Thank You's

    Oh man I hope I don't forget anyone.  Well first of all there is my family who helped me through, payed for everything and lots of other good stuff.  Then there is my 3D Studio Max teacher, Jerry Ha, who taught me everything about 3D Studio Max.  My computer teacher, Mr. Grice, taught me how to use a computer and how to create a basic web page.  Without them this page would have never been possible.

Next are my group of friends who are also very helpful:
Maggie- the most inspirational and helpful friend
Stephanie- very funny and lighthearted, and a good friend
David- the big guy who gives helpful hints on improving pages
Eddie- my elder friend who gives tips, hints, and places to find things

David (aka Merry_Death)- THE MAN who can draw something without a sweat, but for reals he draws very well and some of his pictures are shown here. 

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