Meet the interesting people who dwell in Armageddon,
home to the senshi of thunder's arch-enemies.

One who belongs here is a brilliant and talented general...Nephrite, one of Queen Beryl's finest minions, and is suspected to be the second highest-ranking general in the anime. Although there was no apparent enmity existing between him and Sailorjupiter alone, in the anime, the manga tells a different story. In the manga, he was destroyed single-handedly by Sailorjupiter during her first appearance as the senshi of thunder. For more information on this, visit the section Io Castle and read Mako's first appearance. Another interesting piece of information about him, is that Naoko Takeuchi had the concept of the four generals and four inner senshi as lovers, and Nephrite's partner being Sailorjupiter. Unfortunately, this idea was never fully developed. For more information on this, visit the section The Men in Makoto's Life.

In the anime, General Zoicite and Sailorjupiter had more reason to be each other's arch-enemy, besides the green lining in the general's uniform (counterparts are usually color-coordinated, you see ^^;). When Makoto made her first appearance, she fought with him in hand-to-hand combat in order to protect Crane Game Joe (see Cradle of Senpai). She managed to bruise his beautiful face, probably why he took precaution the next time he ambushed her, completely knocking her off balance in the restaurant she was eating in. Notes of clarification on Zoicite: in the anime, he is responsible for Nephrite's death. He is also known to be the gay lover of General Kunzite, but in the manga, he is not! So kindly make that distinction.

A spiteful, hot-tempered yet beautiful counterpart hails from the Dark Moon Family. Her name is Petz, the eldest and arguably the most powerful among the Black Moon Sisters. Being the counterpart of Sailorjupiter is apparent both in the anime and in the manga. She and Sailorjupiter have the green coloring, and the similar powers--Petz's being Dark Thunder. The two has faced-off a couple of times in the anime, and in the manga, she was able to succeed in trapping Jupiter in a powerful tornado before she (Petz) was finished off by Sailormoon. In the anime, however, she was not killed, and was the last one among her sisters to become good. An interesting note in the anime, Petz reasons for sneering at love and being hot-tempered most of the time may have been due to a past relationship. She gets sensitive whenever someone mentions it, and although her former boyfriend's true identity was never revealed, hints led to Saffir. She loved him 'til the end, and knew...felt, the exact moment he died. But rest assured, tearful readers, her love was not unrequited.

The beautiful witch (from the Witches 5, of course) with the haircolor of a striking green is named Tellu...counterpart and "botanist" extraordinaire. Again, no special enmity between her and Jupiter was noted in the anime, but it is a different story in the manga. With the level of 404, she is the second most powerful witch; her powers were rivaled only by that of Viluy. She was able to put Sailorjupiter in a trance, tempting her to leave her duties as a senshi by "caring for beautiful plants and lead the simple, quiet life". But the witches failed with their plans, of course--done with the help of Chibi Guardian Jupiter.

We have a very kawaii amazon--a member of the proud group "Amazoness Quartet" (who later became the Asteroid Senshi in the manga, protectors of Princess Usagi a.k.a Chibi-usa). Her name is Jun Jun. She specializes in tight-rope walking and is playful like the other young amazons. In ways, she is similar to her counterpart besides being garbed in green as she is--she seems to be the less frilly, sporty type (not exactly a downright tomboy, but you get my drift). Her method of taking away dream mirrors was to help or wait for the people to achieve their dreams before taking them. This way, she thinks they would not be needing the dream mirrors any longer, and it would be alright to destroy it. She's probably the most humane among the amazons, ne?

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