Makaveli Tattoos

Tupac hade many tattoos spread across his body. Each tattoo was related to his life and his being. He had tattoos that some of his songs were called such as 'Only God Can Judge Me' or lyrics that were in his songs like 'Only Fear In Death' with the Heartless tattoo. But probably his most famous tattoo would have to be the thug life tattoo that spread across his chest. He showed this many times during his life and is shown in many pictures. Below is almost, if not every tattoo on his body. Click on the tattoo on his body to get a much larger picture of the tattoo. If you have any others or think that any of these are wrong then please e-mail me.
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Tupac Shakur's Tattoos on his arms

Tupac Shakur's Tattoos on his chest

Tupac Shakur's Tattoos on his back

These pictures of Pac's tattos above are copyrighted to the webmaster of