Basic News  
So.  more riding. learning new shit.   new thre3 rider, adam taylor.  he has some skillz, thats no joke guys.   good to have him aboard.        expect some greatness from everyone soon.       
xo adam j

ps.         i learned nose manuals at work today!!!!
Meaningfull Updates

Jeff's Mom: " Jeff, are you a slut?"

"When have I ever been known to bad down from  a bad idea?"    -adam

"Everyone give Tim shit untill he rides more"

check all the links for updates and new pics...

Riders    the soldiers
Adam Johnson
Tim-timay Mercer
Jeff Hoskins
J.D. Shipman
Contact Info:
AIM  instant messanger
The only bmx site worth visiting!!!
Thre3 will do anything, take a picture of it, and put it here.  enjoy!
Pics that won't fit here.