Welcome to the World of Moonstar!

This site is the combined effort of a lot of people so I'd like to thank them all for their help!

Moonstar's Fan Fiction

More Stories

Hardy Boys

Central Location

The Kramer World

The Bayport Gazzette

The Environment

Recipe Exchange

Virus Defense

Port Charles

Other Fiction Zone


Copyright: Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew are copyrights of Simon and Schuster. The Kramer World is a copyright of the Wildcat Ghostwriters. Moonstar is a copyright of Moonstar. These names, symbols, etc. are not being used for ANY profit, and are only for the entertainment of the Moonstar visitors. The people of Moonstar are not making any money and are creating and maintaining this site for the love they have for the characters.

Click on a lighthouse anywhere in the site to come back to this main page!
