Chapter 26

"Mind telling us what is so funny?" Collig asked. He had just informed Victoria of her rights, yet was met with another burst of hysterical laughter from the striking woman. Collig gestured to the nearest female officer to search the woman for any weapons. As he watched the officer comply the Chief marveled at the fact that she would actually have the gall to walk right into the Bayport Police station and march straight up to the Chief of Police's own office. In the end the officer exclaimed that she had came up with a clean search. That was not enough however to convince Ezra that the woman was not a threat. He decided to also make a mental note to speak to his officers about allowing a known Assassin and potential threat to get past security and at his front door without a police escort. He would preffer she came in handcuffs since she was also one of the prime suspects in a major on going investigation.

"Hey, watch the hands!" Victoria exclaimed exchanging a nasty look with the female officer. "I would have preffered a male officer, if you only asked" She teased. The men in the room, except Ezra, smirked. The Chief shot his men a warning glare before ordering most of them out of the room. He then turned his gaze back to Victoria who plopped herself down into the big brown leather armchair. "Hey, nice office Ezra, must have cost quite a penny, can I get the decorators number? " She asked in an obvious attempt to taunt him.

" I am so glad you are comfortable Victoria, now may we get down to business?" Ezra said impatiently, Vicky merely shrugged.

" I am quite sure you remember that I was informed that I had the right to remain silent before my attorney arrives, oh and here she is now..Hello Sharon right on time dear as always. " The arrogant woman exclaimed as she acknowledged Sharon Millers presence. Ezra groaned inwardly once again, knowing full well that his headache was about to get worse. He also wished that he could read both the Millers as well as their juvineil delinquit son Bradly their rights.

"Mrs. Miller, What a suprise" Collig said mockingly.

"Hello Ezra, Now you know that I am Mrs. Butler's Attorney, why on earth would you be suprised, oh and by the way, I do hope you didn't say anything to them Vicky, we all know that is unconstitutional."

"Oh can it Sharon,I know my job. speaking of which, now that you are present, could we get on with this Charade, More than enough time has been wasted. I want to know where the Hardys and Anthony Prito are and by the way, just why did you decide to turn yourself in at this particular time? " Collig demanded being carefull to make sure the recorder was on and that there were a few of his officers to ensure that the interview was being handled by the book.

"I am sure my client will be able to answer all your questions, within reason Chief, But I will need a few moments to converse with her of course, I would like to see what proof you have that she is actually a valid suspect. It would be a shame if the Bayport police botched up yet another investigation,causing whoever did this to those poor Hardys and their friends to get set free. In other words, get the proof or say goodbye to my client. "

"Like I said, I Know my job!" Collig retorted clearly fuming. "And I am personally going to see not only Mrs. Butler here,but two over paid Attorneys put in their rightful places." Collig then clamped his mouth shut and ushered two officers to escort the women out of his office and down the hall to private room.


While the Women were being escorted, two other women came around the corner, nearly colliding with the pair and the officers. It had taken a moment, to shake the shock out of their systems but one of them a lovely petite blonde woman, recovered quickly enough to pounce on the form of Sharon Miller.

"What have you done to my family you bitch!!" A clearly distraught Laura Hardy exclaimed as she lunged for Sharon Miller. The other woman was taken by suprise as the shorter Laura pounced on her rival and proceeded to grab the lawyer by the throat. Immediatly her own hands flew up to detatch the threat. Colligs office door flew open and the Chief raced out of the hall way followed by a few of his men. A female officer managed to pull the clearly distraught Laura off of Sharon as Victoria stood back to giggle at the sight. In a few moments it was over. Laura was escorted to Colligs office along with her sister-in-law Gertrude who now watched her brothers wife with concern and new respect. She knew the younger woman loved her family, but had never seen her go this far.

"Laura dear, are you alright?" Gertrude gently asked. Laura's breath was coming out in a much calmer pace now, and she was able to nod. She turned her pretty gaze in the Chief's direction.

"I am sorry Ezra, but when I saw Sharon Miller walking around after what her family did to my own, I guess I just lost it. I was coming here to see if you have any news about my family and poor Tony of course, his family is understandably distraught.

Collig went over to sit on the edge of his large brown desk and reached for her small hands. "Laura, Gert, I am doing the best I can, you know how important they are to me. But even if I had no personal connection to this case I would do all I could to get them back. "

"Ezra Collig you know we would never question you, or your devotion to this case. We are just so overwhelmed by everything that has been happening. " Gertrude stated. She had known the man before her for as long as her brother did but had never seen the man so tired looking or for that matter so frustrated. She knew he had his own reasons to solve this case, someone had used him to get to Joe, and that must be eating away at this proud man, who was usually always in control of every situation.

" Ezra dear of course Gertrude is correct. We are well aware of what you went through and don't blame you in the least. I just want my family back and everyone involved with this whole sick mess to be punished to the full extent of the law. " Laura added, trying to assure their friend that he was not to blame. Collig had just been released from the hospital after suffering a total collapse. He had apparently been somehow injected with something which not only wreaked havoc with his system but also left the man with a lot of guilt because he was so easily ambushed,while Joe Hardy needed him more than ever before.

"Thanks ladies, and you have my word that they will be, In fact that is why those two women are here. But I really need to ask you both to go home and allow me to do my job please. I will keep you updated and promise to send for you the moment we find them. "

"well, alright, we trust you completely. We appreciate your efforts and will await your call. But you can't really expect me to just sit on my hands when I can do something to help." Laura vowed, Collig sighed and Gert laid a hand on her shoulder .

"Now Laura, i hope you are not going to play detective on your own, we have enough Hardy family members in danger." Gertrude said.

The Chief nodded in agreement.

"Of course not Gertrude, but I do happen to have access to a computer and some of Fenton's files, I can atleast do some research."

Laura reassured them. finally Collig nodded and accepted this. They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

" Come in" Collig ordered. An officer poked his head in and announced that the other women were ready to come back in. The Chief thanked him and turned back to Laura and Gertrude who were now standing. After again assuring each other that they will not stop until their loved ones were found safely, the two female members of the Hardy family left. After Collig was certain they were definitly gone,the Chief ushered Victoria and Sharon back in.

" I do hope you plan to charge that poor derranged woman with that blatent attack..." Sharon began.

"Mrs. Miller, that woman, has been through hell lately and please excuse my own blatenness,it was your own family which helped put that Journey into motion!! " Collig said through clentched teeth hoping that he didn't say too much.

"Are you trying to accuse me, my family or Mrs. Butler with anything Chief ? Because, as I stated before I would like to see the proof and..." Before she could finish Victoria jumped up and interrupted them."

"Um..excuse me but I came here to help lead you to the Hardys, but if you don't want my help than.."

"Victoria, I thought I advised you to allow me to do all the talking?!"

" Yes you did, and I believe I politely refused. See I came here to save my children. I am not the total monster that most of you think. I do love my children and have great plans for them. My husband has other plans though"

"Vicky...I don't think you should say any more!" Sharon again advised. Collig could clearly see the lawyers face take on one of utter fear. He knew there was something, or someone who put it there. Victoria on the other hand showed no trace of fear as she ignored her Attorney and continued her story. Collig motioned for them to wait while he instructed his aid to start the recorder. With that done he again allowed her to continue. An impatient Vicky sighed, and started over.

"I am here of my own free will Sharon and my children need me. Of course I am also far from stupid. Do you really think I would walk right into the den of my enemy without a back up plan?" Vicky answered. Sharon smiled while Collig sighed and rubbed his throbbing head. He sat down in his chair and tried to prepare himself for what came next.

"I have decided to tell you where my husband has been holding both my children and the Hardys among others. But I want to make a deal. I want you to make sure my bastard of a husband does not come out alive."

Both Collig and Sharon stopped and stared at the woman before them. They could tell that she was deadly serious. Both had to question her sanity at that point. Had she just suggested that the Bayport police, It's Chief no less, murder her husband? Collig, had read the report on the woman but had no knowledge of a husband other than her first two who were now deceased.

" I am not quite sure I follow you Mrs, Butler but did you just attempt to black mail me into killing your husband in return for the release of the Hardys and other hostages?"

" Victoria, please I must advise you to choose your words very carefully, This is being recorded. You must be aware that this will not help you in your defense. " Sharon again voiced.

"Please, I didn't mean that of course! I am just so terrifyed of my husband and the power he has over way too many people. He is a deadly man who will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals and anyone in his way will be tortured to death very slowly. I am so afraid for my two children Charity and Paul. I believe you met him, He was the one who has been impersonating Joseph Hardy. I can help you get to them but I am just afraid that it may already be too late. My husband is not only the leader of the Assassins but one of the most ingenious and psychotic monsters alive! I believe you are quite familiar with his reputation. "

" What? Are you telling me I know who your new husband is? " Collig asked. His mind searching like a computer file for any clue to the man she reffered to, It shouldn't be difficult from the way he was described, but only one picture popped into his pain wracked brain.

" Your not saying....NO! he couldn't still be alive!" She nodded, It all made sense now. All the pieces began to fall rapidly into place.

Why Joe had been specificlly targeted and why the Millers were somehow weaved into the whole plot. Collig slumped back in his chair, his face now white as a ghost as flash backs assaulted him. The attempted murder of Philip Walker, the murder of poor Iola Morton and of course everything leading up to that fatefull day at the Bayport Mall when Joe had been fighting to both stop the Assassin and save the lives of everyone at the Mall, during a political ralley for Walker. Collig remembered cringing as he and his men arrived just in time to see Joe fall over the balcony during that final confrontation. This was followed first by relief as they all saw that the boy had once again called upon his famous lucky star and managed to grab hold of the reeling, only to be thrust into danger again when Rousassa had lunged for the boy, striking Joe with his knife. Joe instinctivly kicked out and sent the Assassin past him. However, before anyone can reach the two; Joe who was no murderer, reached out to try to pull the other man up. Al Rousassa however, intent on killing the boy, had a hold of Joes blood soaked, injured hand and once again attempted to pull the younger Hardy boy over the edge. Until Joe's hand had gave way causing the Assassin to fall presumably to his death below. No not presumably, Collig saw the body! He told himself. The county coroners office not only verified that the man was indeed dead, but had performed a standard autopsy which would difinitly confirm that death had occured. " But how?" was all he could mutter.

" I think you may have heard of the Lazarus Clinic Chief?" Victoria repliied.

Sharon too plopped in her seat. she could not believe her boss, the co-leader of the Assassins was here spilling her guts to the cops. She knew there would be a horrendous fall out and also wondered if her family should stick around for the show. They were mixed up in this mess but would not take the fall for murder. That is where she drew the line. She thought of her son Brad, so young. So full of arrogance and she cringed. He was slated to go to the college of his choice and from there, who knows. But she could not even fathom that he could be killed because of something her and her overly ambitious husband Carmen might have gotten him mixed up into. At the same time she had no intention of leaving her beloved young son without parents. She spoiled and induldged her only child but loved him more than life itself. But not his.

Collig picked up the phone, Dialed a number. "This is Collig, I want your best men suited up and ready to go, providing this is not a trap, We are going in. I want a full swat details, including hostage negotiators. We are dealing with the Assassins and they have no problem opening fire. I will let you know when to move in,Collig out. " Ezra then hung up the phone and turned to the officer beside Victoria.

"Lewis, please handcuff Mrs. Butler.." Victoria stood up quickly and spun to face the Chief.

"What are you doing, you can't do this to me after I confessed all to you! You owe me, you know full well that I am a dead woman if my husband gets wind of my betrayal!!!" She cried.

"Is my client being Charged Chief?" Sharon demanded.

" Oh calm down, I am just taking precautions, If this is just a trap I want to keep a very close eye on my number one suspect. I am sure we could discuss all the many charges I entend to add on to Mrs. Butlers record later. Ok guys let's move. We have some people to save. Oh and Sharon, you might want to contact a lawyer for yourself and your husband. In the mean-time I wouldn't plan to leave town.

Chapter 27

Joe's head and heart ached. He was also at a quandry as his brain raced in an effort to get not only himself but everyone else out of this seemingly no-win situation. Rousassa was breathing down his kneck waiting for him to make a move, prefferably to murder his own family and some of his friends including Tony Prito who was one of the boys best friends since they could remember. Joe Stole a look in his brothers direction.

Their eye's locked and suddenly it seemed so clear that Joe was not in this alone, and that the boy's very special psychic connection was still in tact even more so it seemed. Joe dared to smile at his brother who sighed with a flood of relief. Their father Fenton also sighed with relief as he witnessed the exchange between his two boys. The moment however was all too brief as The looks on the two elder Hardy's turned to shock as Joe became aware of the gun pushed up to the side of his blond head. Joe dared not to move as Brian whispered into his ear. Joe next heard the icy accent of Al Roussassa.

" Now Joey, Don't tell us you are actually falling for their bull. It has been quite amusing watching your family try to squirm their way back into your heart and prevent you from fulfilling your destiny!" The Bullet exclaimed. Bryan allowed Joe to turn and face the top Assassin but kept the gun trained on the boy.

"I don't know about this destiny crap, But I have been through far too much to actually care about a damn thing these two, or any of these other losers have to say. " Joe replied trying to sound both sincere and taunting, but not sure he actually succeeded in neither.

"Ah, great then it is settled. You had your little fun with Daddy and your hero big brother and now it is time to get serious and start proving you can be trusted. "

Joe looked at his family again. " Oh I can be trusted to do whatever it takes to rid myself of my biggest threat. But how do I know that you won't kill me once I take care of them? Oh wait let me guess, you want me to do your dirty work and then leave me holding the bag. Murder is one thing but Genocide is one of the worst crimes punishable by death anyway. So what do have to look forward to?"

"My goodness, you are a clever lad. But I have decided to forgive you for "killing" me before. I decided that because of the fact that you somehow managed to survive all we put you through including the very severe beating at my hands as well as my men continually torturing you, that you are far too impressive to terminate. Now if you were to pass the final test and illiminate these prisoners knowing how much they affected your life, then there would be nothing standing in your way of becoming a full fledged elite Assassin. Perhaps even succeeding me some day as leader of the Assassins. A position I had hoped would be filled by my failure of a step-son." Rousassa said throwing a disapproving glance at Paul who managed a sneer. Frank looked at the boy who could have been his brother’s twin and felt a pang of empathy and surprisingly relief. He was actually beginning to change his assessment of the young man. and vowed to himself that once they got out of their they would all have to have a long chat.

"Gee, feel so honored sir, But you must forgive me for not trusting a word you say, although I do wish to live a little longer, even if it is to enjoy what I am about to do here. The problem is that I am not too thrilled about the gun pointed at my head, especially when I am trying to concentrate. I can't just blow them away. "

"Why not? well, I could always have one of my men take over and let you join the prisoners on death row? " The Assassin replied.

"NO Joe don't do it! " Frank screamed. He ignored the cautioning look on his father's face.

Joe turned back to face Frank. He could see the desperate look of pain in his brother's eyes. Joe wanted to run to him, to his father as well and cling to them. If death came to one than it would come for them all he vowed. But for the moment he had to try and stall. Joe knew something that Frank was not aware of yet he knew that they had help from the inside. Brian had whispered that the big guns were on the way and to stall as long as he could. Joe cringed at the fact that the fate of all these innocent people depended on him but he was also a Hardy and with that came the stigma of being a hero. So now he was being forced to do the most difficult, gut wrenchingly painful acts, as well as one of the most heinious.

" Shut up dead meat! " Greg ordered as his fist connected with Frank's jaw. The boy's head slumped.

Joe instinctivly swung into motion. He pounced on Greg before the big man could even react.

" Don't you ever touch my brother again!! " Joe screamed as he pounced upon the startled Greg,causing them both to fall to the floor in what quickly esculated into a deadly brawl. The others craned their necks to watch as the two traded kicks and punches. At one point Greg the much larger of the two, managed to grab hold of Joe's neck. The big man began to strangle Joe. Joe's handsome face was already turning a ashen hue and then a little blue as the air was being sucked out of him, and yet he continue to fight with everything he had. He kicked out with his knee landing a blow to Greg's crotch which caused Greg to let go momentarilly. It was all Joe could do to get his breath back, but his incredible determination and luck once again came to his aid and afforded him the momentum to put all his strength behind the punch he delivered straight to Greg's mid section. Greg immediatly began to double up in pain. Joe jumped out of his reach and sat up just in time to hear a number of clicks. He looked around to see a round of rifles all aimed on him. Al started to clap and laugh loudly as he stepped over to stand at Joe's feet. He then held his hand out to Joe who took reluctantly accepted it, secretly wishing he had the nerve to do to the man the same thing his huncho just tried to do to him, strangle the life out of the mad man who stole the first love of his life and destroy his family, Not to mention his own sanity. who knows Joe thought. He still might accomplish that.

" What a wonderful performance Mr. Hardy! I was so correct in my assessment of you. I must thank my dear wife for concocting the whole [Lets gas light poor, poor Joe Hardy] adventure. That is when I find the out why the Bitch left in the first place. Anyway that's between me and her." He shrugged.

Joe looked at him with both disgust and awe. This man was as crazy as his wife was and yet, Joe had seen her show a rather perverse form of affection, even love perhaps toward her children. Joe was just glad that his breathing had returned to a normal rhythm but knew he must always be on full alert. He saw Rousassa gesture for a few men to take still recovering Greg away from his sight. Joe also noticed the icy glare that was focused in his direction.

" Now, where were we? Oh yes you were about to assassinate your own brother." The Bullet said half chuckling. He again gestured for someone to hand Joe a gun but Joe had already decided that he had enough. He would rather die himself than murder anyone in cold blood, especially not his own flesh and blood! So Joe Hardy again made a decision which could be his last. He grabbed the gun and pointed it at the head of Al Rousassa.

"WE were about to die monster!" Joe vowed.

Chapter 28

Fenton was sure his youngest child had finally fallen off the deep end, and from the looks on their faces he also knew he wasn't alone in this assessment. Only Frank, whose gaze was locked onto Joe, seemed to be aware of Joe's intent, after all absolutly no one knew Joe like his brother and partner Frank. Fenton often felt a little left out when the two became bonded in such a mystical manner that no one else could break through and share such a bond. Fenton was also happy to know that his children held each other in such high reguard as to form such a bond. It had saved both their lives many a time. For that all who knew and loved them were forever grateful. At the moment however the middle aged ace detective wondered why this night-mare was taking so long to wake up from, but most of all why he was feeling like such a failure. His beloved son Joseph now stood with a gun trained on the head of perhaps one of the deadliest men in the known world. The man who was supposed to have died during a fight with Joe. The man or monster who had been directly responsible for the murder of The first love of his youngest son's life, not to mention the far too numerous attacks on those he himself held most dear. In that instant Fenton Hardy wished he was the one holding the trigger so close to the mad man's ear. But not his son. Not his flesh and blood who was taking a huge risk holding the leader of the Assassins at gunpoint right in the mist of his own den. The two were instantly surrounded by Rousassa's men all with their weapons drawn. It then occurred to Fenton that it would take a miracle to get out of this one!

"Now now Joseph we must not play with fire you just might get burned! Now be a good boy and put the gun down. I think we can come to some sort of arrangement hmmm..." Al suggested in an even tone. If the killer was afraid you could never tell. Joe started to sweat profusely but held the weapon even closer to his throat. Joe leaned in to whisper something in his captive's ear.

" You are finally going to pay for what you did to Iola, To me and all the other lives you have tried to destroy monster!"

" Joey, you are so terribly mistaken, oh and I am getting very upset with you now! I can and will order my men to open fire. " The man threatened.

Joe began chuckling, causing the others in the room to gasp and again doubt the boy's sanity . " You can and I never said I cared at this point, as long as I take you along for the ride." Joe replied his face taken on one of cold seriousness. Joe was himself taken surprised though when he heard Rousassa shout something in Arabic to his men.

"Ah but I never said I would order them to fire at us." Rousassa chuckled insanely as his men suddenly turned their weapons on the other prisoners positioned at all corners of the room. Everyone froze. Joe tried to keep his cool although the stress of the situation was tearing at him from the inside out. The last thing Joe Hardy would ever consider or desire was to be responsible in any way for the death or injury of another especially after the terrible guilt that continued to haunt him to this day. Not after the death of Iola Morton!


Victoria had been true to her word. She had not only led the Bayport Police and Massachusetts State S.W.A.T. team to the Assassin's lair but also managed to have secured the entire building except for a few of her most loyal agents whom she had already alerted to evacuate. Vicky had ordered her team to go to a secret location in the western part of the state to await further orders. All except for Marcia and Ernie whom she sent out on a previous mission. She only hoped those two bubble brains did what they were ordered and not move in on their prey until she could find a way out of this predicament and begin where she left off on her pet project. That was providing that the police were able to keep her "Pets" alive. With the perimeter secured, after shutting down the security system except for the cameras in the "Den" where the prisoners were being held, Collig had her taken away in hand cuffs to a waiting patrol car and ordered at least two of his best to watch the co-leader of the Assassins.

Collig didn't buy for an instant the woman's story about her wanting to save her Children, especially after she was the one who put them there in the first place. The wary Chief of Bayport Police and a good friend of the Hardy's gave strict orders for this prisoner to be guarded very carefully and at all times. He was not done with Victoria Butler, nope not by a long shot! Collig then turned to walk away from the car and raced to meet up with the S.W.A.T. team Commander whom he recognized as Marie Sanchez. She had been quickly promoted to the S.W.A.T. team after the excellent job she did in the "Weignright fiasco. Her actions had helped save many lives. Sanchez, an expert in artillery, disarming bombs, as well as a dead eye with a rifle, had been up for the promotion for quite some time now but it was her ability to stay cool under pressure and to put first the safety of others, including her former commanding officer Collig which clinched it. No one thought other wise.

"What have we got to work with Maria?" He asked. She tried to smile assuringly for his benefit, but knew that there was an incredible risk in getting everyone out alive. The monitor's had picked up Joe holding a gun to Al Roussass's head but there were also about five assassins with their own guns trained on each one of the captives. They all knew that they had to move fast but extremely carefully as well.

"Wish I can tell you better news Chief. Looks like we have an explosive situation boiling in there. I am still waiting for the Network agents signal."

She sighed. She was of course referring to Brian, who had called in the network and arranged for them to relay the message that he would be signaling for them to move in. She just hoped that the man timed the move to just the right second and that it was soon. Her own experience with terrorist in the Gulf war, led her to the conclusion that they are not above opening fire and exterminating all those who pose a threat to their organization or themselves.


Arthur Grey watched carefully as Joe and Rousassa played out their little game. He had long come to the conclusion that Joseph was either one of the bravest or perhaps craziest young men he had ever met. He also decided that he liked the kid after all. Sure Joe was nothing like his older, more level headed, much more mature brother Frank. But one must admire his spunk and the boy's unwavering devotion to helping others even at his own risk. Joe Hardy was neither stupid or crazy he was without question a hero. The fact that he held both boys as well as his adopted children in such high regard was making it even more difficult to complete his own job. Grey's hands began to sweat as he shifted the small vile between his fingers. He only hoped Brian did his job and called in the reinforcements on time to clear everyone out once he does complete his task. Mean-while the action in the center of the room was coming to a head as the Assassins turned their guns away from Joe and Their leader and focused on the other prisoners instead. He saw as each gun had found a target and was about to pull the trigger simultaneously. Grey glanced at Brian who nodded. In the next instant Grey saw the young Network agent press a button on a remote control like devise then motion for the Grey man to act. Instantly he threw the vile on the floor but to his shock it did not break. Also shocking was the fact that Roussassa also saw the action and raced to quickly retrieve the vile. Joe who was taken by surprise also saw what had happened. Fortunately he had been closer to the vile and managed to scoop it up before the Assassin did. The Bullet began screaming out orders in Arabic for his men to put down their weapons. Joe just stood their holding the vial unsure what to do.

"Joe! smash it! Smash the vial!! now!" Grey screamed not caring anymore who heard. "It's the only way for us to escape!" Grey ordered.

Joe raised the vial to destroy it but was stopped dead in his tracks as Roussassa's icy voice came from behind him. Joe spun around to see the mad man with a very sharp knife biting into Frank's neck. A tiny of blood already seeped through the small wound it created. Joe could also see Frank trying his best to hide the pain. This of course made Joe furious. Joe remembered his vow to never again allow anyone to threaten his loved ones like that, no not ever again!

"Do it Joseph and your beloved brother Frank here dies! Now I hope you can finally realize just how pointless your heroics are. I will slice his throat and make you helpless to do anything but watch as he slowly and painfully bleeds to death!" Roussassa threatened. To prove his word he pushed the knife a bit deeper causing Frank to involuntarily cringe.

The next voice he heard was low and forced, but also as serious as he had ever heard it. It was Frank's own voice filled with pain but clearly ordering Joe to do as the Grey Man said. Joe for a moment stood frozen. The terrible burden of choice was once again on his head and he needed to think this out but there was just no time. Joe then realized that they would no doubt be executed outright by these thugs if they surrendered so he made what he hoped was the most logical decision. To Rousassa and the other Assassin's horror, Joe slammed the vial down and smashed it into a million shards of glass. Immediately the contents began to change to gas which soon enveloped the room. Everyone began coughing and wheezing until one by one they all fell to the floor or slumped in their seats. The gas had still been oozing when the big doors opened up to reveal an army of S.W.A.T. and members of the Bayport Police force all wearing gas masks and vests. They began removing the occupants in the room and then vaporizing the gas. The Assassins were shackled and loaded into the maximum security holding transport also known as "The Tank". While the Hardy's and the other captive's were transported to Bayport General. Soon they were all given a special antidote to the toxic gas and allowed to leave after giving full statements. All except for Paul who had some severe injuries from his beating and was being held for questioning in his part of all this. Joe, who had been closest to the gas was still unconscious however. This worried his concerned family and friends as well as Tony Prito's father and brother who had come to be reunited with him. Fenton held onto his wife, or rather she clinged to him as Callie Shaw also held onto Franks hand as if they were afraid to let go again in fear they might loose the men they loved. Dr. Wilson stepped from Joe's hospital room. He spotted the concerned crowd and went over to update them. Laura and Fenton rose, followed by Frank who looked at the Doctor Questionably.

"Joe is recovering from the gas just fine, he took a little more into his system being so close to it, but it is not the reaction to the gas that has me concerned. It is his spirit. I mean Joe has been through so much that I am afraid a part of him thinks he again let you all down.

"Why that is ridiculous! poppy cock! Joseph should never doubt our love for him!" Gertrude spoke up.

"Gertrude dear, I am sorry but I have to agree with the Doctor" Laura spoke up. The others in the room now wore shocked looks.

"Laura honey, what do you mean, of course we love Joe, he has always given us reason to be proud!" Fenton Hardy spoke up defending his sister.

"Have we Fenton? Have we really?" His wife exclaimed tearfully. Frank went to his mother's side and placed his hand on his shoulder. "I mean I love my child.. Both my children " She corrected throwing a loving and appreciating glance in Frank's direction before continuing. "But have we been fair to them. I am not saying that we pick favorite's, and Frank dear please don't take this the wrong way, but haven't we been perhaps just a little bit too hard on Joseph to excel as easily as Frank has?" She said. Frank nodded.

Frank knew how easy it was for him to excel in academics and how hard Joe always tried to prove to his parents that he too was smart and responsible. Sure Joe liked to have fun, but he had so much going for him, that it was just hard for anyone, even those closest to Joe to pick up on the fact that just maybe he was depressed and insecure about himself and his contribution to society. What Joe had no clue about was just how much he was loved and admired. Even worse, he wasn't aware that in Frank's eyes and heart Joe was not only his best friend but his hero. Joe just needed to be assured that he had given so many reasons for them to be just as proud of him as they were of Frank. More so was the fact that he had very good reason to be extremely proud of himself.

"Dr. What can we do to help him through this? He has been through so much, who knows what they did to his psyche." Frank worridly asked.

He felt bad that he brought that up though, as he saw the fresh tears begin to well up in his mother's eyes.

Vanessa had tears in her eyes as well. Suddenly the young girl raced into Joe's room. She had had all the waiting she could, now all she wanted was to gently wrap her loving arms around the real love of her life. The real Joe Hardy. The man she hoped to spend eternity with. Vanessa stood by Joe's bed. Her tears now falling freely. She watched as her boyfriend just laid there. She knew she had to say sorry or something, anything, but she didn't want to upset him or for that matter say anything. Finally her mouth opened and words began to tumble out.

Vanessa took Joe's hand in hers. " Joe, I just wanted to say I am so sorry!" She said softly. Joe didn't respond at first. A long moment later, Vanessa let his hand go and with fresh tears falling turned to leave the room.

"Ness...I know. " Joe's voice was weak but gentle and assuring. The sound made her freeze and slowly spin around.

"You..You know?" She carefully asked. "Joe honey what do you know ?" She asked not sure how to interpret the answer he gave. She noticed that not only was his eyes wide open now but that he had also reached for her hand, which she freely gave.

"I know you never believed that Paul was me...Frank tried to explain about the press conference and the date. He told me that you couldn't kiss the guy because you had a feeling something was not right." He explained. Joe saw an angry but also grateful look on her lovely face and deduced it was because she felt that perhaps Frank had told him too much. Joe squeezed her hand in assurance. "Frank loves you as much as I do…but in his case of course he was taking care of his brothers girl and a friend. I am still not sure how Callie must have felt. But from the way she is clinging to him, I guess she is not upset. "

He said with a small laugh and a yawn.

"Joe, so we are ok?" She asked. Joe reached up and caught a stray tear with his finger, in the process caressing her soft cheek. "Babe, we are just fine. No one not Brad Miller, imposters, or even my very overprotective big brother can tear us apart..." Joe vowed. They were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Little brother, I was never a threat. No offense Nessa but one steady girl friend is enough thank you, hey ouch!! Watch it Shaw those claws hurt!" Frank Hardy said with a good natured chuckle. Callie had to chuckle as well. She was still a bit insecure about her own relationship with Frank and had her own concerns about Joe or for that matter anyone else getting in the way between her and the love of her life, being Frank of course, but for now having him back safe and sound was more than enough to keep her content. She would of course have to deal with the issue of the mysterious bond the two Hardy Boys share. One which she could never touch. That problem however could wait. Frank was with her now and she was ecstatic.

" Um..Vanessa, Cal thanks for being here, and helping to find me I really appreciate it. But right now I was kinda hoping we could have a little privacy. Frank and I need to talk. You don't mind do you?"

Vanessa kissed him gently on the cheek. " Of course not silly. Come on Callie we can fill in the gang, I bet they are all here by now." Vanessa said pulling her almost reluctant friend toward the door before closing it. Frank and Joe watched until they were out of sight then continued.

"Joe I..." Frank began. But Joe quickly cut him off.

"Frank, please let me speak. There is something I really need to say to you." Frank nodded and pulled a chair next to Joe's hospital bed. First of all, Thank you doesn't even come close to what I want to say. I knew you did all you could do to find me. " Joe admitted. Frank was quiet but so desperately needed to reply. Instead he politely let his brother continue. "I mean, I accused you of such horrible things, all of which was uncalled for and cruel. I just hope you can forgive me big brother!" Joe said with tears now flowing in his sparkling sapphire eyes. Frank too began to tear up as he considered how he was going to reply to this. He decided to take his brothers hand and shake it. Joe looked up at him startled and a bit confused about the meaning behind the gesture.

"Joe, baby bro, you know for a detective you really don't have a clue about how much you affect my life do you?" Joe Shrugged but listened in silence. "Joe Hardy, you are more than just my pain in the butt little brother, you are my partner and best friend. You are the future best man at my wedding ,but shh…don't tell Callie, she might get ideas and I am definitely not ready for that step just yet. He whispered. Joe laughed. Agreeing to that wholeheartedly. Frank continued. " where was I..oh yeah, and I am talking the future for this one, but you are the god father to my first born. But most of all Joe, you are my hero." Frank concluded. The lump in his throat matching the one in Joe's .

"Ditto Big pain in the butt older brother!" Joe replied. The two embraced but quickly separated as they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in Joe offered."

The boy's parents poked their heads in.

"Hi honey, I hope we are not interrupting anything. But the doctor suggested we make a quick visit and then leave you to rest." The boy's pretty mother announced. This brought a frown to Joe's handsome face which at first worried his parents, who were overwhelmed with fear that Joe would not want to even see them.

"But Mom! I thought I was going to be released tonight?" Joe whined. His parents and Frank all smiled, and Laura sighed with momentary relief. Of course, Joe was upset after all he hated Hospitals and for good reason. The boy, both of them had far too many memories of this place and the pain which had brought them there.


Laura went over and pulled his pillow from behind him, plumped it and replaced it back where it belonged behind Joe's head. Joe watched his mother do this and felt a warm sensation. He was instantly taken back to a time when he was sick. Far too sick to go to school. He had eaten at the cafeteria and they had not told him that they were serving Curry. Joe who was deathly allergic to the seasoning, had been just released from the hospital and into the care of his mom and Aunty Gertrude, But all Joe wanted to do was go to school and finish his very first class project for the school fair. The little boy was devastated. He had so wanted to see the same look on his parents faces that they gave Frankie who always, and he meant always gave his brother. The look of pride and appreciation. While in Joe's insecure heart it seemed as if all he saw was expectation and disappointment. He remembered now however a time when that was proven wrong. Frankie had sensed his baby brothers sadness and thoughtfully asked his teacher if he could bring home Joey's project and some needed supplies. Frankie could not wait to see the look on Joey's face when he presented him with the stuff and was awarded with a squeal of delight and a great big hug from his Joey. His mom beamed, she was also glad that Joey had something to do while recovering, as the blond six year old was prone to be quite demanding of her. Laura had offered to help as did Frank and their father but Joe would have none of it. This was his project and his own special achievement. So they gave him his privacy. Soon the big day of the school fair was finally there and the boys were both bursting with excitement! Frankie had made a real volcano that spurted gooey lava. His best friend Phil Cohen had built an actual battery! And Chet had created a really cool model airplane. Joe was so worried that his project could not compete with Frankie's but he should never have worried for when the family came to the section which featured his class's projects, his parents knew without a doubt which one was made by their youngest child. Not only for the beaming look of pride on his adorable little face. But the big blue ribbon which laid in front of the project.

"Joey!! you won!" His father proudly exclaimed as he scooped his blond child up in his strong arms. Joe felt a gentle kiss on his cheek and blushed as his mom did so. Frank also beamed. He loved his little brother so much, and knew that he deserved the prize for the best project in his entire grade. The family took a step back to gaze at the project. Beside the base, next to the blue ribbon a piece of paper had a brief description of the project along with Joe's name and class room. His teacher's name was also on the paper. Laura read the paper and smiled.

"Hey you know that does look just like us, what do you think Frankie?" She asked as she embraced her dark haired son as well. Frank awkwardly squeezed out of her embrace as he noticed a few friends go by and snicker, but smiled at his brother before replying.

"I don't know Mom, I swear he made me look kinda goofy to tell ya the truth." He replied winking at his father. Joe simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Well duh! I wanted it to be as realistic as possible silly pants!" Joe replied good naturedly. This soon had everyone who heard the exchange in stitches.


Back in the present Mr. and Mrs. Hardy had both caught the smile spread on their son's face and could not help but sigh and join in. Joe always had an infectious smile and laugh. This was so sorely missed. Still they were not sure if everything could possibly be alright between them.

"Joe son, are you sure you don't want us to leave because if..." Fenton began, he did not want to be the one to bring up that particular issue but it did need addressing if they were going to be able to begin the healing process and become a much closer, stronger and trusting family. The love was there but was it enough to keep them together? Joe's next words would answer that question and more.

Joe took a long breath and smiled one of his most dazzling sincere smiles, his sapphire eye's shining with the long thought forgotten sparkle which lit up the room as well as all the hearts there. "Mom Dad, Frank I know I have been through a lot, so have you. I believed and felt things about the way I thought you felt about me...feel about me, and I know it can't be true. I am trying so hard to work through most of the garbage those creeps pumped into me when I was under their influence. But to be honest, the truth is that for the most part there are issues that have been plaguing me for a long time. The Assassin's only took advantage of those fears and exploited them. I want you to know that you all mean the world to me and that I know you love me, I even know that you are proud of me. At least now I am beginning to allow myself to believe it. But There is still so much that I am going to have to work out on my own. But I also need you to believe in me. I will try to never give any of you reason to doubt or to not trust me. I was thinking that maybe I could consider seeing someone. " Joe explained.

The rawness of his words and emotions struck them all deeply. His family had always known that he was brave but never realized just how scared he was or for that matter how strong. Frank smiled. He was well aware of this fact and hoped that he had enough of his own strength to admit that he too had some issues that may also need addressing.

"I think that is a great start Joe, I know I'll be there to support any decision you make. I am actually considering the same thing." Frank finally admitted.

"You? My perfect big brother" Joe replied. Jokingly.

"Hey, between having to always babysit you, keep Callie happy and always having to live that lie, you know that one which pegs me as "perfect". Which I am sorry to admit is far from the truth." Frank admitted.

"Please, both of you!!" Laura exclaimed. Tears were streaming down her pretty cheeks. She still had a big bruise on her temple that was throbbing, but it was her heart that was hurting most, breaking in fact! Laura had been quietly sitting in the background while her two children, her babies were pouring their hearts out yet she didn't have a clue at all about how help them. She felt perhaps more helpless than even before. Even worse she felt like it was her fault.

"Mom?!" Both boys Chorused.

" guys, your mother and I are so sorry that you are going through all this, we never meant to make either one of you feel insecure or to pit you against one another. We would never intentionally favor one over the other. You guys mean the world to us, and we would be devastated if you were lost to us. Maybe we should all see someone?"

" Like family counseling or something?" Frank suggested. His father nodded. Joe was thoughtful for a moment, but then also agreed. Laura came to stand beside her husband who wrapped his arms about her in a comforting hug. Laura then reached out with her own arms for each of her boys, Frank took one. Joe however, was hesitant but after seeing the heart wrenching look on his Mother's face Joe sighed and took the still extended hand.

The family who had been through so much was now together and well on the way to growing even closer together than ever before. There was still a long way to go, but after all they just went through and not to mention, survive, this incredible family was not about to let anything else stand in the way of progress.

The END : Yeah, right! read on guys, this has been fun but more will come soon as I finally get my butt in gear and finish my Hardy Boys Scooby Doo crossover entitled: "Danger Prone showdown" or "Showdown" the third book in the Delusions series. So feel free to comment and to read on if you must. And please keep writing! You guys rock!! love your friend and fan Christin Civitarese aka Bye for now~