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WHAT WERE THE reasons for the first Thweat to leave England and come to these shores; could they have been economic? I do not think so, for it took a large investment to pay the transportation and to outfit twelve People on their arrival in Virginia. There are many reasons for migrations. One, that may have prompted James Thweate, was the love of adventure. Whatever was the cause, of this we have documentary proof, and, as far as I have been able to find, it is the first recorded instrument of the Thweatt family in America. From the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the following is an exact copy of the grant to James Thweate. "To all and whereas and Now know ye that I the said Sir Wm. Berkley kt. Governor and Give and grant unto James Thweate six hundred acres of land on the South side of Appomattox river in Charles City County and bounded as followeth Beginning at a small butterwood tree on the westward end of Bagby's Creek and running W. by S. 80 Poles to three marked trees S. by E. 42 poles to Robt. Coleman Junr his land continuing the same 358 poles E. by SE 320 poles to two live oak stumps N. by W. 120 poles E. by NE 88 Poles (?) by W. 74 poles West by south 88 Poles SW by W. 46 poles W. by S. 240 poles S.W. by W. 60 poles to the place aforementioned the said land being due for the transportation of twelve persons and To have and to hold and To be held yielding and paying and provided and Dated this the two and twenty day of April, 1670." Williard Williams E. Williams Mary Hobson Sarah Lodge Jno. Edwards Jno. Hobson Geo Faris James Thweat Wm. Noting Rachell Williams Jno. Lawrence Edward Price. The question that arises from the deed is: were the James Thweate, grantee, and the James Thweat, the passenger, one and the same person? The following a&davit creates quite a puzzle: "Prince George County -ss "James Thweatt, aged sixty four years or Thereabouts, sworn saith: That he hath known the River called Nottoway River for the space of about Eight and Fourty years or more and then it was called by the name of Nottaway River and by no other name that the Deponent knows or had heard. "That when the Deponent was first acquainted in those parts the chief town of the Nottoway Indians was on the South side of the River where Major Wynn's Quarter now is, about three miles above the mouth of Monksneck Creek, and some few of them lived at Rawonte, which is about 4 miles up Monksneck Creek; and two or three families of them at Tomataroh, which is on the North side of the River. And that they lived at some of these places, and at Cattashowrock, and there abouts, till about five or six and twenty years ago, and then they removed, and settled their great Town upon Atyamonsock Swamp at the place now called Old Town. "That about fourty eight years ago the Meherin Indians lived upon Meherin River at Cawochawkon, and some of them at Unate and some at Taurara, but how long they lived there after that time, he cannot particularly remember. And further deponent saith not." Nov. 12, 1707. Signed James Thweatt. Sworn before B. Harr1- son, Jr. and Jno Hardyman. (Somewhere between 1670 and 1707 note the added 'T' to Thweat). The affidavit is dated 1707--and states that he had known that section for 48 years. That would make 1653. Also that he was 64 years of age, which would make his birth year 1643. His age, at the first knowledge of that section, would have been about six- teen. Was he the grandson of Michael Thweatt whose will was proved in 1655 in London? If so, he was twelve years of age at that time. Was he the James Thweatt, one of the twelve passengers mentioned on land grant of 1670? If so, he was twenty seven years of age upon arrival in Virginia. This figures very well until we see the difference between the time he first knew Nottoway  River (1659) and the date of his arrival in Virginia, 1670. He would have known the river ten or eleven years before his arrival. It is my opinion that the James Thweat, grantee of 1670 and the James Thweatt that made affidavit in 1707 was the same person. I submit the following figures for consideration: James Thweat arrived in Virginia forty eight years previous to 1707 affidavit or about 1659 Born in England, grandson of Michael Thweat 1643 Age at time of arrival in Virginia 16 Had known the territory, from affidavit 1648 Age at time of affidavit 64 James Thweatt's birth year 1643 James Thweatt made affidavit Nov. 12 1707 James Thweatt received grant 600 acres 1670 James Thweatt born (estimated) 1643 James Thweatt's age al time of grant 27 Difference between age and 1707 affidavit and time of grant 1670 would be 37 years Plus age al time of grant -- 27 64 at time of affidavit in 1707 Now we have another James Thweat, one of the twelve passengers on the ship's list of 1670. What must we do with him?  

It is possible that the original James Thweatt came to Virginia as a boy of sixteen and stayed for a while, went back to England, returning with eleven indentured servants, the twelfth one on the passenger list being himself. We would have just one James Thweatt if that were the case. While we are on the subject of the founders of the Thweatt family in Virginia, there is one other who figures as early as 1665. "Randolph Kirke 1000 acres Westmoreland County, 22 Mch 1665-6 - transportation of twenty persons. One of the twenty was Wm. Thwats (?)." From "Cavaliers and Pioneers" by Nugent, P. 54G-Patent Book No. 5. The question mark is either by the scribe who wrote the grant or the typist who copied from the original. In either case, they were not sure of the spelling. An 'e' between the'w' and 'a' or an 'i' between the 'a' and 't' would be the often used spelling in England.

 "Ffranc Thwayt with 75 others came over on transportation and Howell Pryse received 3850 acres in pay for same. Jan. 31, 1658-9.' From "Virginia Colonial Abstracts," Vol. II, Charles City County. The question arises, what became of their descendants in Virginia ? Life was tugged; they could have died. It might be well to insert here a bit of out American history that was quite interesting to me. No doubt but that eleven of the passengers listed on the land grant of 1670 were indentured servants. Also, the William Thwat (?) named on the Kirke grant of 1665 was an indentured servant. In my research of early Colonial history, I found the causes for migrations to be interesting. "The Atlantic Migration" by Hansen gives the following information : "During the Colonial period of our history, service was performed, in the main, by two classes, the Negro slave and the indentured white servant. 

In 1763, there were twelve thousand of these semislaves in Virginia, composing about one sixth of the population, while nearly two-thirds of the immigrants to Pennsylvania, during the eighteenth century, were white servants.  "There were three main classes of servants. One who entered into such a contract with an agent, often the shipmaster, was called an indentured servant. The shipmaster reimbursed himself on arrival in America by selling the time of the servant to the highest bidder. The 'redemptioners' signed no contract beforehand, but were given transportation by the shipmaster with the understanding that on arrival they were to have a few days to indenture themselves to someone to pay for their passage. Failing this, the shipmaster could sell them himself. The third class consisted of those forced into servitude, such as convicts, felons, vagrants and those kidnapped or 'spirited' away. The colonists became alarmed, as early as 1670. "At that date Virginia passed an act Prohibiting the importation of convicts. The profits gained from kidnapping were so great that the system developed into quite a business in London and seaport towns like Bristol. Parliament passed an act in 1671 Providing a death penalty for this crime. 

"An average cargo was three hundred, but the shipmaster, for greater profit, would crowd as many as six hundred people of all ages into a small vessel. Picture to yourself several hundred people allotted six feet by two feet between decks, with no privacy, with the voyage lasting from four weeks to four months or longer. "The head-right system was employed with such vigor that a specialized type of merchant captain arose who brought ship loads of servants to the river landings, where he negotiated with the planters for their disposal. After the planter paid the passage and arranged the terms of service, he applied for the head warrants to which he was entitled. "Very often, however, it was labor more than land that he desired, in which case the merchant would accept the warrants in payment of the passage, and either take over the land himself as an investment or dispose of the warrants at a higher price to others. The lands, in some cases, were remote from the planters' cultivated estates and difficult of access, and their ownership entailed a greater payment of quitrents." 

"According to the popular idea, the Pilgrim Fathers sought a haven in America where they could worship according to their beliefs, free from persecutions. The facts, however, do not entirely corroborate this idealistic conception so cherished by all New Englanders. Only a third of the passengers of the Mayflower were Puritans (and of these not all came for religious reasons, but because they hoped to improve their economical position. "Two-thirds consisted of sundry people picked up in the slums of London and sent out as settlers by the merchants who backed the venture financially; they were a dubious lot, not exactly the type of an ancestor one would boast of." From "Americans" by Emil L.  Jordon. "The desire to better their fortunes was perhaps the most fundamental and enduring consideration that influenced emigrants. Many came because at home they had failed or were burdened with debt, or had become involved in ill repute or crime and hoped to make a new start in a new land. Many sought the New World as many still press to the frontier, from sheer restlessness and recklessness, from the love of adventure, the hope that luck will do better for them than labor. 

Many came as a result of urgent inducement offered by projectors of colonies or agents of shipmasters, as in the case of the early 'company servants' or the later 'redemptioners' or 'indentured servants.' "Many came because they were forced to come: the earlier planters of colonies and patentees of lands received permission to seize for their uses, men and women, not otherwise engaged, much as the 'draft' in the late wars. Repeatedly the prisons were emptied to Provide colonist labor for their lands. In some cases a fixed number of years became a familiar form of commutation of the death penalty, and after 1662 it was made the statutory penalty for certain offenses." 

"In about the year 1670, Roger Cook, a well known economic and political writer said: "Ireland and our plantations in proportion to England, do more to exhaust it of men than the West Indies do Spain." And again he said, "Ireland and our plantations rob us of our growing youth and industry of the Nation, whereby it becomes weak and feeble. "At the outset of the Colonial movement, not only was the cost of transportation very high, but furthermore considerable time was required before a living could be secured from America's virgin soil. "Hence the settlement of an individual in the colonies implied the expenditure of a considerable sum of money. The mere passage to America involved the outlay of a large amount: as a rule six pounds. But in addition, the emigrant had to be equipped with tools, clothing and provisions, in the amount of about 14 pounds for each settler." 

From "The American Nation, a History," Edited by A. B. Hart. So, James Thweat, the first documented Thweat in Virginia, who received 600 acres of land for the transportation of twelve souls, had to have an outlay of 1200 pounds, quite a fortune for that day. In the language of Lynn Landrum, let us rest the causes of migration: "America began with hungry men who thought a free fast was better than a fettered fast. Yet something more than hunger came out of that preference. And the glory of America is not in its tall towers nor vast acres. The glory of America is the American citizen, free, sovereign and unafraid. We do well to thank God for that." 

In 1670 Gov. Berkeley of Virginia, the same Gov. Berkeley who signed the grant to James Thweat of 600 acres of land for transportation of twelve souls, and in the same year, 1670, in making his report to the King on the state of the Colonies, said, "I thank God there are no free schools, nor printing, and I hope we shall not have these for hundred years: for learning has brought disobedience into the world, and printing has divulged them and libels against the best of governments. God keep us from both." Another report of Gov. Berkeley, "We have forty-eight parishes, and our ministers are well paid, and by my consent should be better if they would pray oftener and preach less. But as all other commodities, so of this, the worst are sent us." In 1692, when a delegation from Virginia was soliciting a charter for the College of William and Mary, on the ground that a higher education was necessary as a step towards the salvation of souls by the clergy, he (Attorney-General Seymour) blurted out: "Souls? Damn your souls; grow tobacco." 

From "The Colonies 1432-1750." by Reuben G. Thwaite, Pp. 103-104. The first settlement was made on the James River, 32 miles above its mouth, in 1607. By 1671, 40,000 inhabitants drew their supplies from England. This would include our James Thweat of 1670. An application to Charles II for a grant was readily obtained to all country from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean included within the 19th and 36th parallels of latitude. 

"By the time the 'Pilgrim Fathers' landed in New England, the Virginia planters had extended their plantations 70 miles up the James River. Tobacco had become a source of revenue and the first freely elected legislature in America had met in Jamestown." From "The Virginia Gazette." "Governor Gooch had secured a treaty from the Western Indians at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1744, by which the Iroquois, who owned the land between the Great Lakes and the Alleghany Mountains, ceded all to Virginia. They made the deed that conveyed the whole west as effectually as the Virginia Charter of 1609. Virginia's claim, to what are now the states of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, was thus based upon four great events: First, the Famous Second Charter of 1609; Second, the Treaty of Lancaster; Third, the Discoveries of the Ohio Company by Gist and others; Fourth, the Conquest of George Rogers Clark and his followers under Thomas Jefferson. 

"Virginia gave to the United States all her rights north of the Ohio, without any guarantee for her own welfare and to Prevent Massachusetts from seceding from the Union. Seventy-five years later, Lincoln wrested from her the state of West Virginia, a violation, both of the letter and spirit of the constitution." From "The Peopling of Virginia" by Bean. Virginia was a distinct, autonomous, independent republic with a constitution, governor, legislature, army and the rudiments of a navy before the Declaration of Independence was adopted, and thirteen years before the United States was born. In building family pedigree the genealogist has to depend upon references from many sources. 

"The Thweatt family was settled in Prince George Co., as early as 1715, and is descended from James Thweatt, wife Judith Soane, and John Thweatt, wife Elizabeth Soane (probably brothers). The intervening generations have not been worked out owing to destruction of local records." From "Virginia Sons of the Revolution." The following items are taken from "The Bristol Parish Registry and Vestry Book." by Chamberlayne. Geo., son of Hen. and Hannah Thweatt born Aug. 29th last bap't. April 18, 1720. "John son of John and Judith Thweatt born 1lth Jan. last bap't. 17th April 1720.  "John son of John and Judith Thweatt born 21st March last bap't--. "John son of Hen. and Hannah Thweatt born 12th April last bap't. 20th May 1722. "Ja son of John and Judith Thweatt born 12th March last bap't. May 20th, 1722. "John son of John Thweatt died June 10, 1722. Elizabeth daughter John and Judith Thweatt born 11 March last bap't. May 24th, 1724. 

"Obedience daughter Henry and Hannah Thweatt born 15th Sept. last bapt. Nov. 1, 1724. Frances daughter James and Ann Thweatt born Dec. 25th bapt. April 8, 1725. John son of John and Judith Thweatt born 22 Aug. 1726. "Elizabeth daughter Hen. and Hanna Thweatt born 20 Aug. 1727 bapt 1, Oct. "William son John and Judith Thweatt born Ilth Sept. bapt. 4 March 1728. 

"Christian daughter of James and Ann Thweatt born 9 Feb. 1723. bapt. 31 May 1730. "Martha daughter of James and Ann Thweatt born 29th Sept. bapt. 14 Nov. 1731. 

"Martha daughter of John and Judith Thweatt born 21 Oct. 1732 bapt. Dec. 17. "Burrill son of Miles and Sarah Thweatt born 4 July 1732 bapt. Sept. 17, 1732. "Elizabeth daughter James and Ann Thweatt born Aug. 5, 1734. 

"William son of Miles and Sarah Thweatt born 14th, Sept. "David son of Drury and Elizabeth Twets born Oct. 27, 1741. 

"Alide son of Miles and Sarah Thwets born Jan. 23, 1741-2. "Elizabeth daughter Drury and Elizabeth Thwets born Feb. IOth, 1742-3. 

"Judith daughter John and Judith Thwets born June 19, 1743. "Edith daughter Drury and Elizabeth Thweats born April 25.? "John son of James and Mary Thweats born June 12, ?   

"Mary daughter Edw. and Mary Thweats born Sept. 17, 1745. "Frankee daughter Drury & Elitabeth Thweat born - bapt.14 June 1750. 

"Tabitha daughter James and Sarah Thweat born 27 May, 1743. "James son of James and Sarah Thweat born April 19, 1752. "At a Vestry held at the Chapell Nov. 23th, 1721, It is ordrd and Cap't Bullard Herbert is hereby elected Vestryman for the P'ish in the room of Cap't Ja Thweat to be the s'd Thweat having for these years past neglected Appearing at the Vestries. "August 3, 1731. Ordered that Henry Thweat and Francis Bracy procession from ye Chapple Road to ye Butterwood Road between hatchets Run and Stoney Creek. "Ord. Edw. Mitchel and lames Thweat procession between ye Bullerwood and Whiteoak to the extent. "Aug. zoth - 1739 (Henry Thweat now someone else, lames Thweat still same) At a vestry held al B!andford for Bristol Par- ish Nov. 21, 1771. Ordered that Jo. Thweat be appointed a Vestry- man in the place of Sam. Jordon, Deces. (Afterwards mentioned at various meetings 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1777. Feb. 1, 1777, John Thweat resigned from Vestry)." VIRGINIA COUNTY RECORDS From Vol. X, Book #9, Henrico County Page 532 James Thweat -- 1703 -- 234 acres -- 3 R -- 10 Po. James Thweat -- 1703 -- 223 acres -- 2 R From Vol. X, Book #IO, Isle of Wight County Page 308 Jas. Thweatt -- 1716 -- 180 acres From Vol. X, Book #I, Brunstuick County Page 32 Jas. Thweat, Jr. -- 1730 -- 360 acres Va. 

Revolutionary Soldiers entitled to land warrants Thomas T. Captain. Va. line from 24 Feb. 1777 to 4 May 1782. Marriages Sussex County Feb. 10, 1775 -- Wm. T. -- its and Jane daughter Ephraim Parham Oct. 16, 1777 -- James Mason and Rebecca Thweatt Dec. 19, 1782 -- David T. and Rebecca Jones widow Virginia Wills & Administrations Clayton Torrence Thweatt -- Brunswick Co. -- Burwell -- 1781 will Judith -- 1773 will Pelerson -- 1773 will Thweatt -- Greenville Co. -- David -- 1783 will Lunenberg Co. -- Edw. 1784 will Southhampton Co. - Wm. 1763 will Threewets -- Surry Co. -- Jno. -- 1743 will Threewitts -- Sussex Co. -- Ann - - 1756 will Jno. - - 1756 will Ann -- 1760 will Frances -- 1767 will (Note: Without doubt another case of mi5 -spelling. S.A.T.). Virginia Historical Collections Official Letters Alex Spoltswood, Lt. Gov. Colony 1710-22. Introduction XVI "The descendants of Gov. Spottswood in Va. are now represent- ed in those of ...........................Dabney, Fairfax............... ...... -- Lee............ Mason....................Randolph......... Taliaferro............................. and other scarce less esteemed." VIRGINIA CENSUS 1790 Heads of Families White souls Dwellings Slaves County Thweatt Giles 8 1 Halifax " William 7 20 Chesterfield " William 2 1 Halifax " John 5 2 Amelia " Rebecca 3 10 Greencastle " William 5 4 Halifax " Thomas 3 " John 7 Amelia In a book entititled "Loyalist of the American revolution" by Sabine, vol I & II, not one Thweatt is listed by name. There is not a record of a Thweatt marriage from the earliest until the civil war in North or South Carolina . 

In the South Carolinas Census of 1730, there are recorded three heads of families by the names of Fred, Miles and John Threet. The following data is taken from the Personal Tax Records in the Richmond, Virginia, State Library. (This data was copied from original records in October, 1936.). Dinwiddie County 1782 1783 Burwell Thweatt 6 slaves James Thweatt William Thweatt 11 slaves William Thweatt George Thweatt 12 slaves Alexander Thweatt Charles Thwaite - slaves William Thweatt William Thweatt 2 slaves Drury Thweatt Drury Thweatt 5 slaves David Thweatt Alex Thweatt 4 slaves Burwell Thweatt David Thweatt 3 slaves James Thweatt George Thweatt 1 slaves William Thweatt Henry Thweatt 5 slaves George Thweatt Peter Thweatt 0 slaves 

Joseph Thweatt (Another section same year) James Thweatt 2 slaves Henry Thweatt 12 slaves (Another section same year) James Thweatt 16 slaves 1784 1785 1787 1788 Henry Thweatt James T. Henry T. Jr. Cap peter T. David Thweatt James T.(Est)Capt peter T. Peter James Thweatt Drury T. James T. Jackson T. (Many slaves) Burwell T. George T. Rupel T. Burwell Thweatt Alick T. William T. James T. William Thweatt William T. Ellick T. Henry T. (Son of Geo. T) Henry T. Jr. William & George T. James Thweatt Joseph T. Frances T. Henry T., Jr. Thomas Thweatt George T. Henry T.Jr George T.Jr Henry Thweatt Peter T. Drury T. William T George Thweatt,Jr. Geo. T.,Jr. George T. William T Peter Thweatt Henry T. Burwell T. Frances T Harmon T. Burwell T. Drury T. List of property transferred 1785 -- Geo. T. -- 100 A.) Jas.T.- 50 Brackets indicate names grouped by families. 

Personal Tax Records -- Dinwiddie County 1789 1790 1791 1792 Geo. Thweatt James T. James T. Henry T.Jr Henry T. Jr Henry T. Henry T. Ellick-John T. Capt. Peter T. Henry T., Jr. Henry T., Jr. Joseph T. Charles T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Henry T. Stephen James T. William T. Drury T. George Harmomd Brackets indicate names grouped by families. Personal Tax Records -- Dinwiddie County 1789 1730 1791 1792 Geo. Thweatt James T. James T. Henry T., Jr. Henry T., Jr. Henry T. Henry T. Ellick - John T. Capt. Peter T. Henry T., Jr. Henry T., Jr. Joseph T. Charles T.- Ellick T. Ellick T. Henry T. Stephen James T. William T. ......... George-Harmon Drury T. Drury T. Drury T. Lucretia T. Henry T. Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Stephen T. William T.. Burwell T. Burwell T. Priscilla T. Peter T. Peter T. Drury T. Ellick T. William T. Frances T. Burwell T. George T. George T. Burwell T. Lucretia T. Lucretia T. Frances T. Frances T. Priscilla T. Priscilla T. 1793 1794 1795 1796 Henry T., Jr . Henry T., Jr. Ellick .-John Ellick T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. George T. George T. George T. Hatmon T. Harmon T. Harmon T. Lucretia T. Lucretia Luctetia T. Alia Alford Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Priscilla T. Priscilla T. Priscilla T. Drury T. Drury T. Drury T. Drury T. Wm. T.-Frances Wm. T.-Frances Wm. T.-Frances Wm. T.-Frances Burwell Burwell Burwell John T. Stephen T. Stephen T. 1737 1738 1799 1800 Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. James T. Hardaway Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Drury T. Drury T. Drury T. Drury T. Burwell T. Burwell T. Burwell T. Burwell, Jr. Burwell, Jr. John T. Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Wm. T.-Frances William T. William T. William T. Harmon T. Harmon T. 1801 1802 1803 1804 Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Ephriam T. Ellick T. Charles T. Charles T. Charles T. Drury T. Ellick T. Ellick T. Ellick T. (Burwell T. (Burwell T. (Burwell T.Jr. (Burwell, Jr. (John T. (John (Burwell T. (Charles T. (William T. (Burwell, Jr. (William T. (William, Jr . (John T. John T. William T. William T. William T., Jr. Ephriam T. Ephriam T. Hardaway T. 1805 1806 ú 1807 1809 Henry T. Henry T. Henry T. (William T. Joseph T. Joseph T. Joseph T. (Harwood T. 1805 1806 1807 1809 Charles T. Charles T. (Peter T. Burwell T. Burwell T. Burwell T. Burwell, Jr. Burwell, Jr. Burwell, Jr. John T. John T. John T. William T. William T. William T. Harwood William, Jr. William, Jr. William, Jr. Thomas T. Thomas T. 1810 1811 1812 1813 (William T. William T. William T. William T. (Harwood T. Harwood T. Peter T. Peter T. (Peter T. Peter T. 1814 1815 1816 1817 (William T. ( Left for Tenn. (Harwood Please note the decline of Thweatt names in Dinwiddie County Personal tax records. 

In 1782, fourteen taxpaying Thweatts and in 1815, none. The following excerpts are all taken from "The Virginia Magazine: "The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish Va. 1720- 1783. Transcribed and published by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, Richmond, Va. privately printed 1838. Wm. Ellis Johnes Printer. The register of births and deaths extends from 1685 to 1798. Among the well known names which appear etc.-EpPes, Thweatt, Tatum" From Vol. VII, p. 105. 

"There are on record in Prince George a deed, dated April 1715, from James Thweatt, of Prince George, and Judith his wife; another Nov. 1717, from same to Wm. Eaten of Prince George Co. (the latter the ancestor of the well known N. Carolina fam- ily of the same name) and a third, June 1724 to Sam. Jordan, of Pr. George, James Thweatt appointed justice of Pr. George and was sheriff in 1718 and 1719. (This may have been a younger man than the deponent). 

It appears from the record of Henrico Co., that James T. of Pr. George married in 1701 Judith Sloane; that John T. married in or before 1716, Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. Sloane of Henrico, and that Henry Thweatt married Hannah, daughter of Edw. Stanley of Henrico and had in 1726 at least two children Frances and Hannah. A number of entries in regard to the Thweatt family will be found in the Bristol Parish Westry Book and Register, Richmond, 1898, edited by C. C. Chamberlayne." From Vol. VII, p. 355. Vol. 14, p. 29-- Grant to Edw. Thweatt 800 acre5 --Amelia Co. May 5, 1837. p. 343--Grant to Edw. Thweatt, Hen. Thweatt and John Mitchell 4000 acres land Brunswick Co. June 14,1739. Vol. 15, p. 83-- Va. Militia in Revolution. Thomas Thweatt for a Gun p. Capt. Peter Rogas Certified for 2nd Bat. 315. Vol. 20, p. 86- Prince George Co. Record5 --James Thweatt acknowledged deed to J. Hereton dated April 8, 1715. Ja. Thweatt acknowledged a deed and his wife Judith consents May 10, 1715. P. 839- June 10, 1718, Ja. Thweatt appointed sheriff bond dated June 10, 1718. Vol. 23, p. 428-  Greenville Co. Marriage Bonds, John Griggs and Rebecca Thweatt May 27, 1783. Vol. 26, p. 85-- Gregory Bible Record--Herb. Gregory married Lucy Osborne Thweatt Thursday, June 16th, 1803. Vol. 28, p. 163-- 

Notes from Record of Brunswick Co. Will of Judith Thweatt, daughter Mary Brown, refers to deceased Husband Jo. Thweatt, daughter Elit. Birchett, grand-daughter Frences Brown, grand- daughter Mary Woodwin, Ja. Goodwin Exec. Dated Oct. 12, 1770, Proved June 28, 1773. p. 165-- Will of Burwell Thweat dated Feb., 1781 Proved Aug. 1781, Patty Thweat daughter of Burwell Thweat of Dinwiddie Co. My mother Mary Thweatt. p. 329-- Va. Quit Rent Rolls --1704 Prince George Co. Ja. Thweatt Senior 715 acres. Jo. Thweatt Junior 100 acres. 715 acres. Ja. Thweatt Junior 100 acres. Rev. P. F. Berkeley rector Raleigh Parish Amelia Co. married 1837 Mary Eppes and Richard N. Thweatt of Chesterfield Co. The following information is taken from "William and Mary Quarterly:" Vol. 2, Pp. 2-3-- A sketch or memo of family of Jo. Herbert Peterson and his wife Mary Herbert by Jno. Peterson 1823. "Jo. Peterson my grandfather emigrated to Va. from the Island of Great Britain about the year 1660 or 70 and settled in Co. of Isle of Wite and died having two sons John and Batte. John intermarried with Martha Thweat, the sister of the grandfather of Jo. James Thweat, Arch., Rich. N. and Thos Thweat who were born at Palestine in Pr. George Co. of an ancient and respectable family English stock." John died 1773 leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters. Jo. Peterson, Isle of Wight Co.--will dated 3/1/ 1731---daughters Mary Spain, Judith Thweatt and Ann Thweat, Witnesse- -Miles Thweal--Wm. Thweatt. p. 19-- Wife of John Aug. Peterson died 1824 daughter of John Jas. and Ann Thweatt. Vol. 3, p. 270-- Register of students in Wm. and Mary College Session 1832- 33. John James Thweatt--Parent Col. J. A. Peterson--Residence Petersburg Senior. Vol. 4, p. 127-- Wm. Soane born 1651 will 1714 mentions baughter Eliz. and her husband John Thweatt. Vol. 7, p. -- Marriage Bonds at Laurenceville, Brunswick Co. Wm. Collier to Patty Thweatt 11/22/1773. Vol. 11, p. 268-- Sussex Co.--Marriage Bonds 2/10/1755. Wm. Ts and Janes Parham Spinster--Sec. Ja Ts. Vol. 12, p.- Sussex Co. Marriage Bonds 10/16/1777 James Mason and Rebecca Thweatt. 12/19/1782 David Thweatt and Rebecca Jones widow. Vol. 19, p. 118-- Patents issued during the Regal Govt. Charles City Co. James T.-e. April 22, 1670--600 acres. On the south side of Appomattox Rv. Beginning on the westward run of Bayles Cr.-Ja. Thweatt Mar. 15, 1672/3 550 acres on South side Appomattox Rv. adjoining land of Robt. Coleman thence--to ye Blackwater. Vol. 18, p. 68-- Queries --"Wish names etc. of Jo. Thweatt who married Miss Judith. His will probated in Prince George Co. names grandson Jo, son of James, grandson Peterson Thweatt, son of Wm.  daughters Elit. Burchett, Martha Goodwin, Grandson Thomas Thweatt, son of my son lames Thweatt, wife Judith dated Jan. 5, 1758 Proved June 12, 1750." Vol. 16, P. 345-- 

"The taverns of old Petersburg, Va." by Oscar F. Worthing- ton, Jr. No. 18-Thweatt's Tavern on Bank St. where in 1818 was conducted the School of Polite Manners and Dancing. Vol. 26, P. 105- Person Property List Dinwiddie Co. 1782. Free Negro Horses Cattle Male Tillers Tillers Vnderage Jo. Thweatt 1 1 1 2 Burwell 1 2 4 4 Wm. 1 8 3 4 George 1 3 9 4 Chas. 1 0 0 2 Wm. T. 1 2 0 2 Drury 1 3 2 2 Alex 1 2 2 3 Dav. 1 1 2 1 George, Jr. 1 0 0 3 Hen. 1 3 2 6 Pet. 1 0 0 3 The following information is taken from "Valentine Papers:" P. 488-- Jos. Gray of Amelia Co.--Will gives to son land--adjoining Cabin. Branch-Thweatts dated Oct. 31, 1744. Witnesses --Ed. Thweatt. p. 489- John Gray--Deed to-193 1/2 acres in Amelia Co.-bounded thence up the branch to Thweat's line, thence along Thweat's line--. p. 489- Prince George County Records --Sam Jordan witness to conveyance between James Thweatt of Prince George Co. Bristol Par- ish to Miles Thweatt of same parish and county-May 9, 1727.p. 767-- Sam Jordan and Miles Thweat appointed processioners from Puddle Duck Run to the Nottoway Rd--Aug. 23, 1743. p. 768-- Sam lordan, Batte Jr., Thweatt Jrú, appointed processioners (same land as above). Lunenberg County Edw. Jordan to Wm. Bush 300 acres in Lunenberg and Char lotte Counties --Same land which formerly belonged to Wm. Thweatt Sept. 22, 1789. Ibid, p. 535. 

Dinwiddie County Order Books Them. Scott and Peter Eppes defendants vs Henry Thweatt and Obedience Cardwell Executors of Thom. Cardwell deceased--plaintiffs Aug. 1789. Ibid, p. 79. Prince George County Records. Inventory-Appraiser5 -John Thweatt May 10, 1726. Ibid, p. 885. The following information comes from "Tyler's Quarterly:" Vol. 6, p. 267-- Lucy Eppes married Arch. Thweatt, Mary Eppes married Rich- ard N. Thweatt. Vol. 5, p. 197-- Abram Green married Betsy Thweate of Dinwiddie and had four children. Vol. 4, p. 59-- Marriage Records Halifax Co., Va., 1795-- Wm. Allen to Susannah Eliz. Echols daughter of John Echols. Vol. 3, p. 53-- Greensville Co., 1781-1808 Jesse Grigg married Rebecca Thweatt 27 May 1783. 

FIRST CENSUS OF VIRGINIA, 1785 Halifax County--Giles Thweatt - 8 souls 1783 -- Chesterfield County -- Wm. Thweatt -- 7 white -- 20 black. 1785--Halifax County--Wm. Thweatt-2 white souls 1782--Halifax County--Wm. Thwealt--5 white--4 black    1783-Greensville County--Rebecca Thweatt--3 white--10 black. 

CUMBERLAND PARISH--LUNENBERG CO., VA. 1746-1816 P. 404-- Vestry Sept. 23, 1767-Ord. that--and Edw. Thweatt proces sion all land between Nottoway Rv. and Flatt Rock Rd. p. 306 - Marriage5 --1786 July 19, Nath. Dunn and Betty Thweatt Prince George County. p. 541-- 1771 -#23 Returns by -- Processions -- line between Edw. Thweatt and Robt. Liveret. p. 542-- (see above 1771) Line between Peter Cousins and Edw. Thweatt Line between Dan. Thweatt and Stith Hardaway Line between Newsum and Dan Thweatt Line between Edw. Thweatt and Drury More Line between Edw. Thweatt and Kirby p. 552-- 1776-Procession-line between Dan Thweatts Estate and Wm. Chambers. Other mention of Edw. Thweatt same as 1771. p. 527-- 1768-Edw. Thweatt Proc. p. 308-- Marriages 1787--July 23 Peter Thweatt and Lucretia Parish- Dinwiddie County. p. 307-1787-Feb. 8--Theophilus Field and Susan Thwe --Prince George County. p. 208-- Dycie Farmer married (Wm. Thweatt) ? (1790 circa) Other references --Ward Hudson and Anna Threatt (Thweatt) Mar. 1, 1787. In a book entitled "American Marriage," prior to 1699,no Thweatt marriage is recorded.  

BRISTOL PARISH; VIRGINIA -- SLAUGHTER P. 18-- "Ord. Procession--Wm. Batte and Drury Thweatt from parish line to Nottoway Rd." 1747. p. 173-- Theopilus Field emigrated early 18th Century. Son Theopilus married Susan Thweatt. Their children Theopilus, John and Richard.

Two early families that evidently came from the same county in England and inter-married, bought and sold land, or, were other- wise connected with the Thweatt families, were the Soanes and Batts families. "Soanes vs Batts. Judgment is granted Mr. Henry Soans against Mrs. Elitabeth Batts, Extrix of the Thos. Batts deceased for pay- ment of 2000 of tobacco and caske with costs, it being in Pt of the said Batts his obligation to the said Soanes for land sold by the said Soanes to the said Batts. "Thomas and Henry Batte, the first of their names to reach Va., and the progenitors of a distinguished social connection there, were the sons of Robert Batte, the Vice-Master of University College at the same seat of learning." (Evidently Oxford University. S.A.T.). From "Minutes of the General Council Court of Virginia," Vol. 20, 1674. Horse racing was popular in the 17th century. Henry Soanes, Thomas Batte et al sued on bets in the courts of Virginia. To those further interested in these two families, Please refer to "Social Life of Virginia" by Bruce. Soane: pages 197-212-211. Batte: Pages 68, 86, 112 and 211. To understand better some of the deeds of that day, it might be well to give the names and flow of certain rivers of that section. From "Notes on the State of Virginia" by Thomas Jefferson, cc the following: "The Blackwater River rises in two Prongs in Prince George County, flows Southeast and joins the Nottaway River, emptys' into Albemarle Sound. Nottaway River rises in many prong the counties of Dinwiddie, Amelia, Lunenberg, Brunswick Greensville. Meherrin River rises in Lunenberg and Mecklent counties and flows mainly east. The three rivers form the Chowan River thence in Albermarle Sound. (II is this territory that Ja Thweatt made affidavit in 1707 S.A.T.) The James River drains Isle of Wight, Surry and Prince George counties. Appomal River drains North, draining the counties of Dinwiddie, Amelia; Prince Edward. Chesterfield County is between James River ; Appomattox Rivers. Henrico and Charles City Counties are North of James River." From "Virginia Wills and Administrations 1623-1800" Index by Torrance. Brunswick County--Burwell Thweatt-l781; Judith Thweatt- 1773; Peterson Thweatl--1779 Greenville County--David Thweatl--1789. Lunenberg County--Daniel Thweatt--1775; Edward Thweatt --1784. Southhampton County--William Thweatt--1763. "James Thweat was made J. P. Apr. 22, 1712 and Sheriff Ja 29, 1717, 1719. "To Edward Thweatt, May 5, 1738, Land Grant, 800 acres on both sides the Falls Branch joining his own and Deweys line in Amelia County. June 19, 1739. To Edward Thweat, Henry Thweat and John Mitchell 4000 acres of land in Brunswick County. Fror "Minutes of the Council and General Court," Vols. III and IV. In comparing the "Executive Journals, Council of Coloni; Virginia" with the English records of the same transactions, it interesting to note that, in at least two instances, Thwayt is given in the English copy instead of Thweatt, as it was recorded on the grants in Virginia. Another interesting comparison is a deed, dated Oct. 2, 1457 and made by John Thwayte and Henry Thwates in England, with a grant to John, Henry and George Thweat in Virginia, dated in 1737. In 1774 the price of government land was fixed at ten shillings per 100 acres. Patrick Henry considered ten pounds per too acres a low price for well located lands. Some marriage notices in the "Southern Churchman." Mary Eppes second daughter of the late Richard N. Thweate and Rev. P. E. Berkley, at Mantua, Chesterfield County, Va. Sept. 15, 1837. Alfred F. Thweatt, Esq., and Louisa E. daughter of Wm. H. Wilson of Amelia County, Trinity Church, Chesterfield Co., Apr. 4, 1867. Alice F. daughter of the late R. N. Thweatt of Chesterfield and Arthur Sandys of Calcutta, Mount Ida, the residence of the bride's mother, Chesterfield Co., Va., May 26, 1881. Julia daughter of the late Richard Thweatt, Esq. of Chester- field Co., Va., and the Rev. A. B. Tizzard, by the Rev. F. F. Berk- ley, Mantua, Jan. 3, 1850. Mary E. daughter of the late R. N. Thweatt, Esq. Chesterfield Va. and George M. Wilson of Amelia Co. Mount Ida. Feb. 5, 1865. Mary Eppes of Chesterfield Co., and James F. Strother of Mad1- son Co., Trinity Church. June 14, 1888. Matilda F. daughter of the late Richard N. Thweatt and BranchT. Hurt, at Mantua, Chesterfield Co., Oct. 18, 1839. Alice F. (Mrs.) daughter of the late Hen. R. N. Thweatt of Chesterfield Co. Va., and Charles S. son of General C. S. Lane of the English Army by the Rev. A. B. Tizzard in Trinity Church, Dale parish, Chesterfield Co. Va., May 1, 1830." (This seems to have been the second marriage for this lady). From "Notes on Southside Virginia. Feb. 28, 1908. "Meade Haskins died in Blackstone last night-- son of Dr. Richard Haskins and his mother was a Thweatt, daughter of Archibald Thweatt of Eppington. "A daughter of Thomas Thweatt of Dinwiddie County married Francis Jones of Brunswick Co. Thomas had a brother, Dick Thweatt, who lived at Eppington in Chesterfield County. He (Dick Thweatt) kept a female school which Mrs. Chamberliss attended. One of the daughters, Mary Eppes Thweatt, was Mrs. Berkley of Amelia County; another married the Rev. Augustus B. Tizzard, another married Dr. Richard Haskins and was the mother of Meade Haskins." Richard Noble Thweatt, Jr. b. 1824-d. Jan. 6, 1861, and Alice Friend b. 1829-d. 3/25/1890. M. Dec. 4, 1845 in Chesterfield Co., Va. Issue: l-Alfred Friend Thweatt, 2-Mary Eppes Thweatt, 3- Richard Noble Thweatt, ú4-Archibald Thweatt, 5-Powhattan Thweatt 6-Alice Thweatt. It is interesting to know that Elisha B. Thweatt from Virginia was a senior in the University of North Carolina in 1812. Also that Henry C. Thweatt, from Halifax County, Virginia, was a senior in 1824. As we think of education, let us jump back three or four cen- turies to the University of Oxford in England. ( Under Thwaites, we have the spelling Thaytts, Thwats, Thwaytes, Thwayts, Twates). John Thwayte5 -l451. John Thwat5 -degree M.A.--1503. William Thwattis or Thwats or Twat5 --1532. James Thwaite--1573. Rich- ard--15S1; Samuel--1607; Thoma5 --1547; Thoma5 --1602 and Edward Thwaits, professor in 1705. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS Thwait, Thomas, Captain, see Thweatt Thwaite, William E. Thwales (failed to cross 't') Pvt. W. D. Thwates, William, Inft. nbel (whatever that means). Thweat Drury (Threat) 6 C. L. (Sixth Va. Regiment). Thweats, William Bounty Warrent. Thweatt, Capt. Thomas (14th Va. Regiment) Dec. 2, 1776, taken prisoner Germantown Oct. 4, 1777. Paroled Mch 27, 1778. Did not rejoin regiment. Awarded 4000 acres of land. I waded through two volumes of hand written autobiography of this man's son who became a Methodist minister and was in the first graduating class of the University of Virginia. I Of the Batte family, Joseph E. and John Batte from Chestet- field County, the latter being a lieutenant in 1777. I have been able to find only one family of Thweatts that has taken the trouble to Prove up as 'Sons of the Revolution'

I was thrilled over having found an old Bible in an old church near home (Chester, Va.), it apparently belonged to James W. Thweatt." The Bible references are as follows: "James W. Thweatt was born June 20, 1806. Elitabeth N. Thweatt was born Dec. 23, 1806, and departed this life on Saturday, the 24th day of March, 1832. Elitabeth W. Thweatt was born Wednesday, the 27th day of April, 1831. Martha A. Thweatt departed this life on Thursday, the 26th day of March, 1835, half past seven in the morning. James W. Thweatt departed this life on Friday, the 28th day of August, 1840, half past nine o'clock A.M." 89 THWEATT FAMILY HISTORY These were found on different pages of this Bible. "James W Thweatt, Tabernade, Petersburg. J.H.A. March 24, 1832. Dr. Joh Hall departed this life on Tuesday night, I6th day of June, 1840 J. W. Thweatt June 20, 1806." (Note: Food for thought, court records were burned in the destruction of the court houses in the Civil War; here is an ol Bible that survived the war and was a family Bible of J. W. Thwea and, probably, given to the church at his death. Note, also, how young this couple was when death overtook them. S.A.T.). The paternal grandfather of Maymie Thweatt was William A. Thweatt, d. Sept. 1882; m. (Ist) ?, m. (2nd) Frances Eliza Gooc rich, m. circa 1853, Prince George County. Issue: l-Cornelia Thwea m. (?) Reid in Baltimore, first marriage. Issue: 2nd marriage,: Waverly Thweatt, dead, 2-William Hinton Thweatt, 3-Gustavul A. Thweatt, 4-Mary Ida Thweatt, J-George Everett Thweatt, 6-A thur C. Thweatt (lines under 5 and 6, see Missouri), 7-Mendosa W Thweatt (order of birth uncertain). Mendosa Whitfield Thweatt (No. 7 above);m. Anna E. Wa ren. Issue: 1-Wilbur, unmarried, d. Oct. 20, 1958, 2-twins, Clair and Claude Thweatt, Claude m. Virginia E. Leonard, d. 1958 Claude d. 1948. Issue: l- Warren L. Thweatt, m. Erma Booker, no children, 2-Claude Belsehes Thweatt, died when a child, 3-Jame W. Thweatt m. Anna David. Issue: 1-James Thweatt, Jr., 2-Sandra Thweatt. Minerva (Mina) Frances Thweatt; m. Clarence P. Neblet a physician. Issue: Nathaniel W. Neblett; m. Barbara Kelley. Issue l-Natalie Neblett, 2-Linda Jo Neblett, 3-Wm. Neil Neblett, m. Daisy Cox, no children, 4 - Hinton W. Neblett; m. Edythe Birdsong one child, Carroll Fratier Neblett. Natalie Neblett m. John Rhoad Congdon. Issue: 1-John Rhodes Congdon, Jr., 2-Susan Lee Congdor b. Mar. 3, 1868. Second marriage, Sept. 16, 1890, Mendosa to Viola B. Nun nally, both dead. Issue: l-Mabel Thweatt, died in infancy, 2-Bernar Thweatt, dead, 3-Hilda B. Thweatt, b. May 12, 1836; m. Sydney D. Worsham. Issue: l-Erdman B. Worsham; m. Franklin Crowder, on child, Sue Worsham, 2-Gretta Pauline Worsham; m. Randy Joyner 90 THWEATT FAMILY HISTORY had one child, Paula Kay Joyner, 3-Juanita Worsham; m. Andrew Spisak, one child, Carole Jean Spisak. 3-Maymie (Mary) E. Thwealt, b.' July 18, 1838; m.. 1948 to George Fuller Whiteside, no issue. ú1-Clifford Eppes Thweatt, b. July 6, 1901; m. Apr. 23, 1926 to Mary Ann (Boat) Malone, b. July 31, 1903. Issue: Clifford EP- pes Thweatt, Jr., b. Oct. 21, 1928; m. Ollie Louise Doss. Issue: Carol Paige Thweatt, b. Dec. 5, 1954. 5-Roger Wms. Thweatt, b. Apr. 23, 1904; m. Martha Jane Vest, b. May 28, 1905, m. Sept. 27, 1925. Issue: Jane Anne Thweatt, b. Nov. 25, 1935; m. Lt. James L. Md(enna. Issue: James L. Me Kenna, Jr. 6-Chester E. Thweatt, b. Jan. 4, 1907; m. Ethel Logan. Issue: Lorna D. Thweatt; m. Floyd Clarke. Issue: Karen Gall Clarke. 7-Olive Louise Thweatt, b. Sept. 25, 1910; m. Leslie Carroll Johnston. Issue: Leslie C. Johnston Jr., m. Mary Anne Thomas. Issue Elizabeth Anne Johnston. Thomas Thweatt, b. Oct. 14, 1863, d. Feb. 19, 1943; m. 1904 Willie G. Baird, b. Jan. 26, 1884. Issue: l-Bessie Holcomb Thweatt, b. Nov. 3, 1906; m. George Thweatt Saunders, 2-John Reid Thweatt, b. Mar. 8, 1909; m. Mildred Ernestine Prescon, 3-Harry M. Thweatt b. May 6, 1912. Harry Maynard Thweatt (No. 3 above); m. Jan. 1, 1937, to Mary Louise Hart, b. Oct. 18, 1911. Issue: 1-Harry M. Thweatt, Jr.,b. Feb. 1, 1933, 2-Thomas Ross Thweatt, b. July 24, 1940, 3- Joseph Hart Thweatt, b. Oct. 16, 1942. Some of the many Thweatt and related families that have remained in Dinwiddie County, Va., are: James Henderson Thweatt, b. 1884; m. 1921, Ellen Barrow b. 1900. No issue. The family line starts back to Francis Fittgerald Thweatt, Archibald Thweatt, Thomas Thweatt, Richard Noble Thweatt, who married Lucy Eppes, home, "Mantua" Chesterfield County, Va.

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