All about...
LIz was born in Kanas City, MIssouri on June 6, 1988, She has blonde hair. Her eyes color is green unless is has contacts in and then is a blueish green. She wares glasses most of the time. She thinks her best feature is nothing at all in that case i prove her wrong and its that she is a great friend. She hates her feet along with everyone elses feet. She likes guys that have nice buttocks and good muscles. She loves their smile, and their eyes. She likes  to see that they have a good personality and that they are funny. Her favorites include ducks and her best buddy Tiffany which would have to be me!!!!!!! She likes the movie Monsters Inc and loves to fly. She the best friend that i have every had and i could not live without her. She helps me though thick or thin and is always by my side. Liz likes to fall alot and can some times be clumsy yet i like that about her cuz it always makes me laugh. She always know how to cheer me up. She has many nicknames such as oops, friend, and ducky. All i know is i can't live with out her and i love her lots. She is a softmore at Liberty High. Love u lots oop's take care and always keep in touch.