Grab a word magnet by clicking on it and dragging it. Create phrases, sentences, and poems by stringing words together.

To change a word: SHIFT + click and type.

To create a word: SHIFT + click in an empty part of the word board, and type.


Welcome to ESL Magnetic Wordplay!

This site is designed for the English Language learner to practice writing and to play with words. You can use the Java-based magnetic word boards below to create poems, sentences--whatever! You can even send us what you write and we will put it up on our Writers' Pages-for all the world to read.

Here's how the word boards work:

Most of all, have fun and be creative!


If you have come to this page and there is no blue menu frame to the left, use the links below to go to the different word boards. This also makes the board pages bigger. "Home" will take you to the frames version of this site:

Home (with frames)     Nature     City     Love     Crazy     Combination     Writers' Pages     Links


Site designed by Keith Kirkwood April 2001

Word Magnet applet © 1998 Eric Harshbarger