From the papers

December 12, 1999
Juventus Official Site

"Cyclone Agnelli" is the headline in Tuttosport on the morining of the Juventus-Inter match (at the Delle Alpi stadium, 8.30pm). The man himself speaks: "Ancelotti has already taken us to the top of the table, and I didn’t think it would happen so soon and that they would already be playing so well. Lippi is an old friend of ours, but today he’s against us. If Vieri scores, I’ll be happy for him, as long as Inzaghi scores at least two. I’ll be watching on TV, you don’t have such a good view at the Delle Alpi. As for where Juve moves to, I don’t know, my brother is in charge of that. I would like it if it were the Comunale." We then move on to the game itself, with the Turin daily revealing that "For Del Piero, it is a good-luck game, as he has scored two classic goals against Inter". The Bianconero number said, "They are a strong team, and you can see the coach’s influence". Ancelotti: “It is a special match, but I don’t have to tell the players that."

The Gazzetta dello Sport reads "Del Piero calms Juve nerves. He has always been there to deliver the sucker punch to the Nerazzurri.” It continues, "Lippi has always been able to communicate a constant, positive tension to his players – never be complacent." Ancelotti fears Inter: "It’s better to keep clear water between yourselves and them. They will become more dangerous as the season goes on, as the don’t have the stress of the cups". Agnelli also gets a mention: "I won’t be at the Delle Alpi, as you have such a bad view."

"Juve-Lippi, what a night" is the opener in the Corriere dello Sport. "The Inter coach is back in Turin having spent five glorious years here. And with him are Peruzzi, Jugovic and Vieri...". Ancelotti: "Let’s beat Inter! They could come through in the New Year. Let’s close the door to them. They are out of the cups, and they are playing increasingly well together. As for Ronaldo, he’s not quite back to his best, but he’s certainly on his way."