
*2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003*

Hey there, all of the pictures that were here have been shifted to the gallery. Don't be surprised that "love you" is written alot - if you're on this page, it's a given that i love you. Do tell me if I've left you off this hall of fame list... I'll add ya! Thankyou to all of you for always listening to me.. whether I'm worrying about nothing, or everything, all at once. You've all played your part in my life so far and you don't know how much I need you guys, sometimes for nothing, sometimes for everything.. but always there

Whatever happens - I love and appreciate you all!

"It's not what you look like, or what planet you were born on. It's how kind you are. The quality of kindness, to me, distinguishes us from rocks and sticks and metal, and will forever, whatever shape we take, wherever we go, whatever we become. For me, "Human Is" is my credo. May it be yours."

(Philip K. Dick on his short story "Human Is," from Notes in The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 2, 380)

Toad (real name Antonia - toad is simply a term of endearment hehe) What can I say? Form 1. Toad is my first soulmate. 7 years of school (well, aside from 1994 :cp) - I don't deserve such a devoted friend as you. Thankyou. You have always always been there for me, I hope you always are. You are *my rock* too you know, and I take you too much for granted.. your letter made me cry, and ill never ever ever leave your side (even if im not physically there, ill always be there in a figurative sense).

Sam - you are extremely talented at everything you do. you have so much passion - i was gonna ask for some, but i think ive found mine too. I know you'll go so so far, and end up completely succeeding in your dreams. I'll always remember that Monday morning. The most surreal time. You will always be a part of me, - you have a knack like no-one else of making me see the realistic side of life.. you ground me...that damned logic eh? ;)

Lauren -that chch chick- Other 1/2. Quacha. That'll be Nigel with the brie. ;) Can u take me higher... peace inside us all. Guitar Flute and String.. ... "will somebody kill me please." :) You know what you mean to me. We've been through alot together this year, and learnt too much. I'm proud of you! She simply rocks, and she's been the greatest friend. I MISS YOU - and I thank u for ABSOLUTELY everything. Too many memories... *update*, im so proud of you this year (2001).. ill never *never* forget, dont wory. just dont forget either :cp

Sarah - you're another very special soul. it's a blessing when you stumble across someone who gets you like you get me. thankyou for you. you are so important to me. and you're an amazing girl. thanks for being you.

Emilino.. the disappearing Milo. :) hehe...time changes nothing. thats all i have to say!

Tiff - Tiffage ;) Sweet lil Tiff. I love u man. We've come a long way since japan days eh? Thankyou for always being there for me, and believing in me. make the most of your life. and dont be afraid of being you. find your space, and have fun in it.

Wally - mmmmmmwwwwwaaaaaa!!! Wally is yet another very talented person - you little monkey. :) so here we are in 2001... what a year. i'm always here for you sweets.. thanks for the dances, and the laughs, and the tears, and for being there. :) Live your dreams.

Marie - EMAIL ME BACK girl. :) you're just awesome, and people need to get to know the real you, to understand how complicated and for that reason, intriguing you are. be yourself. im always here for you.

Brandy_ - it don't matter whether you're on here or not - coz you know it all. but well..what 2 say - thankyou. 2001's been pretty paranoid eh? you know what u mean to me,and will always mean to me. MOBY. *always always always* kwan

Anita - BLAHHHH. :) love you! be brave. and live your life in the knowledge that nothing else matters but your happiness. pursue that. you're an amazing girl, and you need to believe and listen to your own advice. cos you sure are damn good at giving it out!

Kate R. - HUGGGSS - i love u. well done for everything. loved those icq chats and those hugs. you always knew when i needed one. you deserve the very best. WUV YOU SWEETIE. "so put your arms around me", "thankyou".;)

Louise - CHRISTCHURCH CHCH CHCH! FAST CAR. :) we'll talk IN PERSON some day... you're super duper wonderful and I'm very proud of you for getting thru 2000 - no more tears plz! :cp. :)

Kati - STEREOBUS BUD! thanks for those big talks man. there's nothing like em. You're an inspiration. :)

Gav - woop woop. MOBYYYYYYY :)you are the sweetest person in the world.. and so good to talk to, and soo good at hugs, and well, thankyou for being just you. cos you is something i have alot of admiration for. ill wait for your name up in lights one day.. MOBYMAN. ;)

Ezanne - finally remembered to put you here... what 2 say? come back to nz sometime:)

Aimee - well well well.. my fellow cancerian. i *know* you more than you think ido. im always here for you, im so proud of you.. and dont go calling this 'utter crap'.. accept your emotion man, and communicate it!

David - what to say about you then.. self discovery eh. you know who you are. i believe in you, be your most natural self - tell the world what you're thinking, and feeling, and people will understand you, and therefore come to love you. ;) in a soul without a mind, in a body without a heart, im missing every part. thankyou for being so patient. *xo*

Kate D. - super talented kate.. ahhh, you drive me mad with your talentedness! (is that a word?) hehe.. well done, i'm so proud! thankyou for your reassuring words this year.. you're so good at that. and the laughter... BIG MARY JANE.. (HEHE gav too)

ANNA! you are the best french horn player i have ever known... you dont know how gr8 you are. ;) not only that, you're a wonderful wonderful person. hugs hugs hugs, never be afraid to come talk to me and tell me all your thoughts.. im always here for you. to rescue you from your house if ever you need it.. all us dyo ppl are. we love you and i love u.

MON!!!!! my god.. how similar could we be? LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. even tho i've only just really met you.. feels like forever. man, what can i say? you read my mind. and u love everything i love. it's very scary. LIVE FOR THE NOW MAN. MANTRA. MOULIN ROUGE. SPARKY!!!!!! so many little in jokes.. i could go on and on.. :)radiohead, neil finn, travis, u2... quadraponicalise ;)

MIRLE! ***hhhhuuugggsss**** what to say about *you*! hehe... wonderful to have found you. amazing to find someone you just click with eh, love you.

Ants....i can only hope that you will ALWAYS know what you mean to me. thankyou for sharing your beautiful soul with me, for the companionship and support, for the genuine rich love, and for remaining on the rollercoaster with insane little me. please remember that every moment has been worth it, and im deeply eternally grateful to you. thank goodness for the good souls :) i will always love you. trust that.

DOM! ELIZABETH! AILAR! AIDAN! you guys will get a small blurb too, eventually, im just tired right now! hehe

ohohoh... and now i have to add a list of people i met in china! - to liu, jane, caroline, ms wang and patrick, LILY, AND DAN! you made my trip BOTH TIMES guys. thankyou. :)

Lyn - we had an intense year last year making that little doco. but i'm so glad i went through it all with you. i appreciate you and your friendship so much. always will. i hope we can meet up and make another film together. i'm going to miss you so much. good luck for everything in the future!

TO MY FILM BUDDIES AND NOW FRIENDS...Lyn, Jacqui, Petey, Emily, Kelly...all the film crew.. you da bomb! ;)


'The true measure of humanity is the ability of one to care for another.. we cannot live alone.'
