As you walk though the door labled Prisim you realize it's not a small room storage room but a weyr, and the minimum size for a small queen.  To the far right you could just bearly make out a bathing pool.  A large jar of sweet sand was set outside the door.

Near the bathing pool room was a simple bed made for two people.  You cring slightly as you catch the colors of the sheets. Plain though they were, they were a green color and the pillows were as red as the red star.  This unconusly desterbs you greatly.

The room is fairly well firnished yet is not too fancy.  In the center of the room you see a table made of some unknown stone.  Around the table were stools made of a redish wood, some with backs and others not. On the table lays some peices of hid, most have bits of stories or history on them, while one or two have a few notes and songs on them.
You suddenly hear chittering again, yet this time it seems like there's more than one fire lizard.  As you try to find where the chittering is coming from you notice a regular arch way opposite the door you came in through.  It is brightly lit as you remember that you are facing east now.

As you walk through the arch way you find yourself in a larger room.  You start to think you're in a queen rider's weyr...  But where's the queen dragon.

Chittering brings you back to the present as you notice the brown fire lizard from before.  This time he's acompanyed by two other fire lizards, a blue and a gold.  The gold is sitting on the highest point of a normal sized stone couch while the brown lays by her on her right and the blue flitters through the air.  All look to be a few turns old.

The blue chitters more at his two companions then finaly settles down and lands.  To your surprise he lands on the shoulder of a person bent over rubbing oil into the hide of a green dragon.
The person sighs heavely as she finishes off oiling the last of the green.

"Finished," the human puffs out in a deep voice to themself.  As the human straitend up and turned you find that the deep voice was acttualy that of a woman of about 20 turns.  She blinked as she finaly notices you.  She is fairly tall for a girl, about 5ft 8in. Her skin is the golden brown color of those found in Ista though her hair is the red of those with the blood of Ruatha in their blood.  Here eyes are a soft brown, but something in them tells you she might have a thin line of Bitra in her.  She wears a harper blue sleaveless jerkin with no shirt under it and greenish-harper blue pants.  On both her shoulders there were extra pads of leather that were added odviously, for the benifit of the fire lizards just as much as the girl.  Her wher hide boots were died a deep black.

"Who are you, and why are you in our weyr?" she asks you her eyes narrowing slightly yet her bass voice is calm and unmenising. You were surprised that a weyr that looked like a queen's was home to a green and her rider. Idially you notice the greens eyes are whirling a slight shade of yellow mirroring her rider's  feelings..

"This is your weyr?" you asked.

She starts to look a bit annoyed yet continues to talk calmly, "Yes, now answer my questions, please."

You give her your name and reason for being in her weyr.

The woman nods as her Bitra like eyes look you over.  After a moment she smiles and puts out her hand grasping yours in a harty greeting and giving a slight bow.  Though she was a woman you thought it more apropriate for the red head.

"It's nice to meet you, we've been getting more and more visitor ever sence my brother X'tro bronze Rezoth's rider impressed, and now since I have my Vasharath," she said indocating her green as well as her fire lizards and herself, "My name is Tiff Prisim, but I prefear to be called Tiff.  And these are my three fire lizards: Trimp," she points to the brown, "Modem," she smiles as she indocates the gold, "and this little whinner here is Rakano."  She spoke of the little blue in a mocking voice though it was odvious that she loved the three flitters equaly.  She turns back to you and smiles, "These three may have hatched all the same day but they're from three different clutches all together."

She winks at you and with out looking away from you she gives a sort of click that makes you think she's trying to say without words that she though you'd be good for her.  She laughs at your expression and holds out her right arm as both Modem and Trimp fly over to her, the former landing on her out streached arm and the latter on her right shoulder. It is at this time that you notice she's also wearing weyr hid guantlets of harper blue

"I love the reaction I get out of people with that command," she laughs, as you start to get a look at her good humar.  She then turns to her green, "It's alright love, just a visiter.  Do you mind if we talk in here, Vash?"

The girl's eyes cloud over as her dragon talks to her.  A moment later Tiff offers a hand to help you up onto the couch.

"So what would you like to tell you about about:  me, my fire lizards," she asks, then a sly grin goes over her features, "Or would you rather here about my green dragon, Vasharath?"

Tiff Prisim Green Vasharath's Rider
Fire lizards

After you talk to her for a while she smiles at you.

"I like you," she says seriously, "You should go talk with my half brother and half sister, they're the ones living in the other rooms you mentioned, you know, Ruatha and Ista.  Come again some time," She waves happly as she finaly lets you go back to the coridor you came from.
Fire lizards from Karath's Weyr