Courtesty of Mrs. Stanley E. Lee of Newtown, Bucks County
Information taken from "Pennsylvania Vital Records" found at your local library


July  6		Samuel TAYLOR of Wakefield and Ann LOWRIE of Warwick

Aug. 31		Charles MICHENER of Middletown and Maria BAILEY
		(daughter of Jos.) Bristol township

Sept.10		Jonathan JOHNSON and Eupheme RIDGE (daughter of Wm), both
		of Bensalem

Oct. 30		Charles BILES (son of Doc. Tho. K. Biles, decd.) and 
		Susanna PAXON (daughter of Math.) of lower Makefield

Nov.  1		Isaac COVERT of Trenton and Amelia MARGERUM 
		(daughter of Abr.)

Dec.  3		Benjamin P. BURROUGHS (son of henry, decd) and Sarah
		KNOWLES (daughter of Rob) of upper Makefield

Dec.  4		David BOOZ (son of Jacob) and Ann WALKER 
		(daughter of George) both of Bristol township

Jan. 22		Daniel BOOZ (son of John Booz, decd) and Mary DOAN
		(daughter of Israel Doan) both of Middletown

Jan. 22 William JOHNSON (son of Abner) and Deborah LOREE (daughter of John), both of Bristol Township Feb. 29 Naylor WEBSTER,Jr. (son of Naylor) and Hannah DOWLIN (daughter of David) both of Horsham Mar. 20 Samuel MCMASTERS (son of John, decd) and Ann KNOWLES (daughter of Jacob) of upper Makefield April 6 William SISON, jr. (son of Wm) of Bristol township and Ann LOYD daughter of James Loyd of Burlington April 8 James STACKHOUSE (son of Charles) and Mary HARDING both of Middletown, dau. of Jonathan Harding, decd. May 6 Jacob JOHNSON (son of Abner and Rebecca LOREE, (daughter of John, decd) both of Bristol township May 6 Joshua PATTERSON, son of Wm. and Ann BATEMAN, daughter of John, both of Middletown May 16 John GREGG, Roberts of Northampton, son of James, decd and Hanna SOUTH of Newtown June 3 Mahlon MOON, son of James and Sarah WHARTON, daughter of Mahlon, both of lower Makefield July 1 Gideon SHAW, jr. of Middletown and Rachel THOMPSONof Byberry, Philadelphia County July 1 Amos ETTINGER of Middletown and Lydia ORMOND of Bristol Township July 15 John BROWN of lower Makefield, son of Wm. and Violetta RICKEY daughter of John Rickey of Upper Makefield Aug. 5 Daniel RAND of Bristol township, son of John, decd and Ann ESTELL, daughter of John Estell of Montgomery Co. Sept. 12 Nelson LEECH (son of Johnson Leech) and Charlotte PARSON (daughter of Amos) both of Bristol township Sept. 16 Joseph BLUNDEN son of John, of Falls and Amey LOTT daughter of James Lott, of Bristol township?? (as written) Oct. 21 John BLAKER son of Achilles, decd and Eliza MILLER daughter of Letitia both of Buckingham Oct. 21 Barclay IVINS son of Aaron Ivins, decd and Mary ann GREEN daughter of John Green, both of Falls township Oct. 21 Henry WINDER of lower Makefield, son of Samuel and Elizabeth FITZGERL of Byberry, daughter of James, decd. Nov. 4 Jacob WORTHINGTON (son of Nathan) of Southampton and Lavinia RIDGE daughter of Amos Ridge of Bensalem Nov. 4 Joseph D. SMITH of Falls (son of Daniel, decd) and Hannah HEADLEY of Middletown, dau. of John Headley, decd. Nov. 18 John WRIGHT (son of Amos) and Sarah BROWN (daughter of Jonathan Brown) both of Falls township Dec. 2 Charles SLOUGH (son of Henry Slough) and Susanna NEELD (daughter of John B. Neeld) both of lower Makefield Dec. 16 Robert BUCKMAN (son of Abrm.) and Permilia DRYER (daughter of James) both of Southampton Dec. 30 Jonathan HUNTER (son of Hugh) and Mary VANSANT both of Middletown, daughter of Garret Vansant
Jan. 13 John NOON (son of James) and Kesia PITCOCK both of lower Makefield, daughter of Benj. Pitcock decd. Feb. 3 Peter BOOZ (son of John Booz) and Ann GIRTON (daughter of Peter Girton), both of Bristol township Feb. 10 Samuel TOMLINSON of Middletown (son of James) and Martha WALTON daughter of Wm. Walton of Byberry Feb. 23 Edward DRYER (son of Ed. Dyer, decd) and Hannah IRVINE (daughter of Jn. Irvine, decd) of Northampton Feb. 24 David BRADSHAWJr. ( son of David) and Millicent LARGE both of Buckingham, daughter of Jos. Large, decd. Mar. 10 Nicholas VARARTSVALEN of Byberry (son of James) and Louisa KNIGHT daughter of Joseph Knight of Bensalem Mar. 24 John TOWSEND (son of James) and Mary KEEN, both of Middletown, daughter of John Keen Apr. 7 William BILES (son of Dc. Thos. K. Biles of lower Makefield, decd) and Sarah LARUE daughter of Daniel LaRue of Falls. May 12 John HELLINGS (son of Tunis) of Middletown and Phebe BRELSFORD (daughter of Joseph) of Bristol township May 19 Amos R. HEADLY of Bristol township (son of Wm. Headly} and Susan WHITE daughter of Benjamin White of Falls township May 20 Wm KILLINGSWORTH, jr, (son of William) and Elizabeth RILEY, daughter of Charles Riley, both of Bristol twp. June 19 John GRAHAM (son of Archibald Graham, decd) and Jane DUER daughter of James Duer, both of lower Makefield July 13 Silas TWINING (son of John) and Hannah HARROLD (daughter of Samuel) both of Buckingham Sept. 1 David VAUGH(son of Samuel) and Elizabeth DICKERSON both of Falls township, daughter of Joseph Dickerson, decd. Sept. 1 John TOMLISON (son of Jonathan) of Middletown and Letitia MERRICK of Southampton, daughter of Geo. Merrick Sept. 30 William STACKHOUSE (son of Samuel) of Bristol twp. and Mary BRUDEN daughter of Jos. Bruden of Borough Oct. 6 Jonathan BROOKS of Bristol township and Catherine VANDYKE of Bensalem Oct. 6 John I. THOMPSON (son of Jona) and Eliza N.JONES (daughter of Eleazer Jones) both of Plumstead twp. Oct. 13 George WINNER of upper Makefield (son of Job) and Rebecca LOREE (daughter of Wm. Loree of lower Makefield Nov. 3 Joshua P. LOVETT of Falls Township, son of Owen Lovett, decd. and Phebe HEADLEY of Middletown, daughter of Jn. Headley, decd. Nov. 10 Henry SNEDEKER of Trenton township N.J. and Ann LOVETT of lower Makefield, daughter of Joshua Lovett Nov. 17 William WICKS of Byberry, son of Mahlon Wicks and Hannah CAMPBELL of Northampton, dau. of Geo. Campbell Dec. 28 Samuel STACKHOUSE of Bensalem, son of Charles, and Eliza VANHORN of Bristol township, daughter of Barnet Vanhorn, decd. Dec. 29 Samuel NAYLOR of Byberry and Susan WILLARD daughter of Thomas Willard of Bensalem township
Feb. 11 John FORREST of Newtown and Elizabeth BROWN daughter of Peter Brown Feb. 12 Richard BATEMAN son of John and Ursula WINNER daughter of John Winner, both of Middletown Mar. 23 Jacob MCCRACKEN son of David and Sarah BUNTING daughter of William Bunting, both of Falls township Mar. 30 John S. PRICE son of George, and Rachel KINSEY daughter of Sarah Kinsey, both of Upper Makefield township June 22 Samuel RICHARDSON of Bristol township, son of Lewis, and Rebecca Ridgway VAUGHN daughter of Samuel Vaughn of Falls June 29 Henry M. PUFF of Warwick, son of Henry Puff and Eleanor of LENTON of the same township, daughter of John Lenton, decd. July 10 Benjamin MCFERREN of Solebury, son of John, and Charlotte VASEY of Wrightstown, daug.of Mary Vasey July 27 Henry WOLLARD of Bensalem, son of James Wollard and Eliza STREET daughter of Griffith Street of same township Aug. 10 Charles H. ROBERTS of Buckingham, son of Benja. and Sarsh MORTON of Warwick, daughter of Courtland Morton Aug. 24 David WORTHINGTON son of Amos and Deborah CARNEY daughter of Thomas Carney, decd, both of Buckingham Sept.21 George RICHARDSON son of Lewis and Amelia WHITE daughter of George White, all of Bristol township Oct. 19 John ERWIN and Ann CUMMINS both of Northampton township daughter of George Cummins Nov. 2 Francis D. HESTON and Rachel W. VAUGHN daughter of Aziah (Achsa) Vau(gh)n, both of Lower Makefield township Nov. 23 Jeremiah RICHARDSON of Bristol township, son of Joseph and Elizabeth DOBLE of Falls, daughter of Rebecca
Jan. 25 Hazael(its correct) SCOTT of Byberry township and Sarah RANDALL of Southampton, daughter of George Randall Feb. 17 Amos PARKER of Newtown, shoemaker and Mary Ann PLUMLY daughter of Edward Plumly of Northampton Feb. 22 Amos BARTON of Middletown and Christian RUE daughter of Matthew Rue of Bristol township Mar. 29 Cornelius SHEPERD and Jane FELL daughter of Ely Fell both of Buckingham April 7 William MCCELLEN of lower Makefield, weaver, and Mary MCVEY (widow), late Mary Murphey of same place April 26 Jos. Harvey YARDLEY son of Samuel and Esther KNOWLES daughter of Jacob, both of upper Makefield May 3 Enos ERWIN son of John Erwin, decd. and Sindona KRUESON daughter of John Krueson, both of Southampton township May 6 John MCKELEVEN and Rebecca SOPUS both of Lower Makefield, daughter of ...Sopus Sept.27 Joseph LEER son of Robert Leer and Mary RATCLIFF daughter of Wm. Ratcliff, dec'd, both of Warwick twp. Oct. 21 Moses SMITH and Letitia HATTENFIELD both of Northampton township, daughter of Charles Hattenfield Oct. 25 Asher BENNET son of John Bennet, dec'd, and Belinder BLAKER both of Northampton, daughter of John B. Blaker Oct. 30 Henry CLYMER son of John and Hester MEREDITH both of Buckingham, daughter of Hugh Meredith Nov. 6 James WHITE of lower Makefield, son of John and Jesinah ANDERSON of Bristol township, widow of George. and daughter of Lewis Richardson Nov. 10 Whitson ELY, son of Armor and Eliza W. WALL, both of Solebury township, daughter of George Wall Dec. 6 William KNOWLES son of Rob. and Anna LEADOM both of upper Makefield, dau of Ann, and of Geo. Leadom, decd. Dec. 20 Charles HARROLD son of Sam and Phebe JOLLY, daughter of Jesse Jolly, both of Northampton
Jan. 20 Martin WILDMAN, jr. and Mary VAUGH both of lower Makefield daughter of Achsa Vaughn Jan. 31 Joseph RUTHERFORD, son of Isaac and Jane ARNOLA, daughter of George, both of Warwick Jan. 31 William NORTON son of Thos. decd and Jane MICHENER daughter of Tho. Michener, both of Horsham Feb. 20 John TERRY, Jr., son of John Terry of Middletown and Lydia PALMER daughter of Rob. Palmer of Lower Makefield Mar. 6 William STACKHOUSE, jr., son of Wm. and Frances KELLY both of Falls township April 10 Thomas BRUDON, son of Wm. and Harriet BOOZE, daughter of Joseph Booz, both of Falls township April 27 William HELSTEAD and Sarah STATES, both of Southampton daughter of Abrm. States, decd. May 24 John HELLINGS, jr. son of John of Bristol township and Ann HUTCHINSON of Falls, daughter of Catherine, decd. June 9 Samuel M. WATSON, of Northampton and Ann PEREY of Wrightstown, daughter of Thomas Perey Aug. 7 Phineas JENKINS, and Luean PARSONS daughter of Abraham, both of Fall stownship Oct. 9 John L. WILLARD, son of Thomas and Matilda WEBSTER both of Byberry, widow of Wm. and daughter of James Birch, decd. Nov. 12 James MERRICK son of Rob., decd and Kezia WHITSON both of Newhope, Solebury township, daughter of Burk Whitson Nov. 20 Daniel STATES of Southampton, son of Abm., decd and Ann KRUESEN of Warminster, daughter of Jacob, decd. Dec. 4 Joseph L. BOOZ son of John Booz of Middletown and Ann STACKHOUSE daughter of John, of Bristol township
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