Letter of Agreement

Three Season’s One Price

Advertising in the Topeka High School

Athletic Programs – 2007-2008


The Topeka High School Trojan Illustrated will be sold at all home sporting events.  We distributed or sold 2200 programs last year.  We expect the program sales to continue to climb this year.  What better way to show your support for the student athletes?  This price includes all fall, winter, and spring sports.  50% of Add Due in August, Balance Due in November.


Name of Business:___________________________________________________________

Name of person authorizing purchase:__________________________________________


Telephone number:_____________________Fax number:__________________________

E mail address:______________________________________________________________

Seller’s name:_____________________________Seller’s Telephone___________________

                                                                                 Sellers E-Mail_______________________

Yes, I wish to advertise again.  _______

Yes, I am a new advertiser.      _______

No, I don’t wish to advertise.   _______

Use the same ad as last year  Yes  _______No_______.


Please mark the size of ad desired and the season(s) it is to run.

              Back Cover                       Sold   $500

              Inside Cover front            _____ $425

              Inside Cover back             _____$425

              Full Page 71/2” x 10”        _____$350

              Half Page 71/2” x 4 ¾”     _____$250

              1/4 Page 3 5/8” x 4 ¾”       _____$175

              1/8 Page 2” x 31/2”            _____$110

Deadline for Ad Placement is Friday August 10, 2007


Customer Signature:___________________________Date:_____________


Ad should be provided camera ready (shipped without folding) or digitally (.eps or .tif formats).

Please return this signed agreement along with your art work and full payment, checks made payable to Topeka High Booster Club:

                                             Topeka High Booster Club

                                              c/o  Jim Oliva                  

                                              2719 SW 15th Street

                                              Topeka, Kansas 66604 


Questions? Call Jim or Jan Oliva   Cell Phone: 213-2212 Home: 235-6418

                                                                  E-mail:  joliva@cox.net