The Brew Crew
K&D Warriors
Kings&Treassures General Info
Strengths And Weaknesses
Spoils Of War
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Strengths and weaknesses
*Knight-+10 Bonus ATCK vs Pikemen,militia.
*Cavalry-+20 attack vs dwarves, archers, orcs and knights
*Pikemen-+50 attack vs cavalry,+30 leadership vs giants,trolls,ogres.
*Archers-+30 attack vs knights, pikemen,militia.+20 attack vs trolls,+10 attack vs giants
*Archimages-+80 attack vs earth+human+Dark warrior exept dragons.-200 attack vs dragons, Leadership against dragons=0. Comission raises by 50 when defeating a dragon.
*Druids-+30 attack vs all units exept archimages,Dragons,Giants,Trolls,Ghosts.Comission raises +30 when defeating a dragon
*Dragons- +50 extra attack for every dragon.
*Giants- +40 extra attack for every Giant
*Trolls- +40 extra attack for every troll
*Deamons- +10 attack for every defeated oponent
*Ghosts- +1 ghost for every oponent killed. +5 attack for every opponent defeated. +10 leadership for every oponent defeated.Every unit has 0 attack vs ghosts exept Archimages and druids.
*Ogres- +50 bonus  attack vs all humans.
*Orcs- 1 free orc for every week. When you reach 20 orcs u get 20+ orcs.
*Elves- +100 attack vs orcs.+50 attack deamons, trolls, giants and ogres. 50 GP for every oponent killed, appart from the other GP you had on the contract.When you reach 50 elves, you gain +200 attack
*Gnomes- every oponent which has less attack than you, will be deducted 200 leadership when facing you. orcs have -50 leadership when facing gnomes.Everytime a gnome wins a battle, they take 50+ GP from their opponent with the spoils of war.
*Dwarves- +10 attack for every defeated oponent. +150 attack vs orcs.+50 attack vs gnomes. Dwarves only pay half of the spoils of war if they loose. +100 leadership against dark warriors.