The Lemer's Building Co.
"If we cant build it no one can."
"You can choose a building for us to build for you or ask for your own kind."

Tent:50 holds 1
Shack:100 holds 2
Small House:500 holds 4
Normal House:1000 holds 6
Large House:2000 holds 10
Inn:2500 holds 20
Mansion:3000 holds 30
Fort:4000 holds 25
Tower Layer:1500 holds 5
Castle:5000 holds infint

Add Ons
Periscope Windows(see in and out, open for air, but nothing can be shot throgh):2000
Spiked Walls(cant be climed as easy):1000
Spike Pit Traps:5000(you get about 10)
Outer Walls:1000 each

order a building or add on or ask for a new kind

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