I know how to fix a flat tire,
Change a battery in a car.
Repair a broken window fan.
Get a vcr tape unstuck.
Pick a lock without a key,
Tie 3 proper kinds of knots,
Hit a target with my eyes shut.
Win at poker, monopoly, and jacks.
Bake biscuits without an oven,
Iron a shirt with a pleated front.
Pack a lunch without a sack.
Solve a quarrel without any licks,
Find my way out of any place.
Start a fire just using sticks,
Install a pipe for the kitchen sink.
Reroof a house, mix any drink,
Catch a rat, sew with lace.
I still get somewhat sad and blue,
When I remember I can't fix you.
Nephew John, Friend Tia, Sister Candace.  3 Heads are better.
Cynthia, William, and Jonathan: 1995.
A tiny Christmas tree is best in a small place.
A few words and a few pictures for you to enjoy.
Tia, Nephew Tony, and Candace, again Christmas 2001
Christmas Haiku

Mounds of red paper,
Hills of toys strewn round about.
Santa left his mark.
Ian is tired from all the excitement and needs a break.
One of the great nephews, Niece Diana, "Niece-in-law"
Sheila, Ian are reading.  Great-nephew Dustin is, is, is,
Plotting?  Or sleeping.
Hope you enjoyed Christmas, 2001, with the family. Y'all come back now, real soon.