Chapter 11

Frank came home. He pulled into the driveway thinking about his little brother. Joe was cutting himself off from his family. He stayed in his room or walked around outside, never staying in the same room as his own family. Frank got out of his car and walked into the house, kicking his cardoor shut as he stepped into the house. It was quiet in the house.

Frank called out, "Mom, dad?"

He went to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies and started for his room, determined to talk to his brother once again. He put his hand on the doorknob of Joe's door, turning it but realized it was locked. Frank shrugged and decided to use his door that connected to Joe's room through the bathroom they shared. He opened Joe's bedroom door and stopped, shocked at what he saw. His uncle was holding his baby brother on the bed and sexually abusing him.

He dropped the cookies and jumped on his uncle Tony, screaming, "You asshole! You get off my brother! Get your dirty hands off of him, bastard!" as he punched his uncle and proceeded to punch the life out of him.

He could hear Joe crying in the corner of the room as his uncle pushed Frank off of him, pulling his pants up and doing them up.

"He's mine. Always have been! He wanted to do it!"

Frank looked at his brother, seeing the duct tape and felt his blood boil. He saw the bruises and scratches on Joe's body, "He didn't want it! Get out! NOW!!!!"

His uncle left the room, saying, "He wanted it!"

Frank walked slowly to his brother and saw him struggle with the duct tape, trying to get it off. "Here bro, let me help you."

Joe watched his brother moving toward him. He was grateful his brother stopped his uncle before anything really happened. Joe reached up to the duct tape, trying to get it off. His body was trembling from shock, abuse and terror.

Frank approached him and said softly, "Here bro, let me help you."

Joe let him. Frank carefully and slowly pulled the duct tape off of Joe's face and hair.

"Don't worry Joe, I won't let that bastard near you again. I'll make sure he's gone."

Joe believed his brother but was afraid to tell his parents what had happened.

"Not tell please!" Joe pleaded after he took a deep breath before pleading, "Not tell Frank! He hurt." Joe couldn't speak right. His lungs were on fire, and his body was sore and bruised. Tears fell from his eyes as he looked at his big brother.

Frank knelt down beside him, pulling Joe to his chest, hugging him, "I will protect you Joe, always and Forever. Joe, we have to tell. He has to go to jail." Joe shook with fear. He remained silent. "Come on. Let's get you changed into warm clothes." Joe nodded numbly, "Did he hurt you?"

Joe shook his head, "He hit me and touched me, that's all. You stopped him," Joe paused, looking at his brother as Frank pulled boxers and pants on Joe, "Why?"

Frank stopped in surprise and shock. He looked up at his brother and saw the question was serious. 'Was his brother's faith in him gone?' he thought as he finished buttoning up Joe's shirt. "Why wouldn't I? You are my brother and I love you. I wouldn't let anyone touch you."

Joe shook his head in confusion, years of mental abuse made him believe in his uncle's words. Frank stared hard at his younger brother, seeing the turmoil of emotions in his dull blue eyes. He had bags of fatigue under his eyes, lost a lot of weight, and his once muscular frame dwindled down a bit.

"But why? I don't deserve it!" Joe whispered in shock as his brother led him downstairs.

Frank couldn't believe his brother's words. The way he spoke, his feelings, Joe hated himself. He blamed himself for what happened.

"Joe, listen to me and believe me. You didn't deserve this. No one does. You aren't at fault for what uncle Tony did to you. You were the victim. I'm sorry Joe, really sorry!"

Joe was confused at this, trying to process what Frank was saying. "What for?"

The front door opened. His parents come inside, laughing. Frank took a deep breath as he called his parents into the living room

Chapter 12

Fenton and Laura Hardy stepped into the living room, "Hi boys! Oh Joe, you got a letter. Someone with the initials of M.M. Here," Fenton said giving Joe the letter.

Joe opened it slowly, hands shaking, reading what Marshall Mathers wrote to him.

Dear Joe,

Thanks for taking the consideration of telling me that you respect me as well as my music. You are a very brave person to tell me a secret like that. Joe, tell someone! If you don't, it will kill you. You're uncle is a very sick man. He has been using you for his own sick pleasure. Joe, tell someone, if they don't believe you, tell someone else until someone does. Your uncle belongs in jail. You are the victim Joe, trust that. Write back soon, tell me what has happened and if you need my help with anything.

Peace Joe Peace,

Marshall Mathers (Eminem)

Joe folded the letter back up and stared at his family. He looked at Frank who was telling his parents to sit down. He would tell the truth. He would make them listen.

"Tell them, Frank," he whispered.

Frank nodded as he quickly hugged him and said to their parents, "I came home about an hour ago. I went upstairs to talk to Joe about the way he was acting. I opened the door to find Uncle Tony molesting Joe."

There was silence for a minute then Laura got to her feet and slapped Joe hard across the face, then slapped Frank. Fenton couldn't believe it.

Laura yelled, "Why are you lying? God, I know Joe doesn't like Tony but to go this far? Tony is my brother. He wouldn't do that to my sons."

Fenton stepped up again, frowning at Frank and Joe, "Laura is right Frank, why the lies? Tony is an honorable man who just lost his job!"

Frank gaped in shock, "It's true! What I said is true! Tony was holding Joe down on the bed and-----"

Laura stepped forward, slapping Frank hard.

Joe jumped up, "Leave Frank alone. It's true Laura, Fenton. He's been abusing me for years!"

Laura screamed at Joe, "Shut Up, No more lies! Get out of my sight you piece of shit!" Joe stepped back in shock as Laura advanced on Joe. "You caused me grief over the years. I should send you to that school for troubled boys. You belong with them. You got Frank into this pack of lies. You are going to that school! I want you out of my house next week. Tony told me about those lies! About how you hated him and wanted nothing to do with him, but to dream up sexual abuse, that's wrong! You are nothing but a piece of shit scum, you perverted fuck."

Joe felt tears slip down his cheeks as Fenton hugged Laura, "It's okay Laura, its okay," comforting her.

Frank grabbed his brother's arm and slowly pulled away from their parents.

Joe heard his mother cry, "To accuse Tony of that! What did I do wrong?"

Joe dully watched Frank as he packed a bag of clothes for them. Joe got up, grabbing his Eminem CDs, and followed Frank out of the house, clutching his small bear. He named him Bo-Bo when Frank had given it to him.

Chapter 13

(Faced path true for some. Beware the truth ahead)

Joe never spoke or said anything as Frank drove out to the police station and called Con. Joe watched dully as Frank told what had happened, and Joe closed his eyes in pain and shame. He couldn't believe the truth had come out in such fashion. He felt so guilty breaking up his family. Joe closed his eyes as Con looked at him with pity.

"Oh Joey, why didn't you tell us?" Con whispered in heartache.

When Joe heard the nickname his uncle called him 'Joey' coming out of Con's mouth, he snapped, "NO! NONONONO!!! No More, you not get me, not call me that, hate you, hate you all, kill me, hate you, don't touch me," Joe screamed as he jumped up and ran from the police station, all his emotions tearing his soul apart. "Kill me, please, let it end," and he collapsed in the road as Frank reached him.

When Joe woke up, Frank was sitting with him and talking with someone. Joe opened his eyes and saw a stranger sitting in the room with him and Frank.

Joe remained silent until the grey haired man coughed and said to Frank quietly, "Your brother is wondering who I am and why I'm here."

Frank turned to Joe as Joe stared in surprise. 'How did he know what he was thinking?' Joe thought.

Frank picked up Joe's hand, "Hi Joe. It's okay. This is one of my new friends. His name is Daniel Pierson. He's a lawyer."

Joe just stared at him before he noticed he was in the hospital. Joe looked around at his new surroundings.

Frank noticed the look and sighed, "You passed out Joe. We brought you here. You're in the hospital, but I'm signing you out in about an hour. The doctor is going to look you over first."

Joe nodded and with Frank's help, sat up in the bed. "Why are you here Mr. Pierson?" Joe asked quietly. Joe licked his lips, thirsty, and grabbed the cup by the bed.

He drank slowly as Mr. Pierson replied, "Call me Daniel. Look, I'll be blunt because I know you want the facts straight. I'm a lawyer for abuse victims such as yourself. You were the victim, try to remember that. Anyway, your brother here has been wondering what kind of options are going to happen. Since Frank has given a statement to the police, your uncle will be picked up and arrested."

Joe remained silent for a moment before deciding, "What can we do?"

Frank smiled in encouragement, "Everything is going to be okay, I promise! Daniel has agreed that we can get Tony for this so we have to go to court. I'm sorry, that's going to be very hard."

Joe protested, "No, I ain't going to court! I want the bastard dead but by law, he only gets seven years."

Frank paused at Joe's thinking and asked quietly, "Then what can we do?" Joe shrugged.

Frank spoke again, "Joe, do you want to go back home?"

Joe shook his head rapidly, fear tore into his heart and he pleaded, "NO! Please don't make me go back there."

Frank hugged his brother quickly, comforting him, "Don't worry, you can stay with me. I will get us a place together."

Joe felt tears well down his cheeks, "Why are you doing this for me Frank? It's too much."

Frank took a deep breathe before answering him, glancing at Daniel who was grabbing his papers and leaving, a quick, "I'll be outside."

Frank turned to Joe and said, "Joe, you are my baby brother. I loved you since I first laid eyes on you. Our bond is strong and is very great. If I knew Tony was abusing you like this, I would've stopped it. I love you Joe, and I am so sorry for not protecting you."

Joe stared at his brother and said quietly, "You don't hate me?"

Frank shook his head in the 'no' position, "Never had Joe. Never. Sure, you were sometimes annoying with all the pranks you pulled on me, but I have always loved you."

Joe was convinced some what but he had some doubts, "Mom and Dad don't believe me, do they?"

Frank sighed, looking at his little brother. He looked so small and young in the hospital bed, his faced conveyed emotions of betrayal and trust, hope and hurt. "I really don't know, but they aren't going near you."

Joe nodded and sighed, "When can we get out of hear. I'm tired and hungry. I'm sick and tired of the hospital."

Then the brothers turned toward the door where there were angry yelling voices. Both brothers could clearly hear the voices of their parents. Joe tensed up on the bed, squeezing Frank's hand as Fenton and Laura Hardy walked into the room, with the lawyer in tow.

Chapter 14

Laura spoke first, "Hi Frank, Joe. We came to take you home."

Fenton stood there, sighing, "You boys scared us when you ran off. Tony is at home, hurt and offended that you guys called the cops and had him arrested. When you go home Joe, you have to drop this whole charade."

Joe's eyes filled with tears, "Why won't you believe me dad? Laura I can understand but you?"

Fenton grimaced, "Joe, are you positive Tony did this?"

Joe's voice wobbled as he said, "He hurt me for years dad. He abused me, please, believe me!"

Laura spoke up, "Joe, just stop. No more lies! No more. I'm very disappointed with you and very upset. Tony wants the charges dropped, and you will do that!"

Fenton stopped, "ENOUGH! Joe, you lied to me over the years, several times. I remember. I have no choice but to follow Laura on this. She knows her brother well and better than you."

Frank had enough, "GET OUT!!!! Get away from my brother right now! He is telling the truth! I never lied, and I ain't lying now. I can't believe you dad, you dealt with scum like this and not once did you ask or question Tony! God, I hate you as well. You stay away from my brother. Serve him Daniel." Frank said looking at Daniel.

Daniel approached the couple and saw the doubt lingering in Fenton's eyes. He handed Fenton some papers, which were restraining orders.

“What the hell is this?” he asked turning to the boys.

Frank smiled, “It’s a restraining order for the three of you. Surely you recognize it.”

Fenton was angry, his temper started to boil. “Why are we being served with restraining orders?”

Frank smiled again as cops entered the place, “We think it’s a good idea for you to stay away from Joe and me for now on. You have hurt us badly. Don’t worry father, we’ll be okay. You have to stay away from us until court day.”

Fenton was about to respond when the cops intervened, making the couple leave the room.

Frank turned to his brother and said, “Joe, I’m going to gain custody of you since I don’t want you to live at that home again. We are only going to court for that.”

Joe nodded, “I don’t ever have to go back to them?”

“I promise you won’t ever have to go back. We’ll have to hide out for awhile, but you will never have to go back,” Frank replied.

Joe hugged his brother and cried. Frank hugged him back. “Get your things, we have to go now.”

“Where are we going?” Joe asked as he picked up his bag of clothes. He saw that his CDs and small bear had been placed in a smaller bag.

“I don’t know either, but Daniel assured me you’d be safe,” Frank replied, picking up his own bag.

Joe sighed, and looked down.

“What’s wrong?” Frank asked.

“How are you going to support me Frank?” Joe asked, looking at Frank directly in his eyes.

“Well, I know of an accounting firm that will pay me to work four hours after school and four each Saturday. I’ll be putting their old paper files onto their computer system,” Frank replied.

"Then I’ll get a job too. I can work at the Pizza place when your there,” Joe offered.

“I have to be the one to take care of you. We can get by,” Frank replied, as they were about to walk out of the room.

“He really cares about me! Joe thought happily as he walked with his brother out of the room.

“It won’t be for long. I can work during the same time you do. It will be extra money we’re going to need,” Joe replied, trying to be brave.

Frank smiled. “Then we’ll take care of each other.” Frank hugged his little brother, “Let’s go. Daniel is waiting.”

From this point on, due to Puldoh's work, she has Moonstar take over writing the story. Puldoh advised on the chapters when she could.

Chapter 15

Joe was leaning on his brother, fast asleep. Frank held him close and continued looking out the car window. They were inside of a state trooper’s car, being transported up North. Joe had fallen asleep as soon as they got inside.

Frank thought back to how long the night had become. After leaving the hospital they were driven in Daniel’s car to the police station. There they were smuggled out via some old prison garbs to a patrol car. After the patrol car took them to a state police station. There they took off the prison garbs and put back on their street clothes. Joe never spoke as they got into the state trooper’s car.

“Do you have any idea where we are going?” Frank asked the trooper, trying not to waken his brother.

“No. Daniel wanted as few people to know as possible. We’ve only got a few more minutes before you’re transferred to another trooper’s car,” the state trooper replied.

By now it was very late. Frank felt himself wanting to sleep too but knew he had to stay awake for his brother.

Just as the trooper had said, they drove to another state police station where they were transferred to yet another patrol car. After another long drive that Joe slept through, Frank woke him up as the trooper pulled his patrol car over to the side of the road. Frank could see that in the woods there was a person with a flashlight.

“Hey, I’m one of the rangers around here. I’m going to take you to your new home,” the ranger told them.

Frank looked the ranger over. He was taller then all of them with dark hair and dark eyes. He had a powerful body from working in the forest. Frank woke up his brother, who groaned.

“Come on Joe, we’ve got some walking to do,” Frank told him.

The state trooper handed them there bags.

The ranger smiled and took Joe’s bags. “Call me Brian. I’m the manager of this section.”

“How much longer before we get to the safe house?” Frank asked.

“Another 45 minutes. We'll be walking for the first fifteen, drive for twenty, and walk the last five. Trust me this place is in the middle of nowhere,” Brian tried to assure them.

Joe was too groggy to put up much of a fight. He leaned against Frank as they walked through the woods. Frank took his brother’s weight on his shoulder. After they walked for almost twenty minutes, twice stopping because Joe nearly collapsed, they came to a jeep. Brian drove along a semi-dirt, semi-rocky road for twenty minutes. Then they walked the last five minutes.

When they finally stopped, Frank could see a tiny cabin. It looked like it had been well kept. As they stepped inside Frank could see a fireplace in one side of the large room. There were two boxes next to the fireplace. There was a twin-sized bed along one wall. It had been fitted with sheets, a blanket, and a couple of pillows. A small table with two chairs was along the other wall. The entire room was the size of Frank’s bedroom. There were two small doors. One led to a small bathroom with a stand up shower, the other was a small closet.

“It’s not much.” Frank thought. “But at least Joe will be safe. We can make this our home.”

Brian put down Joe’s bags next to the bed.

“In those boxes next to the fireplaces are some dishes, a cooking pan, some utensils, washable napkins, and a couple towels. The other box has matches, a first-aid kit, and small fire extinguisher. The closet has a large hatchet and saw. I made sure there’s some already cut wood in the back. I’m sorry there isn’t much more, but this is all Daniel could bring without getting suspicious. I’ll be by tomorrow with some food. I’ll start a fire for you now,” Brian told them.

Frank nodded and went to put Joe to bed. He pulled back the covers and placed Joe close to the wall. He took off his jacket and sneakers. He put the jacket on the chair, and the shoes under the bed. He then tucked the blanket around his brother. Brian came back in with some wood and started a fire in the fire place. Soon the fire roared, and the room filled with warmth. Brian made several trips and brought more wood in for the night.

“Daniel made sure that the chimney and top where clear of build up, so you shouldn’t have any trouble. Don’t go out at night because there is a wolf family nearby, and it’s been tracking a herd of elk,” Brian explained.

“Don’t worry I won’t let him leave,” Frank promised him.

“Now here are the keys.” Brian said as he put them on the table. “That’s a double bolted lock. The bar behind the door.” He pointed to a bright red stick. “That’s a security bar that will help in keeping you safe. The window as you can see has both indoor and outdoor shutters.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Frank told him.

“Hey, Daniel told me what your filthy uncle did. I’m only too glad to help. Wait, I almost forgot!” Brian said.

Frank watched as he disappeared out the door. Ten minutes later he returned with a small bag, and a couple bottles of water.

“For in the morning.” He said as he put the bag and water on the table. “Some muffins and a couple of apples.”

“When will you be by here tomorrow?” Frank asked.

“The afternoon,” Brian replied. “Now don’t worry. It’s not hunting season around here so you shouldn’t be disturbed. I’m going to bring by a radio set so you can communicate with the rangers and get info from them.”

“Thanks again,” Frank said as he shook Brian’s hand.

“No problem, just keep your brother safe,” Brian said as he left.

Frank locked the door behind him and put the bar into place. He went over and took off his own sneakers and jacket. He checked the fire before laying down next to his brother. The blanket was a little thin, but the fire was helping. Frank looked around the room and wanted to cry. His brother deserved so much more, but for now he knew that Joe was safe.