Del Piero on-line

February 23, 2001
Juventus Official Site

Del Piero has his own website, www.alessandrodelpiero.com and has posted a welcome message for his fans:

Here are a few lines I have jotted down to welcome you all to this new adventure of mine. The last few days have been meaningful and intense. At times like this you want to have some kind of remote control to turn back time and make the most of what you have had, of your loved ones. Memories swell back and you end up thinking of the times in which you could have done more. But then you realise the importance of a fondness and affection that was lived spontaneously.

Diving straight back into work and its fast pace was, I think, the best way for me to react. Before I could realise it I was back in a stadium with an important match to play.

It would be simplistic to attribute the recent bad performances to my personal problems: I do not consider it an excuse. What has to be said though is that in a job like mine, where your performance is an expression of your personality it becomes evermore difficult leave your private life out of things.

The last few days and their events have made me think about things and look for hidden meanings; the goal which came in such a difficult moment and which I can hardly remember scoring is only one in a series of such events.

We will have this and more to speak about now that my website is up and running.

All the best