Temasek Hall Mid-Autumn Celebration

brought to you by Projects Com.

Date:  19 September 2000

Time:  8:30pm-10pm

Venue:  Comm. Hall

00/01 TH Xinyao's debut performance of the year


5 items:

1.  Wan Kuin (singer) + Yee Ning (keyboard)  “cheng2 li3 de yue4 guang1”

2.  Tramy (singer) + Tommy (guitarist)  “hong2 dou4”

3.  Pei Li (singer) + Shu Fang (keyboard)  “yue4 liang4 dai4 biao3 wo3 de xin1”

4.  Denis (singer/guitarist) + Tarkmang (singer)  “zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2”

Encore item:  Tarkmang (singer) + Denis (guitarist)  “hou4 lai2”

(For those using NUS network, please go to computer "Denyo", folder TH Xinyao > 00 01 Mid-Autumn Celebration, to access to the mp3s)



The debut performance of 00/01 TH Xinyao!  Thanks to all performers!  You all were very great and wonderful!  I really can see the efforts you all have put in, especially during every rehearsal.  All of you were so eager to sing again and again and didn't want to leave the bandroom!  And what I can see is, you guys really enjoy singing and making music!  I thank you all for being so enthusiastic towards Xinyao, you are all just too wonderful!!!  Thanks once again Winking smiley!

For the overall performance, I would consider it a success.  All the "fresh" performers have been able to make the audience appreciate and even bring them a surprise (with your sweet and outstanding voices, though we got some misses here and there, including me...hehe...)!!!  I guess you all could feel how the crowd responded right?!  So keep it up!  We will even do better next time!!!

Our next conquest will be the coming TH Culture Showcase "FLASHBACK".  Let's look forward another great performance ok?!


Lots of Love,




Xinyao Big Family


Wan Kuin & Yee Ning - cheng2 li3 de yue4 guang1


Tramy & Tommy - hong2 dou4


Pei Li & Shu Fang - yue4 liang4 dai4 biao3 wo3 de xin1


Denis & Tarkmang - zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2 & hou4 lai2

