Random Thoughts
This is just a page filled with various random thought from the twisted minds of the staff. Wonderful isn't it?
Sketch - 8/23/05: I watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books and just a few weeks ago, it hit me. Most of the movies coming out now are remakes of old TV shows and movies that today's youth never heard of and probably aren't interested in. What the hell ever happened to originality? Why is it that if a movie makes any little bit of money in the box office, they have to crank out 80 more sequels to it? Oh well. That's capitalism. More money, less product. Quantity over quality.

If the prefix "in" means not, shouldn't inflammable mean "not flammable"? Our language and legal system is so screwed up that someone who is deemed legally insane is put in an institution! If an inflammable substance can be set on fire, the insane people should be let free! They're just like us! Just not crazy. Well, not me. I'm sane. *twitch*

Igor-5/30/02: I do not have a split personality disorder, I'm half reincarnated and half born again. I've a whole personality disorder.

Igor-5/30/02: So I live around all these six-foot Chinese people... my landlord is Chinese and used to live in Vietnam before he moved here. My landlord is a very nice guy, but he stands almost as tall as Penn... and he never seemed to mind me having pets... neither did the neighbors... then last week the Dutch family down the street was missing their Saint Bernard.

Sketch-4/25/02: I have always wondered why it is that when adults want us to act mature, they treat us like kids. I mean, they tell us to be more independent, but they tighten rules and restrictions so that this is made impossible. In my school, for example, the students aren't allowed to the bathroom or any other place in the school with a simple hall pass. No, we must first call the office and give our name and destination, report to the office, and then, only then, are we allowed to the bathroom. This is a hindrance and a disaster in cases of emergency or time constraints. We are 160 students in a school with only enough room for 50-100 students and yet we have only two minutes to get from one class to the next. If we aren't in class within two minutes of the sounding of the bell, we receive a zero for a class grade for that day. Is this just? I think not. Is this fair? No. Is it necessary? Not at all. Two students vandalize the building so all are penalized. It makes about as much sense as every employee of a mall being penalized because the cashier at Sears stole a pair of nylons. My school is fast becoming a fascist establishment, with every aspect of school life being monitored, controlled and overlorded. We have been stripped of our rights as students and human beings. A conducive learning environment? You tell me.

Igor-4/25/02: Do you know how ultimately boring a sub-dimension can be within a radically exalted platitude?  Okay...you have a platitude...okay now it's just been moved up to distracting proportions, (as in "you can't leave the train because it's locked") therefore rendering it quite boring and now you have been given a sub-dimension to escape to...but it's also boring..but that boredom is exalted far above anything you can imagine because the only you can do is sit there...and molt.  Therefore it can be ultimately boring.  You see?