Mind And Soul

The true answer will become visible
in that one and only true light.
Your heart.

My Light is poetry, a written testimony.

My heart is real feelings and real thoughts that does not lie....
When you touch me your like feathers
that caress my soul,
and when you smile
your like the sun that brightens my day
You are the midnight breeze that blows briskly,
leaving only a natural scent behind that tickles my nose.
You are waves that crash upon the sand,
calming my mind.

Your eyes are the sunset I gaze upon each night to recap my day. You are red the color of love.

Red Storm

Darkness surrounds me, as the storm ventures towards shore
I am trapped on a secluded island,
Where trees dance in rhythm as the whip of
the wind moves through my hair,
like fingers stroking a mane
Water slowly slaps the sharp rocks
as the horizon turns into a Black rose
covered in blood

Garden of Soul

I never knew what loneliness was until you left
I never knew that a heart could feel so empty, yet be so loved
Being away, is the hardest thing; knowing you love me is the easiest.

I can only imagine what it would be like to have you near everyday
All the sadness would go away and I could smile again

Let your actions speak louder than your words,
May your heart speak...
You mind flow freely, your soul intertwine with mine

When you asked for my heart, I gave you my soul...
The key I gave away quickly, letting you build trust inside
Plant seeds of faith and love in my garden my heart

Slowly these beautiful flowers are dying
Needing water to live, you.
To be taken care of, to ensure
That they will bloom forever

You unlocked this gate
You dug up the weeds
And planted new flowers in my garden
My heart...

Midnight Breeze

The scent of the midnight breeze,
how I reflect upon my life.
Nights I shared laughter and tears,
I knew I found myself

The scent of the midnight breeze,
how I remember love.
Walks, holding hands and kissing your lips
I can still see my life within your eyes.

The scent of the midnight breeze,
how I remember friendship.
Times together and apart, thick and thin
we never lost our way back.
The scent of the midnight breeze,
how I remember… you.