Alex receives special visit

June 21, 2000
Written by Alice (based in "Tra Alex e Francesco stafetta del cuore", from La Repubblica)

After Italy's 2-1 win over Sweden - a win that secured the Azzurri's first place in group B and a spot at the Euro quarter finals -, Dino Zoff and his men enjoyed a deserved day of rest. While some players took a walk through the town, signed autographs for the fans or had a Neapolitan pizza, other players received the visit of their families. Among the ones from the last group, there was Del Piero.

His mother, Bruna, his father, Gino, his brother, Stefano and his girlfriend, Sonia all landed in a private jet to watch the match against the Swedes, and stayed over to make company to Alex on his day of rest. Sonia left Anversa, in Holland, on Tuesday night.

Del Piero distracted himself from the usual Playstation games - the Italian players' favourite - while his family was with him. He and Sonia, instead, spent some time on the computer in Italy's headquarters, at Grobbendonk.

The paper describes Sonia as a straight dark haired, 1.70m tall girl, who dresses in a very simple way. Apparently, the lucky girl was wearing light pants and low shoes. It is known she works as a saleswoman at a gift shop from Turin, and that she loves the privacy, just like Alex.

Italy's number 10 didn't want to comment on Sonia when asked about her. However, he had something to say about the match: "I'm glad I've given Zoff a doubt. Now, everything counts, even the training".