Copy Write of Kevin Tunnell

Hero Name: Shadow Walker
Given Name: Blake Shade
F: 16 Ex
A: 16 Ex
S: 16 Ex
E: 16 Ex
R: 16 Ex
I:  26 Rm
P: 16 Ex
H: 64
Karma:  58
Resources: Ex 16
Popularity:Fe 2/Gd 10
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Weight: 205 lbs.
Skin Color: White  Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Alex (son),
Known Weaknesses:
Material Allergy Iron, touch of Iron will block use of powers.
Known Powers:
    Apparition Ex 16
    Enchanted Eye Gd 13
    Levitation In 36
    Eldritch Beams/Bolts Ex 16
    Blunt Weapons
    Resist Domination
    (H) He has had affiliations with members of Rouge Squad and M.A.X.X. Force
    (S) While searching for info about the staff he met Henry Devule, Reasearcher of Mythologies and demonical beings.
    He was born in the country side of New York state, but at the age of five his father, Frank Shade, became head of the archeologic deparment of NYU and his family moved to New York City.  He has an older sister, Mary, and a younger brother, Frank Jr. His mother Ellen was a, stay at home wife, untill the moved to the city and she started her own business, as an interior decorator.  Frank was often galbanting around the world in search of ancient artifacts, and Blake, who loved his dad dearly, went on many of these adventures with him.
    At the age of 24 while on one of these adventures in southern Ireland, Blake gained his powers, but tragically lost his father.  While scouting out a cave an abnormal earthquake shooked the area. As the caved started to cave in on him, his dad couragously push his son out of the way, and Blake watched in horror as his father was smashed by the tunnel, Blake didn't realize he was burried alive.  Fortuntely, when his dad pushed Blake, he fell against a secret entrence.   Through the passage Blake could see a red glow elumninating.  In hopes that this was a way out of the tomb he Blake began walking torwds it.  He eventulaly made his way to the source, in the middle of a large cavern was a Staff which appeared to be a grave of some sorts. As Blake walked closer to the staff he felt drawn closer to the staff.  Upon cantact he suddenly felt new fragmented memorys awakened in his mind, and he saw a way out of the tomb threw anouther secret path.
    While coming to terms with his fathers death, his mother moved into a different house seeking peace from the tragedy.  A few months went by and NYU offered Young Blake his Father'a job.  Although he loved his new job, the staff was driving him crazy.  He had to know who or what had made it and why it affected his mind.  He stayed a only short time at the University, after a few months he told the dean that he could no longer purue the general studies.  So he moved to Gateway city and with his mothers help formed a business in which he would undoubtedly come into contact with other magical and strange happenings.   The Paranormal Investegation Society. This is where Blake met his future wife Jannie.  She was fresh out of college, and looking for a job.  Blake hired her to fill an empty space in his life.  The two fell in love and got married, but at the birth of their first son, Alex, his wife mysteriously died.  Blake was devastated.  He was lost in depression for some time and questioned why the people he loved kept dying, He made a choice to find out, he spent years studying the staff and his own harritage. Durring this time he met his good friend Henry DeVule, who has helped him exstincively in studies with his own magic powers and learning more about the staff.
    In the time since he has studied the staff and come to learn it was the staff of the wizard Merlins apprintes Charlamane. So far he has learned to use only four of the hundreads of spells charlamane had masterd.  He also learnd that his bloodline can be traced back to acient Eirland
    He now lives with his son, his mother, and their butler Donald Styles (Mr. Styles).
    Blake has a recluse pesonality.  He loves time by himself, he is fasinated by the powers that the staff unleashed in him.  He spends most of his free time in the library studying over ancient rituals and spells of white and black magic. He hates injustice and has a high set of moral values.
    His usual hero garb is a long black over coat, white shirt, black pants, black hat, and a mask that covers his eyes and lower forhead