TieMasters R' Us
Welcome to TieMasters R' Us!  If you are as enthusiastic about tying people up as we are, you have come to the right place!

Tying someone up is more than just an action......it's an art.  At TieMasters R' Us, we will go in depth with some different methods of tying people up, we will look at current TieMasters and people who have gotten tied up way too often (known as Protieganists), provide tips and tricks, and look at the do's and don'ts of tying people up.

Please take a minute to read the important message below.  The material discussed on this site is meant for friendly fun, and not for harming anyone in any way.
How To Tie Someone Up

Common Materials

Tie-Up Positions

TieMaster Rankings

Protieganist Rankings

Tie-Ups On TV



Contact Us
4/12/08: Finished up the Common Materials pages.
Added more pages.  Finished the TieMaster Qualifications page, started the Tie-Ups On TV and Common Materials pages.  Also added some new pictures.
Started the site.  Added some pictures to Main Page.  Created new pages and links to some of them.

     It is important for you to know that we made this site about tying people up with no intent to harm anyone in any way.  The tie-up methods we discuss on this site are not meant to be done to anyone out of violence, or anything else that is against the law.  This site is for tie-ups that are for friendly fun, and we claim absolutely no responsibility for anyone who fails to notice and act on these terms.