This is a true story. It is not a story about any particular religion, but only a story of faith. It happened to me. Do you have enough faith, hope and trust to believe it could just as easily be a story written about you. Read it and then see your own story that God has given you.
     Where do I begin? It is hard to know? God has been so good to me, even in the hard times. Being a divorced  Mom of five sons for the past twelve years, there have been plenty of hard times, but also lots of good times. I'm thankful God gave me a strong faith to believe that he would see me through, no matter what obstacles rose up against me. I'm thankful that I had the tenacity to stick to the job of raising five, fine sons, who are becoming  fine young men, with good morals and integrity. I'm also thankful for the passion God gave me for writing. What a wonderful gift. He gives each of us many wonderful gifts.
     Before I was born, my mom and Dad were told they could have no more children. They also told my Mom she should have a hysterectomy. My parents had already been blessed with three healthy children,  two boys and a girl. For most people that would be all the blessing they could handle and would be happy to call it quits. But not my parents! They trusted Gods plan, and wanted a house filled with the laughter, tears and joy, that only a big  family can bring.  So it was, that they decided to make a pilgrimage to Canada, to the Shrine of St. Anne de Vopre to pray to our heavenly Father for another child.  Nine months to the day,  I came into this world, with Gods mighty
voice thundering outside. Nearby the oceans powerful waves came crashing to shore. Lightening  streaked through the sky and  power was lost. Into the world I came, to the beat of thunder and the crack of lightening.  (God surely knew I would love the drama of it all, later in life.)
      The story of my birth was not where I wanted this story to begin,  but since God is the source of my creativity and my editor, thats where it began. And God has been creating ever since. It was a warm October evening. The gentle Autumn winds were blowing through the maple trees in my front yard. It was 2:00 am in the wee hours of the morning and something  woke me. (Probly the Spirit of Christ) I went downstairs to
sit on my front porch. As I sat in my whicker rocker staring  into the darkness I contemplated my life's situation. The gas had been off  for a few weeks, money was tight, bills needed to be paid and my Doctor had found cancer and wanted me to have a complete hysterctomy.  There I sat, rocking back and forth, back and forth, when suddenly I saw her!!! My Angel ! My angel that I call Faith . My rocking chair creaked to a sudden stop. I blinked my eyes, she was small, like a child, her white luminous gown  flowed gently around her bare feet. She was transparent and glowing. She had a white hooded cape about her and in that moment, a peace and calmness came over me, flowing like a wave from the ocean. I knew then that everything was going to be fine. God was in control!!  Just as quickly as she came, she was gone. And though it has been over two years  since I saw my Angel, I still have such peace inside. Oh don't get me wrong, God is testing my faith, even to this vey moment. More than ever I must be strong, continue to have faith, continue to hope and continue to trust in Gods plan, as he continues to create in me and unfold my life. More than ever I am learning to let go and let God. I heard a story this morning that I would like to share with you. It is a true story of an eagel. It happened at Niagra Falls. A salmon had somehow leaped and landed on a flow of ice and froze there, trapped. The eagel swooped down and starting feasting on the delicious meal. But as the ice floated closer to the falls, the eagel continued to feast and did not fly away in the face of impending danger. He wouldn't let go. Then he couldn't let go, as his massive talons became frozen into the meat of the salmon, that was frozen to the ice.  Over the falls the eagel went to his death and distruction. If only he had let go. If only we can let go and put it all in Gods hands!!!!
     Today the Doctors can not find the cancer,  my bills are being paid and I am earning the money I need, to take care of my home, by the Grace of God, in Jesus name. I'm learning lots of lessons and the biggest one is that the only place we can take our problems to, is at the feet of Christ as Mary Magdeline did, their our sins are forgiven.
     Once more, before this story ends, she came to me again, in the wee hours of the morning on my front porch. I didn't see her, but I knew she was there. I felt her peace.I knew what I had to do and now I share this story with you. What story has God given you? Only you know and it's waiting inside of you. Let go and let God receive all the glory for it. It's our way of showing him how much we love him and thank and praise him. It's what we're suppose to do.

Love and God Bless you,

In Christ, Martha