Here are some various pictures taken from two Pinewood events i attended.'Carry On Stuffing' and 'Carry On Loving'.
Jack Douglas at Stuffing'.
Patsy signing for the eager fans at 'Loving'.
Huge Futcher to the far left and Patsy Rowlands and Norman Rossington.
Myself and the organisers of the events Morris Bright and Robert Ross. "Say Cheese"...
Here i am with some of the gang from CarryOnLine mailing list. Great guys.
This is at 'Loving'.
Myself with the lovely Audrey Skinner. personal assistant of Peter Rogers. A lovely lady. (Carry On Stuffing).
Myself and Alexandra Dane best known among fans for her role as Busti in 'Carry On Up The Kyber'. This was taken at 'Stuffing'.
A happy Jacki Piper at Carry On Loving'.
And heres the best moment for me at Pinewood. Meeting the lovely and leslie Phillips. A charming man. "Oh Hello"...
Leslie Phillps on arrival
       "Ding Dong!"....