:: Dungeons & Dragons - The Threshold Party - Lana and the Flying Carpet ::

Lana and the Flying Carpet

The Quest begins

Initial research in the Magicians' Guild indicated that to create a flying carpet a suitable component would be a section of enchanted cloud, such as those which were rumoured to occupy the skies over Ylaruam. It was hinted in the tomes Lana consulted that aerial devices such as carpets had first been created by Ylari sorcerers, thus Lana considered the desert nation a fitting place to begin her quest.

A day prior to her planned departure from Glaston two familiar figures appeared in the doorway of the cottage Lana was renting while waiting for the construction of her tower to complete. Here were Conor and Antonius, Lana's one-time companions from her exploits in Thyatis. The wily thief and musclebound ex-gladiator had journeyed from the eastern Empire to find Lana as she still possessed the Desert Rose - the fabulously bejewelled brooch gifted to their group by the Ylari ambassador whom Conor, Antonius and Lana among others had rescued from the Storm Soldiers of Hattias. Lana begrudgingly paid Conor and Antonius their cash equivalents of the item's value, thinking it wise to decline Antonius' offer to take custody of the other parties' entitlements.

Journey to Ylaruam

Upon hearing that Lana planned to travel to dusty Ylaruam the newcomers volunteered to accompany her. So it was that night that the muscle-bound Conor was teleported to Parsa, a small settlement which Lana had visited only once before in the Makistan region in the north-west reaches of Ylaruam. Lana watched with horror through her crystal ball as Conor appeared too high above his intended destination, and crashed through both storeys of the dwelling beneath. Days passed before Lana and Antonius were able to join the barbarian, who was still nursing wounds. True to Lana's past experience, the Makistani people proved gracious hosts providing food drink and rest for the three travellers. Lana spoke with one of the village elders about her search for magical cloud, and was directed to seek a Makistani sorcerer named Babrak who resided in an isolated tower in the western hills. It was rumoured that this individual associated with the air spirits known as the djinn. If Babrak could not point Lana in the proper direction then almost certainly his associates would be able to.

Trekking through hills the next day all three companions were unnerved when a young girl stepped out from behind a rock. Not seeming to comprehend common Thyatian, Lana instead attempted to converse with the child in her other tongues of Goblin, Elf and Dragon, and marvelled when the girl responded in the last of the three, her tiny form expanding moments later to become that of an enormous gold dragon. The creature introduced herself as Ayesha and, after a cordial interchange, said she would be happy to escort the three companions to the home of the wizard Babrak. Ayesha explained that Babrak did not speak Thyatian however she was prepared to act as interpreter.

The Makistani Sorcerer

Babrak's tower soon emerged from the surroundings, a lofty construction reaching high into the skies overhead. The wizard appeared and introduced himself, inviting the three guests to partake of a hot drink of their choice - both tea and coffee were available. Once the formalities of preparing and serving the drinks had been performed a conversation followed, Lana explaining the motive behind her quest and her wish to obtain some enchanted cloud. Babrak approved of her quest for knowledge and spoke of the Ylari hero Al-Kalim who had himself embarked on many adventures, reportedly through both time and space. Babrak arranged for Lana to meet a djinn acquaintance of his, by the name Barabjabal, in the floating City of the Desert Breeze which at that time was located over the Oasis of Kuznetz in a distant corner of the desert. Lana's spirits lifted when she heard the oasis was only a day's ride away and that to assist her in her quest Babrak would summon a roc, an enormous eagle-like creature, to serve as her steed for the trip.

Bidding farewell to Conor and Antonius who had decided to pursue their own path, Lana flew out the next morning clinging to the golden-feathered roc. The creature flew so swiftly that Lana found herself struggling to draw breath for most of the trip. She marvelled as the plains passed by beneath her, merchant caravans appearing like small dark specks on the dusty tracks below. As the sun began its descent that evening the tops of palm trees appeared on the horizon, prompting the roc to flap its mighty wings and gain altitude. Breaking through the clouds overhead an immense city came into view, seemingly carved from the cloud itself. The roc touched down on solid cloud which was firm and supportive underfoot. A lone figure detached from the city and began walking in the newcomers' direction. His neat black beard and blue-skinned torso gleamed in the evening sun as he walked yet from the waist down the man appeared insubstantial. This, was the djinn Barabjabal, who extended a cordial welcome to Lana then bid her enter his home - the City of the Desert Breeze.

The City of the Djinn

Lana marvelled as she toured the city which served as home to thousands of djinn inhabitants, both male and female (many passed their time surveying the mortal inhabitants of the village beneath through a massive scrying device which the djinn termed their World Window). The many buildings and slender towers all appeared to have been hewn from the solid cloud. Lana explained how her search was for some of that enchanted cloud, and she politely enquired whether the djinn might be persuaded into parting with a small portion. Barabjabal shook his head, explaining that this particular cloud emanated directly from the elemental Plane of Air and would dissipate when separated from its source. Instead, Barabjabal recommended, Lana should seek out the clouds inhabited by the cloud giants, a number of whom lived nearby and whose magics rendered clouds more stable. Lana agreed and after a sumptuous feast (conjured before her very eyes by the djinn's magic) and a good night's rest the pair departed in search of cloud giants.

Lana invoked a Fly spell to enable her to travel alongside her djinn companion, the two discussing their respective cultures and comparing the constraints of mortal society on the one hand to the ways of the djinn on the other hand who, while benevolent and noble beings, revelled in leading lives fraught with variety and disorder.

After a couple of hours' flight Lana felt her spell waning and called to Barabjabal to assist her. To her alarm the djinn had vanished. Had the novelty of her errand worn off, she wondered, causing the being to desert her? With her heart racing Lana began an enchantment to renew her power of flight but too late, she found herself falling from the skies. A hearty laugh was heard before Barabjabal re-appeared only feet beneath to catch the falling mage. Then the djinn bid Lana turn her head as she was alerted to an enormous winged creature closing on their location… a blue dragon! While Lana, ever the dragon enthusiast, was delighted to lay eyes on such a creature having met dragons of most other colours, she could not help but stiffen with anxiety as the creature drew near and Barabjabal made no attempt to avoid being spotted. Lightning issued from the dragon's maw, washing over djinn and human alike. Something clicked into place inside Lana's mind as she realised the dragon was a figment. As she turning to regard Barabjabal accusingly the phantasm vanished and the djinn let out a great laugh. He apologised for having been unable to resist the practical joke. Lana too laughed, seeing the funny side, and the two continued on their way.

The Guardians

Late that afternoon a cloud came into view bearing a sizeable keep hewn from the airy matter which supported it. The companions descended, setting down on the solid cloud before Lana advanced alone toward the keep. As she did so, winged shapes detached from a tall tower to one side of the stronghold and three large hawks swooped down upon her. Realising these were probably pets of whatever being occupied the cloud keep, Lana decided to forego the use of harmful magic. Instead she extended her Wand of Fear sending out a cone of shimmering magic which caught two of the birds head-on, causing them to wheel in mid-air and fly away at speed. A third hawk continued its advance. Lana snapped her fingers and a brilliant flash erupted before the bird's eyes, causing it to crumple to the cloud beneath where it landed awkwardly.

All fell silent. Lana continued her advance, marvelling as ever at the solid cloud which felt like freshly tilled earth underfoot. To her dismay a second trio of hawks then rose from the aviary tower, heading in Lana's direction. Losing no time the mage invoked a Mirror Image before creating an illusory Ice Storm, catching all three birds in its midst as they fell shivering to the ground. Lana caught her breath next as an immense figure, easily twenty feet tall, appeared on the battlements of the keep hefting a cloud boulder in one hand. Lana called out that she approached as a friend, and did not wish to cause offence, but these words (if they were heard) fell too late. A boulder sailed through the air, despatching Lana's sole image. Lana stood her ground, continuing to implore the giant to see reason but to no avail, as a second boulder descended catching her fully beneath its mass. Lana found herself pinned, unable to move as she struggled for what seemed an eternity before finally managing to free herself. As she rose, exhausted, to her feet, she noticed Barabjabal had been attacked by a roc, much larger than the six hawks which Lana's magic had felled. She turned to face the giant, a third boulder in its hand, and cried out for its assault to cease. She apologised for her intrusion but implored the giant to speak with her and consider the request she wished to make. The immense figure descended from the battlements and a moment later, as the keep's drawbridge descended, came out to meet with Lana. The giant was in fact a giantess, her skin pale grey in colour, her hair long sleek and white, and her elegant gown cut in a recent thyatian style. As if the giantess' sheer size wasn't daunting enough, a ten-foot long scimitar hung in a scabbard on her belt.

A meeting with Giants ... the Cloud Castle

Lana bowed, introducing herself and making clear that she had only incapacitated the hawks which had attacked her, and that no lasting harm had been done. The giantess softened slightly, stating that Lana's mercy was noted. She introduced herself as Thylia. Lana then made her request for a portion of magical cloud. Thylia considered this a bold demand (however she was impressed by Lana's audacity) but declared she would need to discuss the matter with her sister Zelzara who dwelled within the keep. Whistling for her roc to cease attacking Barabjabal, the pair entered the keep and met a second giantess, her teeth sharpened into frightening fangs indicating a preferred diet of meat. This second giantess asked her sister whether this small human was to provide dinner for the night. Lana took this as a joke but it was clear the giantesses' food supplies were low; neither one had eaten in four nights. Lana's request for a section of cloud was considered outrageous but, the giantesses stated, would be considered if Lana could journey to the village below and procure a suitable quantity of food and drink. It seemed that faced with starvation they had no choice but to consider their options.

The Ylari Village

Lana accepted the challenge and descended to the village below but found to her dismay that the villagers' supplies were equally as depleted as the giantesses'. The winter had been harsh and the nomad traders had not yet been able to bring through supplies. Still, Lana wore the bejewelled Desert Rose and the villagers acknowledged the status this conferred, rendering them more amenable to her requests. Lana was therefore able to procure roughly half the number of goats and sheep (at extortionate prices!) the giantesses had requested. This number would at least stave off starvation for a while.

Thinking it best to report back to the giantesses to arrange transportation of the animals, Lana flew up to the cloud castle then returned to the village where she was confronted by the villagers and accused of sorcery. Lana made clear that she had made no efforts to conceal her "sorcerous nature" and that her magic was used only for beneficial purposes. After suitable explanations and the utterance of a solemn oath before the village prayer-leader Lana was accepted by the villagers (and her potential execution staved off!).


Recruiting a couple of local lads to assist as shepherds, Lana led the herd of goats and sheep out of the village to the north, where she hoped the appearance of the giantesses' rocs would cause less of an upset to the villagers. An eight-foot long lizard appeared at one point, brutally savaging one goat before Lana struck it with a Polymorph effect to transmute the creature into a new form, that of a pig. Dark clouds then grew overhead as a rainstorm of immense proportions fell, obliging Lana to locate a cave to shelter her flock. The rain deluged down for hours, turning the arid ground to wet muck. Then as the downpour eased Lana cast Light upon a copper coin and emerged from the cave. Only moments later five winged forms appeared overhead as the giantesses' rocs honed in on Lana's location, seizing up goats and sheep to transport the creatures skyward to their mistresses' domain. Several trips were made until on the final trip an enormous section of the hillside detached itself, having been weakened by the heavy rainfall, and thundered toward Lana. Acting on instinct Lana erected a Wall of Ice which held back the mudslide for just long enough (before cracking and giving way) to enable her to grab the rear trotter of the pig which was being seized up by the last departing roc. One of her boots remained embedded in the mud as Lana was borne safely away without a heartbeat to spare.

Returning to the cloud castle the giantesses were dismayed that they were not to receive as many beasts as they had hoped for, though Lana pointed out that many humans risked starvation to ensure that the giant sisters would not go hungry. While the giantesses cared little for the welfare of lowly humans they acknowledged that Lana had provided them with the best service she was able to, therefore she would be permitted to take away a section of their enchanted cloud. Overjoyed, Lana filled her Bag of Holding to brimming with magical cloud before taking her leave of the giantesses and Teleporting home.

Fingers crossed...

Arriving back safely in a common room of the Wizards' Guild in Specularum Lana lost no time in arranging for rooms to be made available for her use, before Teleporting to northern Threshold to meet the elf maiden Cardia, whose carpet Lana was permitted to inspect for a short while. Returning then to Specularum Lana enlisted the services of a middle-aged Ylari weaver named Mizra and the pair began the lengthy process of carpet manufacture, as carpet, cloud and magic were woven together inextricably over a four-week period. To Lana's delight the venture proved a success, and it was not long before she was speeding on her way to the Principalities of Glantri borne aloft on the first ever magical item of her own creation.

Read on - Lana's Adventures in Glantri

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