Yes, I sew *and* beat people with a heavy stick.

(It's even surprising to myself..)
I have been involved in the SCA since about 1997 (Society for Creative Anachronisms), a 35+ year old worldwide organization that focuses on reenactment of (mostly) 8th-16th century medieval European life.

I do enjoy the step away from "real life", which allows me to spend much needed time carousing with my friends, watching tourney's, beating on drums, singing Celtic music around a roaring fire, etc.

What I do in the SCA:
I began my SCA fighting career in 1996 as a heavy Pike & Nodachi fighter with my friends in "Clan Carn" and we reside within the Kingdom of AnTir. This translates to putting on about 40-50 pounds of armor picking up my 8' pike or nagamaki and beating on the silly people. (which are occasionally my friends)

My passion in the SCA has become the the rapier (or fence). I started fencing in 2000 and became more and more enamored and addicted to this historic exploration and have been practicing & fighting avidly since Junefaire 2000. With my "cohort in crime" & inspiring friend, Richard Thomas, and with various dogbrothers & sisters I have traveled well across our kingdom to events as far north as Kitimat BC & Powell River BC, and many other places within the states of Washington, Idaho & Oregon. I have been avid in my study and practice of historical techniques of DiGrasse, Capa Ferro & Fabris. I find I am empassioned further as I learn more. I am also studying historical fencing outside of the SCA, with the WMA & OWMA.I am proudly cadet to Dona Gemma Mina.

Where is the Kingdom of Antir, you might ask? Well, I reside in the greater Seattle Area, but Antir includes Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho, Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.

Check out my Clan Carn Page!

The Society for Creative Anacronism's Official Website
Where you can find information about the SCA kingdom nearest you.

Other SCA Links:
The Rest of my suggested SCA Links
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