Couple: Vivian & Jonsie
Date: 1997 or 1998
Place: England
Status of wedding: They were married.
Description: They were married in the pub in a simple ceremony.
Circumstances: Vivian would only marry him if he made up a new will and named her soul beneficiary.
Current status of couple: Jonsie died on their wedding night.

Couple: Edmond & Susan
Date: 1997 or 1998
Place: England
Status of wedding: They were married.
Current status of couple: Married.

Sami Brady & Franco Kelly
Date: 1998
Place: Kiriakis Mansion(the garden)
Status of wedding: Never happened
Description: Sami found out that Franco had been cheating on her.  She went inside to find him, and discovered his dead body on the floor.  She fainted, anf Kate framed her for the murder(Lucas in fact shot him).
Circumstances: Franco only wanted to marry Sami to get his green card.  Sami was truly in love with him.
Current status of couple: not married(Franco is dead).

Couple: Stefano DiMera & Vivian Alamain
Date: 1998
Place: In a hot air balloon.
Status of wedding: They were married.
Description: Vivian fell out of the balloon into a pond.
Circumstances: Stefano married her for the contents of Jonsie's townhouse; she wanted his Titan stocks(plus she was being controlled by him through a computer chip in her tooth).
Current status of couple: Not together.  Stefano is dead.

Couple: Lucas Roberts & Nicole Walker
Date: May, 1999
Place: Chicago
Status of wedding: They were married.
Description: They were married quickly the day of the custody hearing.
Circumstances: Nicole was inlove with Eric, but she was afraid that he would find out about her past, and Kate paid her $5 million to marry Lucas.  Lucas was inlove with Nicole, and needed a wife fast, to get custody of Will.
Current status of couple: Divorced and not together.

Couple:  John & Marlena
Date: July 4, 1999
Place: Penthouse Grill, Salem
Status of wedding:  They were married.
Description:  There was a wonderful ceremony, with all their family and friends.  They left for a honeymoon in Hawaii, but the next day, Gina kidnapped John and transformed him into his former personna.
Current Status of Couple:  Married.

Couple: Sami & Austin
Date: ??? 2002
Place: Las Vegas
Status of wedding:  Never happened
Description: Austion overheard Sami confess to lying about Lucas hitting Will, and called off the wedding.
Circumstances: Lucas tricked Sami into confessing, and taped her confession.
Current status of couple: not married, not together.

Couple: Jack and Jennifer
Date: May 23 2004
Place: Penthouse Grill
Status of wedding: They were married
Description: Beautiful wedding, with friends and family.  Abbey was the flower girl.
Current status of couple: married.

Couple: Kate and Roman
Date: January 2004
Place: Tuscany
Status of wedding: They were married.  Unfortunately the groom was "murdered" immediately after the ceremony.
Description: Wonderful ceremony, except for the blood-filled cake that came as a warning of what was to come.  Roman was "murdered" by the Salem Stalker/Marlena during the reception.  He is still alive, and being kept captive on an island.  Kate has assumed she was a widow, but know may be finding out that Roman is still alive after all.
Current status of couple: Married, though whether Roman will be dead or alive is uncertain.