Dave Gallant snaps away at the transit, afocally through a Celestron C8 with a 40mm eyepiece and solar filter.... Thank god those clouds cleared out eh!!
Dave Gallant's hopes of a visible transit from Charleston College seem grim as the clouds roll past overhead!
Leon sets up at Hillcrest for a summer sidewalk session. Barely visible in the background, the attractive orange moon rises above the sleeping giant.
Arnold chats with a passer by at a recent Hillcrest viewing session as they peer at the moon through a 6" reflector
At one of our early morning viewing sessions Leon and Robs reflectors point towards Venus and the moon as Dave observes Saturn through his 10" Monster home made DOB! Yet another fun filled Hillcrest session

The Moon, Saturn and Jupiter! As taken by Kevin using his LPI (Lunar Planetary Imager) and a Meade ETX 105EC.... I gotta get me one of them LPI's!!
The moon displays some spectacular colours as it rises on an early fall evening.  Taken by Leon though a 6" Skywatcher reflector using a 25mm eyepeice and a Cannon A40 Didital
A close up of the moon... Taken afocally using a 6" reflector, 25mm eyepeice and 2X barlow lense and a digital Cam
Left and Right: Two close up photos of the moon.  Taken using a 6" refractor and a CCD Imaging Device (WebCam!) The 1 minute video clips were chopped down to 3 seconds and transfered into 40 or so frames per photo, then stacked to create a clearer picture.