
Topeka High Booster Club

General Membership

March 26, 2007

(pending approval)


Call to order




Minutes—Motion made and 2nded.  Amend them to say Allocations 9am to 1pm.  Correct spelling of meningitis—motion made with changes and 2nded.  Passed.


Administrative Report—Dr. Wiley 39 days of school left.  Completing enrollment then will build master schedule.  Dr. Wiley ppreciates all the support parents give to the school.  Question about testing out of subjects but then students are at a disadvantage for being a Kansas Scholar.  Dr. Wiley will look into the matter and see if a simple conversation at the time of the test out option will solve the problem.

            Rick Benke—Spring sports already started.  Calendars are available.  April 6 big track meet.  Mascot has arrived will be available at the 1st football game.  Mascot person will have rules/guidelines for appropriate behavior just like cheerleaders.


Treasurers Report—See handout. 


After Prom—1 month away.  Will have meetings every Monday night at 5:30pm.  Donation letter will be coming out in the school newsletter sometime this week or so.  Also, a separate Sr. Parent letter requesting donations to go out soon.  Will soon be looking for volunteers. Prom Spec took in @$2000 in cash and prizes.  Waiting on Ks Health Foundation grant—usually comes the first part of April.  Tickets on sale 4/16.  Debi S. will sell them. 


Allocations—Forms have been distributed.  Things are on schedule. 


DCAC—Report by THS and Robinson Truancy Coordinators.  Transportation is the biggest issue for most of the truants.  They requested donation of bus passes to help these students.  Will be voting on finalized reports in 2 weeks. 


Nomination Committee—Michelle still looking for people to be on both the Board and on the Committee who helps select the Board. 


Teacher Appreciation—2 more events.  April 13th is salad lunch.  Passed around the sign up sheet.  May 8th they will hold a cookout for Teacher Appreciation Day. 


Program—Thanks to Jim O. for being patient about the miscommunication regarding spring sports photo day.  Jim would like volunteers to contact potential advertisers next fall.  Ad letter is available at the Booster Club website or from Jim.


Old Business--None


New Business—Special Request for Theater Dept.  We will donate @$3,000 towards equipment for them.

            Discussion of the menu at the concessions stands at Hummer.  We will have a full menu at our events as long as we have 4 volunteers at each event.  Please be sure and volunteer if you are called. 

            Door prizes distributed. 

