A Friends Unknowing Gift
January 3, 2009

I’m not myself these days or these months, I’m the same person, but just not myself.  I’ve had this gift all my life, and have always used it in a positive way.  Most of the time I use my gift to make myself feel better, the other times I used my gift was because it was natural to do so, its natural to breath, its natural to use my gift. . . Every day I would wake up knowing someone was going to have a good day.

I at times couldn’t wait to leave my home for school—work or even to greet my neighbor.  Absolutely no one suspected what I was doing, as the years went by it became so natural.  My Gift is the Gift of a complement.  That’s all it is!  The gift of making someone feel good about themselves.  No matter who I spoke to, I made them feel good about themselves.  It’s so easy to do, and if you want you can get technical about it.  I love my life and can see when people are in need, which I believe is 95% of all people I meet.  

I have been in prison for 6 months.  And I still find ways to help other and to improve the way they think.  Here is my gift to all who reads this.  Today tell someone you are proud of them.  Tell someone you don’t know—you like what they are wearing.  Tell someone you think he/or she is handsome, talk positive about their look or clothes, or speech, hair or anything.  Do this everyday, a simple bless you under your breath will do.

Also—but so that they could hear it,   would do wonders for them all day/week.  At any store counter with the store clerk, the Doctors office, you don’t have to wait to see someone in need of a blessing (complement).  Before you see fit to give them one, just do it everyday naturally.  Practice makes perfect.

I am perfect at doing this. . . technically it becomes easy, what I mean by this is. . .I’ve been told it could be up to two years before my appeal goes through.  That person was being honest with me, that person also had the most perfect opportunity to make me feel good, but didn’t. . .Why?  Even at the end of the letter it said—“God Bless.”  And I felt blessed. . .I say its very rare anyone feels blessed.  But I can change the way people receive your blessing.  Now when they read “God Bless,” they will feel it.  And this is how its done. . .Always remember you are going to make that person(s) feel good about themselves always.  The whole reason for you speaking with anyone, is to get them to feel good.  

My friend said it could take up to two years, because the court system is slow, what she said was the God Honest Truth.  Personally, I thought she was cruel in a God Honest way. . .why didn’t she know that there was nothing positive in her words.  It put a shadow over the words, “God Bless.”  Please ladies and gentlemen, always make the person you are speaking with feel good, even if you are delivering bad news.  It’s not hard to do. . .just know this. . .when you speak to someone, find the words to make them feel good.  “Charles it could take up to two years for your appeal, but Charles you have a heart, and God tends to always find a way.  I’m sure your appeal will be soon!  God Bless you. . .Charles, God has been watching you, I feel good things are on their way. . .God Bless.”

This is a technical way of making someone feel good.  

I was also abandoned by a long time friend, who I love so very much I get butterflies when I think of her.  She was very heartless to me, she wouldn’t say a word to me since I’ve been in prison, we have been the absolute best of friends for 9 years.  She was my #1 witness at trial, a Aunt to my son.  The heir to my estate (if I had one), she just cut me off just like that.  I cried, I hated, I screamed, how could someone be so cold, I don’t deserve that kind of pain from anyone.

My whole being is loving others and blessing everyone I come in contact with.  Why Lord, must my most precious love abandon me?  I pray for her, never ever harmed her, why Lord?  Why her?

The Lord touched me with words I still don’t understand. . .the Lord said unto me, “Charles look to your right instead of your left for your friend has paid you a complement everyday.”

I’m still in tears,,

God Bless you All,

Charles Peterson

 Charles Peterson's Writings - Index

 Three Strikes Legal - Index