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~This story contains corporal punishment including spanking. This is purely a work of FICTION. It is not true. Read at your own risk.~
By Avon

The truth is that I could tell the moment that I stepped out of bed that it was going to be a bad day. I must have finally rolled out of bed at 10:30 or so. I had been laying there since at least 10, trying to will myself to block out the sounds of my rowdy siblings, but finally I gave up trying and got up to take a shower.

Only the bathroom was occupied with Isaac and the newest member of the household- his electric razor.

“Ike,” I whined when I saw him standing there inspecting his face in the mirror, “I need to take a shower.”

“Well, you’re going to have to wait.”

Waiting is something that usually I am quite good at. When you have five siblings, you learn how to wait early on and I’d been practicing my waiting for the fourteen years that I’d been alive But this morning in particular I just was not in the mood to wait. I wanted a warm shower and I wanted it then.

“Ike,” I said with a heavy sigh, “No matter what you do, you’re still going to look just as ugly.”

I meant it as a joke. I really did. Only Isaac’s insecurities, according to Mom, make jokes seem like insults, which is probably why he frowned at me and set the razor down to get a piece of toilet paper. He didn’t say anything though, which made me feel even more guilty, which caused me to keep running my mouth for some reason.

“Face it, Ike,” I grinned, holding his shoulder, “You’re just gonna look like shit- hairy or not.”

Like most fourteen year olds, I get excited just to hear a cuss word escape my lips. I felt my heart jump a bit as I spoke the prohibited word right in my very house.

“I would watch my mouth if I were you…” Isaac said in his typical, and annoying mind you, fatherly tone.

I just rolled my eyes at him, pushed by him, dropped my boxers, and got into the shower. My attitude at 10:34 in the morning should have been my first sign that I should cool down and watch my behavior throughout the day, but sometimes you really do just wake up on the wrong side of the best.

My second sign was far more obvious.

“Taylor, I want you to have your room cleaned and that suitcase from Los Angeles that’s been sitting in front of your closet for the past two weeks unpacked by lunch, understand?” Mom nagged me as soon as I entered the kitchen after my shower.

I ran my fingers through my wet hair and went to the fridge for a cold drink. “If I can,” I replied.

I actually saw my mom freeze. She set down the mail she was looking through and turned to me, looking me up and down. I pretended not to see her and busily found myself a coke from the fridge.

“Excuse me?” was all she could compose.

“If I have time,” I nodded at her, “If I have time, I will try and get it done.”

Chores are not optional in my household, and yet for some reason this morning I completely forgot. No, actually, it’s not that I forgot. I just didn’t care. I still blame the wrong side of the bed, you know. I took a defiantly long sip of my coke and looked my mom right in the eyes- just to assure her ‘yes, I am serious’.

“Excuse me, you no longer have until lunch. Set your drink down, go upstairs, and get that room cleaned. This is not optional,” Mom corrected.

I was determined to win though.

“Mom!” I gasped, “I have a ton of shit to do today…”

Oh no. I said it. I continued talking just to distract her from the nasty cuss word I had thrown in.

“I have to finish a paper and I’m supposed to do something with Jacob…” I continued.

“Oh really? You’ll do nothing with Jacob, and if you keep it up you won’t do anything with ANYONE for a week.”

I sighed. How lame, I remember thinking. A grounding threat? Oh come on, Mom. Be a bit more original. Of course, I didn’t say any of that. I wasn’t THAT fresh.

“Fine, if I clean my stupid room can I do something with him afterwards?” I grumbled, noticing that I was beginning to lose the battle and yet determined to pull through.

“No, no you may not. You know Jordan Taylor, from the second you sauntered down here I haven’t liked you attitude nor your language. You’ll stay home today and get your room cleaned and finish your homework.”

Well damn her! I was furious. I had spent the whole previous day at my uncle’s house on a family vacation, and I sure as hell was not going to spend today stuck in the house with my family again! No way in hell!

“We’ll see about that…” I grumbled, walking past her similarly to how I walked past Isaac earlier and heading for the stairs to my room. As if that wasn’t fresh enough, the devil on my shoulder urged me to add, “I’m really not in the mood for this bullshit this morning…”

For one second it felt amazing. I felt old and cool and…hell! I felt like my father, in fact! I felt exactly like my father coming home from a long day at work and it felt amazing. And then it hit me just how much trouble I’d be in. Mom let the swear go the first time, but somehow I knew that wasn’t going to fly twice in a row.

She was hot on my heals as I began to climb the stairs and before I knew it I was yanked back by my mother who was digging her fingernails into my arm.

“Ow!” I gasped dramatically, shooting her a glare.

“Oh, don’t you look at me like that! And don’t you speak to me like that either!” She began to lecture as she dragged me towards the bathroom. “If recording an album in Los Angeles is going to turn you into a spoiled brat, then there will be no more album work period!”

The worst part of the lecture was the part when she dragged me past Zac who watched with big, excited eyes. It’s a terrible feeling to know your siblings are actually enjoying knowing you’re in trouble. Mom pulled me into the bathroom and pushed me down onto the toilet.

“I am not in the mood for your ATTITUDE. What is with you lately?” She stood over me and looked down at me, her eyes piercing mine. I felt five years old again. I think that’s what she was going for. “What has gotten into you Taylor?”

I didn’t have an answer. I was too angry to grace her with an answer.

“Do you have an answer?” She shouted louder. I began to see her eyes actually boil with anger.

And yet I still couldn’t bring myself to come up with an answer…any answer. I just narrowed my eyes and stared right back at her- completely shameless.

That was what sealed my fate for the entire day, I believe. As I lay here in bed on my stomach thinking about the entire day, I wonder why I hadn’t just talked myself into showing her the respect I know she deserves as my mother. But I just couldn’t.

My stomach dropped when I realized what my punishment was. Mom got the hand soap from the bathroom counter and glared at me, “Open, young man.”

I’m fourteen years old! I hate being spoken to like that! It took all my strength to not talk back to her. “Mom…” I sighed, “I’m sorry…”

I knew I was too late though. So did she.

“Knock it off,” she spat at me, “I don’t want to hear it. Open up.”

Resentfully, I opened my mouth a bit and sighed as she squirted two squirts into my mouth. The familiar taste of the orange Dial soup was bad enough on my tongue, but then, as usual, she made me “swish”. I swished- glaring at her the entire time.

But I refused to whimper. As much as it made me want to gag, and as vile as I tasted, I refused to show any emotion. I wouldn’t give her the gratification. I’ve had soap in my mouth many times, and as sick as it sounds, I have to admit I’m moderately used to it. There are worst things- that’s for sure.

She stood there in front of me with her arms crossed at her chest and began to lecture. I couldn’t completely concentrate because I was so busy concentrating on trying not to gag.

“…and I am just so sick of your mouth! I don’t know where you picked it up, but you better drop it just as fast as you picked it up. I’m not even going to be tolerant anymore, Taylor. Each and every time I hear or hear ABOUT something vile coming from your mouth, you can be positive you’ll be sitting right here again in this bathroom washing your mouth out. Were you not raised better than that?”

The soap began to move further towards the back of my mouth towards my throat. I closed my eyes in panic that I might actually gag.


I opened them again.

“If you’re not listening to me, you are going to be one sorry boy for the rest of the day…” she growled at me.

She was silent for a moment before nodding at the sink, “Spit.”

I got up and spit into the sink, trying the best I could to get the liquid from my mouth.

“You may rinse,” she added.

Only I didn’t. I refused to rinse because I refused to let her know just how badly it tasted. When I only wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and turned to her, she knew just how defiant a mood I was in. She just sent me another warning glare.

“Go upstairs, get your room cleaned, and then come downstairs and I’ll give you another chore,” she instructed in calm and slow words.

Zac appeared in the door, “Mom can I ask you something or are you busy punishing Tay?”

I couldn’t help but notice how much he enjoyed pointing that out. Asshole…

“NOW,” Mom added loudly towards me.

I sighed and turned towards the stairs without a word, glaring at Zac. I was surprised when mom hit my bottom as I walked towards the stairs, and I was tempted to turn around and talk back again. I’m not THAT stupid though. As I stomped up the stairs, I heard Zac begin to ask Mom if she had seen his markers.

I walked straight for the bathroom and washed my mouth out completely before I walked into my bedroom with a slam of the door. Ike was sitting at the computer working on something so I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes.

“Can you not slam that door?” He finally asked, “I don’t want it taken off the hinges again.”

“Can you not bother me?”

“What is your problem?” He huffed.

“I’m just so sick of this house!” I gasped.

He didn’t reply, so I continued, “I’m so sick of these rules and Mom and Dad being so…strict about everything! Guess what…you know what?”

Still no reply. I was beginning to get even more mad.

“Isaac, do you know what?!” I spoke louder.

“What?” He said with a distracted tone as he typed something in Word.

“You know Jacob? He can cuss around his Mom as must as he wants and she doesn’t care! She’s completely cool about it. They cuss together. I so much as LOOK at mom the wrong way and she washes my mouth out!”

Isaac chuckled, actually. “Well that’s mom. You’re not Jacob. You know how Mom and Dad are. What do you expect, Tay? Maybe if you didn’t give them so much lip they wouldn’t be washing your mouth out…”

“I’m just so sick of this family!” I announced, standing up and beginning to kick clothes on the floor towards the hamper, “I’m so sick of this room! And these chores!” I grabbed a pair of jeans and chucked them for the hamper.

“Calm down or Mom will come up here and be really mad…” He warned me, and I think it was genuinely because he didn’t want to see me punished again.

“Isaac,” I sighed as I walked over to stand next to his desk, “Aren’t you sick of it too?? Aren’t you just so sick of being treated like this…? You’re sixteen! Aren’t you sick of Mom and Dad treating you like a baby?”

“They don’t treat me like a baby if I don’t act like one…” he reasoned. I was not looking for reason though! I was looking for support!

“Whatever,” I said with a swift kick towards another pair of jeans on the floor, “Whatever. Just kiss their asses some more…okay?”

I really don’t know what got into me this morning. I really don’t.

“Taylor!” Ike gasped, turning around and looking at me in the eye, “Seriously, dude. Stop. You just got punished…just calm down before you really get yourself into trouble okay?”

“Shut up!” I yelled at him, “You’re as bad Mom and Dad!”

I tried to focus on my cleaning to take my mind off of my anger. I began to move all the clothes next to the hamper into the hamper, and I even began to clean up all the papers that scattered our room. But I was too busy feeling bad for myself to resist falling back onto my bed and burying my head into the pillow- much like I’m doing now.

It was just one of those Saturdays when you want to be out having fun with friends and enjoying the sunshine, but your parents have decided to temporarily ruin your life. Only they don’t realize that temporarily ruining your life could permanently affect your social life.

It just so figures that Mom whipped the door open moments after I laid back down.

“What did I tell you?!” she shouted at me from the doorway.

“I’m cleaning!” I yelled back, getting up and walking back towards the suitcase by the closet.

“Taylor…you are on my last nerve, do you understand? My very last nerve,” she spoke with an exhausted voice. Looking back, I even feel bad. At the time though, all I could think about was how much I hated her for ruining my Saturday.

“Yep,” I replied coolly. In my eyes, she didn’t deserve more of a response.

“And don’t you dare slam this door again or I will send your father up here with a screw driver. Is that understood?”


Isaac shot me an angry glance as she left the room. “Get your attitude in check, Tay. Seriously, okay?”

I knew he was right. I needed to just put down my pride, and suck it up. But it’s so much easier said than done! I was steaming! Not only had my mother prohibited me from seeing my friends this morning, but she gave me chores to do and washed my mouth out! Worst of all, she treated me like a four year old! That was the worst part. It damaged my newly developed ego.

I just gave him the same reply. “Yep”

The entire family ate lunch together at three. I had managed, somehow, to calm myself down for the remainder of the morning. I cleaned my room, did a load of laundry, and even began to work on a paper for English. Mom had even stopped lecturing me and had moved on to lecturing Jessica about fighting with Avery and Mackenzie.

Sitting at lunch with the entire family was just too much for my temper today, though. I simply couldn’t restrain myself from losing it. It all started with Zac.

“How come Taylor was in trouble this morning?” Zac smirked at my mother across the table.

“Shut up, Zac,” I grumbled at him, “That’s none of your business.”

“He’s right,” Mom actually agreed, “Behave yourself,” she frowned at Zac.

“Taylor was in trouble this morning?” My dad piped in. I watched him send me a warning look before turning to Mom for details.

“Running his mouth,” Mom concluded in one brief phrase.

“You’ve been doing an awful lot of that lately, huh?” Dad remarked.

How do you respond to that? Tell me. How do you respond to that?

“Whatever…” I mumbled for lack of a better thing to say. I really wasn’t trying to be fresh!

“Whatever?” Dad questioned. I could tell he felt as though I questioned his authority. He set his fork down which was a clear sign I had stepped over the line.

Now the entire family was watching me. I hated family dinners like this…unless it was someone else in trouble. Unfortunately, being the bold one in the house, it usually wasn’t.

“May I be excused?” I huffed.

“You most certainly may not!” He shot back.

I sat there biting my lip thinking about my next move. Then I did probably one of the most defiant things in my life. I placed my silverware on my plate, got up, and walked my plate to the kitchen.

The table was silent.

“Jordan Taylor Hanson, get in here!” Dad yelled from the dining room. I ignored him and set my plate in the sink.

Suddenly I heard his chair move. I knew I was a dead man. I should have just turned myself in then- gotten down and begged my father to forgive me. But I did the first thing I could think of: I ran for the front door. In one swift movement, I pulled the front door open and stepped out outside barefoot. I slammed it too just for my own satisfaction.

I could almost cry. I knew what a brat I was being. I knew just how defiant I was being, and I hated knowing that my parents were so disappointed in me. I wanted to go back to the moment that I had gotten out of bed. I wanted to go back and convince myself to behave.

I began to run through the grass towards the road. I winced a bit as my bare feet stepped on pebbles on the road, but that was not nearly as painful as what I knew was waiting for me in the house. With nowhere else to go, I began to walk off towards the sun. I must have walked around for two hours. I cried a bit. I thought about how angry I was at my parents…how unfair they were. I thought about how much I hated my siblings…mostly Ike and Zac for not understanding.

Finally, after I felt it was all out of my system, I turned back towards the house. I would have gone to a friends house, but we live on a street of all older people and there was no where to go.

I was scared out of my mind to walk back through the doors of my house. But where else could I have gone? I walked up the steps carefully one by one and placed my hand on the door. It took a lot of courage to turn the knob, but finally I did. I stepped into the quiet house and carefully glanced around for my parents. They were nowhere in sight. I thought for a moment that I might even have a shot of slipping into bed without them even remembering what happened at dinner. As I began to tiptoe towards my bedroom, I heard my father clear his voice from the kitchen.

I took a big breath and walked towards it. There he was- standing there at the counter watching me.

“Dad, I’m really…”

“You better be,” was all he said as he cut me off, “Come in my room so we can talk.”

Every Hanson knows that Mom and Dad’s room meant you were in for some big punishments. Their room is the only really private room of the house, and so as I followed him to their room, I knew I was in for it. I almost turned and ran back outside, but I knew I had no choice but own up to what I had done.

I carefully stepped into the bedroom with him desperately hoping Mom would come too but she didn’t.

He nodded at the bed so I sat down on it and looked at him. Then, just to be a bit more intimidating and scary, he stood over me and began to yell.

“I don’t even know what to do with you! I am furious with you Taylor! You know the rules in this house, and you deliberately disobeyed all of them today!” he seethed, “What is wrong with you?! Turning fourteen does not give you some kind of warrant to disrespect your parents, set a poor example for your younger siblings, and disobey every rule you’ve been raised with! The past few weeks with you have been just miserable! You’ve been swearing and talking back…not doing what you’re supposed to be doing….”

I tried so hard not to feel guilty. I tried so hard to focus on how mad I was at him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to stay mad. I felt tears begin to fall down my cheeks as he spoke. Every punishment I’d received had been because of something I’d done to deserve it, and I knew it. My parents were only just doing their job. I hated to admit it.

“Yesterday I couldn’t believe you when you fought with your FIVE YEAR OLD SISTER over a seat in the van! And now this today…How old are you?? It’s like I flew my son out to California last month, and returned with some look a like with a poor attitude and wicked mouth! I’m disgusted with you, to be honest. If this is the boy you’re going to turn into as your dreams begin to come true, then I’m going to put an end to it all right now.”

“Dad no!” I cried.

“Is that the only thing you care about? It doesn’t matter that you’ve lost your parents respect or disrespected your family by walking out…none of that matters to you, Taylor? The only thing you seem to care about right now is the music!”

“I care about more than the music…” I admitted. Tears began to fall freely down my face, “I’m sorry…I’m sorry, I’m just…I’m just…I don’t know.”

“You haven’t been yourself,” he concluded, “In fact, your behavior has been repulsive. I don’t care if we leave for promotion in a week. The rules are still the same as they’ve always been. Do you hear me?”

I kept my head hung and cried lightly. Lately I’ve just felt so stressed out and worried and nervous about everything! There have been some major changes in my life…and quite frankly I’m scared!

“DO YOU HEAR ME?” Dad bellowed at me.

“Yes…” I cried.

He sat down next to me on the bed and shook his head in disgust, which killed the most. “I partly blame myself,” he sighed, “We’ve been too lenient with all of you lately. I don’t know what we’ve been thinking...We allow you to take an inch…give you a bit more room to make mistakes, and then there you go taking a mile.”

I wiped my face carefully, relieved by my fathers calmer voice.

“I just feel like I’ve completely lost my trust in your ability to mind yourself and respect us,” he continued, “And I blame that with the hecticness of making the album your mother and I haven’t been doing the best job at disciplining.”

I began to breath normally again, relieved that he was suddenly so collected. In fact, he wasn’t yelling anymore at all.

“And I know the family rule was no spankings beyond your 13 birthday, and I know you haven’t been spanked since last fall but…”

No...absolutely not…no…I began to tremble.

“I think that is exactly what you need,” He finally concluded, “I think you need to learn a lesson before we leave for the promotion trip.”

I shook my head adamantly, “Dad, I’m sorry. I will turn my behavior around…”

He only shook his head harder, “You’ve said that before, and all I’ve seen is more attitude. You deserve to be punished and I’m afraid warnings and groundings just aren’t working, are they?”

“They will work!” I insisted, “I’ll do chores all tomorrow after work…I promise. I’ll even do some tonight…” I was desperate to get myself out of the situation. There was nothing I hated more than spankings, and I thought I was done with those for my life!

Dad only shook his head again though, “Let me make myself very clear, young man…I’m not even okay with a little bit of attitude. You have another four years until you are legally an adult…and therefore I will not accept any attitude at all while I can still enforce it. And I will enforce it how I see it…”

I began to cry again. The last thing I wanted was a spanking…

“Go get the brush from the bathroom,” he finally uttered the fatal words.

“Dad please!”

“Don’t argue with me!” he barked back at me, glaring at me. I knew he was serious, “This is exactly what I’m talking about! A year ago you wouldn’t have even so much as questioned me! I am your father and you will do as I say!”

I had no choice but to get up and trudge towards the bathroom to get the brush. I turned with my head down and handed it to him with a limp wrist.

“Pants down, now,” he instructed.

I put my hand on my button and paused for a moment and locked my eyes with him. My eyes had been capable of getting me out of punishments before with Mom. I hoped maybe it would work with him too…

“Alright, well if you’re going to act like a child and disobey me, I will do it,” he said as he grabbed the waist of my jeans and yanked me towards him. I was humiliated as he undid my pants and pushed them down to my ankles. “Underwear, down.”

“Dad can I please leave them on…please…” I could feel my eyes beginning to burn again as tears threatened to spill over, “Please dad…”

“You really do need this spanking, don’t you?” he snapped as he yanked my boxers down too.

I began to cry again.

“C’mon. Over my knees,” he patted his legs, “The longer you take to get yourself situated, the longer I spank you.”

I bent myself over his legs and buried my face into the bed as tears began to fall. I was convinced the worst part was the humiliation of being reminded just how little a boy I was still.

The first smack is always the worst. You don’t know when it’s going to come and so you’re just laying there holding you’re breath waiting for it to come. It did, and it burned the skin on my bottom. With each additional smack, more and more tears began to fall. As much as I tried, I couldn’t help but begin to yelp in pain as the skin on my bottom began to heat up.

“Dad…I’m so sorry…” I cried in between smacks of the brush, “Please stop…please stop…it hurts…oh, it hurts so bad…”

And yet he only spanked me harder. I prayed the flesh on my bottom would just miraculously go numb and save me from the pain, but it didn’t. As he spanker harder, my grip on his legs got tighter.

“If you’re going to act like a child, I’m going to continue to punish you as a child! You are not grown up in my eyes until you act grown up!” Dad yelled as he continued to slam the brush down against my increasingly sore bottom, “When we leave next week, you are going to be walking on thin ice! Anything remotely bratty on the road will deserve a spanking…do you understand?!”

I gasped and nodded, crying hard into the bed.

Finally he stopped, and set the brush down. I didn’t know if I could get up yet though, so I just waited.

“Alright, well get up,” Dad finally said. I peeled myself from his legs and pulled my boxers and jeans carefully up over my flaming skin. Oh…it killed…

I looked like a pathetic little boy- standing there before my father with a tear streaked face and a burning bottom that would be smarting all night.

“Don’t you ever, ever treat me or your mother like you did this morning again. If you do, I will spank you far harder next time. I don’t care how many fans you get or how many records you sell. Your number one job is to be a member of this family and respectful son. And my number one job is to raise you. And I intend to do so, do you understand me?”

I nodded and continued to cry, carefully zipping my jeans up.

“I love you, but I don’t love your behavior. Now, go wash your face and get in bed without dinner,” he finally added.

It was only six at night, and yet I didn’t even care. I wanted to fall asleep too and just wake up the next morning with a better attitude. I nodded and began to walk towards the door for my miserable walk of shame.

“And Taylor?” he stopped me as I began to reach the door. I turned to see him tossing me the brush, “Put this in your suitcase so we have it on the road.”

It killed me to know that here I was getting ready to promote my first album to girls all around the United States, and the entire time I would be watched like a hawk by my father who would spank me with the brush if I acted up. And yet, somehow it comforted me to know someone cared that much.

I nodded and opened the bedroom door. With bravery, I walked through the living and kitchen towards my bathroom. I avoided eye contact with Jessica on the couch but she knew exactly what had just happened.

When I was finally ready to go in my room to go to bed, Zac and Ike knew too. I walked in with pink cheeks(both kinds of cheeks) and a guilty, hung head. They just stared which made it even more unbearable.

“Did Dad just spank you?” Zac, the blunt one, finally asked.

I began to strip down to my boxers for bed. “Mmm…hmm..” I nodded.

“Well you deserved it,” Isaac said, “I can’t believe you got up after Dad told you not to! I can’t believe you did that, Tay…”

I tossed my clothes towards the hamper just to begin to make out newly cleaned room normally messy again.

“I know. I did deserve it,” I sighed, getting into bed and wincing as I sat down.

Isaac gasped, “Taylor admitting he was wrong? The world has just stopped…”

“Was it bad?” Zac probed.

I began to fluff my pillow the way I like it, “It was a spanking by Dad. You’ve had your fair share. Yeah, it was bad.”

“Are you going to be fresh when we leave next week, Taylor?” Isaac asked, “I swear…if you mouth off on the road, Dad is really going to kill you, you know…”

I sighed, exhausted in general to be answering my brother’s prying questions, “I don’t know Ike…I sure don’t want to be. I don’t want to be spanked again…especially backstage of MTV…”

That got them to chuckle.

“Are we really doing MTV?” Zac asked.

“I hope,” I grinned, “Maybe? Depends on how much people like us, I guess…right?”

There was a gentle knock at the door and I immediately fell back in my bed so I was laying down. Mom looked in carefully eyeing each one of us.

“Zac and Isaac, bedtime is nine for you tonight. We have church in the morning and you’re both exhausted,” she said. Then she turned to me, “You better not sit up again when I close this door.” Moms are scary with how much they know…

“Yes ma’am…” I nodded.

“That’s more like it,” she smiled, “Boys, come on out for dinner. Your brother is going to sleep.”

“Tay’s going to sleep without dinner…?” Zac wondered out loud.

Isaac reluctantly left his computer and grabbed a book to bring with him. Zac on the other hand looked up at Mom with begging eyes.

“I’m working on a creation! Can’t I just keep working on it for a bit more before dinner…?” He whined, nodding at his lego castle.

“I don’t think so. Taylor needs to think about his day by himself. Come on, let’s go.”

“Mom!” Zac raised his voice.

She raised an eyebrow at him, “Do you need to see your father tonight too?”

That scared him enough. He leapt up, sent me a look that probably meant goodnight, and disappeared. Mom clicked off the lights and stood in the door looking at me for a moment.

“Best behavior tomorrow for church,” she reminded me.

“I know,” I nodded.

“Goodnight, sweet dreams,” she told me before she closed the door and left me to my own thoughts in the dark.

I pulled the covers to my chest and turned onto my stomach so my bottom wouldn’t sting quite so much. Sighing heavily, I closed my eyes and began to replay it all in my head.

And that is where I am now…laying here in bed remembering every mistake I made today. I can tell you one thing I know for sure. I will not always have perfect behavior and I won’t always mind my parents as well as I should, but I will wake up tomorrow without an attitude. Why? No one respects a rock star who still gets spanked…and in one week, I will not be Taylor Hanson of Tulsa, Oklahoma- the skinny boy with long blond hair. I will be Taylor Hanson- superstar.