said out loud, "if only you were here. I miss ya….I miss our children….our home….."

The sun was down and Sully returned to the fire. The weather had been very nice on this trip, spring in the mountains. It was still cool at night and he was thinking about putting his jacket on. Wolf started to growl, low at first, then growing in intensity. "What is it, boy? What'd ya hear?" Sully tried to hear what Wolf did, but nothing came to his ears. Wolf stood up, staring into the woods. Then Wind neighed. Sully stood up, knowing something was out there. "Stay, boy," he whispered to Wolf. Wind was becoming very excited….he reared, broke the tie line and took off.

Sully saw movement….something coming out of the shadows. He knew it had to be a man, dressed in animal furs, the smell hitting him like a hammer. The man was slightly taller than Sully. Between the furs he wore, and the fact that his long hair and beard were very dark, dirty, matted, Sully couldn't see much of his face. Then he saw long knives in each hand….his own knife and tomahawk were on the other side of the fire….too far away to get to before the man could attack.

"Hey, fella, there's coffee here….some food…..can I get you something?"

The man acted like he hadn’t heard anything Sully said. Wolf tensed up, but Sully instinctively knew Wolf didn't have a chance against this stranger. "No, Wolf! Woods….go away…..go to the woods….now." Wolf did as his master commanded. The stranger watched him leave, then he came at Sully, knives in front. Sully backed up and as the stranger lunged, Sully sidestepped. As the man went by, Sully could see the craziness in his eyes. But as crazy as he seemed, he was aware enough of where Sully's weapons were and kept himself between Sully and the weapons. He would lunge and withdraw. Sully knew the man was trying to stab him in the chest or stomach, but Sully was able to avoid that; however, the man was able to cut through Sully's shirt and pierce the skin on numerous occasions. Then the man lunged with one of the knives higher and Sully felt it cut his neck.

Sully kept backing up….knowing the cliff was there, but knowing he had to keep away from the knives. The man lunged again and as Sully sidestepped, his foot hit a rock and he tripped, falling on his back and hitting his head hard on the ground. While shaken, he was still conscious, but he had lost track of the edge of the cliff. The man charged again, knife held high to bury it in Sully's chest. Sully rolled away and realized he was going over the cliff. He fell the 10 feet to the ledge he had seen earlier. He landed on his back and hit his head again. In the moonlight, he could see the stranger looking over the edge above.

There were a few vines hanging down the side of the cliff and Sully knew they would not support the weight of a man, but the stranger, in his craziness, did not seem to realize this. He grabbed one of the vines and started climbing down to get Sully. He had come a few feet when he lashed out, trying to cut Sully again, but the vine wouldn't hold. It gave way….the stranger hit the ledge, striking a blow at Sully and cutting his right arm near the elbow. The force of the fall propelled the stranger over the edge and he fell to the valley, some 500 feet below. The man never made a vocal sound, even as he fell to his death.

Sully was dazed from the two blows to the head, but he heard Wolf whining from above. "Wolf, go home…..go get Michaela……" he said as he fell into unconsciousness

"SULLY!! I'm coming!" Michaela yelled, waking up in a cold sweat, sitting up in bed.

Clara and Brian came running into the room. "What's wrong?" they said in unison.

Michaela looked at them, tears running down her face. "Ma? MA, what is it?"

"Something's wrong with Sully!"

"What, Aunt Michaela?"

"I don't know….but he needs me…..I have to find him. I have to ride out at first light!"

"I'll go with ya, Ma."

"No, Brian, I need you to stay here with Clara, Katie and Benjamin!"

"Ma, Clara can take care of the kids. Matthew and Amanda are in Denver, so he can't go with you. And Cloud Dancin’ ain’t back from the Indian Lands yet. Sully may need us both!"

"That's right, Aunt Michaela. The kids and I will be okay. There's enough formula for Benje and Katie's no trouble."

Michaela looked at Brian and saw her grown up son. She nodded. "Okay. It should be light soon. Let's get ready and leave as soon as we can."

Michaela and Brian got dressed while Clara hurried down to pack some provisions. Michaela finished stuffing her medical bag full and looked to see Storm and King by the fire. "Brian, should we take one of them to track?" she asked, nodding at the wolves.

"No, Ma. They ain't trackers. They been with us since babies and never learned how. What they are good at is protecting the family and they'll stand by Clara and the kids."

Brian went out and saddled the horses. They left at the first hint of dawn, heading in the direction Sully had gone. Clara watched them til they were out of sight. Then she went inside, locked the door and sat down to wait for the kids to wake up, scared for her family….for her uncle.

Sully opened his eyes and looked around. For a minute he had no idea where he was. Then he remembered everything. He lay still, using his senses to assess his injuries. He knew he had hit his head twice, knew he might have a concussion and thought of Michaela's words about keeping anyone with a concussion awake. He didn't think he had any major injuries. He felt around with his hands and realized he was at the edge and very lucky he hadn't fallen to the valley below. He pulled himself away from the edge and as he had thought before, there was a cave….he could see the outline in the moonlight. And he was cold. The cave might offer some protection. He moved into the cave and sat up with his back against the wall at the back of the cave. He knew his right ankle was injured……if not broken, badly sprained. He felt his chest, neck and elbow, where the stranger had cut him. He didn't feel any wetness, the wounds seemed to have stopped bleeding.

He knew that without help, he wouldn't make it off the ledge. As evidenced with the fall of the stranger, the vines wouldn't hold his weight, even if his ankle hadn't been injured. His hope was in Wolf…..and in his connection with his wife. "MICHAELA!!" he yelled. " MICHAELA! I need you." He was surprised at the huskiness of his voice and he realized the cold had affected him. He closed his eyes and felt the tiredness seep in. "NO, DAMN IT!" He yelled at himself, opening his eyes. "Ya gotta stay awake. Ya gotta stay alive….for Michaela…..for the family!"

Sully reached down to feel his ankle. Although it hurt to touch, he couldn't feel any broken bones. He reached out and touched the walls of the cave, feeling some dampness to his left. He ran his fingers down the dampness, smelling his fingers to make sure it was water and then putting the moisture on his lips. The cool water felt good. He felt that talking to himself would help him stay awake….and the sound of his voice would be good to hear. "Okay, you're in a bad way, but could be worse. Gonna be a little cold tonight without even a jacket, but you been colder. You're alive and Michaela will come. Wolf will get to her at home sometime tomorrow, she'll get help from town, and should be able to get here the day after….Let's see…..maybe this is tomorrow and he'll find her today…..don't even know how late it is…can't tell how long I was out…….MICHAELA!!"

Sully took a deep breath. "Good. Doesn't hurt to breathe… problem there. What else would she worry 'bout? Ain't bleeding any more….cuts can't be too deep. Might get infected, but no way ta check 'em. Ankle still could be broken, but can't see it til morning…..just have ta wait……she'll be here soon as she can…..soon as Wolf gets her……soon……." He closed his eyes……"Ain't gonna go to sleep….just need to rest my eyes….just keep talking…..'member first time ya saw her…..mud and all….." and he continued to reminisce about meeting and courting Michaela as the hours passed.

"Look….it's getting' light….it's mornin' and I'm still alive!" Sully watched as the sun came up and he could see his surroundings. In the lightened cave, he could see a little pool of water to his left….where it dripped from the ceiling.. He laid on his stomach, worked his way over to the pool and was able to get enough to satisfy his thirst. He saw the sun hit the ledge and started working his way, on his stomach, out to the sun. He was chilled, although not as cold as he thought he'd get, but he couldn't wait to feel the sun. "That's good…..getting warmer……wonder if I been awake long enough……can't remember how long Michaela's made people still awake after hitting their heads. Wait a little longer….til ya think it's noon fore ya let yourself sleep. Noon……god, I'm hungry…..ain't had anything since lunch yesterday… was still cooking when he came……no, don't think about it. Hey, maybe I can see him down there….." Sully looked over the edge, but it was too far for him to see a body. He did see the trees and a river in the distance. "Boy, that's pretty……Michaela'd like it……….MICHAELA!"

"Ma?" Brian said as Michaela stopped. "What's wrong?"

She looked at her son with tears and a smile. "He's alive! He's calling to me. SULLY! SULLY! I'm coming!"

Sully had closed his eyes, but they popped open when he heard Michaela call to him. He smiled. "She's coming…'s gonna be okay…..she's coming…….tonight or tomorrow……don't matter…..she'll be here." He sighed and he was starting to feel better. "Let's see….where was I…….oh, yeah, our wedding night….." He smiled at the memory. "So beautiful… nervous……I was too….fraid I'd go too fast…..wanted her so bad……knew ta be careful……she'd never been with a man……liked that…..glad it was me that taught her how good it was…..not like Abagail…..she didn't like it at all….was slow and tender with her, but she acted like it was dirty……sad……should be good for both…….was for Michaela and me and been like that every time…..she ain't afraid to let me know she wants me…….shows enthusiasm…..lots…….'member first time at the waterfall…….she was worried someone would come…….beautiful… taking her clothes off……slowly sometimes…..others not so…..'member time in the clinic…..carrying Benje but not so as ya'd notice……couldn't wait that day……tore her camisole……like an animal….but she weren't mad…..wanted me just as bad…….like touching her breasts……like touching every part of her… her touching me……that took a while, but now, no problem……still blushes though……nice…..Yellowstone …now that was good……..made love lots….wanting to make a baby, but already had….Benje growing inside her then……makes it sweeter now, knowing that… perfect can a love be…….ours is….even when we argue…..making up is good…….she sure can get angry…….beautiful then too but afraid to tell her so…….more beautiful every day……is that possible……ain't any woman like her anywhere……gotta admit when men see her, admire her, want her…….I like it knowing she's mine…..they can't have her…. and I'm hers……ain't ever wanted a woman the way I want her……not Abagail……what if Abagail had lived……would I still have wanted Michaela……yeah…….she'd be my soulmate even then…..might not have been able to do anything 'bout it though……scary thought…….forget it…….the spirits worked it out by showing us the wrong path then giving us the right one…….heard men talk about not liking the way a naked woman looks when she's pregnant…….they ain't too smart….selfish……Michaela's as beautiful carrying our babies as when she ain't…….. sure likes loving when she's pregnant……and god, her body ….her rounded stomach……her breasts getting bigger….full of milk…….just as beautiful when she's havin' our babes……don't like that she hurts so bad though…….she sure gets mad at me then…….like it were all my fault………..MICHAELA!!"


Brian shook his head. He was amazed when his ma yelled his pa's name. He knew that meant she heard him call to her. He hoped he and Sarah would have that kind of connection. But maybe it was something that didn't happen often. He loved Sarah a lot and she loved him.

"Sun's high, bet it's noon…….been awake a long time……gotta sleep now….but not out here….could fall off." Sully moved back into the cave, curled up and fell asleep, dreaming of Michaela.

It was mid-morning and Clara was on the porch in the rocker, feeding Benje, while Katie played in the yard with the wolves. She kept hoping someone would come, but she didn't know who. Being Saturday, Brian wasn't expected at school and Michaela had been staying home from the clinic on Saturdays, to be with Sully and the children. She didn't know when Matthew and Amanda would be back from Denver. McKay was away seeing his family and she didn't expect him back for at least another week.

Benje was sleeping in the crib and Clara was getting Katie's lunch, when she heard a horse. "Here, Katie," she said as she handed Katie a sandwich. She went out and saw McKay riding into the yard.

"Clara," he called. "I'm back….couldn't stay away from ya any longer!"

"Terrance, oh, Terrance…" she said, her voice catching on her tears.

McKay jumped off his horse and ran up to the porch, "Honey, what's wrong?"

She told him what had happened. "Aunt Michaela and Brian are up there, alone, looking for Uncle Sully!"

"It'll be okay….I was on the train with Matthew and Amanda. They stopped to have lunch at Grace's before coming home. I'll go back and get Matthew. Amanda will come to you. We'll find them, honey, I promise." He leaned down and kissed her. "I love ya, Clara."

"I love you too." She said, getting a quick hug. Then he headed back to town.

Matthew and Amanda were standing at the clinic talking to Colleen and Dorothy when McKay came riding into town. "Matthew!" he yelled as he reached the clinic. As he dismounted, Daniel, Horace, and Hank came running up as they had heard the urgency in his voice. McKay quickly told them what Clara had said. "Clara knows the direction they headed, but not where they were going."

"I do," said Horace, "kinda…..Sully got a telegram the other day from Mr. Smith. I think it mentioned the mountains past Manitou."

"Thanks," said Matthew. "Sully keeps all the telegrams at home, in the desk. I know where to look."

"Hank," said Daniel, "you're in charge here. I'm gonna ride with Matthew.'

"I'm coming, too," said McKay.

Loren had come up as they were talking. "Did you need anything from the store."

"Yeah….thanks…..I'll come get some things," Daniel said.

"Horace, can you make sure someone goes out to the Resort to tell Andrew?" Horace nodded. Matthew turned to Daniel, "I'll meet ya at the homestead. I'm going out to find the telegram."

"I'll ride that far with you," Amanda said. "I'll stay with Clara and the children."

Amanda, Matthew and McKay headed for the homestead, with Daniel following soon after.

It was close to noon when Michaela and Brian reached a small stream. "Ma, we gotta rest the horses….let 'em get some water." She nodded and dismounted, sinking to the ground. "Ma, ya okay?"

"Yes. I'm just so worried."

"I know. We'll find him. Pa's strong and he'll know we're coming. Eat this," he said, handing her some jerky. They sat there, chewing the jerky in silence. Brian heard a noise, rose and headed for Taffy and his rifle. Then he saw Wolf come out of the underbrush. "WOLF!' The animal came right up to Brian and greeted him with a wagging tail, a whine and licked his hand.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah," Brian said, after searching Wolf's body. "Take us to Sully, Wolf….take us to Sully."

With a bark, Wolf turned and headed north. Michaela and Brian quickly mounted and followed him. A few miles later they came upon Wind, none the worse for wear, grazing in a small meadow. Brian caught him and tied him to his saddle horn. They continued following Wolf.

Clara was happy to see McKay, Matthew and Amanda ride up to the homestead. She was trying to keep calm for the children. Amanda quickly went to her. "It's okay, Clara. I'm staying here with you."

"Thank you!"

Matthew rushed inside and found the telegram on the desk. He read the directions and went back out. "I know where Sully's surveying. Here's Daniel. Let's go!"

It was early evening, close to dusk, when Michaela and Brian followed Wolf into a clearing and immediately spotted Sully's things. Wolf ran to the edge of the cliff and barked.

"Wolf?" Sully called.



Brian got to the edge first. "Pa?"

"Hey, son."

"Sully, are you okay?"

"Am now. Can't get up there. Vines hanging over ain't strong enough to hold me and my ankle's hurt."

"Broken?" Michaela asked.

"Don't think so."

"Any other injuries?"

"Nothing major. Hit my head last night, but stayed awake long enough……I think."

"Pa, if I send a rope down, can you tie it around you? Taffy can help bring you up. I can climb down if ya need me to."

"I think I can make it, Brian."

Brian looped the rope over Taffy and tossed it down to Sully, who tied it around his waist. "Back the horse slowly so I can stand up." Brian did. "Okay, I'm up. I don't know how much help I can be….I'll try."

"We'll just take it slow, Pa."

Brian started backing Taffy. Michaela was laying on her stomach, looking over the edge, following Sully's movements as he slowly came up the cliff. Michaela had put a blanket under the rope so it wouldn't chafe against the sharp edge of the cliff. Sully reached the edge and put his hands on the blanket. "Pa? You okay?"

"Yep. Just give me a minute. Need to rest a second…… move her again, Brian, real slow so I can get over the edge."

Michaela reached out to help him as Brian backed Taffy a little more. Finally, he was on the ground in front of Michaela. As he rolled over to his back, he looked up into the concerned faces of his wife and son kneeling at his side. He smiled, "Thanks."

Michaela bent over and kissed him. "Sully? These are cuts…..from a knife?"

"Yep." He saw Brian look up and scan the area. "Don't worry…..he's gone…..I'll tell you the story in a little while. Awful hungry right now."

They helped Sully up and over to his camp area. Brian built a fire while Michaela helped Sully get settled on the blanket and then she assessed his injuries while Brian started cooking a meal for them. Michaela took off his shirt and looked at the little cuts on his chest. "None of these need stitching, just cleaning. The one on your neck needs a few stitches, as does the one on your arm." She got out her chlorine water and bandages and cleaned up the cuts. She rubbed the numbing salve on the neck and arm wounds and stitched them up. She checked his ankle, determine it was a severe sprain and wrapped it tightly. Then she helped him into a clean shirt and his jacket as the cool night was beginning to settle in.

As they ate dinner, Sully related the story of the attack. "And he never spoke?" Michaela asked.

"Nope. Not even as he fell to the valley."

"Thanks for staying alive, Pa."

"Welcome, son. Thanks for coming to get me. I knew Wolf would get home to find you and bring ya. Ya sure made good time."

"Ain't quite the way it happened. Ma woke up yelling your name in the early morning. Knew you were in danger. By first light we were ready to leave. Met up with Wolf around noon and found Wind not long after that. She called out to ya a few times during our trip."

Michaela was sitting against Sully. He reached over to take her hand and kiss it. "I heard you call to me….that's what kept me going." He leaned over and their lips met.

Brian beamed, watching his parents, relieved Sully was okay. Brian was just settling into his blanket roll when they heard horses. He picked up his rifle as Sully picked up his tomahawk. "Dr. Mike? Brian?"

"Matthew!" Brian called as Matthew, McKay and Daniel rode into the clearing and dismounted.

Matthew hurried to his family with their friends right behind him. "You okay, Sully?"

"Am now. Sit down, have some coffee and food." As they ate, Sully related the story again and finished with his rescue by Brian and Michaela.

"Sully, you need to sleep now. We'll go home in the morning." Michaela lay down next to him and put her arms around him. He lay his head on her breast and was asleep in seconds. Matthew put a blanket over them and kissed his ma goodnight.

They left at first light and arrived at the homestead a little while after dark, having had to take it a little slow because of Sully. Although Katie and Benje were in bed, Amanda, Clara, Colleen and Andrew came out to greet them. "Pa! Are you okay?" asked Colleen.

"Yeah….a little sore…. tired….real glad to be home."

They dismounted. McKay and Daniel took the horses into the barn while Matthew and Brian helped Sully into the house. "Matthew. Do you think you can bring in some water? I want Sully to take a quick bath, then go to bed."

"Sure, Dr. Mike."

"I'll help," said Andrew.

"Me too," chimed in Brian.

"Thank you." Michaela turned to the girls, "Matthew can tell you everything. Are Katie and Benje okay?"

"Just fine," Clara replied. "We explained to Katie that Papa needed help and you had all gone to help him. Benje did fine on the formula."

She hugged the girls, "How can I ever thank you?"

"No need," said Amanda. "It's just family helping family."

"Aunt Michaela, do you want me to put Benje in my room tonight?"

"No thank you, dear. As soon as he wakes, I need to feed him…..I need to get rid of some milk. And I don’t think he'll disturb Sully."

"Who'll disturb me?" He asked as he hobbled over to the living room.

"Benje…..if he's in our room and wakes up."

Sully smiled. "It'll be nice ta hear him."

Daniel and McKay came in. "Dr. Mike?" asked Matthew, "do you need anything else? If not, we should probably all leave and let things settle."

"We're fine now, thank you. Once Sully takes his bath, Brian and I can get him upstairs. I'd like you all to come for dinner tomorrow night….my way of thanking you. Daniel, bring Anna Marie and Sarah."

Brian and Michaela poured the heated water into the tub as Sully sat on the bench to take his clothes off. "Not all of it, Brian. I want to take a bath while you help Sully to bed and then I'd like you to take one. There's enough water for all of us. He can't put much weigh on his ankle and we'll need to help him in and out of the tub…okay?"

"Sure, Ma."

Michaela and Brian helped Sully into the tub and to sit down. Brian left to go get a clean nightshirt for himself to put on after his bath. He also got Michaela's robe, then went to wait in the living room. Finally the baths were done, Brian was in bed, Sully and Michaela were in their room. Sully was laying in bed watching Michaela brush her hair. "Wasn't sure I'd see this sight again."

Michaela glanced at him in the mirror. She smiled. "You're not getting away from me that easily!"

He laughed. "It's brushed enough….come to bed…."

She got up and went to the rocking chair where her nightgown was. With her back to him, she dropped her robe and reached for her nightgown. She started to put it on, then stopped, looked at it, smiled to herself, threw it back on the rocking chair and turned around. He watched her the whole time and smiled when she tossed the nightgown. She walked the short distance to the bed. He watched, smiling, loving what he was seeing. She got into bed next to him, laying her head on his chest and her hand over his heart.

Sully felt something…."Michaela? You crying?"

"Why would I be crying?"


"……..I'm okay…"

"Michaela….don't…..everything's okay."

"Now…….oh, Sully….I was scared……..I saw you in pain….."

"I know….I'm sorry. I wish I could guarantee ya this kinda thing ain't gonna happen again. But I can't….we can't stop living. Doing things…..Michaela, we could go outside, in our yard, and something could happen. You remember….when you were here after you got shot……remember the tree….."

"I know….I know…..just tell me you love me…."

"I do….I love ya so much…..while I was waiting for ya, I remembered you had said someone with a possible concussion had ta stay awake. So I talked….I remembered things from when I first saw ya…." And he told her the things he remembered, the things he thought, the things he felt, while waiting.

When he finished, Michaela raised up to look in his eyes, a smile on her face. She giggled. "So, among other things, you thought about me without clothes…"

"Yeah….sure kept me awake!"

"Are you in pain from the cuts?"

"Nah. Little sore, but that's nothin'."

"Maybe if I kiss them, they'll stop hurting?"

"Ya can try!" Michaela began by kissing the injury on his arm, then his neck, then each of the 13 cuts on his chest. Then she kissed his nipple. "Ain't cut there."

"Oops…" Then she kissed the other nipple.

"There neither….but the cuts have stopped hurtin'!"

Michaela looked into his eyes, a sly smile on her face, "No more pain, then?"

He smiled, "Well, you could work on getting my ankle to stop hurting."

"No problem," she said as her hand traveled down his body, past his belly, to caress him. "How's that?" she whispered.

"Mmmm…yeah….think that'll work…."

your Views frame my eyes
your voice calls my attention
your mind calculates my dimension
your thoughts ignite my imagination

you reduce the numbers in my age
you reach beneath my surface
you walk within my truths
your Frame views my eyes

By Chan Heawak

The End

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