Ponggol Marina chalet at Pulau Ubin
Jun 2001

Went to Ponggol Marina's chalet at Pulau Ubin during the June 2001 break. Only
a few of my JC classmates turned but we still had fun cycling and soaking
ourselves in the jacuzzi till our skin looked like prunes..Ahh..that's life..

GASP!!Whose hand is it down there touching me?!?!

It's co-co-ll-ldd....gooottt tttoooo beeaaarr wiiittthhh itttt.....BRRRRR...

SMURFETTE in the jacuzzi..Noraini with her ever favourite colour combination of
blue and white...Just like a SMURF...

Group photo...see my bulging chest muscles??Heh heh.....

Ahhhh...life is much more better in the jacuzzi than facing exams and work!!!

Noraini pointing to something in the near horizon...Could she be pointing out where our
future lies??Hmmm...

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